with your love || h.s.

By queenmichaels

1.7K 74 17

It's funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye. One second you're having dinner with your family... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e

F i v e

98 6 2
By queenmichaels

Walking around the shopping center with one very hyper-active boy and one who grumbled to himself every time you tried to talk to him, wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We had only been walking around for a half hour and we've only been in two stores. Two stores that boys with tattoos certainly weren't used to being seen in, which in my case was hilarious. Older woman looked at them and covered their children's eyes as if they were naked and letting their junk hang in their face. Niall's face twisted in horror as we walked into Victoria's Secret and eyed the lingerie on mannequins.

"Anna. Is this really necessary?" Niall whined. I laughed quietly and nodded as he sauntered over to the bra section.

I skimmed through the racks of skimpy looking silk nightgowns, none of them really catching my eye. I already had a few pieces of clothing; some yoga pants, a few PINK sweaters, and sports bras. I'm not the skinniest girl in the world, but I do wear what makes me feel comfortable.

"I like this one," A raspy voice came from behind me. I spun around and was shocked yet amused to find Harry standing there. Here's a boy I'd only known a few hours who hasn't spoken a full sentence to me, holding out a short, silk lingerie nightgown. It was a light zebra print, with a band of see through lace around the middle, going to about mid-thigh. I choked back a laugh as I took it from his grip and I could see him fighting back a smirk.

He leaned down close to my ear and whispered, "can we talk later?" My eyes widened in the slightest but I nodded my head and he smiled.

"Let's go find Niall, we have so much more shopping to do." I groaned and we were off in the direction I last saw the blonde headed Irishman go. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him holding up bras to his chest and looking in the floor length mirror. I always thought this stuff happened in movies but I was proven wrong.

"NIALL!" Harry's deep voice boomed through the store and Niall dropped the hot pink bra and turned to face us. I was dying of laughter as his face turned a deep red and he scurried out of the store. I set my items on the counter and paid with my card before walking out of the store with Harry. It was different with him now. In a matter of a few hours he had changed from quiet and distant to actually smiling and saying words to me. It was  nice in a way but I'm still apprehensive and nervous about our talk later.

After a few minutes of walking we saw the rest of the boys sitting at a large table in the food court eating what looked like Chinese food. Me and Harry took the empty seats around them.

"What did you guys get?" I asked as I eyed the bags sitting next to their chairs.

"Just some things on your list and a few personal things we picked out for you!" Louis seemed excited - a little too excited. Liam and Zay rolled their eyes.

"Yeah," Zayn snorted, "It was quite entertaining to see him going through picking out girly bedroom things."

"He almost got kicked out because the lady caught him sleeping on a bed," It wasn't even that funny but it had us all laughing while Louis crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Whatever, you guys are rude." I was still laughing but reached over and gave him a hug, which he seemed to perk up at.

"Are you guys ready for more shopping? There's still stuff left on the list." Liam said. We all nodded, some groaning added here and there but none the less, we gathered our things and ventured off together this time.

I pulled out my list and saw four more items; paint, fairy lights, bean bag, bed set. I directed the group to a Target and back by the bedroom appliances.

"Okay. Louis, you're on paint duty. Zayn, fairy lights. Niall and Liam, bean bag. Me and Harry will go look at bed sets. GO!" With determined looks on their faces, the four boys ran in different directions.

"I'm sorry if it's awkward that I picked you to go with me," I muttered. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. After all, the tension I felt from earlier today hadn't completely disappeared.

"It's fine, really. Those ding bats are too crazy today," He smirked. We walked down the bedding aisle and one immediately caught my eye. It's black and white zebra print, with a purple sheer. I've always loved zebra print ever since I was little and the love I have for it has grown with me.

"This one!" I picked it up and didn't think twice about the weight of it. Only when I dropped it did I realize how heavy a simple comforter can be. Harry laughed and picked it up, carrying it with one hand. I couldn't help but to admire how his muscles moved underneath his white v-neck.

After we paid, we found the others checking out as well, and once we were done we made the long walk back to the car lot. It took a whole trunk and half of a back seat to fit all of the bags we accumulated over the last 2 hours. The whole car ride home I couldn't help but to think of what Harry wanted to talk about later, and that's when my nerves got the best of me.

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