Falling For Mr.Parker!

By EmMcGuinessParker

82.4K 2.6K 310

First day back at school after the Summer, and the truth all comes out. Rachel Jones was in Year 13, hoping t... More

Falling For Mr.Parker!
One -
Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Six -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
Twenty-One -
Twenty-Two -
Twenty-Three -
Twenty-Four -
Twenty-Five -
Twenty-Six -
Twenty-Seven -
Twenty-Eight -

Seventeen -

2K 61 15
By EmMcGuinessParker

Rachel's POV -

I'm not really sure what just happened; everything is just happening so quickly and I'm not entirely sure what I did for all this to happen at the same time.

I'm 17. I've managed to disappoint both parents, tell my boyfriend I'm pregnant and become engaged to the only person I've ever had any feelings for.

And that's all occurred in one day; it's just mental when I think about it and I do wonder what I did to deserve all of this in the same day. But I love it all, especially the part where I managed to disappoint both parents.

"Nathan, what just happened?" I asked once we had stopped running and caught our breath back.

"I could be wrong, but, I think, you agreed to become Mrs.Parker..." Nathan chuckled as we took a seat on a bench that was slightly hidden from view by overgrown trees and bushes. It was the perfect place to hide and wait for everyone else to go past, without a single care in the world as they just went about their daily lives and didn't have anything else to think about, other than what they needed to.

"Have I made the right choice?" I asked suddenly.

"Do you love Tom?" he replied.

"More than anything..."

"And do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?" Nathan questioned, looking at me now and smiling at the same time because he already knew the answer to the question.

"Of course I do. He's the only person I've ever really loved." I smiled in response.

"Then, you have your answer. You've definitely made the right decision and I had better be invited to the wedding." Nathan smirked.

And he was right.

I really did love Tom more than anything. He was there for me when no one else was and he didn't care about the sort of person I was, he just wanted me to be happy and did everything he could to make sure that I was.

He even left me when he got the new job, just because he thought it would make me happy and, even though he was wrong, he also thought he was doing the best for me and was going to make everything easier for me.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and, in agreeing to marry him and become Mrs.Parker, that was going to be an amazing life. I knew I was always going to be loved and cared for. I knew that he was always going to be there for me, making sure I know what he thought about me and he was always going to make sure I wasn't lonely and had the perfect life.

And, the other thing that I knew, he was always going to protect me and make sure nothing ever happened to me. He was also going to be an amazing father to this baby and, although the timing isn't perfect, the baby was going to bring me and Tom even closer together and it was only going to make us stronger.

People could knock us down a thousand times, but we will always come back bigger and better than before.

"And what about your parents?" Nathan asked after five minutes of complete silence between us.

"Yes Rachel, what about your parents?" I turned around in shock to see both of my parents stood there with a look of anger upon their faces; a tomato might have competition for being the reddest object that I know with the colour that their faces were.

"Mum? Dad?" I replied.

"Yeah. You do remember us right? The people who have brought you up and done nothing other than love you for the past seventeen years?" my dad remarked sarcastically, and he didn't even attempt to hide it, I knew he was annoyed and he was going to kill me if he managed to get me home.

"Love. You two don't know the meaning of the word." Nathan remarked under his breath, listening and waiting to see what both my parents had to say to me.

"Well you can't have done much better since she left you and slept with her History teacher." my mother stated.

"Are you really that thick?" Nathan questioned and I couldn't help but laugh because he was accurate there; they were both extremely thick and never wanted to believe what was right in front of them.

"Excuse me?" my mother replied in a state of shock as to the way Nathan had just spoken to her.

"She was never with me, it was all just a lie so no one would ever find out about your daughter and Tom, it has always been the teacher and never me. I can't believe you were that stupid." Nathan snapped with a slight laugh.

Not that I blamed him for the way he was acting, my parents were a joke and should never have even had kids; they haven't got the first clue about me or what I'm like.

They're just pointless and, as parents, they're useless and I don't need them anymore.

"Is this true?"

"Yes mum, it is true and you can't do anything to change that. I love Tom and you're not going to stop us from being together." I sighed, finally deciding that I was going to look at both of them for long enough to see their reactions to what they had just found out.

As usual, my mum was just in a state of shock and didn't really know what she was supposed to do with me. My dad, on the other hand, looked like he was just about ready to murder someone and leave them somewhere no one would find them.

"You don't know what love is. You're seventeen for god's sake." my father spat at me.

"You're fourty-two and you still don't know what love is, so don't tell me what I do and don't know because you haven't got the first clue. Dad." I snapped angrily.

"I must know what love is because I've been with your mother for twenty years, married for thirteen of them." he shouted back at me.

