Going Red - An Auslly Fanfict...

By ausllywriter

29.7K 1.8K 495

Red; the color of love. You see red when they're talking to another person. You see red when you kiss them go... More

one - falling at your feet
two - after school
three - intense gym
four - moon's girl
five - arcade
six - strange days
seven - partying
eight - drinking
nine - next morning
ten - warming up
eleven - concerning
twelve - studying
thirteen - only lasts a while
fourteen - sibling talks
fifteen - realization in apologies
sixteen - returning enemy
seventeen - time to tell
eighteen - bad days
nineteen - help
twenty - better days
twenty-two - first date
twenty-three - disastrous love
twenty-four - strengths
twenty-five - valentine's activities
twenty-six - he's not like him
twenty-seven - bad return
twenty-eight - confessed apology
twenty-nine - fearful
thirty - thoughts
thirty-one - court
thirty-two - celebration
thirty-three - end

twenty-one - dinner

813 49 15
By ausllywriter

i'm so messy so i literally don't know what month it is in the story, but let's say january-ish because that's when a new basketball season starts (where i am, anyway)


"Are you sure you're on the basketball team?" Ally murmurs to him as they sit criss-cross in his bed, them working on their project for English.

She had made that comment after he shot the paper ball to the trash, but missed terribly.

"I'm rusty," Austin shrugs, chuckling at her confused face. "I haven't played in a few months."

"Why couldn't you just play last season?" Ally questions, looking down at her paper as she solve a problem. "Pi squared is 9.8596, right?"

"New players wanted to join, and coach thought they were good. So either we'd be benched or we give up our spots this season. I still have to try out again just to be fair, but coach'll give it to me. He loves me," Austin explains and then looks up, thinking for a moment. "And yeah, I think."

Ally finishes up her up her last problem and checks over it before closing her notebook and putting it to the side to grab her English things. "Don't be so cocky about it. You'll jinx yourself."

"Basketball is probably the thing I can be cocky about."

Ally snickers and falls back on her backside. "You're a really good writer. You add on to my ideas really nicely. You can be as arrogant as you want about that."

Austin rolls his eyes playfully and plants himself on top of her, resulting in her laughs at his heavy weight and trying to push him off. Instead of moving off of her, Austin grabs her torso and flips them over so she's the one on top. He laughs at her wide, amused eyes before saying, "There's no point in being arrogant when you have a girlfriend who's nearly part of the next New York Times Best Sellers."

Ally gives him a smirk and kisses his lips before sitting up to grab her notebook again. "Since when did someone become so bold?"

"I honestly have no idea," he shrugs,  grabbing their pens and highlighters from his nightstand on the side of them. "I think it's because I'm not worried as much that you'll kill me."

"I'd never kill you. Maybe seriously injure you, though." She murmurs the last part with a wicked smile as she grabs a black pen from him.

"Oh, really?" He chuckles, looking up at the ceiling.

Ally bites the top off of the pen and holds it in her mouth as she hums, "Mhmm." Ally writes her and Austin's name in the corner before pulling the top out of her mouth to speak. "A full description of Austin Moon in three difference point of views."

"I say, you write one full paper in one point of view and then just swap them throughout rewriting them." Austin recommends with a shrug.

"I was thinking that, too," she nods, folding her arms then laying on them, which were on his check. "But how do I write a full paper description of you?"

"That, I have no tips for."

She sighs and rolls her eyes before dangling herself to the side of him and cuddling into his side. "I talked to my social worker last night." Ally tells him, giving him a small smile.

Austin raises one eyebrow and asks, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"No, she just has to check up on me once in a while since I'm troublesome. We talked about Laura and Ross, school, um, y-you, and some other things like my, um, writing and stuff."

"I never thought I'd see the day where you got all red just because you mentioned me in a conversation with someone else." Austin says cheekily, the grin still on his face.

"Ugh, I hate getting all flustered because of stupid things like that. Sorry." Ally shrugs it off, rolling her eyes and covering her face with her hands.

Austin smile flatters a bit and he gives a sad nod, before nudging her slightly. "I-I actually think it's pretty cute, you know. Since I'm always getting flustered and stuff."

Ally uncovers her face and looks up at him. He was staring at the ceiling, but she still cuddles deeper into his side and under his arm. "Well, we, uh, talked about how you made me feel and stuff and she brought up Jasper, saying to be careful with myself, but I told her you were a good guy and wouldn't let her even think you were like him."

Austin's gaze from the ceiling switches to her and he watches as she engagingly tells him about her talk.

