Collision Course

By carlyne123

18.8K 210 316

It was supposed to be fun. The last day of summer before, college was supposed to be fun. I didn't expect for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

527 18 21
By carlyne123

"What?" I asked annoyed by Douglas staring at me.

"Nothing, you just seem-"

Douglas starts laughing at me making me feel very uncomfortable at the moment.

"Very focused" He says with a boyish side smile.

"Well we are watching only the greatest show of all time" I say to him dramatically.

"So... since this is on Netflix I am assuming you've watched every season before?" He questions me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes" I say with a smile still looking at the television.

He chuckles lightly before he responds back, "Then why are we watching it?"

"Do you really want me to explain?" I question him with wide eyes.

"Yes, enlighten me" He commands softly to me.

I sigh with annoyance on how his voice made me melt and how it made me oblige to him. It kills me to say no to him and his memorizing eyes. I wanted to say no so I could continue watching my show, but he seemed like he was very interested.

"Because you need to see how amazing this show really is" I explain to him while waving at the television in front of us.

We've already watched about one season and Douglas was getting bored with it already. But, what he doesn't know is something epic is about to happen. It's one of my favorite speeches in this show of all time.

"Nothing about this show is amazing. So, Mary finds out this Drew guy has a wife and she's supposedly the mistress it's nothing new. Men cheat all the time" Douglas explains to me with crossed arms aggravated he has to watch this with me.

"Shut up" I try to shush him up.

"No I'm right-"

"Listen, shut up and listen to the person you call 'Mary' who really is Meredith" I say rolling my eyes and pointing to the screen.

He slumps down on his brown leather couch and crosses his arms while staring at the television. I smile satisfied he finally listened to me and I go back to watching the television. My elbows were on my thighs and my chin was in one of my hands while I bit my nails as I waited in anticipation for the famous speech.

Season two, episode five was going to make Douglas see how amazing this show was. It made girls realize that it was okay to approach a man and tell him what you want. That it was okay not to have him too. That it was okay to tell him off when he was wrong. My mother never told me any of this.

I learned from Grey's Anatomy and all the great books I read. Maybe this is why I've only had a few boyfriends and one long serious relationship. They just can't take me or maybe they can't take being wrong.

"Okay, here it is. Your choice. It's simple. Her or me. And I'm sure she's great. But, Derek... I love you. In a really, really big.. Pretend to like your music, let you eat the last cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window... Unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me." Meredith says to Derek with lust in her eyes.

My heart skips a beat while Derek looked at Meredith with love in his eyes. He wanted her. I knew from the very beginning that he was in love with her. But, he was married. Addison was his wife and Meredith was his mistress like Douglas said 'men cheat all the time'. So.. I guess you know who he picked.

"Grey's Anatomy, really?" Douglas suddenly says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, really. Did you not just hear what she said? She loves him. No, it does not make her pathetic for confessing it before he did. And no she is not the typical mistress if that's what your thinking" I say defensively before he could put his input.

Douglas raises his eyebrow at me and before he has a chance to speak his dorm room door opens. Standing there was Nathan. I never noticed it before but he was very attractive and easy going on the eye. He had leaf green eyes and a kind smile that made every girl love him instantly.

"Oh.. I didn't know you were having company over. Sorry, for intruding" Nathan says with a warm smile.

He starts to walk over towards us and extends out his hand for me to take.

"I don't think we've officially met. My name is Nathan, we have literature together and also I'm Douglas's roommate" He says with a great big smile.

"I'm Audrey Greyson" I say with a smile while I shake his hand.

"I know- I mean.. I've heard a lot about you" He stutters.

"Hopefully all good things" I chuckle scared it might be bad.

"Oh yes," He takes a seat diagonal from Douglas and I. "My friend, Danny likes you very much"

"Oh is that why you handed me his number the other day during Literature?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

He rubs the back of his neck. "I was hoping you'll forget that. Danny made me do it, but I told him that wasn't a good idea to do since you and Douglas are dating-"

I widen my eyes in shock. Douglas and I dating? Where would he get an idea like that? I am just so confused. I can never see Douglas and I dating. I would never be able to take his mood swings and his need to always be right even though we both shared that trait.

He can be very cruel at times to people and to me as well. When he isn't though he can almost seem like a dream. Like he isn't really himself since we've been too accustomed to seeing his bad side.

"We are not dating" Douglas inputs on Nathan and I's conversation.

"Oh, I thought you guys were since I saw you two arguing the other day in the hall... I thought it was because Danny called Audrey, Bambi and he gave her his number" Nathaniel explains seeming genuinely sorry.

"No, we're not" Douglas says staring at the television in front of us.

