Chapter 16

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It had been 6 hours since Kirsten was rushed into the delivery room. Cameron became worried, and frantically paced the small corridor waiting for some news.

Finally, a doctor came out.

"Family of Kirsten Ray?" He asked scanning the room for someone to claim her.

"That's me", Cameron said raising his hand. "How is she?"

"Ah!" He smiled. "Well I hear that you're the father of the child right?"

Cameron nodded, and impatiently got annoyed.

"Congratulations, she's a beautiful little girl." He smiled at Cameron again. "You can come with me."

He took Cameron to Kirsten's room. "Here you are." He let him into the room, waved to Kirsten who was holding the precious newborn, then walked out closing the door behind him.

"You wanna see her?.." Kirsten asked shyly.

He nodded. It made him nervous. He kept thinking he would drop her or hurt her.

"She's.. Beautiful. She looks like you." He said smiling nervously.

"Cameron", she said laughing,"she looks like you."

He smiled at her.

"You wanna hold her?"

Cameron nodded again, and reached down to grab her. He gently picked her up, making sure to cradle her head just right.

She grabbed onto his finger and held tight, while he gently rocked her in his arms.

He couldn't help but smile at her.

"I know we just met and all, but I love you so so so much beautiful." He said to her.

"I named her Alexandria. Alex for short."

Cameron's face grew a huge grin. "After me?" He said smiling.

She smiled and nodded back.

And for those very few moments it was as if the two had never split up. As if the fight had never existed. It didn't matter to Cameron nor Kirsten anymore that, they weren't together. Now that Alex was here, he was definitely going to be staying.

Kirsten giggle at Cameron. Seeing him with the newborn baby was absolutely the cutest thing shed ever witnessed.

She was content with her life. Even more than that. She was happy. Overjoyed.

"I love you so very much Alex." He said once again. "I promise I will always be here for you and mommy no matter what. You, me, and mommy, all together. Always."

Two days later, Kirsten and the baby were sent home from the hospital. Cameron came home with them, to help them in.

When he stepped inside the apartment it was as if nothing had changed. It still smelled of fresh coffee, it still looked clean as ever, and his side of the bed was neat and made.

"You didn't change anything?" He whispered.

He glanced up and down the walls, noticing how everything was still in its place.

"Of course not.." She said,"I couldn't get rid of you completely."

The rest of the day was filled completely with family member after family member, from the Dallas side of the family, visiting in and out. It was nice to see his side of the family. They had always treated her like their own, which is something she loved about him more than anything.

The only family member missing was his father. She often thought about what he was like now. Cameron had only ever mentioned him to her as being an abusive drunk. She had wondered if he ever changed any.

She knew it wasn't the best idea, but she somehow managed to find his phone number. Kirsten sat on the couch with her phone, while Cameron mingled with family, who was holding the baby.

She turned her phone over in her hands contemplating whether calling him would be a good choice or not.

"Cam?" She said. "I'll be right back."

"Alright!" He said grinning.

She walked out onto the balcony, reached in her pocket for the piece of paper with the number on it and began dialing it.

After two rings a voice that sounded much like an older version of Cameron answered.


"Hi, I know this is a weird phone call and this may be a lot to take in. But I'm Kirsten Ray. I'm your son, Cameron's, girlfriend. And I'm also the mother of your grandchild."

For a second she thought she'd given him a heart attack. There was only complete silence filling the air.

"A grandchild?" He said shocked.

"Yes sir. A beautiful baby girl." She smiled.

"You're kidding me? I have a grandchild now?" He said trying to comprehend.

"Yes sir. She's beautiful. She looks just like Cameron."

Kirsten found it hard to believe this was the same man who allegedly beat her boyfriend at such a young age.

"Would there be any possible way I could maybe meet her?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course just come to our apartment around 7. Everyone should be cleared out by then."

She gave him the address, and said her goodbyes. Kirsten was worried she had made the wrong decision. She didn't know whether to tell Cameron or not, but she finally opted out on letting it be a surprise. She knew he'd be angry, and she would rather spare him the anger for later.

She just hoped she had made a good decision.

It was around 6:45, and everyone had left. The house, which was once filled with laughter and happiness, had fell to complete silence. Alex lay asleep in Cameron's arms, who was also asleep. Kirsten had stayed awake. She couldn't sleep. She laid her head on Cameron's shoulder watching re-runs of greys anatomy.

At around 7 a knock came on the door. Cameron jumped and pulled the baby closer to him. He was very protective.

Kirsten stood up to walk to the door. "Cameron.. Before I open this door, I'm gonna need you to stay very calm. #1. Because you have my baby in your arms. And #2. It would just make this 10x easier on all of us."

He looked at her confused.

"Just.. Promise me Cameron."

"Okay whatever I promise. Now what's going on?" He asked.

Kirsten walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it wide.

"Hello son."

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