Catch me if You Can

De Random-Hearts

635 9 0

Pandora runs from many things, for one, her name, her mother, her feelings, her friends, so when life throws... Mais

Catch me if You Can
Betty Vs Underwear
Dancing like a random
out of or into trouble?
Human Needs

Lunch, Please!

43 0 0
De Random-Hearts

heya ppl, have fun reading, this chapter should b a long one.  just realised the picture that was up didnt show and I didnt say who it was well, i fixed it and its bree, ignore my stupidity please :)



I had decided to leave early and walk to school, instead of riding with Ashley and Sammy, but for the life of me I can't remember why, I had already merorised the way to school and a bit of the neighborhood, since Alice insisted on me driving around and learning about the place. I came to an intersection, I looked at the street signs, it hit me, I remember why I wanted to walk, I turned left, making a detour, towards a corner store near a main road.

I wanted to buy my lunch pre-hand, like I usually did with school, rarely having to eat the food from school, I wanted going to this school to be roughly the same as back home, a few friends but no-one actually close. On the good side though no-one here knows my mother or any of her antics, but that also means people won't avoid me, but I will be the 'new kid' or whatever so hopefully no-one cares that I'm there, but I'll probably forget about subtly and do something stupid.

I frowned at my thoughts as I entered the store, it was much bigger than I expected, more range with food then, which is good, I smiled and went to buy what I normally would have, reaching out my hand I paused. I changed my mind and grabbed something less healthy to eat and an apple so I don't feel too bad about it. On the way to the checkout was a bakery style set up showing fresh baked breads and rolls, I grabbed a large bun with cheese baked into it, I could totally make a sandwhich with all this food.

I counted over the change I had, the fact I had change was odd, I was sure I counted right.

"Food prices must be lower here" I mumbled to myself, remembering I wasn't at home so counting for the prices there is what stuffed me up.

The walk to school took roughly the same amount of time as I had guessed, a little less than ten minutes before class, I probably should have tried to get here earlier but I don't really want to even show up. I tucked my hair into my hoodie, I had deliberatly worn one so I wouldn't raise to much attention, hopefully no-one will realise I'm new, at least until I make it to the office. Not suprising me at all, no-one else seemed to be wearing a hoodie, it was summer or something here, which I don't get because it's like august or something, and if they call this hot weather, Oh Please, it's barely warm.

I followed the signs to the office, and the bell rung just as I reached it, perfect, all the other students seemed to rush to class, I approached the desk and took off my hood.

"Hey" I said softly, the receptionist looked at me blankly.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm new" I stated.

"And?" really, you have to ask, I fought back a bitchy comeback, and acted nice.

"I need my schedule or something?" I said timidly.

"Name?" wow, she likes single-word questions.

"Cj Hall" I replied.

"That name isn't in the system" she frowned after typing on her computer.

Crap, of course Dad would have entered me in as Pandora, I repeat, CRAP!

"Oh, it could be under Pandora Hall, I just go by Cj that's all" I faked a nervous laugh, she glared, how nice is she?

"here." she handded me a package of standard new student stuff.

I looked through it before leaving, a map, a schedule, and a locker combination? Oh right America, no uniforms and has lockers- Duh, how did I forget that, definetly putting this on the good things about American schools compared to Aussie ones. After about five minutes I figured out how to read what classes I had and where they were on the map, I made my way to my Roll-Call.

The door was open a little and I could hear the teacher marking the roll, I took off my hoodie fully and stuffed it in my bag.

"Well that's strange" The teacher's voice sounded, I stopped and listened, just before opening the door.

"What" sighed a some-what agravated student, who sounded like he needed a nap.

"It says there should be a new student, by the name of Pandora, I believe" the teacher explained, I heard movement in the classroom.

"A new chick, great" a girl said sarcastically.

"That's a hot name" an obnoxious guy whispered loudly, I'd say the whole class heard him, I walked in.