"Well you don't know how to love me. If you did, then you wouldn't act the way that you do and you wouldn't treat me the way that you do either. Being with Tom is better than being with either of you, at least he actually cares about me and constantly tells me that he loves me. That's more than you've ever done for me..." I said, holding back the tears because I didn't want either of them to know how I was feeling or what they had done to me; reducing me to pretty much nothing and afraid to let myself be loved because of the way they had treated me.

Tom was the only person I grew to trust enough to let him have my heart, no one else will be able to replace him and they won't be able to make me feel the same way that he does. So there's no point in them even trying.

"Rachel, he's a teacher. That's not love, that's just fun and nothing more." my father laughed.

"Like I said, you don't know what love is. C'mon Nathan, let's go back to yours and then I'll tell you everything." I replied, pulling Nathan from the bench and in the direction of where he lived because I wanted to get away from here and never see either of my parents again; I hated them both and they were determined to always tell me how to live my life, when it had nothing to do with them.

"You're not going anywhere Rachel Brown, you're coming home with us and you're coming with us now." my father yelled after us.

"Look, you didn't care about me two hours ago, don't pretend that you do now. The only time I'm coming back home is to remove everything that belongs to me and then you'll never see me again." I shouted.

"And where are you going to live?"

'Anywhere is better than living with you two." I snapped before walking off and not looking back although, as we were about to turn the corner to leave this place and get away from my parents, I decided that I was going to drop the big bombshell on both of them and telling them something that would make me the most hated family member they knew. "Oh, by the way, I'm also pregnant."

"Well, aren't you glad that's all out in the open?" Nathan asked awkwardly, pulling his arm out of my grip because I still hadn't let go of it from where I was dragging him away; I was so annoyed that I didn't even realise.

"I need to get my things, then I need to go to Tom's flat." I sighed as I took deep breaths and attempted to calm myself down from everything that had just happened.

"Where are you going to go now then?" Nathan asked.

"Look, I'm not planning on sticking around here and neither is Tom. Once he's finished, we're meeting with each other and going on our trip to France, only we won't be coming back and we'll be starting a new life with each other." I replied.

"And who's that going to benefit?" Nathan questioned as he stopped in his tracks and refused to walk any further until we'd had this discussion with each other; but I just wanted to get as many of my things as I could and get out of my house, back to mine and Tom's flat.

"It's the only way that me and Tom will ever be allowed to be together, so don't bother trying to change my mind. We've made the decision and it's going to happen. Me and Tom are going to move to France, and we're going to make sure this baby has the best life possible." I muttered, looking away from Nathan and towards the sun which had been slightly covered by grey clouds in the sky; it kind of matched the way that I was feeling and all the emotions which were running through me there and then.

"And what about this marriage you've agreed to?" Nathan snapped.

"To be honest, if you want nothing more to do with me, then leave me now and I won't really care. I just thought you were different." I replied and then walked off, ignoring Nathan's protests from behind me, asking me to stop and listen to what he had to say to me because I just didn't care right now.

I thought that he was going to be different, more understanding, but he was just the same as all the others. He wanted to ask all the questions and try to change my mind, but that was never going to happen.

This was the life I had picked and no one was going to change that now. I had made my decision, and I had decided that I was going to spend the rest of my life with Tom and our child; no one was going to stop us and no one was going to force us into a decision that we didn't want.

"And what about the rest of school?" Nathan shouted as he ran after me.

"Leave me alone Nathan."

"How are you going to cope with a baby and marriage, when you can't even finish school?" Nathan shouted in a tone that he had never used with me before; he was angry and annoyed. Even an idiot would be able to tell that, and they wouldn't even have to know about the relationship between me and Nathan to realise that as well.

"Look, I've made my mind up. You're either with me, or your against me. Make your decision and then come find me when you're sure." I sighed, walking off and leaving Nathan stood there with his words unspoken and he thoughts left as just that, thoughts.

Nathan had his life, and now I had mine. We were two totally different people with two totally different lives.

I had made my choice, now he had to make his.


Hey there guys,

So, you like this part then, did you? What do you think Nathan is going to do, or what do you think he should do?

I'll probably update again on Sunday because tomorrow night is my Prom and Saturday night I'm working, so won't really have the time. Forgive me now and thanks for your patience, I love you all.

Also, today has been amazing. Do you know why?


Well, let me tell you...


Anyway, sorry about that, just having a little moment.

Hope you like this part, let me know what you think and don't forget to vote. It's much appreciated and I genuinely do love you all.

So, until Sunday, good bye and hope you enjoyed.

Lots of love Em:)xxx

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