"We talked about Kira, too. I know you believe she's a nice girl and all, but you should know that's she's great at manipulating. So don't go by the stupid saying: keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. I mean, if you want to keep your enemies closer, keep your girlfriend closest."

"Then what am I going to keep my mom? Closerest?"

"Works for me."

Austin gives her a skeptical look while Ally just shrugs. The both of them stare a bit long before smiling and bursting out into a small fit of giggles.

"Closerest," she giggles and tracing the middle of his chest with her thumb. "That should be in the dictionary."

"It could be a compound word," Austin laughs, moving his arm under her back and wrapping her closer to him. "Like together."

Ally, who was slightly dozing off, giggles and opens her eyes. "Together isn't a compound word, Austin."

"Yes it is. To, get, her. To-get-her. There's three words in that."

Ally sits ups, scared she was gonna choke on her own spit if she laughed while lying down. Her laughter I'd a beautiful sound to here, especially when he's the reason she's laughing.

There's a knock on the door and Austin yells a 'come in!'.

His mother enters the room and looks at the two of them with a smile. She really likes Ally; being that Ally was Austin's first girlfriend, just seeing him so... engaged with her and her being the same was her favorite sight.

"Ally, did you want to stay for dinner? I made homemade pizza." His mother asks, smiling at the two.

Austin sits up excitedly and stands, pulling her up. "My mom's homemade pizza is the best, Ally. You gotta try it."

She laughs and grins at him before turning to the cheesing brunette mother. "I'd love to stay."

"Alright, dinner should be done in about ten." She smiles at the two before stepping back and closing the door.

Ally turns around and grabs his hands, grinning as she backed them back towards the bed. "How's your mom?"

Austin shrugs and holds her waist as they stumble back on the bed. "She's doing fine. She and her boyfriend, Thomas, are having a few complicated and stuff, but I'm sure they'll be fine."

"What's going on with them?" She asks, moving her hand to the back of his head to play with his baby hair on his neck.

"It's nothing other than time issues and stuff since she just a new promotion, so it'll be alright."

"That's good," Ally smiles and moves to the side of him. Austin moves his head to the side to give her a grin. She makes her give a slight laugh before cupping his face in her tiny hands. Giggling, she says, "I really like you."

Austin laughs and drapes his hands over her lower body. "That's good to know. I like you, too."

A kiss commence and they both smile while they're kissing, not letting the slight laughs and chuckles pull them apart. It was cliché, but the fireworks were so real; both of their stomachs clenched with happiness. Both of faces were red hot, blushing furiously. The lack of oxygen didn't seem to be a problem, though.

Amusingly, their moment is ruined by Ally pulling away from him quickly to sneeze. After recovering from their blissful kiss, Austin immediately laughs, his nose eyes sneezed tight and his nose scrunched. Ally giggles with him, shaking her head as she tries to explain herself, but too busy laughing to do so.

"You-You always get on my back for ruining the-the kisses!" Austin exclaims, laughing even harder.

"One to your five-hundred!" Ally exclaims, hitting his chest.

He just continues to laugh, his face all scrunched up while she lied on top of him. Ally laughs softly and pulls herself up so she sat on top of his torso. "You're so cute," she softly says, a grin forming across her face.

His laughter calms down a bit at her words and he grins at her, about to respond.

"I've never thought I'd see the day Austin got an actual girlfriend." A voice says, making both Austin and Ally jump.

Ally moves off of him so they can see the person (or people) in the doorway. Daniel, Ross, and Laura were all in the doorway, giving them smug looks.

"What are you doing here?" Ally asks her sister, raising her eyebrows.

Laura shrugs and says, "My lump of a boyfriend forced me to come here."

"She's been staring at books for hours," Ross explains, shaking his head. "Mom's making homemade pizza and I know Laura loves that."

"I also love studying for my exams." She responds, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever," Danielle says, rolling her eyes. "Mom says dinner's gonna be ready in another ten."


"Oh goodness," Ms. Moon says, grinning at Ally and Laura. "I've never seen you both at the same time. You're almost twins."

"If you ever get us mixed up, just remember my hair is always wild," Ally shrugs as she takes a seat at the table. "And her face is always red from your son and my sister sucking faces."

Danielle laughs. "Sorry, Ally, but your face is redder than hers right now. Austin's too."

"Looks like Austin was being a little naughty with Ally, Ms. Moon." Laura says, taking a seat on Ross' lap at the table.