"No it sounds slutty" I sighed walking towards the teacher.

"That is no way to talk young lady" the teacher growled.

"So, its true, do I give a shit?...Hmm let me think about it" I said sarcastically.

"No, no I don't" I annouced after a few quiet seconds.

"I take it you're Pandora" the teacher sneered.

"Unfortuantly, however, I am usually called Cj" I smiled with fake enthusiasm.

 "What the hell is with your voice?" asked the obnoxious guy from before, I glared at him and thought of how to reply, hmmmmm, I know.

"I'm Australian, Mate" I don't like saying that word, its so Australian stereotype, I hate being stereotyped, the guy laughed thinking I was joking.

"Go sit down Miss-" the teacher paused.

"Hall, like Ben Hall the- Oh wait you won't know him he's Australian" I laughed at the thought of them knowing Australian history and wandered to a seat and sat down.

The guy infront of me turned around in his chair and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, proping my head up with my hand and my elbow on my desk.

"Say something Australian" He ordered, okay well he is a dumb-ass.

"Like?" I asked, to amuse him.

"like: put some shrimp on the barbie, or whatever you people say" he did a horrible accent, a couple people around us snickered.

"Oh, you poor, poor idiot" I shook my head in shame.

"What?" he asked, more people snickered.

"No-one says that-" I paused.

"EVER" I added.

"No way, Australians totally say that, ALL THE TIME" a second guy added, now turning to look at me as well.

"No, Australians don't, there arn't even any 'shrimp' in Australia, and if there were, we wouldn't grill them on a barbeque, grilled seafood is bleh!" I explaned, talking to them like they were five.

"What do you mean there arn't any shrimp?"

"There are, but Australians call them prawns and they are usually boiled or something so that saying, like most of the other stereotyped shit about Aussies is just that, bull-shit" I turned away, not carig to hear anymore of their dumb-ass-ery.

Shouldn't the teacher be teaching or something? I was tapped on the back, I turned around to see a girl with a big grin.

"Hi" she smiled.

"Hey, shouldn't we be learning something?" I asked her

"Role-Call remember" 

"Oh, yeah, how long until its over?" I sighed.

"I don't know, like ten minutes, its always way too long" she rolled her eyes, there was a short silence.

"Anyways, I'm Bree" she annouced.

"Cj" I smiled.

"You know the name Pandora doesn't sound slutty" Bree smiled.

"Really? what does it sound like then?" I asked.

"It sounds like your mother had a little bit of issues, don't take offence, I'm not saying your mum has issues or anything" she explained.

"You are the second person in America to think my mother had issues and slash or was a bit of a slut to have named me that, but its okay, I don't care for my mother so call her what you will" I smiled.

"Sooo, who's Ben Hall?" she asked with a cheeky grin.

"Just some dead guy who broke the law and shit, kind'a a historical figure I had to study last year, he was like Ned Kelly but not as well-known" I explained.

"Any relation?" she laughed.

"Nah, same last name but that's it" the guy next to Bree snorted, he was readng a book as well as listening to us, I stopped myself from glaring.

"Who's that?" I sneered.

"Just Jace, ignore him, he's a nerd" she jokingly whispered, he put down his book and glared at Bree.

"I'm kidding, Jace is normally nice like me, but-" 

"I'm always nice" he cut in.

"Obviously somewhere between, you walking in, being a smart-ass to the teacher and sitting down, he decided he doesn't like you, or he would'a said hi as well, when I did" Bree continued as if he hadn't said anything, I got up and stood infront of him and stared at him.

"What?" he growled.

"He thinks I'm a bitch" I said to Bree.

"No way" she shook her head.

"You are a total bitch" Jace said in total seriousness.

"See"I arched an eyebrow.

"How the hell?" Bree stuttered.

"Its okay, I am a bitch" I sighed and returned to my seat.

"I'm confused" Bree gave up and collapsed on her desk, Jace returned to reading.

