Lost and Found

By _tnsreality

27.8K 1.7K 762

~ L O S T & F O U N D ~ 3 years ago, the cast of the hit TV show The Next Step concluded after its 5 season... More

Chapter 1 - News.
Chapter 2 - The Call.
Chapter 3 - Someone Familiar.
Chapter 4 - Reunited
Chapter 5 - Pregnant?
Chapter 7 - Problem.
Chapter 8 - Aftermath.
Chapter 9 - The L word.
Chapter 10 - Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Missed You
Chapter 12 - Myself
Chapter 13 - Memory Lane
Chapter 14 - History
Chapter 15 - Misunderstood
Chapter 16 - We Go
Chapter 17 - Confusion
Chapter 18 - Father
Chapter 19 - Nerves
Chapter 20 - Baby Tell
Chapter 21 - Frank V.K
Chapter 22 - Warning
Chapter 23 - Fear
Chapter 24 - Competitiveness
Chapter 25 - Emotions
Chapter 26 - Til' Death Parts
Chapter 27 - Family Matters
Chapter 28 - Announcements
Chapter 29 - Love Always
Chapter 30 - Busy Little Lives
Chapter 31 - And sold!
tag tag tag
Chapter 32: Its okay.
Chapter 33: Get Togetherrrr
Chapter 34: Sharing
Chapter 35: Life as it is

Chapter 6 - Reassurance.

895 51 15
By _tnsreality

A/N: Omg omg omg my birthday tomorrow. Well in 5 hours!!! I'm soooooo excited. Like superly excited (if that's a word.) I'm turning 14 tomorrow (16/12) and probably won't be updated as I am going to be really really busy. My brother graduation from primary school too so it's huge. Stay tuned for an update on the 17th though. Love you all so so much. Thanks for reading this book. Can't wait to finally celebrate a birthday on Wattpad. Will be awesome 😘😘😘

Grace xxx

Britt POV
Day 4, Day 5 and Day 6 went by very quickly where me and Sam would sometimes spend hours by the beach sun baking. It's not too good for the baby apparently but we made sure it was safe. We have been to the markets and bought some fresh produce from Hawaii too. I bought Trevor a freshly picked Banana from here as he loves them, as I do too, so then he can have one when we arrive back in Toronto. I miss him so much. We face timed again last night which was good. Great to see his face again. He joked around asking how the pregnancy was going. I played along saying it was better than expected. We were just laughing and laughing and laughing all night. So much fun until Sam told me I had to go to bed. Typical.

Trevor POV

Yesterday I got a call from Lamar. Which was weird. I mean we have caught up just us a couple of months ago but I knew something was up. No one from the cast have spoken to each other in about two years. We all went our own pathways. The first year after the show had wrapped and everyone had finished filming the cast was still clumped like grapes. We didn't want to let go. It wasn't until the Christmas party at the end of that year, that we finally said goodbye and realised that we had to go out and meet new people.

Lamar had called me and asked if I was doing the reunion movie in which I told him I was and so was Brittany. He was a bit confused at first but wanting to keep my relationship a secret, I told him that I had bumped into her at the shops and that I had come back as I had finished work in which he surprisingly believed. I'm really missing Brittany. It hasn't been long that she's been gone for but the amount of hours she's been away, has made me further think of how we managed to be separated for 2 years straight. I don't really know how we did it.

Britt and I never broke up. I guess we didn't really have the guts too or the heart too. We were so close. Like a kangaroo and a Joey and yet due to my job we had to part ways. I've missed her. That part is true but some part of me, over these years have realised that I have to let go. I don't want too. But it's the right thing to do. When we got back together it was like thank heavens above she wants to as well. Every part of me was hopeful. Every part of me missed her so much that I was craving her touch and her luscious scent and her beautiful hair and eyes. But I just wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

"Trevor!!" My sister greets me as she walks in the door. It's currently the 5th day that Brittany has been away, for some reason she's been acting really suspicious over the phone. She keeps joking around saying that everyone thinks she's pregnant. Which I know she isn't. We used a protection and she on some kind of pill as well so I'm almost certain. Just all the rumours makes her believe that she is. Which is ridiculous. But anyways, I have felt really lonely the past couple of days so invited my sister and my brother Steven down just to catch up on things and make me feel less lonely.
"Hey Justine. Oh my god it's been so long" I greet her giving her a hug and a kiss as she walks into my apartment.
"Wow this is really nice." She says and I smile
"Thanks. I love this place. I've had it for so long I don't think I can say goodbye"
"Hey bro" I say to Steven as he walks into my flat.
"How are you?" He asks as we give each other a man hug/awkward handshake.
"Great. Been catching up on work and family. Charlottes moved out so I'm single again!" He says and I look at him sympathetically, hands still in my pockets
"God I'm so sorry bro. You really loved her"
"Don't be. Se cheated on me man. With a stupid weird science geek. I wouldn't be sorry to be honest I'd be more relieved" he says and I chuckle. I turn to Justine.
"How's your love life going? Any hot celebs around? I remember when your fans from tns thought we were dating. I went out there and said God no- I would never date my brother. That shut them up" my sister says. I chuckle
"Yeah yeah I do. Instagram says so much. Yeah but I am dating someone but we have agreed to keep it a surprise. We'll tell everyone soon me and the girl though haven't really discussed when. It's only recent too. Like last week" I say and she smiles
"Eek!! I bet it's Britt!!" She squeals, excitedly guessing. I smirk at her, making her feel unsure but he just keeps squealing.
"Come on let's go in" I say, properly inviting them inside.

Brittany POV

"What if I actually was pregnant though? What if I were to have a child in 9 months. Be a mother. Not even engaged yet married yet. What if Trev left me?" I say to Sam. We were in bed, as it was late evening. Around 10. I was being a worry wart with my sister- stressing over everything.
"Brittany. You're not pregnant. I can assure you that. 100%" she says but I'm still not convinced
"I mean I could be" I say
"But your not" and she finishes
"Sam. Me and Trevor have had sex. More than once since we got back together."
"Did you use protection?"
"Yes. Well I think so. That's what makes me worry" I admit and she turns to me.
"I wouldn't worry. He's good with stuff like that. I only have one question though"
"Was he any good? I mean in bed? Like any new moves" she says and I look at her, more like a glare.
"Sam he's so good. Have you seen his abs?"
"Oh yeah sorry" she laughs making me giggle.

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