Christmas Wishes (Larry One-s...

By DanceLikeMagicMike

2.1K 138 14

Harry would have never turned down anything that had to do with the Christmas seasons. Even if it was dressin... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight

Chapter three

248 18 1
By DanceLikeMagicMike

Dec 21, 2015

Harry jumped at the sudden thump of multiple boxes? No books hitting his table at once. He debated about telling the person how rude that just was, but paused when saw Louis grinning over at him. An overly large sweater was almost hanging off of him, while an elf hat was perched on the top of his head. Harry couldn't understand how he still managed to look manly wearing it, maybe it was the stubble.

"Looks like someone's getting into the Christmas spirit." Harry joked, eyes glancing down for a moment at the books, all of them were teen fiction. So he assumed they were for one of his sisters.

"I love christmas actually, it's one of my favorite holidays. I just don't enjoy the gift wrapping part."

"Because you're shit at it." Harry smiles.

Louis gasps,"That wasn't nice at all Harry." He then grasps his chest like he was actually hurt.

"You said it not me," Harry pauses for a moment before looking over the pile of books."Do you want me to wrap them all up together or separately?"

"Individually, it'll give us more time to talk." Louis tells him, but choose to ignore the redness rushing to the boys face. He wouldn't deny that he enjoys teasing the teen.

"I'm not that interesting to talk to," Harry shrugs, eyes focusing on wrapping up the first book. The fault in our stars, he's read it three times but won't admit that.

"I disagree, I find you very interesting." Louis tells him, as he leans over onto the table invading Harry's space a little. Though if he was making him uncomfortable Harry didn't say anything about it.

Harry can't help but to look up at Louis, their eyes locking onto each other before Harry looked away."If you weren't making the conversation we wouldn't have anything to talk about."

Louis rolls his eyes,"Keep telling yourself that dimples."

"Dimples?" He can't help but try to refrain from smiling, but it's hard because Louis just called him dimples. And Harry isn't freaking out on the inside.

"I would have said curly, but I'm pretty sure you get that a lot.

"I should have come up with something better than Lou, because I'm pretty sure everyone calls you that." Harry replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

Louis shakes his head as he grins at the boy."Actually only my close friends call me Lou, it's not really that common with people I don't know that well." Louis states.

"Oh," Harry frowns a little."I'm sorry Louis."

"You can call me Lou, dimples. Think of it as a budding friendship between the two of us. Plus I usually don't click with people that well, so you're definitely friend material."

Louis can't miss the grin that forms on Harry's face, he couldn't even if he wanted too. It's infectious apparently because he can't stop himself from smiling back at him.

"That'd be nice, I need some friends." Harry's still grinning as he speaks to him, Louis wonders if his face will start hurting if he keeps it up.

"I'll have to introduce you to some of my friends, your's sounds like they're dicks." Louis says, as he watches as Harry stops mid wrap. For a moment he thinks he's said something wrong.

Harry just sighs, his shoulders slumping over."They kind of are all dicks, but I've known them for a long time. So I guess I don't wanna throw that all away."

"You don't want to throw away the friendship or the time you've invested?" Louis asked, his curiosity getting the best of him like usual. He wasn't afraid to pry into people's lives, maybe he was just nosey as well.

"I guess the time, you can't get that back, you can make new friends, start new friendships. Though time is something you can't get back." Harry says, nodding to himself.

"Then why spend it with people you don't like?" Louis asks, stopping Harry from wrapping up the third book. He'd had seven more to go.

"Because most of the people that I want to spend time with would rather spend it with other people. So I just have to settle for what I'm given." He says, though they both can feel the conversation has drifted to something sad. Louis doesn't like the turn of the conversation.

"Who wouldn't want to spend time with someone as adorable as you?" Louis questions as he takes it upon himself to walk around the table that Harry's working behind. Harry eyes him curiously before Louis basically throws his arms around his waist, and engulfs him into a hug."I mean you're so lovable," Louis exclaims, while reaching one hand up to poke at the dimples forming on his cheeks.

"You're going to get me into trouble." Harry giggles, while hugging Louis back. He likes the hug more than he should and hates when Louis pulls away from him.

"We could be partners in crime, we could rob all the houses of their Christmas presents." Louis laughs.

"Like the grinch?" Harry laughs, green eyes watching as Louis walked back. And if they strayed lower than they were supposed to who would jude?

"Is the grinch your favorite movie?" Louis asks, Harry nods his head.

Not knowing that the gears had began shifting in Louis head.

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