"He probably thinks I'm a slut as well" I said absentmindly.

"You are" he mumbled, not even looking up.

"Now thats too far, I'm not a slut" I sat up proply and glared at him.

"Jace you are weird" Bree mumbled, not lifting her head.

"Now how do I prove I'm not-"I said mostly to myself.

"You can't" Jace added.

"Okay, I got it, what do you think I would think of Lance and Ash-" I stopped before I called him Ashley, he asked me not to call him that, especially at school.

"You already know them?" Bree asked, with 'WTF?' written on her face.

"yes but I can't say how until he answers the question" we both turned to Jace.

"I find it amazing that they work that fast, and you think of them the same as queen B" he said, still reading his book.

"Queen B?" I asked

"Bella, you'll know her when you see her, does the whole slutty anger issued socialite barbie cliché" Bree explained.

"Oh- Okay excuse me while I vomit" I made a gaging face, Jace actually looked at me.

"I have slapped Lance and kicked him in the shin while Ash is someone I am forced not to dismember" I explaned after gaging.

"I heard some random bruised his face over the break but come on?" Bree asked with disbelief.

"forced not to dismember?" Jace asked.

"Long story short he wanted to hit my pet with a bat" I pouted.

"Okay, whatever" Jace said as the bell went.

"What do you have now?" Bree asked as we left the class.

"Some shit I'd rather not show up for" I sighed.

"Wow me too" Bree agreed.

"That was the longest 'Roll-Call' ever" I annouced, wishing school was over already.

Bree's P.O.V-

"Aww come on, you're not taking me to some oversized cliché cafeteria where people are sectioned off in social groups where everyone gasps if a goth talks to a jock, wait, are you?" Cj whined as I pulled her through the hallway.

"No, and do you really our cafeteria is like that?" I asked, she stopped and pulled her arm free, then she tilted her head in thought.

"Yes?" she sounded unsure, I rolled my eyes.

"You're right it totally is, now come on" I grabbed her arm and began dragging her again.

"I want to eat" She whined.

"You said that already" 

"I know" She smiled.

"You are evil" I glared.

"Thank you" she bowed.

"We're here" I annouced.

"And here is?" she asked, begining to open the classroom door.

"Room M3, wait here, don't peak and come in when you hear music" I instructed.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes" I went into the room and shut the door behind me.

"You took your time" Jace growled.

"Shut it, I was talking with the new girl" I gave a smug smile to the guys.

"You didn't" Jace sneered.

"What new girl?" Alex asked.

"A certain one that wants to hear some music" I grinned, rocking on the balls of my feet.

"I wonder" Luke muttered mostly to himself.

"What you met her already?" I asked with a frown.

"There has not been a 'new girl' in any of my classes, I swear" he smiled, I glared.

"Good, shall we?" I asked.

Cj's P.O.V-

I could hear muffled voices, but I couldn't understand what they were saying, excluding Bree's voice they were all male. music sounded in the air, it was a strong beat with a fluid melody. I opened the  door and entered the room like Bree had told me to do, the words of the song started to sound, I have never heard it before, but its a solid beat, wait room M3, its a music room, DUH, god I'm stupid. I turned to see Bree and a bunch of guys playing different instruments, Bree was trying so hard not to lagh at my face, Jace was sitting on the ground near an un-used amp, his hand was tapping along with the beat.

I shut my eyes an listen to the song properly, it was a great song, these guys are deffinetly the muso group at this school, the guy singing had a great voice for the tempo, his voice also seemed very familar but I can't quite place it. By the time the song was over I was offically a fan of their music.

"Oh my god, your FACE!" Bree laughed.

"When you're done revelling in our awsomeness you can WAKE UP" she screamed in my ear, I flinched and pushed her away playfully.

"THANKS I'm DEAF NOW" I screamed back, laughing, the guy who sung put his guitar down next to the drum set, it was a bass guitar, Hmm I feel as if I should be remembering something.

"Well well if it isn't Pandora" He smiled as he came towards Bree and I...

"HOLY FLYING MOO COWS AND SHIT CAKES!" I exclaimed and put a fist to my chest.

"What?" basically everyone asked with confused faces.

"Nothing, I was just remembered something" I said sheepishly, I had realized it was Luke, the guy from the party when I first got here.

"By the way Luke, you are no longer my favourite non-related American, sorry"  I smiled.

"Aww what, I feel so betrayed" he put his hand to his head and feigned hurt.

"What, you said you didn't know her"  Bree glared at Luke, he laughed.

"I said I hadn't had any new girl in my classes, I met Pandora during the break" he shrugged.

"How come he's calling you Pandora?" Jace asked, he was now standing next to me and scared me to hell.

"Shit. don't sneak up on people" I growled, he snickered, Jerk.

"Actually that's a good question Cj, why does he get to call you Pandora?"  Bree agreed.

"Cj?" Luke asked, I sighed.

"He was introduced to me as Pandora, you guys were introduced to me as Cj, normally people who call me Pandora find out the hard way why everyone else calls Cj, but I let it slide when I met him so I don't care"  I explained.

"Its because you think he's cute isn't it?" Bree stage whispered so basically everyone heard.

"Oh please he isn't even cute" I rolled my eyes, it was a bit of a little white lie.

"HEY"  Luke cried, pretending to have hurt feelings, he's definetly an actor.

"Well, I have to agree with Cj"  Bree shrugged and winked at me, dammit.

"Moving on" Luke annouced.

"Pandora, this is Alex, Chase and Brent" Luke introduced me to the other guys in the room.

"Hi, its awsome to meet you, I am fucking hungry right now, and if you call me Pandora I will hurt you, therefore, I'm Cj awsome to meet you, can I eat now?"  I said sweetly and kinda fast, because I was hungry.

"Sure you can eat?" Alex said with a confused expression.

"How come Luke gets special treatment?" Chase asked, I shrugged, pulling out all the food I had bought before school, I'm so glad it's lunch now.

"Shit, did you bring a freaking restraunt with you?" Bree asked.

"No, I only brought enough food to stop me from being hungry for a few hours" I explained.

I started searching through my bag for the last thing.

"A cheese roll, an apple, large bag of plain chips, one and a half litre bottle of semi-cool lemonade, a pear, a tomato and ham will only keep you full for a couple of hours?" Luke asked in disbelief as he examined my food.

"Stay away from my food" I growled, ahah! found it, I pulled out my wallet/purse and started looking through it.

"I didn't say it would fill me, I said I won't be really hungry for a while that's all"  I expained pulling out my not-so-decorative keyring.

"What is with you and food?"  Luke shook his head.

"Now I know, weapons or dangerous objects, blah, blah, blah, and all that arn't allowed, but I honestly don't care I only have it to make a sandwhich, and if you tell on me or whatever you guys suck, so yeah whatever" I said as I flicked the blade out of the keyring, which was shaped as a surfboard, but hid a pocket knife.

"Anything for food hunh?" Bree asked laughing at my seriousness.

"You can go get your own food because I'm not sharing" I smiled.

"Nah, we all bring our own because we don't like the cafeteria, we usually hang in here" Brent explained, pulling out food from his own bag.

 "Coolio" I nodded, now eating my apple.

"You did not just say 'coolio'" Bree laughed

"Maybe I did, so whats a guy like you doing here Jace?" I asked, deflecting the conversation.

"What do you mean 'a guy like him'?" Alex asked.

"You know a guy with a fifty foot pole up their ass, because I have not met anyone so cranky before, like a two-year-old with out their nap-time and bottle" I joked.

"You're kidding right?" Chase scofffed

"Sure Jace is quiet but he's not an ass" Brent added.

"I'm right here you know" Jace interjected.

