We're The Punk wannabes

By diamond_tears_

10.4K 300 91

None of the friends have talked to each other(except Zoey,Mike,Gwen , and Cameron) since the All Star final w... More

The New Guy& A Small Reunion
Caught in lies
Fame &Detetion
Trouble With My Favorite Blonde
Ignore it!
Dance with exs (longest chapter )
School begins
First Highschool Party
Broken Pringle//Nickname
Am I seeing two you or have I officially lost it?
Friends with shared stalkers
Update eventually
Finally Friends?

D's Birthday/Our Reunion

1.8K 42 12
By diamond_tears_


"Your such a lier !" I tell the guy with the grass hair and crystal eyes,as I put my brother's present under the Snowflake coloured tree .
"I'm not lying , today's my birthday!" I roll my eyes at him.

"So I'm just supposed to believe your birthday is the day before Christmas,"

" My folks are having a party, I can show you as proof, but Courtney will be there, "

"Twenty bucks say's your lying,count it as a birthday present,"

"Okay,let's go ,"


"Cough it up," He tells me as he unlocks the door to show a mob of people in his living room.

"How'd you know they were going to be here,"
"Did this last year, now hand over the money," I pull a twenty out of my boot and hand it to him.

"Dunky what's she doing here?" I roll my eyes at Courtney words as though I could hear them.(if only it was that simple)

"I was just leaving, I'm actually busy not wanting to be in the same place as you so if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving," I told Courtney giving her a smile before walking out the door. I bump into a guy wearing a red hoodie covering his face. His eyes were a bright blue, his face a light tan and had a black lip piercing His hair was a vibrant red.

"Sorry" I tell him before turning toward my car.

"No problem babe," He says with a smirk.
"Keep flirting with me Devin and I'll start to think you like me,"

"Back at ya lil mama," I roll my eyes at him as he slides his fingers through his hair.
"When do I ever flirt with you?" I ask crossing my arms.

"All the time sugar plum,"
"Whatever , can you drive me to my house?"
"Why don't you ask your boyfriend?"
"Trent and I broke -"

"Not drummer boy, Duncan,"He said interrupting my sentence with a smirk.

"First Trent plays guitar, second Duncan is not my boyfriend, and third I'm kind of aggravated with the annoying being that is his girlfriend," "I bet he comes out for you like in all the romantic movies"

"Watched your share of romantic movies?" Devin crosses arms still smirking .
"5...4....3.....2...1," Duncan pops from the door I'm guessing proving a point.

"He's not my boyfriend," I whisper/ yell.
"Prove it," I pull Devin's face in close to mine and see him leaning in making me smile. His eyes were closed and his lips were quivering.

"Prove you don't like me now," I whisper in his ear pulling away.

"Duncan you driving me home? "
"Comin sweetheart .Give me a minute,"Duncan yells .
"What just happened?"Devin ask.
" That , big bro, was you becoming Gwen's bitch," Duncan tries to whisper but isn't very good at it. Duncan jogs to the car driving me home.


I put on my robe before walking down stairs to see my brother shaking a box.
"Your going to kill the dog if you keep shaking the box like that," He quickly turns around realizing he was caught.

"I got a dog?!" He ask with excitement.
"No, where did you find that anyway?"i respond with a half curious tone."Outside the door," He answers sliding it to me. It had a big sticker on it with my full name in bold.

"It has my name on it," I say placing it on the kitchen table. The top says from total drama studios in Canada. I grab a knife to cut through the tape.

"Is that?"

"Haha ,you have wear a dress ,"My brother says mocking me. I roll my eyes at him. I pick up a white card with a blue outline.

" Dear former contestant in order to take part in today's activities you must wear all of we provided for you in the box, if not you will not be allowed to enter and will be breaking a contract. Arrive at 2:00pm sharp.:)"

Before I can check the time a loud knock appears."Can you get that little bro?" I ask him as I pour coffee in a cup.

"It's the nosey blonde girl,"He yells
" Bridgette? " I ask walking up to the door.
"Gwen! Are you happy to see me or what?"She smiles barging in.

"Yay? Why are you here exactly?"I ask trying to sound happy but quickly returning to my Sarcastic tone. " I'm helping you get ready, you only have a hour till the reunion, "
"That's very fairy godmother of you but I'm all good,"

"I'm not asking for permission, now go take a shower , I'll get some make up and fix that hair and maybe iron that dress."


I grab my purse ,given by tds ,and grab my keys."Your not driving that motorcycle with that dress, " I give a loud sigh to her and chug my coffee .

"Let's go!" I yell taking her keys.

I never get to have any fun.


"Welcome Total Drama lovers ,I'm your host Blaney , and I'm here to introduce most of the cast from the past seasons , oh here comes goth girl from the original cast," I walk toward the entrance with Bridgette behind me before being stopped by some blonde wearing a red dress that left little to the imagination.

"It looks like blondie's wearing a long white Velvet dress with a v cut and a golden belt .While gothie is wearing a Ruby red laced gown and a leather jacket ." Incase they couldn't tell the obvious. I swear these people have the easiest job.

Bridgette stops to answer a few questions as I continue to walk, on the way I was stopped a few questions regarding Duncan,Trent,or Cameron and even one person asked about Cody. What is with people and my love life? I continue walk feeling lost until Trent stops me.
"Look it's Heather and her new boyfriend !"

Trent yells as a distraction then grabs my arm and we run into a room."It's a shortcut into the place they're holding the reunion and I saw you getting investigated by paparazzi, so I thought I would rescue you, " I hug him .

"Thanks Trent,it's good to see you again. So , where's the place the this reunion is being held?"

"Same place they had the aftermath,it looks the same except with three bleachers"He responds leading me to the bleachers. I sit in the empty front row." Ms. Evans please come with me"A woman tells me holding a clipboard."save my seat" I tell Trent before following the woman to a make-up trailer. "It seems that that you have received the wrong dress and we have your midnight blue backless mermaid gown with a lace top here, I will leave you to change"

I slide the dress on, throw on combat boots, and put on my leather jacket.

"The reunion will be starting any minute Ms.Evans," I grab my purse and run back to the stage. I hear a whistle and see Duncan. I roll my eyes."Looking good sweetheart, "
"How many times has that worked on a girl? "
"Every time,wanna continue my winner's streak?"

"You're such a pig,"
"Everyone shut it and sit down before the show starts!"Chris yells ,as everyone sits Duncan winks at me.

" Hey Gwen,"Sierra tells me with a smile. I return with a small grin and a wave.

"I'm your host Chris McLain and this is Total Drama-"
"Reunion!" Don yells cutting off, appearing next to Chris.

"Get off my stage junior!" Chris yells snapping for the security guards.

"Anyway ,let's start off by introducing everyone. Heather, Trent, Lindsey, Tyler,Courtney, Scott,Izzy,Owen, Leshawna, Harold, Sierra,Gwen,Cody,Zoey,Mike, Bridgette, DJ,Samey,Duncan, Amy, Justin,Sadie,Geoff,Katie,Sam, Dakota,and Noah. There would be more people except a lot of people are on vacation" The audience applauses as if anyone was actually listening .

And by vacation he meant recovering from almost being burned alive by the sun.

"Okay,let's get started with the funniest moments from over the seasons,"

"Hey Gwen,you look great," Cody whispers to me.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad either Cody. How's life with Sierra?" Cody gave a long sigh.
"After she came back from all-star she finally realized I don't like her and we became normal friends,"

"Let's take a few questions from the audience," Chris says into his microphone. A wave of people yell and raise their hands. "Black and blue with harry potter glasses and braces,please come on the stage,"

A girl with my old hair style and my exact same outfit that I had worn on the island.

"Isn't she that the chick who made her very own doll of Trent?!" Geoff yells.

"And why is she wearing Gwen's old clothes?"Trent ask.

"For you Trenty after I rewatched season 1&2 I realized your true love was Gwen,"The girl says grabbing Trent's hands.

"Does someone need to adjust her screws?" Duncan ask leaning back on the bleachers earning a growl from the girl .

"I've studied her posture, her behavior, her reactions-"The girl says grasping his hands tighter.

" That's cool and all but that's not a question ," Chris yells seeming bored. She gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring.

"Trent will you marry me?"

Well...that is one question.

"What!?" Trent yells almost immediately.

"That's one dedicated fan," I say before she gives me a death stare.

"Look , I bet your an amazing girl but I don't think we would really work. We don't even know each other, we might not even get along.," Trent says letting go of her hand.

"Alright get off my stage!" Chris yells as the girl looks down quietly getting off the stage.

"You're good," Duncan tells Trent with a smirk.

"I know how it feels to get heartbroken on TV by someone I really cared about"Trent says looking down.

"Look alive Gwen he's talking about you,"Leshawna hits the back of Heather's head." What?!It's not like it's not true !"I look down rubbing my neck .I could tell Cody was staring at me with big sad eyes.

"So what?! It's not like you can say your love life is so great!" Cody yells getting up. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Speaking of failed relationships we decided to show a top ten list of the best couples throughout the season from Sierra's blog with clips.

Coming at number ten is Gwen and Cameron, at number nine is Bridgette and Geoff, at number eight Leshawna and Harlod -"

"How did Harlod and Leshawna rank higher than us!?" Bridgette yells .

"And Cameron and I aren't/ ever were together!"

"Put a sock in it , coming in seventh is Heather and Alejandro , sixth Gwen and Trent-" I look the other way looking at Trent with an awkward smile."Next coming in at fifth Tyler and Lindsay, fourth Duncan and Courtney , third Izzy and Owen,two Zoey and Mike, and coming in at first is Gwen and Duncan,"

How?!We aren't even still together, at least Leshawna and Harold are still going strong.

Duncan looks surprised but then gives me a wink.

"Shove it,"

"Are you still angry sweetheart?" Duncan ask with a puppy dog face .

"Has that ever worked ? On anyone?"

"Yeah, on Courtney," Katie says smiling before Sadie covers her mouth. "Sorry about her,"Sadie says smiling.

" I can't wait for this to be over," I sigh leaning back.

"Ugh, I don't even care about him," Courtney crosses her arm looking the other way.

"That wasn't a question," Trent says as everyone looks at Courtney.

"I'm just stating facts."

"Oh,well I was just stating facts,"

Oh she is so predictable.

"Hey , Courtney just a question do you happen to still have that heart tattoo?"Sierra ask looking down afraid to see Courtney's evil eyes.

" N- N- no , absolutely not," she stutters gripping her sleeve .

"Then roll up your sleeve,"Scott says
pointing at her not letting go of her sleeve ."Unless you got something to hide," The whole crowd begins to yell for her to show her arm.

"Whoa, calm down if Courtney doesn't want to show us the tattoo she does or doesn't have,"Zoey kindly says pointing at her. Scott rolls his eyes and pulls up her sleeve .

" Huh?"The audience was in complete silence as they saw there was nothing there.

"Wait, are you wearing fake skin to cover your tattoo?" I ask as Scott peels off the bump from Courtney's arm.

I'm pretty sure makeup would have been less noticeable.

"Fine, I still have it, but only because I was too scared to get rid of it. What about Duncan ,no one asked him if he still has his!?"Courtney responds pointing at her former fling.

" Nope,I got rid of that thing in London, " A loud gasp is heard from Courtney.Ugh how dramatic can she beeeeeeeee.

"We were still together back then,"
"What's your point?"Duncan ask looking at me.

Okay well that's not worrying at all.

" As much as I'm enjoying whatever this is , this is still my show ,so put a sock in it ! Okay so who remembers in Season 3 when the contestants played to see who their partner would be for the day, " A loud yell is heard from the crowd."Well three lucky fans will spin to see who they get to have one evening with them for a date,"

"I never agreed to this!" Samey yells and we all begin to agree before being shushed by Chris.

" Okay first Samantha. F, Andrew.D , and Kevin .J, please come up and spin the girl slot machine and Samantha next to that one is the guy slot machine." The girl pulls the lever ,looking like that this was happiest she has ever been.

"Justin it looks like you and Samantha,"

"Cool, she's hot," He says winking at her. Samantha smile before she falls to the grown fainting .


"Andrew you've got a date with Courtney,"Baha have fun with that Andrew.

"That'll be your first date in a long time," Duncan replies making Scott laugh . Courtney growls at  both of them stopping them from snickering.

" Kevin your girlfriend for a day is Samey,"
"What!I am so much prettier and fun," Amy yells.

"That desperate for a boyfriend ?" Heather smirking was actually silencing her.

"Back to Duncan , why did you get rid of the tattoo before we even broke up?!"Courtney yells.

Oh great this again!

" Because I didn't have feelings for you anymore!" Duncan yells making everyone silent.

Oh... Well that's not my fault, she can't blame me for that right?

"You were a boyfriend stealer before you and Duncan kissed," Courtney's honestly going to blame this on me ,like she's such a saint I've had a enough.

"Really , Courtney for someone who doesn't even like him you sure do care a lot about what happened 3seasons ago! Is that all you have on me ? Let's talk about all the bad things you've done as of recently, you used poor Sam as a human shield , you stabbed me in the back, you tried vote off Zoey because you thought she was too nice. Not to mention you even tried to get your boyfriend eliminated and drew a rat tail on him.

And I'm not the one who made Duncan get rid of his heart tattoo,believe it or not some people can make decisions without you telling them what to do ! I'm sick of you acting high and mighty when you are worse than Heather! " A very dramatic gasp escapes her lips while Heather puts her hand over her heart. " That's the nicest thing you've ever said about me ." Heather states.

"I don't care what you think of me and I really don't want to sit around and listen to how far you can fit your head up your own ass."I grab my purse and walk off the stage .As surprisingly the sound clapping follows.

" Wait, we can leave? "Duncan asks before jumping off the bleachers following me.

" Sign the guestbook before you leave! Anyone who wants to stay will get an invite to the after party"Chris yells following with a evil laugh.

Good thing I'm not into parties.

"Wait up, so Gwen what are your plans," He asks once we get to the front entrance.

"Don't have any, " I say half way paying attention opening the book.

"Hold on, it says something," Duncan states the book before the pen can touch it. He puts it up to his face looking like an absolute idiot.

" It's a contract for another season of Total Drama, "

Wait what?

"How'd you see that you'd need a microscope,"
"You've got to pay close attention if you want to escape juvie without a trace,"Well , there's a reason.

"I doubt they are going to let back in there, I'll text Bridgette. Let's go before the paparazzi come in," I say looking around getting out my phone.

"So what'd you get me?"

Do I look like Santa?

"Why would I get you anything ?" I raise my eyebrow with my arms crossed before we escape.

"Because you still care," Duncan is somehow more annoying since the break up, and less considerate.

And you know the thing that confuses me the most, as soon as we broke up he stopped caring about Courtney. Like he snapped out some type of trance.  

He is right though I still care enough to give him a gift ,only because I'm pretty sure that lawyer was paid all of Duncan's birthday money.He won't know it's from me anyway I didn't sign it or anything, I just gave it a close friend and had him put it in Duncan's room

" I've got to get going sweetheart , want a ride ?"He asks bringing me back to earth as we're by his bike.

"I'd rather sign the contract,"
" Still mad?"

No wayyy.

"What do you think ," I tell him before I walk in the opposite direction . Great now I need a ride because I'm stubborn.Thanks a lot Bridgette!

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