Begging on Your Knees Someday

By unkn0wnx3

3.2M 62K 10.2K

Being raised by 5 brothers wasnt easy. I grew up to be a tomboy, playing sports, watching the games on TV, an... More

Chapter 1: Coming home
Chapter 2: Where it all began
Chapter 3: The Beach Party
Chapter 4: First day of School
Chapter 5: The secrets are revealed
Chapter 6: The fights
Chapter 7: Forgiveness & Football.
Chapter 8: A night of Firsts
Chapter 9: Consumed by Confusion
Chapter 10: Its Official
Chapter 11: Two's a Party
Chapter 12: It's Unofficial
Chapter 13: Victim #2
Chapter 14: Developing the Strategy
Chapter 15: A lot to Deal With
Chapter 16: Doesn't Feel Right
Chapter 17: Boyfriend #2
Chapter 18: New Day
Chapter 19: Girls Day Out
Chapter 20: Fighting Feelings
Chapter 22: Lesson Learnt
Chapter 23: Love & Confusion
Chapter 24: Repeating the Past
Chapter 25: Going Insane
Chapter 26: Heartbreaker
Chapter 27: Heartbroken
Chapter 28: Complications
Chapter 29: Truth Comes Out
Chapter 30: Down to Business
Chapter 31: Welcome Home
Chapter 32: {UNTITLED}
Chapter 33: Good to Be Back
Chapter 34: Something Special

Chapter 21: Resolving & Plotting

82.5K 1.6K 158
By unkn0wnx3

If anyones boredd & has the time to make a bannerr it would be greatly appreciatedd :) 


**Masons POV**

Before I even opened my eyes I could feel my head against a soft pillow but as my eyes fluttered open I realized that it wasn’t a pillow, it was Andy.

I could feel my head throbbing and I realized that I was lying in Andy’s rooms…with Andy.

Everything from last night was a blur, and every time I tried to remember what happened my head would pound.

I remember everything before Rick’s victory; everything after is a little fuzzy…or a lot fuzzy.

When the initial shock and realization was over I was faced with another problem…what the hell was I doing in Andy’s room? I thought to myself with panic.

I looked up at her and saw that she was still asleep. She looked so beautiful and peaceful I could just watch her sleep for hours.

When I looked over to her clock that was on her bedside table and I saw that it was 6am and I groaned internally. Next to the clock were 2 aspirin and a glass of water and I couldn’t help but smile. Andy knew I’d wake up with a killer hangover.

After I softly leaned over and took the pills I thought about the situation I was in.

I didn’t even know what to do…but I know what I wanted to do.

I wanted to lay in bed with her and forget all these complicated feelings, I wanted to forget revenge, and the fact that she had a boyfriend. I wanted to forget the pain I felt when I thought about her with someone else…

But I knew that was impossible…

As I tried to retrace the events that took place the night before I didn’t realize that Andy was stirring beside me until I felt her warm gaze on me.

I looked over to her and saw her staring at me with a smile that I couldn’t help but return.

“Hey…” she said.


“How do you feel?” she asked.

“Like shit…” I said.

“Do you remember anything that happened last night?” she asked and I shook my head.

“I’m not surprised, you were pretty wasted,” she said.

“I was uhm with Rick but Hannah said you put on quite a show last night. You wouldn’t leave so she came I got you to get off the table and put the bottle of vodka down.” She said with a laugh as I put my head in my heads with a sigh.

“So then you kept telling me you loved me and I brought you back here and stayed in the bathroom with you until 4 am while you puked your brains out…” she said.

“That’s not embarrassing…” I muttered.

“Well if it was anyone else then yeah, but it was me…” she said with sadness in her eyes that I couldn’t bear to see so I focused on my hands.

“Then I cleaned you up put you in bed, and here we are.” She finished.

“Thanks Andy, I appreciate it.” I said looking up at her.

“Its no problem, you would have done the same for me…” she said and I nodded.

“I can’t believe I got that drunk…” I said.

“It happens,” she said and I nodded.

I actually could believe I got that drunk. I knew exactly how much I was drinking and what it would do to me…and I didn’t care. I didn’t want to think about how I watched Rick go upstairs with Andy. I didn’t want to think about what could have been going up in that room.

“Well I better get going.” I said as I tried to ignore the ache in my heart. Just as I turned to get off the bed I felt her gentle warm touch on my arm. I looked back and I saw her looking at me.