It became an awkward silence after that. Maybe perhaps because of the way Douglas talked to Nathan. Perhaps he was annoyed by Nathan and if not I did not know what was wrong with him.Nathan rises from his chair and smiles at both Douglas and me most likely trying to get away from the awkward aura. Douglas doesn't smile back, in fact, he seems almost mad. But, mad at what? Nathan?

Nathan leaves the room trying to give Douglas and I space. I didn't really want to talk to Douglas though. I didn't want to face his bipolar self alone. In fact, I hesitated to talk to him at all. I didn't want him to know I felt like he was mad though.

"So, what were you going to tell me about-"

"Nothing" Douglas says simply.

"I don't think that's what you were about to tell me" I say with a sharp tone.

"Well, it was so... You can either take it or leave it. I don't really care" He tells me rudely.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him with an exhausted sigh.

"Doing what? Talking? This is a free country Audrey... At least that's what I heard before I came here" He says trying to make me seem dumb.

"Oh.. so, your not from this country?" I ask trying to change the subject.

He looks at me for a brief second before returning his eyes to the television.

"Yeah" He says blankly.

I smile with excitement, happy he was actually willing to stop fighting with me. He actually told me he wasn't from this country maybe he was letting me in.

"I'm from a far away country named Pluto" Douglas says waving his hands dramatically.

I get up off the couch and step in front of the television blocking him from watching anything. Douglas looks at me if I'm insane for even daring to do that. But, he called for it. I'm done with him treating me like this.

"Do you like fighting with people?" I ask him with anger in my voice.

"Yeah, it's quite entertaining seeing them turn red and almost explode like the way you look right now" He says with a wicked smile.

I huff and try to calm myself down before I slap him across his dumb face. I can't believe he had the audacity to treat me like this. I've been nothing more than just a good friend to him. He would try to ruin our friendship.

Why did he have to act like this? Maybe, I should take him to the doctors so they could give him medicine or something to help him with his mood swings.

"Just when I thought we were having a good time and being friends-" I begin to say but he cuts me off.

"Us friends? Darling, we are not friends. Nor even aquatints. We are nothing. And you might not be fine with that because girls like you need a label but I'm perfectly fine if you leave" He says with a chuckle.

I look at him in disbelief. He knows I don't need a label because I'm not one to throw myself at a guy. Why was he trying to hurt me? Did it make him feel content? I felt like I was out of breath and I most likely looked stupid just standing there looking at him.

"What is wrong with you?! Stop treating me and everyone like we're trash! Stop-"

"Just shut up, okay? I'm allowed to say what I want, do what I want, and be who I want. This is my life and if you don't like it then there's something wrong with yours, not mine" Douglas says once again cutting me off before I could speak as if his life depended on it.

I take a second before I respond back for fear I might say something I might regret.

"Well I can't and I won't control your behavior; I don't want that burden... But I will not apologize for refusing to be disrespected, or to be mistreated," I say to him with my arms crossed.

He looks at me in disbelief as if what I'm saying is funny to him. Hopefully, it isn't because I would be quite embarrassed.

"So, you want me to like Daniel and Nathan just to please you? When did this turn into control Douglas's life show" He mutters under his breath.

"That's not what I'm saying I didn't even know you didn't like them... "I try to say apologetically.

"Well, I don't. I never asked to have an annoying roommate like Nathan who brings his equally annoying friend Daniel over all the time" He explains to you.

I sigh feeling defeated because he did have a right to be angry. Well I know I would be angry to have a roommate like that. I almost felt bad for him. Well, I almost did, because he did call me 'girls like you' and I knew for a fact he knew that was my weak spot.

I take a sit next to Douglas on his couch and look at him feeling anger inside of me ready to explode. But, I managed to calm myself.

"Why would you call me 'girls like you'? Because, you know I'm not like those girls. I don't throw myself at boys or even beg for their attention.." I say trying to get an answer out of him.

"I know you're not like those girls. It's just it seems if you start to hang out with Daniel you'll turn into one of them. He likes to change people until you can't even recognize yourself in the mirror. I'm mad because I care about what happens to my friend" Douglas confesses not making eye contact with me.

I smile slightly while I tried to stable my heart beat. He just called me his friend and he cared about me. I wonder if I was his only friend. I'm not sure if that was a bad thing, to be honest. I could help him maybe. Help him try to open up a bit more and maybe he could help me too, but I don't know about the opening up part.

I'm not ready for that yet. Not anytime soon of course.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start a fight with you. Want to continue watching Grey's Anatomy?" Douglas asks me with an apology all in one.

I looked over at his eyes that sparkled with something. Could it be excitement? Enjoyment? I wasn't sure it made his eyes beautiful to stare at though. I could stare at them all day and all night if I could. The one downfall about that is I would never be able to get any sleep. And oh, boy I love to sleep.

"Sure" I respond back and return my view to the television while Douglas did the same.

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