"Look I'm not saying I don't like him or anything, actually he has the whole quiet brooding thing going for him and he could totally tell that I'm a bitch and I like having my personality complimented and all but he crossed the line when he called me a slut and assumed I would fall for a guy like my brother or Lance"  I explained.

"Brother?" Jace and Bree asked.

"Quiet brooding thing?" Alex, Chase and Brent asked.

"That actually explains a lot" Luke nodded, earning a whole lot of 'WTF?' stares off everyone.

"I forgot to tell you, Ash, yeah I knid of live with him since, you know he's kind of my brother" I told Jace and Bree with a flat look.

"and I'm not explaining the quiet brooding thing because I actually don't fall for it and it suits you but, no" I added, now eating my cheese roll sandwhich (with ham and tomato).

"Answering your original question, I don't have a pole-"

"A fifty foot pole" I corrected.

"I don't have a fifty foot pole up my ass and I happen to love music, like my friends, and I wrote that song so I think I can hangout here" he explained flatly.

"See what I mean about him being a bitch to me" I pouted.

"You planned that" Bree laughed.

"It was an awsome song you are actually and awsome song writer, even though I don't think you'd ever let me, I'd love to play it" I smiled at Jace being completely honest.

"You play?" Chase arched an eyebrow and brent, Alex and Luke all whispered something to each other.

"Piano, but I haven't actually practiced or played in freaking years" I blushed a little bit, I don't like playing piano much now days, I continued eating what was left of my lunch, please as if I could even call it that, I'm still starving.

"Okay you seem totally beachy and rebel, explain now" Bree demanded.

"Uhh, my mother made me learn Piano" I lied but I didn't want to explain it especially on my first day of school, with people I barely know, although I don't think I'll be able to shake Bree off easily.

"I don't believe you, but okay" she huffed, crossing her arms.

"Change of subject, Bree if you have a criminal record, what's the worst thing on it?" I annouced/asked.

"I don't know probably dissorderly conduct, or was it being drunk in public" she started to think about it.

"Oh sweetie I am going to corrupt you, you may now think of that as when you were a good girl" I laughed.

"That sounds totally fun, master" she bowed as if I was her teacher.

"That sounded so dirty" Brent choked on his laughter while trying to hide it, as soon as he said that the other boys laughed with him.

"Excuse you?" Bree glared.

"I am going to corrupt you?" Alex asked, ignoring that was what sounded dirty in their heads, he was asking what it meant.

"Jeez for a bunch of muso you guys are total goody-two-...shoeses" I tilted my head with the last word unsure on how to use that for multiple people at once.

"Jace maybe, but not us" Bree defended.

"Hey" Jace angrily added, the brooding look did suit him.

"Oh, P-lease, the worst you've done is being drunk and disorderly" I snorted.

"Okay, what's the worst you've done" Chase challenged me.

"Hmmm... I have to think" I contemplated.

"Well its not on my actual record or anything cause we got away with it and all..." I paused, still thinking it over, should I tell them how much of a deliquent I was"

"It was in my really bad streak a few years back, before I met Hannah" I thought aloud, pausing again.

"Enough with the suspense" Bree dramatically sighed.

"I don't do anything like it anymore, but the worst thing I have done is" I paused aain with a smile just to piss them off.

"Say it already" Luke groaned.

"Broke into a liquer store, with my friends" I shrugged, finally saying it.

"No way, I don't belive you" Chase snorted.

If anyone was the bad-boy out of the group it was him, and not in the deliquent like I was way, more of the, will do anything for kicks even if it got me arrested way.

"wouldn't we have heard about it or something, if a liquer store got robbed it would at least be in the paper" Jace agreed with Chase, hey their names rhyme.

"Uh, no we didn't steal anything we just broke in, and it was in Australia, it wouldn't be in your news or anything" I explained.

"You're Australian?" Brent asked, he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed.

"Can you hear my 'accent' cause apperently I have one and I've been told about it a thousand times" I said shocked.

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