Chapter 20

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A few years had passed since Jacob's funeral, and life inside of the apartment was quiet, casual, and nice.

There had been no fighting, no crying, no breaking things. Only love. Only happiness.

Alex was 3 now. She was beautiful, and growing as fast as ever. She began to look more like Cameron everyday. Kirsten enjoyed watching them together. It was as if they were the same person.

"Come on Alex", Kirsten said,"it's time for your appointment."

Alex hadn't been feeling well lately, and she had decided to make her a Dr.'s appointment to get her checked out.

"You're not gonna give me a goodbye hug?" Cameron called to her.

She ran back, and jumped on top of him wrapping her small arms around his neck.

"I love you!" He said cheerfully.

"I love you too daddy."

She ran back and took her mothers hand.

"We'll be back later", Kirsten said, and they walked out the door.

When they arrived at the doctors office, they went inside, and took their seats waiting silently to be called back.

"Alexandria Ray?"

A nurse in pink scrubs called to them. She had a huge smile across her face, making her seem more creepy, than she would've been not smiling.

They stood up and walked back into their room, then took their seats again.

Soon, the doctor came in.
"We wanna run some tests, Mrs. Ray! Nothing to be afraid of yet, but we'll figure it out."

The doctor left the room after taking blood, and told them he would return with results. Kirsten's hands began to sweat. She became nervous to know if her child had strep-throat, or pneumonia.

There was a slight knock on the door and the doctor entered with papers and brochures in his hands. His smile had faded, and he refused to make eye contact with Kirsten. She squeezed Alex tight.

"Mrs. Ray. There's no easy way to say this." He lowered his head. Then raised it again, regaining his composure. "Alexandria has stage 3 leukemia."


"Cancer?" She repeated out loud.

"Now mrs. Ray, I know this can be a hard time, the diagnosis always is, but here are various brochures about treatments, family counseling, support groups. Many mothers find them very useful in this time."
He gave her a Weak smile.

How when everything had seemed to be going perfect... How could this happen?.. She thought.

She held in her tears for Alex, and nodded at the doctor. Alex didn't understand. All she thought was that she was sick. Not that she had a life threatening disease.

"Thank you." She shook the doctors hand, but he pulled her and Alex in for a hug.

"If you need anything, anything at all, my name is Dr. Stark. Please don't hesitate to give me a call."

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