How I got Pregnant.... And RE...

By halohebby

661K 18.3K 1.8K

Adalaid Wolfe has had her whole life planned out for her since the day she first became able to transform. An... More

Chapter 1: The Night I Don't Wanna Remember..
Chapter 3: The Moment of Truth...
Chapter 4: Realizing What I Can And Can't Do
Chapter 5: The Truth Hurts... Alot!!
Chapter 6: All Kinds Of Daddy Drama
Chapter 7: You Don't Know Me..
Chapter 8: "Family" Dinner...?
Chapter 9: Second Chances..
Chapter 10: The Bond Made Me Do It!!
Chapter 11: Promises...
Chapter 12: Thinking Things Over...
Chapter 13: The Right Decision... I Think...
Chapter 14: He Isn't Me
Chapter 15: Help Me..
Chapter 16: The Grand Finale.
The Werewolve's Perfect Mistake
Please Read

Chapter 2: The Morning After.

40.1K 1.2K 117
By halohebby

I jerked up quickly gripping the sheets, thoughts of last night filling my mind as I look around noticing I was alone in a very unfamiliar room. Suddenly my hands went to my throat rubbing it cautiously as a sickening feeling rose in my belly. His scent filled the air like pollution as I stared at the window, sunshine creeping in slowly causing my head to spin. I checked my back pockets and noticed I couldn't find my phone. I became frantic, I had to call and let my parent's so they could know I was okay. My dad would go full wolf massacre if he was to ever find out what happened last night.

"Find our mate Adalaid!!" My inner wolf whimpered loudly. I was saddened at the thought he'd left so quickly. But that feeling was soon replaced as anger swept through my mind at the fact he didn't even bother to stick around long enough to say good morning.

"There's no time for that, did you already forget what happened last night? He raped us! I'm not about to go chasing after him." I growled at her, sometimes I hated talking with my inner wolf, it made me feel crazy even if no one could hear me. I dropped to my hands and knees and pulled my phone from under the bed just as the bedroom door opened frightening me to my feet ready to attack the intruder.

"No Mr. Wolfe Ada's fine, she was just so tired I didn't think it was safe for her to drive home so she slept over at my house. I hope that's alright?" Cassidy smiled flowing into the room closing the door behind her. "Of course she'll make it in time for breakfast, she's on her way home now. Bye-Bye!"

"My dad called you? Wait... your still here?" I questioned slipping my phone in my back pocket, how'd I get back dressed if I went to sleep completely na-... never mind.

"Yeah, he said he'd been trying to reach you all night but you never answered. He was so worried I thought he'd call the werewolf protection organization or something! What happened did you fall asleep back here or...?" Cassidy asked laughing, I grabbed her hand and we headed outside stepping over trash just about every two feet. Who ever lived here was gonna have ALOT of cleaning to do after this!

"I found my mate Cass, but before you get all excited over it... He's not what I expected. He's a terrible guy, and he took advantage of me last night." I explained holding back my sobs as I clicked the keys unlocking my father's car.

"Took advantage... you had sex!?" Cassidy whisper yelled, her eyes full of shock and excitement.

"No... Yes... Cassidy it's not what you think he-he... he raped me." I finished my sobs escaping my throat as tears ran restlessly down my face.

"What the?... Ada, are you okay?" Cassidy asked but I pushed her away as I climbed into the car.

"I just need some time to think okay? I'll, um, i'll call you soon. Promise." I nodded pulling away quickly allowing the tears to flow down my face. All I wanted right now was to go back and tell my dad I didn't need to go to a party. I wanted to go back to when I was 7 and had a Bratz lunchbox when I would crawl into bed with my mom and dad after a long day of playing outside. I wanted to go back to when I would catch fireflies with Cassidy and make my mom get the cereal box off the top of the fridge because it was out of my reach. To the days when daddy would check my room for monsters at night.

I just wish I had known before I went into that damn room with him that he was the monster daddy never found..

"A future Alpha shouldn't be crying like this." My inner wolf reminded me.

"You're right, you're right. Daddy can't see me like this." I sighed at her as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the corner of my shirt and wiped my face before climbing out of the car and putting on my best winning smile.

"I'm home!" I called through the door as I closed it behind me, it was 6:45 am and in my family we didn't have breakfast until 7:30. Just enough to shower and get ready.

"Hey sweetheart, did you have fun?" My dad asked coming out of his study. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist burying my face in his sweater enjoying his scent.

"How much do you love me daddy?" I asked my voice muffled only barely audible from my face being smothered in his chest.

"I'll love you no matter what Addy, you're my pup aren't you? Are you okay?" He asked pulling me back. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him giving him another hug before I began upstairs. I ran to my room closing the door behind me and heading straight into the bathroom only allowing myself only to cry a little in the shower when I noticed the deep purple rings around my wrist. I wrapped towel around my body tightly as I headed into my room slipping on a red sundress my mom had brought for me and pining my hair up with a red bow. I pulled on a few string bracelets Cass had made me to hide my bruises, for some reason I didn't wanna see Eric get in trouble.

"Addy, are you okay?" My mom grinned coming into my room as I stared down at my empty hands.

"I'm fine, thanks for checking." I smiled distracted.

"Having a conversation with your wolf, I can wait outside..." She offered but I shook my head and patted the space on my bed next to me. There was something about my mothers presence that always comforted me, don't get me wrong I'm a obvious daddy's girl but my mom still meant just as much as my father did to me.

"Me and my wolf are fine mom." I smiled chuckling and looking at her as she smiled at me, she knew how weird I felt talking with my wolf.

"Is there something wrong honey, you have a weird aura on you today. Did something happen at the party?" She smiled pulling my hair down and fixing it correctly before placing the bow on as she waited for me to answer.

