Christmas Wishes (Larry One-s...

Par DanceLikeMagicMike

2.1K 138 14

Harry would have never turned down anything that had to do with the Christmas seasons. Even if it was dressin... Plus

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight

Chapter Two

255 17 2
Par DanceLikeMagicMike

Dec 20, 2015

"Lou you're back so soon." Harry smiles at him as he approaches him. This time he's carrying a box that's a lot bigger, and made of wood.

Louis sits the box down on the table Harry's in front of, a proud smile on his lips."I did what you said."

"You got someone a wooden box. I mean it's a pretty box-"

Louis rolls his eyes."No look inside the box."

"Oh, yeah that makes more sense," Harry chuckles a little, as he opens the flaps on the front of the box. Inside are a bunch of new paints, brushes and other things someone interested in art would like."Whoever you got this for is going to love it."

Louis lips pull up into a full blown grin at the praise he's given."Yeah, Zayn's going to love this one. With the way he paints he'll be held up in his room for weeks." Louis smiles, fondly at the mention of the man.

Harry's brows rose slightly a frown pulling at his lips, of course Louis would have a boyfriend. Though he just began to wrap up the box as carefully as he could, and as slowly. He'd still prefer to have the man's company even if he wasn't single."So how long have you two known each other?"

"God we've known each other for ever."

He continues to wrap the box up, while still pretending like he's interested in the conversation."So you two are pretty serious?" He asks.

A frown falls on Louis face at that."We're only ever serious if we're talking about what takeout to order"

"No I mean relationship wise." Harry huffs, while looking up at Louis.

"Eww, Zayn and me. No we're just best mates, you thought we were dating?" Louis questions, eyes taking in the deep shade of red that was currently tenting Harry's cheeks."I wouldn't even date him if he was my type and swung that way, plus that's like incest. I'm single though, just throwing that out there."

"I'm just further embarrassing myself." Harry groans, his hands coming up to cover his face.

Louis just rolls his eyes at the dramatic teen. He leans over the table to pull the his hands away from his face, though when he does he's met with a pouting Harry. Louis has to bite his lip because he'd just gotten a sudden urge to kiss Harry. They've only just met the other day.

"Aww," Louis coos, though he doesn't realize he's still holding onto Harry's hands. Harry on the other hand is well aware of it. "You look so cute when you're embarrassed, your cheeks get all red and you can't keep eye contact. It's honestly adorable."

Now it was Harry's turn to roll his eyes."That's not cute Louis. Nor is it adorable it's embarrassing." Harry says, frowning slightly when Louis removes his hands from his.

"No you're wrong I've only known you for two days, and adorable is a word that suits you." Louis chuckles, as Harry mumbles something before returning to wrapping the present.

"I'm going to find something that suits you." Harry tells him.

"You can start with handsome, funny, charming." Louis replies, a cocky smirk playing at his lips. One that Harry can't help but want to wipe off, probably with his lips.

"Someone thinks highly of themselves." Harry scoffs, while placing a bow on the wrapped present. He actually thought about re-wrapping it so Louis would have a reason to stay and talk.

Though much to Harry's delight he doesn't seem like he's heading for the door anytime soon. He doesn't know if it's just that Louis doesn't have anything better to do or he just truly likes their conversation. He's hoping it's the second but one can only hope.
"What you don't think highly of yourself?" Louis asks, though he's just teasing but he sees the way Harry glances around like he's trying to avoid the question. Maybe it's the fact that Harry's still in his teens that he doesn't know how much he's worth.

"You should though," Louis tells him.

Harry looks over at him."Should what?"

"Think highly of yourself. I mean you're one of the prettiest guys I know. Just from talking to you I know you're kind." Louis admitted, feeling his cheeks heat up at the confession.

"Umm....thanks." Harry said, feeling speechless. That'd been the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him in a long time.

Harry wished he was spending Christmas with Louis instead of being alone, he seemed like he was genuinely caring. Though they'd only known each other for two days and he doubted that Louis would be back again. Matter of fact after Christmas he'll probably never even see the blue eyed man again.

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