"Laura, I've told you to call me Sandra," she chuckles as she sets the pizzas on the table. "And no lap sitting."

"Do you guys want soda or juice?" Austin asks from the fridge.

"Juice." "Soda." Soda." "Soda." "Can I have some coffee?"

"No, you can't," Ross says, moving her off of his lap and placing her in the chair next to him. "You're going straight to bed when you get home."

Ally rolls her eyes and nudges Danielle. They both of them nod and gag at their siblings.

Ally's eyes widen slightly as a bowl of green peppers are placed in front of her. "I'm allergic to green peppers."

"Oh, sorry Dear," Sandra says, giving her a smile as she grabbed the bowl. "I had no idea."

"It's fine," Ally says and stands, reaching over to grab the bowl of shredded mozzarella cheese. She stuffs her hand in the bowl and then stuffs it in her mouth.

"Ally." Laura scold her, irking an eyebrow.

Ally rolls her eyes but Austin takes the bowl from her with an excited smile. "You like eating the cheese, too?!" He asks excitedly, stuffing his hand in the bowl.

"You're not helping." "Kids, that's so unsanitary." Both of the oldest women of the house say, glaring at them.

Laura chuckles at her and places her hand on her forehead. "I'm turning into a mom."

"That's not such a bad a thing." Austin says with playful nudge, chuckling.

"Okay, that's too much information at the dinner table," their mom says with a shake of her head. "No baby making until at least one of you has a good paying job and a place."

"They already got that part of their relationship out of the way. Hopefully,  protection was used." Ally snitches, smirking.

"You know what? I'm eating my pizza in the living room." Danielle says, grabbing a slice of pizza and her drink then walking out before she heard too much.

"You have had---"

"Let's just eat!" Laura exclaims, grabbing a slice of pizza.

Mrs. Moon takes a seat with a slight chuckles and grabs a slice, too. "Dig in, kids."

All of them reach to grab a slice from the middle and dig into the delightful, cheesy masterpiece.

Austin can't help but notice throughout dinner that Ally and his mother had made some kind of bond or connection or were just comfortable with each other. He loved it either way. He liked how when something they could relate to was brought up, they'd discuss it by themselves and be totally engaged with each other.

After a while, Laura and Ross dismissed themselves and Austin decided to get the dishes, not minding one bit.

"Oh, I'll help." Ally says, smiling as she and Ms. Moon paused their conversation. She stands and grabs her and Sandra's glasses before following her boyfriend.

Austin looks back at her as they reach the kitchen and he puts the dishes in the sink. "A girl I've brought home has never met my mother before. I didn't know how tonight would've went, especially since you're my girlfriend and meeting my mom."

Ally laughs and puts the glasses in the sink, too. "Well, I've never met one of my boyfriends' mom. Not even, uh, you know..." she shakes herself off and breathes. "Your mother is really nice and cool, though. I really like her."

"Good, I can't have you hating my mom."

She playfully rolls her eyes and stretches, yawning as she did so. "Whatever."

"You tired? You guys can go home now if you'd like." Austin says, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned into him.

Ally shrugs and grabs his middle. "Laura's driving me, I gotta wait for---"

"Let's go, Ally!" An angered voice says from the back of the home. Ally grabs Austin's hand as Laura entered the kitchen. "Come on."

As Laura marches out, Ally laughs and lets go of his hand. "I think Ross and Laura argued, so we should be on our way."

Austin laughs softly and nods as she follows her sister out the door. Getting a sudden urge, Austin jogs behind her and says, "Hey, Ally,"

Ally turns and he grabs her hands. Raising an eyebrow and laughing,  she asks, "What?"

Not directly responding, Austin leans down and connects their lips, shocking her just a bit. The kiss is like the last one they had shared in his room, but a bit more sincere and soft. Both of their breaths reeked of pizza, but it didn't seem to bother neither.

Austin pulls away with a grin and kisses his forehead once before murmuring, "Goodnight."

"Night," she says softly, happy from the kiss. They finally pull away and Ally waves as she walks to Laura's car. "Tell your mom and sister goodnight for me!"

Austin holds up a thumb as she gets in the car and nods, waving as they left out the driveway.


"You love him," Laura says, grinning ass they pulled up to a red light. "Don't you?"

Ally rolls her eyes and leans on the window. "You love Ross."

"In fact, I do. He knows that. Now, back to you: do you?"

Ally sighs and ignores her, closing her eyes.

Yeah, I do.


hiiiii sorry for not updating in a while, but hear ya go. did i seriously start this story a year ago?? wow

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