Taemin...Stay With Me

By ambiijung

91.3K 2.7K 617

I fell in love with him when I shouldn't have. I tried to distract myself from him but never could. He has a... More

<1.How I Met Him>
<2.My new Guy>
<3.There's No Getting Over Him>
<4. Date With Minho>
<5. Dirty Dreams>
<6. Kiss>
<7. Possible Breakup?>
<8. Taemin Visits>
<9. Masked Pianist>
<10. Permission To Date>
<11. I Dare You To Kiss Me>
12. Clues
13. Unmasked
14. Because You're You
15. 2nd Kiss
16. His Other Side
17. Christmas Plans
19. Presents
20. Our Day Off
21. +
22. Happy
23. I'm Home!
24. Surprise Visit
25. Day To Relax
26. Surprise Party
27. Weird Tasting Present
28. Fire
29. What The Bottle Held
30. No Air
31. Weird Behavior
32. Guessing Game
33. I Like You
34. Seductive pt. 1
35. Seductive pt. 2
36. Seductive but Sweet
37. Halloween Disaster
38. Broken Frames
New Story!
39. Without You
40. His Butterfly
41. Unexpected Call
42. My Heart Can't Be Stopped
43. Make It Right
44. Can You Guess? ^-^
45. I Love You More
Sequel is here!!

18. Meeting His Parents

1.7K 59 9
By ambiijung

I'm so nervous my whole body is shaking! My legs, my arms, my everything! I paced back and forth outside my apartment. Taemin was on his way to pick me up. Why was I so nervous? I was about to meet his parents. We were going all the way to Incheon for this. I just couldn't wrap my mind around this. I even made cupcakes for them! I NEVER make cupcakes. They probably taste like dirt but at least I tried. Maybe they'll just see how hard I worked on them and not care. Hopefully. Finally after what felt like days of waiting Taemin pulled up. He got out the car, dressed well, and walked up to me.
"Hey Ari. You look nice." He said smiling at my red body con dress.
"Thanks. You too, I like it!" I said loving the site of him in a dress shirt and slacks with clean fresh shoes.
"You ready?" He asked me.
"Ne. I'm just HELLA nervous! What if they don't like me?" I panicked and started shaking again.
"Hey hey, it'll be okay. Arasso?" He calmed me down with a peck on my cheek.
"Okay. I'm good. Let's do this." I said nodding to myself.
Taemin opened the door for me like always and we drove off to Incheon.

We drove silently just listening to music as I just looked out the window. I've never been to Incheon before so I was pretty excited to see it. But I was still nervous. I bounced my leg up and down making the bag of cupcakes on my lap shake.
"What's in the bag?" Taemin asked.
"Huh? Oh I just made some cupcakes for your parents. I hope they like them cause I don't usually bake." I said embarrassed.
"I'm impressed. I didn't think you would go to such lengths for this. Good job." He smiled while patting my head.
"Thank you thank you I worked very hard last night." I said taking a slight bow.
For another few minutes we drove to Incheon and the city was so beautiful! The buildings were so nice and there were people everywhere. I was amazed with the city.
"This is where you were born right?" I said smiling towards him.
"Yeupp. You have a good memory." He said smiling at the road.
Finally we reached a nice, beautiful house. Suddenly my nervousness increased five times stronger than how it originally was.
"Yah, Taemin! I'm can't go in!" I said grabbing his arm.
He just sat there and laughed at me. What's so funny?? This is serious! Sometimes Taemin can be a lil shit.
"Mwo!? What's so funny! Taemin-ah!" I yelled at him.
"It's okay! You'll be fine." He laughed.
"Just be you."
I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.
"You're right. I'll be ok." I assured myself.
"C'mon." He said patting my leg and getting out the car.