“No wait…” she said in almost a whisper that my body couldn’t resist.

“I want to talk to you…I miss you.” She said as she nervously bit her bottom lip and it was driving me crazy.

“We hung out all night.” I said and immediately wished I could take it back. I didn’t want her to feel like I didn’t care, I just didn’t want to keep putting myself in a position that gets me hurt every time.

“No, you know what I mean Mase…” she said and I nodded and leaned back against the headboard of her bed.

“I know you said that everything was fine between us…but I’m not stupid I know it isn’t. Things have been so weird lately and it’s killing me.” She said and I just wanted to hold her and tell her how I felt, tell her how much I loved her.

“Andy…I…uhm…I…” I began to stutter. I love you, I thought to myself. Just tell her I thought but my mouth wasn’t listening to my brain at all. The words wouldn’t come out.

“I uhm… know what you mean, and I’m sorry…” I said and I mentally scolded myself.

“I just I don’t know if I could help with this revenge plan anymore…” I said and I noticed the puzzled look on her face.

“…Its just Rick isn’t my favorite guy…” I said wishing I could take that back, wishing I could redo this moment totally.

“Wait so this is about Rick?” she asked puzzled and I shrugged.

“Yeah I guess…I don’t know…” I said finally giving up.

“There’s a lot of things going on that I want to talk to you about…but I just cant…” I said and I could see the hurt filling her eyes.

“ Oh…” she said.

“I know I’ll be able to talk to you about it soon…but not yet.” I said and she nodded.

“I guess I’m jealous…” I said mentally smacking myself on the forehead. What the hell was I doing? What was I even saying?

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You're always around Rick or flirting and it sucks…I just miss hanging out with you and not talking about this plan.” I said and she nodded with understanding.

“I get it Mase and I’m sorry…I didn’t realize that it was bothering you.” She said.

“Well you're not psychic, I should have told you...” I said.

“I was talking to Hannah and she told me something that made sense. I cant go from one guy to the next in a week… so she said after I break up with Rick that I should wait some time before I go out with another guy…” she said and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Wait Hannah knows?” I asked as I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy.

“Well uhm…yeah. I needed some advice and since you weren’t around I asked her.” She said and I nodded.

“That’s a good idea…” I said.

That’s exactly what we needed, some time to ourselves. Some time to just hang out and have fun. Some time to man up and tell how you feel, a little voice inside my head shouted.

“So when do you think you're going to break up with Rick?” I asked and she shrugged.

“I don’t know, but I think I got him pretty much under control in the intimacy area.” She said and I could feel the anger surging through my body. I didn’t even want to know what she meant by that.

“I just think I need to prove that I could make him act like the guy he said he never would be…” she said and I smiled. She was learning a lot, and I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad…

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well he said he’d never get jealous or be a chauffer, basically a decent boyfriend.” She said and I nodded.

“Wow look at you Andy…” I said with admiration and she looked at me questioningly.

“A few weeks ago you barely knew that guys thought you were hot, you were scared to death of flirting and now you're some type of an expert.” I said.

“Not at all, I owe whatever I know to you,” she said and I smiled.

“So how do we get Rick jealous?” I asked with a smirk knowing that I was going to like this plan…


**Andy’s POV**

The talk with Mason really made me feel better about everything that’s happened, but I couldn’t help but feel like mason was holding something back. It was more then the things he said he couldn’t tell me…

But I didn’t want to push the issue, I was just glad that I got my best friend back.

As I was getting ready for school I thought about the few weeks I would have without worrying about making the next guy fall in love.

It would be the perfect time for Mason and I to get things back to normal, and for you to figure out how you feel a little voice said inside my head but I did my best to ignore it even though I knew it was right.

I was wearing my black leggings, my black ankle boots, a loose white t-shirt, a red plaid unbuttoned shirt that came up to my elbows, and a grey scarf with a matching beanie.

I was pretty excited because today was the day that I was going to make Rick get jealous and Mason was going to help me…

I grabbed my bag and my phone and headed down into the kitchen to find Michael and Mason talking.

“Well hello Mike.” I said as I took a seat beside mason at the island in the kitchen.

“Hey, I made you breakfast.” He said as he placed a plate of pancakes in front of me.

“What’s the special occasion?” I asked surprised as I took a bite of the warm silky pancakes.

“Eh since I was off I decided to be a little productive.” He said.

“So Louis where have you been?” Mike asked Mason.

“Around.” Mason said as he ate his pancakes.

I could see Mike looking at Mason with a raised eyebrow wanting to question him more but thankfully the twins came down and diverted his attention.

“What’re you two doing up?” I asked.

“Well when you smell the delicious scent of pancakes in the air you can afford to lose an hour of sleep.” Alex said.

“Look who came out from hiding…” Aiden said and I could see Mason getting uncomfortable.

“Well we should go, don’t wanna be late.” I said as I pulled Mase out of the kitchen and out the front door.


“Okay so you know the plan?” Mase asked me as he parked the car in the parking lot.

“Yes Mase we went over it like 10 times.” I said annoyed.

“Just checking…” he said and we got out of the car.

I noticed Rick talking to Matty and Ryan on the other side of the parking lot.

“Its show time.” Mase said as he put his arm around me and walked towards the entrance of the school.

Its not like it was something new Mase and I were always touchy feely it was common knowledge, but I knew Rick didn’t like Mase that much and it was definitely going to bother him.

I looked over to Rick and saw Ryan smirking at me then turning back to Rick and whispering something to him. That’s when Rick’s attention focused on Mason and I and I could see the anger clear on Ricks face.

I went to my locker where the boys were and I saw Rob looking at us with a smile.

“I guess the dynamic duo is back.” Tom said as I went into my locker.

“It was never gone…” Mason said.

“Pretty sure it looked like it…” Eric said low and earned a glare from Mason and I smack to the arm from Rob.


I basically sat and talked to Mason in every class and the classes that Rick were in we went a little extra and I could feel Ricks eyes burning a hole through me.

When I went to go sit down with Mase and everyone I could see Rick glaring at me from his seat. I knew he was ready to come over to the table but I couldn’t let him do that in front of my brothers so when he left to go outside I excused myself and followed him out.

“Hey…” I said as I sat beside him on the bench in the courtyard.

“Don’t hey me.” He said strongly and I had to fight to hold back a smile.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked playing dumb.

“What the hell are you doing with the Louis kid?” Rick asked.

“He’s my friend, you already know that…” I said.

“He looks a little too friendly if you ask me…” Rick said and I smirked at him.

“Sounds like someone’s jealous…” I said.

“Not jealous, annoyed.” He said as he looked at me.

“Is there really a difference?” I asked and he stayed silent.

“He hasn’t been hanging around you like that in a while, I was assuming it was because you got a boyfriend… but then I knew things didn’t change when you were with Mark.” He said.

“We had a little problem but he slept over the night of your fight and we worked through it.” I said purposely revealing that he slept over.

“What the fuck Andy?” he said with anger.

“What? Rick, mason always stays over…you do know I have 5 older brothers who watch us like a hawk…” I said.

“I don’t like this…” he muttered as he put his head in his hand.

“What?” I asked.

“You spending so much time with him…” he said.

“Well I have to get to school, its not like I can fly here…” I said sarcastically.

Rick looked at me intently for a few moments before he spoke.

“What the hell are you doing to me?” he asked lowly.

“Fuck, I am jealous…and it’s of Mason Louis.” He said with disbelief.

“…And now, I’m about to become your chauffeur…” he said and I smirked.

“Are you breaking all your rules for little old me?” I said with a smirk and he let out a deep breath.

“Apparently you're special…” he said as he looked at me softly.

I raised my hand and held onto his chin gently and slowly guided his lips towards mine. Our lips connected and I didn’t feel the passion or the electricity that I did when I kissed Mason…the kiss was blah, but I could tell Rick didn’t feel that way.

Rick gently it my lip and I opened my mouth slightly. Rick kissed me so strong and fast I could tell that he couldn’t get enough. But I slowly pulled back and I could see Rick panting.

“You bet your ass I’m special…” I said with a smirk and kissed him gently on the lips before I got up to leave swaying my hips as I felt his eyes on my body.  


Hiiii guys:))) yes things areee basically okay with Mason & Andy, & I know a lot of you were hoping they would realize their feelings forr eachotherrr, butttt not yeett:) 


What dooo you thinks going to happpen during the time Andys taking a break during revenge. Will she realize her feelings? will Mason tell her? orrrr is it just going to be a disaster? COMMENT & LET ME KNOWWW :D 


PLEASE COMMENT, FAN, & VOTE- the more the faster the update:) 

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