Chapter 21

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Alexandria's condition had become worse. She was slowly degrading. It made Cameron miserable to watch her. She had once been such a happy, bright, little girl, and now it was a struggle just to get her to eat.

"Come on Alex, you have to eat something." He said.

Alex sat in her hospital bed, sleepily, refusing the food.

"Mr. And Mrs. Dallas?" The doctor called.

Cameron and Kirsten both stood, and walked outside of the room with the doctor. His grim look, told Cameron everything before he even spoke.

"I hate to say this. I really do. But, she's not going to make it much longer. Spend as much time with her as you can, make her smile as much as you can. Enjoy her as much as you can."

Cameron shut his eyes. He knew this was coming. Kirsten had accepted it, and for the time being she was okay with it. But this was Cameron's daughter. His best friend. He turned to face the window, and looked in watching Alex sleep.

"How long does she have?" He asked, tearing up.

"Mr.Dallas that's hard to say.. It could possibly be any day now, considering she's declining rapidly." The doctor shrugged.

Cameron whispered a "thank you" to the doctor and walked back into the room with Alex.

"Excuse him, he's not taking this well.." Kirsten said quietly.

"No it's fine, No parents ever do." The doctor gave a weak smile, then turned around to head off to another patient.

Kirsten watched through the window as Cameron went to Alex's side picking her up, cradling her, and laying back down in the bed with her.

Kirsten wanted to walk in with them, but she was afraid to ruin the moment Cameron was about to share with his daughter.

He whispered something into the child's ear, kissed her forehead, and rocked her back and forth. He pulled out a letter he had written in case of a moment like this, since writing letters had always been an important factor in their family. He began to read it to her.

"You know, when you were born", Cameron Started,"I was so scared. I kept thinking,'how in the world will I ever be able to take care of this tiny, small human?'."

Cameron's eyes began to well up and tears slowly rolled down his cheeks.

"But then when I held you for the first time, and I looked into your beautiful brown eyes, a sense of joy and happiness came over me. Something that I will never be able to feel again. And I knew. I knew at that moment, that no matter what happened, no matter how much trouble you got into, no matter what you did, or what we did, I would always love you no matter what."

Cameron's few tears had now turned into a full waterworks show.

He sniffed a few times before continuing.

"The fact of the matter was, I was scared, but then I realized, I had nothing to be afraid of. And now that I am here holding you once again, I just want you to know, you don't have to be afraid. Because whatever awaits you on the other side is magnificently beautiful. And I promise you that, no matter what I will always love you. So go. Be free. Don't you dare worry that daddy's going to be mad at you because I promise you, I won't be mad. Jacob's there. He will take care of you and I have no doubt in my mind about that."

Alex's heartbeat began to slow down, and Cameron knew what would become of her next. He squeezed her tight, and rocked her close to his chest.

"You don't have to be afraid Alex. You don't have to hurt anymore. No more surgeries, no more treatments, no more pain, no more suffering, I promise you. Not anymore. It's okay to go. It's okay. I love you. I love you so very much. I will always, always love you."

He kissed her one last time, and as her heartbeat slowed to a faint thump, Cameron felt her take her last breath.

He squeezed her tight thinking maybe if he squeezed hard enough she would become full of life again, she would breathe happily and healthy.

But she didn't.

The nurses came in and began to remove wires, and oxygen from her skin and face.

Cameron, crying profusely not once let her go.

"I love you. I love you." He cried.

Kirsten was now standing beside him at this point, crying too. She sat down on the bed beside him, and hugged both of them.

"Mr. Dallas", the nurse touched his arm,"well take her now."

"No." He shouted. "You can't take her please don't take her."

"Cameron.." Kirsten pleased quietly.

She pulled Cameron's arms away, as the nurse picked up the lifeless child, laid her on a gurney, and wheeled her away.

Cameron, who had begun to lose it, had been swallowed by Kirsten's arms holding him back. He finally gave in and the two of them, who had once had so much. Who had once had a life, and a child, a happy child, who entered the hospital with that child, would now leave unhappy, sad, and without their little girl.

There had never once been a time in Cameron's life where he had felt so empty. His heart, which has once been whole, and happy, was now empty feeling, and he was missing something.

Missing the happiness from his little girl. His best friend.
He blamed himself. Although he knew none of this was his fault he blamed himself. He felt he had let Alex down, he had let her get sick, after he promised he would protect her.

But how can you protect the person you love the most from something you can't even see with your own two eyes?

• Letters • { Cameron Dallas } *CURRENTLY UNDER EXTREME EDITING!*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя