11:11 [Naruto!Various! x Read...

By kkouchii_

297K 10.3K 5.8K

[Y/N] [L/N] is a Cheerful, Kind and a BIG Otaku who loves the anime called Naruto. She live with her Wicked S... More

Chapter 1 || Rumors
Chapter 2 || W-Where?!
Chapter 4 || Trip to the sand village
Chapter 5 || Goodbyes
Chapter 6 || Boys...
Chapter 7 || Hokage's Gift
Chapter 8 || Travelling with Lady Tsunade || Year one
Chapter 9 || Travelling with Lady Tsunade || Year Two
Chapter 10 || Travelling with Lady Tsunade || Year three
Chapter 11 || Pervysage
Chapter 12 || Travelling with Pervysage || Year one
Chapter 13 || Travelling with Pervysage || Year two
Chapter 14 || Travelling with Pervysage || Year three
Chapter 15 || Leaf Village || 1
Chapter 16 || Leaf Village || 2
Chapter 17 || Graduation and Teams!
Chapter 18 || Survival Test
Chapter 19 || Date..?
Chapter 20 || The Land of the waves!
Author's NOTE!
Author's NOTE!
Chapter 21 || Sadistic Kunoichi
Special Chapter ||1|| Happy 2k Votes! ❤
Special Chapter ||2|| Happy 2k Votes! ❤
Author's NOTE
Hello! (ಥ _ ಥ)
Hear that? (Edited)

Chapter 3 || Truth

16.5K 541 489
By kkouchii_

  Y/N POV:

"Y/N ..... I'm afraid that ... they are...." The hokage trailed. I looked at the woman beside the man crying.

"It's her.... She's back... She's alive.... Shikaku.."' The hokage said. Shikaku?! IT'S SHIKAMARU'S FATHER!!! OMG!! But i'm confused.... What's really happening? The woman hugged me tight. I ... can't breath....

"I.... Can't .... breath...." I said and let go of me. 

"I'm sorry Y/N I'm so happy... so happy that your alive...." The woman said. Shikaku joined in and hugged is tight.

"Uh..... I don't know... who you guys are.." I lied. I need to gather info so BARE WITH ME!!! T^T The woman tensed.

"I'm going to explain everything to you Y/N" The hokage said and i nodded. I smiled at them and returned the smile.

"You are Shikaku and Yoshino Nara's Lost daughter. You were born in March 18. You have a elder brother. 1 year older. His name is Shikamaru Nara. during the nine tails attack, your family's house where destroyed. You are in there. When you father went inside , you're no longer there. Weeks past there's no sign of you so people said that you are already dead." WHAT!??? SO...SO THAT MEANS........ I'M HIS SISTER!?!??! OMG! he continued talking and talking. After the little long talk my mom talked to me. 

"Y/N...." She said and ruffled my hair. I stared at her eyes and attack her with a hug. I cried because this is the first time that i ever loved a mother. She hugged me back and Dad joined in too.

"I'm glad to hear the news... the news that your alive...." He said and sobbed in my dress. 

"Dad... Mom.." I said. Dad picked me up and placed me in his shoulder.

"Let's go to your brother Y/N!" He said and i cheered.

We went to the park and saw 4 Kids playing there. I saw someone laying on the slide. My dad putted me down and called shika.

"Shikamaru!" He called. The boy got up and went to us. Shika is 6 while i'm 5.

"What dad? Are we going home? It's still noon..." He said, hands in the pocket.

"We have great news. You sister is ALIVE!" His eyes widened.

"HUH!? WHERE IS SHE!?" He said and grinned.

"Right beside you.." My mom said. He look at me with wide eyes. I smiled at him and he tackled me on the ground.

"Yes! Little sister is here!" He said. I hugged back. No wonder why shika is acting like a child but he is a child tho. 

"NOW! Let's go home and celebrate !" They said and dad picked me and shika up. 

"But dad! Can we play ? I'll introduce her to my friends." Shika said. he putted us down and we ran to the play ground.

"CAREFUL!!" My mom warned and i laughed. I'm a 5 year old kid with a 14 year old mind xD.

"Hey guys! I'll introduce to you my sister!" He said. SO CUTE <3 

"You have a sister?!" The boy with a fangs like pattern in his face asked.

"Yes and she is alive! Hey Y/N! This is Kiba." He said and i smiled.

"Hi! What's your name?" Kiba asked.

"My name is Y/N Nara!" I said and grinned.

"My name is Choji! Nice to meet you Y/N!" He said and i nodded. 

"And hey Y/N! This is akamaru!" He said and a little puppy pops out of his shirt. I patted his head and went around the play ground.

"Hey What's your name?" I asked the blondie in front of me. He was shocked at first and grinned.

"My name is Naruto Uzamaki! I'm going to hokage one day Believe it!" He said and i giggled. 

"Hey guys! Let's play!" I yelled.

"What are we going to play Y/N-chan?" Naruto asked. 

"How about... TAG! Your it naru-chan!" I said and strated running away.

"Okay dattebayo!" He said and starts chasing us.

Few hours later , It's already sun down. I heard dad called us. I shook shika awake and said.

"The first one to go to dad will going to dare one of the family member!" I said and ran to dad. Shika chased me and said.

"It's unfair! You Started first!" He said and i giggled.

"Okay! Let's go home now!" He said and we went home. For me? I don't want to go back to my previous world. I love it here! I have a compete family. But i know when the war comes.... One of us will die..... I'm going to enjoy this moment.......

but things can change............right?

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