Lost and Found

By _tnsreality

27.9K 1.7K 762

~ L O S T & F O U N D ~ 3 years ago, the cast of the hit TV show The Next Step concluded after its 5 season... More

Chapter 1 - News.
Chapter 2 - The Call.
Chapter 3 - Someone Familiar.
Chapter 4 - Reunited
Chapter 5 - Pregnant?
Chapter 6 - Reassurance.
Chapter 7 - Problem.
Chapter 9 - The L word.
Chapter 10 - Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Missed You
Chapter 12 - Myself
Chapter 13 - Memory Lane
Chapter 14 - History
Chapter 15 - Misunderstood
Chapter 16 - We Go
Chapter 17 - Confusion
Chapter 18 - Father
Chapter 19 - Nerves
Chapter 20 - Baby Tell
Chapter 21 - Frank V.K
Chapter 22 - Warning
Chapter 23 - Fear
Chapter 24 - Competitiveness
Chapter 25 - Emotions
Chapter 26 - Til' Death Parts
Chapter 27 - Family Matters
Chapter 28 - Announcements
Chapter 29 - Love Always
Chapter 30 - Busy Little Lives
Chapter 31 - And sold!
tag tag tag
Chapter 32: Its okay.
Chapter 33: Get Togetherrrr
Chapter 34: Sharing
Chapter 35: Life as it is

Chapter 8 - Aftermath.

825 43 24
By _tnsreality

Brittany POV

"Sam. Sam it's ok. No no no don't cry. You'll be fine. We'll just get it removed."
"But what about the baby Brittany!! What about the child I am supposed to be having in 8 months! Huh? Oh no no no no no. This is all way too much." She says placing her hands over her eyes. Just then my phone buzzes from my lap and I look down to see who it is. The doctor comes in again and checks her once more while I write the reply.

Justine 😘
J: Brittany!!! You never told me! Congrats girl!! I knew you too were a thing. So good you got back together 😃
B: What!!!!?? Who told you? 😁
J: You both did. In different ways. Trevor told me his girlfriend was away with her sister and I knew it was you all along so that's why I called you and when you confirmed that you were in Hawaii with Sam I knew I was right and Trevor couldn't resist!


B: Oh ok then. Should I be giving him a hard time by letting it out to you guys?
J: No he made us literally swear to everything in he world we wouldn't tell anyone. He was so serious B, don't really he was really genuine about it
B: Ok I won't then. Thanks girly x ❤️
J: No Problem. I'm super excited for you guys. So perfect for each other you two are! So glad you got back together. You can tell he really liked you Britt. He never wanted to let you go. His work is just super important
B: Yeah at the time I was so mad but now I understand and I'm super happy with him. I better go though babe. Lots of things to do. Catch up soon xxx
J: Kk bye Britt 😘
B: xxxxx

I switch my phone off to see my sister stand in there in her proper clothes with her phone and result card in hand and a sad look on her face.
"Come on Sam cheer up. Let's go and get some lunch. There's a really nice place down town where it's food is amazing. We have to try it. Promise me we'll get through this. When we get back to Toronto, we'll book an appointment to get it removed. Ok? Promise?" I propose as we are walking back to our taxi cab. It's waiting to is outside the doctors place.
"Ok promise but I don't want to tell Dylan yet. He'll be gutted. I'll just wait until we get back" she says as we arrive at the taxi cab.
"Ok good idea" I nod in agreement but deep down I know it's not going to happen.

Victoria POV
Ever since the next steps 1 year after we finished filming and our cast sort of outspread to work across the world, I've stayed here. In Toronto. I've been acting, now modelling and of course dancing. I haven't spoken to Isaac since two years ago. No one in the cast has been in contact with one another since a catch up we organised at the end of the two years ago. It was sad really as we all knew that that night was probably going to be the last time. The last moment we were all together. For a long time.

After New Years everyone spread off. Some went to Juilliard in New York to pursue dancing careers, others to different states in U.S Central America to follow their acting careers. Some even went to Australia, England, some to Asia and Europe too which was exciting too. Everyone have all gone down different paths. We have no idea who's turning up at this reunion thing as we've all lost contact with one another. This movie- I can tell you now is going to be really interesting. Frank has certainly done a good job at organising it.

I wake up, doing my hair and make up and getting ready for the day. Today is my day off and I'm basically just doing a bit of grocery shopping and then going down to see my new nephew from my brothers side. He got married to Zoe, a nurse from Saskatoon last year and they recently had a baby boy. He is the cutest thing ever and I'm actually his god mother too but today the whole family is goi g to be there. So Zoe's family too. So there will be my brothers side which is me, my mum and my dad. And then Zoe's side which some has a brother and a sister. The sisters boyfriend and the brothers girlfriend I have no idea about their names but apparently they are really nice. Then there is also Zoe's mum and dad too. Zoe is the eldest in her family as is my brother hence why they have children and me and Zoe's siblings don't.

After finishing the grocery shopping and getting a few things for the Zoe and Alec and their nephew which is Thomas, I arrive home and stern preparing to travel to my brother and sister in laws house.

Brittany POV
We get back after lunch and Sam is exhausted. I suggests she has a little sleep so she pulls out the hammock out the back and hops in and before I know it she's fast asleep in like 5 minutes. Literally knocked out. I take this as my chance. She told me she didn't want Dylan to know but in my mind that's not going to happen.

"Hey Brittany" he says picking up the phone. I've moved to the front and I'm talking softer than usual so then she can't hear me and in case she wakes up.
"Hi Dylan. I have something to tell you. On Sam's behalf really. It's for the best. She told me not to tell you this but it's really important because I don't want you to react badly in front of her. She's really stressed and the least of my worries is to see her stressed that you're stressed."
"Ok....." He says confused.
"Sam has skin cancer. It's in her lower back and she needs it removed within 7 days before it becomes deadly" I announce before I hear the line go dead.

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