Chapter 10

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Cameron had decided there was no need to write a letter telling her he was coming to her. It wouldn't have made it in time.

He had gotten off of his flight from Los Angeles, in Biloxi. He called for a cab, and gave him the address.

It suddenly hit him. What was he going to say? How would he approach her? He hadn't seen Kirsten in almost a month, and the last time he saw her, he broke her heart. How would he fix it?

"This is it." The driver said.

Cameron paid him, grabbed his bags, and stepped out of the car. His hands began to sweat. "I'll just speak from the heart" he thought.

He walked up to her doorstep, picked up a rock and threw it at her window.

Meanwhile, Kirsten laid in her bed, watching television. She heard a click on the window. She glanced towards the window, shook it off, and turned her attention back to the television screen.

Again she heard it, except this time it was multiple rocks. She stood up angry that someone was trying to bust her glass windows.

She opened them up and walked out onto the small balcony.

"WHY?" She yelled. She didn't realize that it was Cameron only trying to grab her attention.

"Kirsten Ray!" He called,"i love you. I love you. I love you. And I will scream it to the top of my lungs for you. I will tell the world, that I Cameron Dallas am in love with you. And if you love someone you tell them. Even If you're scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you're scared it'll cause problems. Even if you're scared it will burn your life to the ground. You say it, and you say it loud. Kirsten Ray, I made a mistake. I left you. I left you alone, and for that I am truly sorry. I would give anything if I could take it back. I'm not asking for you to take me back. I'm asking for a second chance."

Before Kirsten could even comprehend what was just said, Jacob came through the front door and tackled Cameron.


Jacob was on top of him and 2 inches away from his face. The fear in Cameron's eyes was like none Kirsten had ever seen before.

Before she could say anything, Jacob began punching. Slamming his fist into Cameron's face.

"JACOB STOP IT." She yelled. She ran downstairs as fast as she could and out the front door.

He yelled at him in between punches. "YOU PIECE OF NO GOOD SHIT."

"JACOB STOP THIS STOP IT." Kirsten threw herself onto Jacob and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, trying to keep him from punching Cameron anymore.

Cameron laid still on the ground, alive, but barely conscious. His face was bleeding, and he was choking, trying to spit his own blood out of his mouth.


Jacob shoved her off of him.

Kirsten ran inside grabbed her phone, and ran back out. She picked Cameron's head up gently and laid it in her lap.

"And this.. This is protecting me? You should be ashamed."

She stroked Cameron's hair, and spoke softly to him while calling 911.

"Cameron stay awake. It's okay just stay awake. I'm so sorry."

She continued to stroke his hair. Jacob had walked back into the house and slammed the door.

"You're Gonna be okay."

Cameron had a concussion, and a minuscule brain bleed, that doctors said would go away on its own. His eyes were black, and his lips were busted. She felt such remorse, like this had been her fault. Kirsten even called his mother from his phone, and told her who she was and what had happened, and Gina had agreed to come down to Mississippi.

Nash, Cameron's best friend, had also flown down with Gina. He had introduced himself earlier, and seemed super nice considering all of the bad rumors everyone always used to make up about him.

Kirsten had refused to see Cameron yet. She couldn't look at him. Every Time she did she only saw what she imagined he saw.

His dad.

She was infuriated with Jacob. How could he have done that to Cameron? She understood Jacob was mad about Cameron leaving her, she was too, but she didn't want him to kill him.

Gina and Nash walked back to the waiting room and sat down beside Kirsten.

"He's asking to see you." Gina said politely.

"Mrs. Dallas, with all due respect, it was my brother who did this, and I don't think I can stand to look at what he did."

Gina smiled politely. "Dear, he only wants to see you. I suggest you go."

Kirsten prepared herself, and stood up, brushing her shirt down. She walked into his room.

He looked so beat up. She shut her eyes.

"It's okay," he said "you can look."

He knew she didn't want to. He gave her the invitation to anyway. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Cameron, I'm-"

"No," he said, "you didn't do this. I did this. I deserved this. And I am so so sorry for hurting you the way I did."

She could sense the pain and hurt he felt. Although nothing she felt would ever amount to what he was feeling.

He could hear his mom's voice in his head.

"You give them every reason to stay, and you stay for every reason."

"Kirsten I need to ask you something."

He gave Kirsten a reassuring smile, and hoped that he would receive the answer he was looking for.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Move to California with me."

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