Outlaw Queen: Forgetting Our...

By Allboneheadswelcome

13.5K 607 106

Just a Once Upon A Time fanfic here! Mainly focusing on OQ but will view other character stories at points to... More

Goodbye Storybrooke-1
Solution Or Problem?-3
The Stuggles-4
Grilled Cheese?-5
Warm Welcome?-6
Kiss and Make Up?-7
Here Comes The Storm-8
Sticks and Stones-9
Questions, So Many Questions-11
Silver or Gold?-12
Happy New Year!-16
Going, Going, Gone.-17
Rumours Fly...Literally-18
Family Reunion-19
Shoulder To Cry On-21
The Book-25-Final Chapter
Thank You

The Necklace-14

404 22 4
By Allboneheadswelcome

"Henry! Get your butt down here now!" Emma shouted up the stairs for the fifth time. He's been getting ready for ages now but every time she shouted he said the same thing.
"Be there in a minute!" Emma sighed in frustration as she heard him shuffling about again.
"Henry Regina will be here any second!" And as if she'd heard them, Regina began knocking on the door.
"Hey, how're you?" Regina smiled as she stepped into the apartment.
"Our son is taking an age to get ready."
"Really? How so?" Regina WA actually quite supposed since Henry was usually quite quick at getting ready.
"I don't know. I've shouted on him at least five times. Want a drink?" She moved to the kitchen but Regina held her hand up.
"No thank you, I'm actually in a hurry today." Jut as she spoke there was a loud bang from upstairs.
"Oh my god!" Emma walked forward to shout on him but Regina stopped her.
"Let me." She cleared her throat before shouting up.
"Henry! Come down please!" Again shuffling was heard, and again, he replied the same.
"Seriously? Even for you?" Emma sighed in frustration, as did Regina. Minutes passed until Hook walked out from behind the stairs.
"Still not down love?"
"Nope. Even Regina tried."
"Regina." He nodded in a hello, to which she returned.
"Woah, you might want to be a bit nicer to me." He held his hand and hook up in surrender.
"Whys that?"
"Because I guarantee I can get the lad down."
"Really? Be my guest." She stepped back words, motioning for the pirate to step forward. As he cleared his throat, both woman rolled their eyes.
"Henry! Get your ass down here now!"
Seconds later Henry came down with a sheepish look on his face. Both woman looked at each other with awe, whilst Hook wore a smug grin on his face.
"Hey guys."
"What on earth have you been doing? And why'd it take Guyliner to shout on you to come down?" Regina crossed her arms and raised her brow.
"I eh, sorry."
"That's what I thought. Now come on we're in a hurry. Bye Emma. Guyliner." She smiled as they walked out the apartment.
"What the actual hell just happened?" She sighed in frustration as she went to find her coat.
"Why're we in a hurry, Mom?" They walked down the stairs together as Regina smiled.
"There's the Storybrooke Market on today so I decided we should go check it out?"
"Cool, the new year one?"
"That's the one."
Every year in Storybrooke there was three main market events, Christmas, New Year and Spring. They'd occasionally have a summer one but it was only every couple of years they did that. This market was a little market where people basically tied to sell the junk they got for Christmas but didn't want. For example one year Regina handed in one of Henry's toys to the second hand gift stall due to him already having it.
"Roland and Robin joining us?" He presumed they would come along with them like they usually have.
"No actually. I decided it would be nice for us two to spend some time together?" She watched his face for a reaction, and was delighted when she saw it light up.
"Really! I mean don't get me wrong Mom, I love Roland and Robin's a really cool guy! But I feel like we haven't spent much time just me and you. You know?" They stood at Reginas car as she smiled sadly.
"I do. Which is why I decided we should do this together. Now come on! I wanna get the good stuff!" She winked as she jumped in the car like an over excited five year old.
They'd been going around the stalls for a few hours and neither of them had bought anything. Henry still had plenty of Christmas money so didn't need to ask Regina for anything.
"There must be at least 50 stalls here this year." He looked around to try and take in the sight.
"Yea, we decided to expand this year. We even have some beautiful jewellery stalls." She pointed over to were a group is girls were staring at the jewels.
"How much is this one?" The loud teen spoke.
"$30" the blonde woman looked up from her paper and saw what one she was pointing at.
"What?" She choked out the words as she gently placed the item down.
"Thirty. Three and a zero." She'd obviously been here for a while.
"I think I'll go for a look around then come back later, maybe. Thanks." The woman nodded at the teen unconvinced.
Regina followed over as the girl left, looking at the jewels. Henry watched from another stall, watching to see what his mother picked up.
She looked around as she saw and array of colours. It wasn't until she spotted the gold sparkling one she stopped. The short gold chain had a golden apple and arrow on it. There were a few gems on it too white, browns and pinks mainly. She instantly fell in love.
"How much is this one?" Henry watched as she pointed tog e tray in front of her.
"I'll take offers over thirty."
"Right. Okay thank you." She walked back to Henry who quickly looked downwards.
"Hey, I need to use the restrooms, you okay on your own for five minutes?"
"Sure Mom, I'll be round here." She kissed his forehead before walking away. As soon as she was away he ran up to the stand.
"Excuse me!" The woman looked up and instantly rolled her eyes.
"What do you want kid?"
"What necklace was that woman looking at?" She sat off her seat and looked between them all.
"That one." She pointed to the gold one.
"How much?"
"Okay..." He checked his wallet, but then decided to do something a little cheeky.
"How much for the Mayors son?" He looked up and saw her staring back.
"What?" She sounded like she was hissing at him.
"The Mayor. Mayor Mills. How much would her son have to pay?" After several seconds she caught on.
"Really? You're the mayors son?" She obviously didn't believe him, until he pulled his phone out an showed several pictures. Ones of when he was little, others newer.
"Yup. Henry Mills." He held his hand out to shake her hand, which she shakingly accepted.
"Okay, maybe I could knock of ten bucks. But nothing more."
"Not included."
"How much with tax?"
"Deal. I'll take that necklace please." He smiled, proud of his haggling skills.
Once it was bagged he smiled at her and walked away. Just in time too as his Mom came towards him.
"Hey, wanna looks around some more?"
"Sure, let's go!"

Picture at the top isn't mine but it's what the necklace looks like! Hope you enjoyed!
Three comments from three different people=an update!

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