• Letters • { Cameron Dallas...

By glisteningmoonlight

26.5K 953 117

"If only my love was enough to keep us going, we would go on for eternity." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

787 34 4
By glisteningmoonlight

"When was the last time you seen her?" The cop asked politely.

Kirsten squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry, and concentrating on thinking of her answer. She had really not remembered fully the last time she'd seen her, only that she had laid her down in her crib and went to bed herself.

"I- I uhm". She closed her eyes in pure concentration. A million things ran through her mind other than the last time she'd seen her. "Last night, I had just put her in her crib to sleep."

The cop nodded, and then asked,"what was she wearing?"

Again, Kirsten's mind was blank. What was she wearing? Had she changed her outfit before putting her to bed? Had she? Was it the green? Or the blue?

"It was.. I.. She had on a green and blue.. No it was just green. It was a green onesie, I think", she stuttered. Cameron, who had not said a word, rubbed the small of her back, reassuring her that he was still there.

"Mrs. Ray, I assure you both we will do everything we possibly can", the policemen said smiling.

How could he smile at a time like this, Kirsten thought. My baby is missing and you're smiling.

She had become tense and everything had began to make her angry. She wanted them all out of her house, and wanted her baby back in it.

Cameron had noticed how tense she was. He leaned in, whispering into her ear. "Everything's going to be okay I promise."

His reassurance had made her feel like it would be okay. But the thought of her baby not being within her arms reach reminded her that everything was not.

The police all fluttered out of the house at once and began their search to find baby Alex. They had told Kirsten and Cameron to just stay at home, considering the death threat was towards them just as much as it was for the baby.

"Why don't you go get a shower Kirsten."

Cameron's eyes met hers. She could see the sadness and remorse in them. She nodded and left to grab a set of clothes before hopping in the shower.

This is all my fault, Cameron thought. If it wouldn't have been for me we wouldn't be in this situation.

The more the thought settled into his brain, the more it infuriated him.

He grabbed the remote off of the couch and slung it at the glass sliding doors, shattering them. It felt good. Good to release the energy built inside of him. The glass coffee table, was flipped over onto the balcony, shattered as well. He found any thing he could get his hands on and began throwing it at the walls and onto the balcony. Picture frames, glass cups, chairs, the television, his phone. All materialistic things that he would never had dreamed of ruining before now. He started crying profusely. His tears fell uncontrollably down his face, and his hands breaking nearly everything they touched.

Between breaths  and throwing things, he screamed,"THIS IS MY FAULT. MY FAULT."

Kirsten, who had noticed the commotion, threw on her clothes, and soaking wet, ran to the living room.

"Cameron wh-" she stopped. She was interrupted by a picture frame slamming into the wall nearly hitting her head.

"Cameron.." She spoke softly, as to not disturb him, but to redirect his attention towards her. "Cameron it's okay."

She slowly inched her way towards him. His face red with anger, wet with tears, and his hands tight.

"It's not your fault." She said softly.

He suddenly, stopped throwing things. Fury and tears still all over his face.

"It's okay." Kirsten said, slowly approaching him. His eyes, looked into hers, a beautiful brown, filled with sadness, that she could not bare to look at.

She wrapped her arms around him, and that's when he broke. He fell into her, crying uncontrollably. For so long, Cameron had been strong for her. He had held in every ounce of fear, and sadness, that he had inside, for Kirsten to have someone that could be strong for her.

But we often forget that as humans, our emotions can get the best of us.

Kirsten stood in the middle of the living room, until eventually she couldn't hold him up any longer. She struggled to carry him into the bed room, and laid him on the bed. She covered him with blankets, as he lay there sobbing and apologizing for Alex being gone.

Tears burned the back of her eyes, as she tried her best not to cry in front of him. Be strong, she told herself. Be strong for him.

Kirsten decided now would be the best time to call his dad back. Maybe Cam's dad, as vulnerable as cam was, could put his pieces back together.

She shakily dialed his number.


"Mr. Dallas, it's Kirsten. You need to come over, Alex is missing, and Cameron isn't okay."

Without hesitation his dad agreed to come right over.

10 minutes later, a knock appeared at the door. Kirsten turned the knob, and opened it to reveal his dad, standing in the door way. "Come in." She smiled.

He approached Cameron, who still was crying uncontrollably and now shaking.

"Cameron.." He spoke sternly. He sat down on the bed beside him, and touched his shoulder. "Cam, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. For the baby, for how I treated you. I want things to be right between us. I don't want to see you like this."

Cameron didn't budge. His dad, rubbed his shoulder, and slowly eased him into his chest hugging him tight.
Cameron surprisingly hugged back even tighter.

Maybe sometimes, Kirsten thought, as broken as we may be, maybe sometimes we can be put back together. We can be easily glued into place. We are fragile yet so strong. Yet we are that way because of the glue, that holds us together. The people who bind us together, and make us whole again. Maybe, Cameron was the broken plate, and maybe just maybe, his dad was the glue. And maybe, all it needed was to just be pushed together.

She half smiled at the thought, and then began crying herself when she realized why Cameron had been crying.

Suddenly her phone rang. She sprinted into the kitchen grabbing it and quickly answering.

"Hello?", she said frantically.

"Yes is this mrs. Ray?"

"This is she."

"Mrs. Ray, we've found your daughter. She's alive and well."

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