Red_rose23 tarafından

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What happens when the person who you thought you knew was the opposite of who you thought. What happens when... Daha Fazla

The Visit
The Last and Final Practice
Author's Note
Andi and Kim
May The Best Guardian Win
Hide And Hex
The Final Exam Part 1
The Final Exam Part 2
The Final Exam Part 3
Seeing You Again
Just Us Wits
You, me, and who?
Phandi? Or Landi?
A Disastrous DateZ? Part 1
A Disastrous DateZ? Part 2
It Was An Accident
Emma's Secret
Truth Of Fate
Best Friends Never?!
Hurtful Exercise
Being Broken
Broken Trusts & Promises
Already Broken
Fixing What's Broken
Truths And Lies
The Big Event
Missing Guardians
Cave Master
Secret Truth
My Last Dying Breath
Tough Love
The Secret Of Life
Marriage Proposal
All Over Again
Old Friends
When I Say, "I Do"
Loving You, Always
Author's Note
Finding The Chosen One
Where's Emma?
Emma's Past
Together Again...
The Big Rescue
Mother Or Foe?
It's Me Against You
Back To Back
Just So You Know
Love Is The End...

Rocky Relationship

608 24 3
Red_rose23 tarafından

Jax's POV:
She came to sit with me under the tree at the atrium.
I know that she saved me. But I just couldn't get it off my mind that she said no.
I love her and she love me, but why did she say no to me.
"Jax, we need to talk." She stated as I looked away and said, "there's nothing for us to talk about, Emma."
"Yes there is." She said, but I tried to ignore her as I was so furious at her, but she kept talking as I looked away from her.
"Jax, I know that you're mad," she said. "And you have every right to be. But Jax, I'm trying so hard to show you how much I love you."
"Emma," I finally said when I was looking down on the ground. "I'm not mad."
"Then why'd you-"
I then looked at her when I said, "I just don't understand."
"Don't understand what?" She asked, facing me.
"I know that you loved me then," I said with that look on my face followed by Emma saying with a smile on her face, "I still do."
"Then why did you say no?" I said with that upset and heartbroken face of mine as I sigh and looked down that made Emma speechless, then I stood up and left the atrium, leaving her there under the tree alone.
I kept walking as I looked down, where I ran into Jessie at the hallway, where I found a noise that came from a plant that she hid herself in.
"Jessie, what are you doing?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"Uh, nothing." She lied.
So I gave her that look so she can finally tell me the truth.
"okay, fine." She said annoyed as se told me the truth afterwards. "I was watching you and Emma."
"I want to know what's going on in your relationship with the chosen one."
"She's my girlfriend before she ever became the chosen one." I stated as I pointed my thumb at myself.
"She's?" I heard a noise. "Or she was?"
"What's that?" I asked when I heard another noise that came from the plant that Jessie was hiding from a while ago.
"Nothing." She lied once again.
So I walked over to that plant and saw Jessie's friends behind it.
I rolled my eyes and looked at Jessie as she gave me that innocent angel look of hers that just made me roll my eyes on her once more and stood up straight, so I can just walk away.
"Jax, wait!" She called out, but I ignored her and kept walking to my room.
I then took off my jacket and threw it at the floor as I sat down on my bed and started to think about what just happened.
I wiped over my face in a stress kind of way using both of my hands as I lay down on my bed afterwards and just fell asleep afterwards.

Emma's POV:
Another day.
I got up and dressed for today's activity. The students are packing their stuff now, because the school is over. After a few days, they're moving out (including Andi) and new students will be coming in for a new school year.
I walked in the cafeteria for breakfast, but I came across Jax, who already had his breakfast in his tray.
I want to tell him the reason why I said no, but he wouldn't give me a chance to explain.
He really hates me.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.
So I just sigh and grab my tray to get my breakfast along the line.