"The party was fine.." I lied looking at the butterfly pattern of my comforter.

"Well that's good, your father was so nervous you might find your mate and run off on us." She chuckled tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I had to remind him your not the type of girl I was back then!"

"Speaking of mates..." I drifted standing up and going to my window looking out into the forest.

"Did you? Did you find your mate? Oh honey what was he like, was he everything you wanted?" My mom asked rushing over to me and pushing me back down onto the bed to sit next to her.

"I rather not speak of it right now, I'm... I'm still reflecting. Who's coming for breakfast this morning? Jason and Uncle Blake right?" I smiled, we had Jason and his dad over almost everyday for breakfast.

"Yes, and a guest your father invited. He decided he wanted to make a mends with a local Pack." My mom grinned, this would mean our packs could call on one another when help was needed. My mother lead me downstairs but as she continued I stopped right outside the dining room.

I could smell... Eric?

"Our mate, he came back for us?" My wolf questioned. I walked into the dining room and immediately my eyes met on his and he began to choke on his water.

"Eric sweetie are you okay?" His mom asked and he nodded his head as he cleared his throat.

"Hi Jason, hi uncle Blake." I smiled hugging the two as I passed them on my way to sit next to my father which just so happened to be next to Eric, but before I could sit my father stood and placed a heavy hand on my shoulder and I smiled up at him.

"This is my beautiful daughter Adalaid, Addy please meet Lawrence and Dessa Moon. Also their charming son Eric." My father smiled introducing them.

"Pleasant to meet you all, I'm delighted you could join us for breakfast." I smiled as my mother passed out everyone's meal before we all sat. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes. I was sitting so close to Eric that it made my arm burn and my inner wolf growl.

"We need to talk.." Eric whispered so lowly no one could here us. The adults were far too deep into a discussion about territory agreements.

"I'm not interested." I mumbled quietly taking a bite out of my food and smiling at my mother who gave me a worried gaze.

"Adalaid are you alright sweetie, you're bright red." She pointed out and my mind raced for a excuse.

"The sun's just beaming on me through the window, I'm fine though thank you." I smiled. As breakfast ended my Uncle apologized that him and Jason couldn't stay and we all headed towards the living room without them.

"Addy sweetheart, why don't you take Eric out to the patio? This wont take too long." My mom smiled.

"But mom-" I began more than ready to complain.

"Addy." She warned sharply and I reluctantly lead the way to the patio with Eric behind me. Once he closed the patio door I flopped down on the deck chair and glared at him.

"Well that's quite a look to give your mate." He smiled leaning on the banister and looking out into the forest that surrounded my backyard.

"Maybe not, but it's the perfect look to give someone who raped you and didn't even have the audacity to be there when you woke up." I frowned staring at my hands.

"Oh, so your not mad about the 'rape' just that I didn't stick around afterwards and get to know you?" He frowned looking at me, his deep blue eyes sinking into mine the same way they had the night before.

"You shouldn't have done what you did and you know it!" I stood up growling.

"Well guess what 'Addy' not everyone in this world is fucking perfect." He sighed turning his gaze away from me as if I disgusted him.

"But you're my mate Eric, you're the one person in this world if anyone who should be, at least.... at least to me." I choked tears beginning to boil behind my eyelids. The silence rang over as 1 minute turned to 15 and 15 turned to 30.

"ERIC LET'S GO!" His father's voice called from inside.

"Look Adalaid, I need a strong woman, one that has enough strength to control the Dark-moon pack. It's a challenging gig and from the moment I realized you were my mate, I knew you weren't woman enough to handle me or my pack." He sighed.

"Eric please don't do this, please. You're my mate your supposed to love me, but instead your not even gonna give me a chance?... I'm willing to look pass what you did, just please don't reject me Eric." I begged. I had never begged for anything in my life as hard as I was begging for Eric to stay my mate, even after what he did I still wanted him. Because he was my other half, he was made for me, and I knew without Eric.... I would never get the chance to be a whole.

"This isn't about love Adalaid, it's about what's best for me and my pack. I guess in a way I'm sorry I hurt you or whatever but... Adalaid... I reject you as my mate." Eric sighed looking me dead in the eyes, his blue ones that had seemed so on fire last night suddenly seemed as cold as a icy tundra.

"Tell me you didn't mean that.." I pleaded softly but instead Eric took a step away from me and placed his hand on the patio door.

"Your just not what I want." He sighed softly before heading into the house. I sat out on the patio for what seemed like hours. Not crying, but on the inside it felt as if I was being ripped apart slowly piece by piece.

"He rejected us." I sighed to my inner wolf.

"I'm sorry Adalaid, this wasn't supposed to happen." She cried to me.

"Did his wolf reject us to?" I cried looking out into the forest.

"I... I wish I could say no..." She cried out. Suddenly my body broke it's trance and jerked up from the chair. And before I could realize where I was going I was slamming my bedroom door, pressing down on the lock and burying myself under my sheets. The tears came like waterfalls and nothing seemed to even matter anymore, and although I could hear my mother knocking and asking if I was alright I couldn't even manage to lie to her and say I was.

I never wanted to leave my bed again, I had never felt a pain like this one before. My heart felt as if someone was jamming a knife into it repeatedly as they slowly pried it apart.

And for the first time in my life, I felt bad for being who I was.... I hated myself. If my own mate can't even love me, then who could?

(A/N: The picture on the side is of course Eric!! I really hope you guys are enjoying this. And that you are COMMENTING and VOTING!! I'm really proud of the amount of reads I already have which means it's interesting enough to keep your attention even though I'm a sucky writer.. Please continue to read and add it to your libraries, I promise the drama is about to get turned up to the max!!)


Heaven (halohebby) XOXO <3

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