We stood at the door. I was breathing weird and I was shaking. My hands were clutching the bag so tight. Finally the door opened revealing a couple well into their late 40's to early 50's. I put on my best smile and greeted them.
"Annyeonghaseyo." I said smiling and bowing to them.
They greeted me back and then embraced their son.
"Good to see you!" His mom greeted him.
"And it's so nice to finally meet you! Ari right?" His mom smiled at me.
"Ne. It's nice to meet you." I said.
"I made you both some cupcakes. Merry Christmas!" I said handing her the bag.
"Oh you bake?" His father asked me.
"Ah, a bit." I chuckled.
"Come on in!" His mom invited me in with Taemin by my side.
I walked into their home and it was nice, clean, and smelled like...older people. I couldn't really describe it any different than that.
"You have a beautiful home." I complimented.
"Oh thank you." His father said.
"You're doing well." Taemin whispered to me.
I smiled and nodded slightly.
"So Aoi, where are from?" His mom asked me as we sat down at the table filled with delicious foods.
After I said that, she just stared at me.
"Umma?" Taemin spoke up noticing her silence as well.
"Oh, sorry. I just spaced out for a second." She said and didn't look back at me.
What's wrong with her? Her face seems a bit...hateful.
"Here Aoi, please eat." His dad smiled at me.
"Oh, gomasseumnida. It looks delicious." I smiled.
"I got you guys some presents." Taemin said reaching for a bag besides the table.
Suddenly his mom got right back into conversation.
"Oh thank you Taemin!" She said her smile brighter than before.
As they unpacked their gifts Taemin lay a hand on my lap.
"You alright?" He asked me.
"Mm. I'm okay."
"Hey, you wanna see my room?" He smiled like a cute child.
"Sure." I nodded and followed him there.

Taemin opened the door to his old bedroom. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. It was so surprisingly clean and organized. Boys' bedrooms are usually messy aren't they. Maybe his parents cleaned them up for him after he left for college?
"C'mere! I wanna show you somethin." He grabbed my hand and allowed me to sit on his bed.
He pulled a drawer next to his bed open and revealed so many CDs.
"Wahh! There's so many!" I said shocked and started to pick some up.
"You even have some oldies in here huh? And American artists too!"
I scanned through all his CD's super interested in them. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a piece of paper. Taemin was on the other side of his room looking on his shelves. I decided to look at it. I unfolded the paper and I felt sad as soon as I read it.
"Taemin + Yewon <3"
I didn't know what to do. I just started at it. I know he's my boyfriend now. I know he loves me now. But why does just seeing their names together hurt so bad? Did he write this himself?
"What are you looking at?" Taemin said suddenly hovering over me.
"Yah! Uhh...n-nothing..." I said crumbling the paper in my hands and hiding it behind my back.
"Let me see." He said holding out his hand.
"It's nothing okay?" I looked away.
"It's nothing."
I heard him sigh and I saw him from the corner of my eye kneeling down infront of me. I looked back at him and he lay his arms on my knees.
"Just let me see it." He said softly.
I hesitated but then held the paper out to him. He unfolded it from it's crinkled form and closed his eyes. He then ripped it up and threw it in the trash can. That made me feel nice. He didn't even wanna look at her name. But I was curious...
"Has Yewon met your parents too?" I asked.
"....Ne. But only once. But you. You're the first girl I ever brought home." He smiled slightly.
I blushed. I felt amazingly special. She's met them too but I'm the first to be in his house. In his room. My heart could only rise more and more.
"Taemin Oppa." I called.
"I have a present for you too. I brought it in another bag but left it by the door. I'll go get it okay?"
"Arasso. Be back quickly." He smiled.

I started towards the front door to get his present. I thought that since he enjoys playing the piano, I got him a book filled with songs to play. I really hope he likes it. And if he doesn't I'll make him like it. I spent a whole $10 on that book he better appreciate it! As I passed by the kitchen where Taemin's parents were, I stopped when I heard my name in conversation. I hid myself behind the wall and secretly listened.
"What do you mean? She's so nice and pretty! I like her." His dad said.
"Well think what you want but I don't like her. If you ask me Yewon was better, she was a lot prettier and she was the prefect example of the perfect Korean girl. This one....damn Japanese. What's the use of em? Taemin can't have fun with her." His mom argued.
My heart sank at everything she had to say. I coverd my mouth and tried to restrain my tears.
"Yeobo, you can judge her like that! They've been together this long."
"Well let's see if she surpasses 2 years. Then we'll see."
As they were talking they unwrapped my cupcakes.
"These are pretty good!" His father said making me feel a bit better.
"Aren't you gonna eat one?"
"No. And you don't need to be eating them either." And with that, she took all my cupcakes and threw them away. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran back to Taemin's room. Why doesn't she like me? Why is she comparing me to Yewon? What's wrong with me??

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