Afterwards, I saw Andi and Philip sitting together at breakfast while Luke was sitting with the young wits at their table.
"Hey, guys," I said with a smile as I walked over to them and sat down when I continued, "is this seat taken?"
"What???" She said with that fake reaction of here. "This is always save for you, my best friend."
Okay, I think I know what's going on here.
Philip took a sip of his drink with his one arm around Andi while Luke was just gawking at him.
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Philip," I said. "Could you please get a drink for me? I forgot mine."
I gave away a fake smile.
"Of course," he said and left.
"Okay," I stated when I looked and face towards Andi. "What's going on here?"
"You've got to help me!" She said desperately.
"Andi," I said to calm her down. "What's really going on?"
"It's Philip and Luke." She stated with both of her hands gripping on my shoulders tightly.
"Andi," I paused. "I've made my decision between Daniel and Jax once. I bet you can too."
"Easy for you to say." She said panicking. "I don't want to be in a love triangle. I don't want to choose. I-I just can't."
"Andi, can you please calm down?" I said as she let go of me. "You have to face your problems. They're not going to go away. Lou just have to decided between the guys who you think will never leave you. Who will always be by your side no matter what happens. That's how I decide between Jax and Daniel."
She suddenly stopped panicking as she gave that look to me that made her realized something.
"I have to go" she said as she stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.
"Where's Andi?" Philip asked when he showed up a few minutes after Andi left.
"Uh, she went to the bathroom." I lied.
"Oh, okay." He then sat down on his seat as I sigh and looked at Jax by the bar, where is currently sitting.
So I stood up and walked towards her and said, "Jax, please, let me explain why I did it."
"Em, I told you," he paused. "There's nothing for us to talk about."
"I know that, Jax," I finally said. "But there's something you need to know on that day when I said no."
He looked at me as he was willingly going to try to listen to what I had to say about it.
But before I could explain to him what actually happened, someone interrupted, and by someone I meant Jessie Novoa, when she said, "hi, Emma. Hi, Jax."
She waved, but I sigh because of he interrupted as I got annoyed and told her, "Jessie, could you please leave me and Jax alone for a moment. I would like to tell him something in private."
"Well, since you asked nicely."  She said followed by me saying, "thanks-"
"No." She interrupted.
"What?!" I said in surprised and annoyed at the same time.
"Whatever you say to Jax, Emma," she said. "You can tell him in front of me."
"This is a bit personal, Jess." I said trying to be nice, but she wouldn't go away and leave us alone.
Jax sighs and looked down as he said, "Jessie, please, just go."
"But Jax-"
"I said leave us alone." He scolded her.
She was shocked as she just walked away.
So we took a walk around the academy together while having a conversation.
"So what were you gonna say?"
I sigh and looked down as I took his hand and pulled him back, so we would stop walking.
I can't believe that I'm actually going to do this.
Anyway, I took his hand and held it with mine, so I reach down my pocket with my other hand and slowly put this thing inside his hand and closed it.
Then he slowly opened his hand and was shocked to see what he saw while I was stilll looking down on the ground, when he said-
"T-The ring," he stuttered. "You still have it."
"I kept it ever since you went missing," I spoke back. "It kept me going."
"Then why did you say no?" He asked, confused. "That's the part that I don't get. If you love me, why did you say no and walk away?"
"B-Because-" I stutter as I got nervous, until I took a deep breath and continued. "Because I was scared."
"And don't you think I was scared too?" He said.
"We're too young to get married, Jax," I said. "And you know that."
"I do know that, Em," he told me. "But I thought that we're strong enough to encounter anything that life throws at us. I guess I was wrong."
He was about to walk away, but I soon grabbed his hand and pulled him back to me, so I can say, "no. You're right. We're stronger together, Jax."
He turn his hand away with that sad look on his face as I slowly took the ring back from his hand, then I slowly place the ring in his finger while saying, "that's why I'm asking you-" I paused with a smile that caused Jax to turn his hand to me. "Jax Novoa, will you marry me?"

No one's POV:
Jax was incredible shocked to what he heard. He didn't know what to do. So he just smiled and said happily, "yes."
He hugged her and she hugged him.
Then he took out the other ring from his back pocket and he stopped hugging her as he smiled when he slowly placed the other ring from Emma's finger.
She smiled happily.
They hugged once more tightly, with that joy on their faces and kindness in their hearts.

Meanwhile, Andi was training hard and exercising at the activity room. She was training hard and couldn't focus no matter how hard she try to forget about her problems. She couldn't stop thinking about the last thing Emma said to her. She couldn't forget. She was sweating from all of that training and she was getting tired even more than ever.
The last words kept on rewinding from Andi's mind.
Unexpectedly, Luke was passing by and he heard noise coming from that room, so he slowly walked towards it and slowly walked in as he knock and saw Andi, being so exhausted.
"Andi, what are you doing?"
"Oh," she said, finally noticing Luke in the room. "Hey, Preppy. How's it going?"
"You do know classes are over, right?" He said walking towarDs her as she wipes her sweating with a towelette. "You don't have to practice anymore training."
"That's okay, Preppy." She said facing him directly in the eyes as he saw how tired she is. "I have o keep training."
"But Andi-"
"Luke, I can handle it." She stated confidently. "I never give up."
Then she continued to her training as she almost pass out, but she didn't.
"Andi, can I ask you something?" Luke said while she was training.
"You just have." She joked followed by him saying. "Andi."
She chuckles. "Okay, what?"
"Do you still remember what happened in the final exam?" He asked.
But Andi hesitated to answer his question, so she wiped her sweat one more time as she asked, "uh, no, what about it?"
"Andi, i'm really sorry for what happened." He stated as he slowly hold her hands. "I didn't mean for you to drop the competition."
"Look, Preppy," she said, looking away. "I have a lot of practicing to do, you have to go."
"Okay, fine. I will." He said and was about to walk away with the door handle in his hand with the door being open, but he stopped and continued, "just so you know, Andi Cruz. I will never stop loving you." And then he walked out of the room, leaving her sighing.
As she continued on her practicing in the room, being all alone. As she collapse on the floor, being upset deeply about what just happened and being exhausted by her hard work training.

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