Always & Forever

By _Dream2Reality

151K 5.9K 2.8K

It's not easy being a teenager. Although things may look perfect, you never know what's going on behind close... More

Always & Forever
Very Important


5.2K 272 159
By _Dream2Reality

Yooooo y'all showed so much love last chapter! Thank you! Comments make me go faster.

Monique Bradford.

It was a foggy Sunday morning. Everyone had already exited the black stretch limo leaving only Michael and I.

I cried some more as Michael tried to console me.

"Babe come on." He said rubbing small circles in my back. "We have to get through this."

"I can't." I cried.

"You can baby. We just both have to be strong."

I shook my head and dried a few of my tears.

"It's just not fair. I never thought I'd be at the funeral of my own--"

"Shh..shh. I know. I didn't either. But it happened so now we just have to stay strong and push through this. Everyone is watching us right now." Michael said calmly into my ear. "Death is a scary tragic thing. But when it does happen you just have to accept the fact that it was God's plan."

7 days earlier...

Sunday morning (the day after the party)

Yanae Bradford.


"You've reached the voicemail of--"

"Ughh!" I yelled while tossing my phone to the other end of my bed.

I've been trying to call my sister Siani since last night. I'm really worried about her.

Mom and dad are saying to just give her time to cool off since she's 18 and more than capable of handling herself. That's dumb though because I know good and well they smelled the alcohol on her last night.

If it were up to me I'd put out an amber alert, but we really can't since she's 18.

I'm just hoping wherever she is she's safe.

Then how about Zaelyn didn't come home till this morning? At least we knew where he was though. Last night he sent a text to me dad and mom saying that he was gonna stay the night at Donny's house with Chris.

I don't remember seeing them at the party but then again there was a lot of people there.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

In came Gabby. I didn't even know she was here.

"Hey Gabby." I said.

"Hey," She said sitting down on my bed. "Anything from Siani yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I feel like I've called a million times."

Gabby nodded. "Same."

"What are the adults doing?"

"Unc and my dad went down to the basement to talk while auntie and my mom are in the living room talking about the fashion show."

I sighed. "Its like they don't even care."

"Agreed." Gabby was about to say something else before the opening of my door cut her off.

"Yanae," Zae said coming in.

"We don't knock anymore?" I said acknowledging his rudeness.

"You know somebody named Antonia, right?" He asked overriding my question. He seemed stressed.

"Who?" I asked.

"Antonia." Zae groaned.

"Do you have a picture?"

"She short, light skinned, long black hair." He described her.


"I know who you're talking about."

"Ight." He said before turning towards the door to leave.

"Wait, why?" I asked stopping him.

"Uh, cause I met her last night and thought she was cute." Zae said before leaving.

"That was.. random." Gabby said with a laugh.

"I gotta call Toni now." I said grabbing my phone.

"Why?" Gabby asked.

"Because for one she said she wasn't coming last night. Two, I don't want her to get close to Zae." I explained as the phone rang.

"Hey little sis." Toni answered.

"Hey, thought you couldn't make it last night?" I said getting to the point.

"Oh yeah I meant to talk to you! I have to tell you some stuff face to face so come over tonight."

"Just tell me now." I said.

"Can't. Just come over tonight."

I sighed. I really had no intentions on going over there tonight but if it meant keeping her busy from Zaelyn then sure.

"Fine, I'll see you later." I said hanging up.

"This might sound crazy, but do you think Siani might be with that twin girl Jasmine?" Gabby asked in deep thought.

"No. She hates her plus you saw what happened last night." I said.

"Why was she hanging out with her then?" Gabby had a face full of confusion.

"I'm not suppose to know this," I said in a low tone. "but she was only hanging with her for information."

"Information about what?"

"Her brother."

"Are you serious?" Gabby asked shocked.

"Yeah, I remember hearing her on the phone with Jasmine the night before. Jasmine is blackmailing her."

Gabby just sat there shocked. "I'm such a bad cousin. I didn't even try to stick around and help."

I shrugged. "It is what it is now. We just need to focus on finding Siani."

Zaelyn Bradford.

Yo, wtf.

I have 0 rememberence of last night. The last thing I remember is going outside to smoke.

This morning I felt like I was in a movie. I woke up in a motel room with a girl standing over me.


"Ah you're finally up." She said.

"Yo who are you? Where am I?" I asked sitting up only to realize that I was handcuffed to the headboard.

"I'm Antonia."

"What the hell is this? Let me out of here!" I said struggling to free myself.

" You're only hurting yourself," She said sitting on the bed. "Do you want kids Zaelyn?"

"What kind of question is that. I'm only 15. Let me go!"

"Well Zaelyn if you don't want kids anytime soon you should follow my every demand." Antonia pulled out of small container. "Or I'll just easily put this to use and you'll be trapped for life."

What the hell is going on?

"What is that?"

"Your sperm of course." She said with the laugh. "Don't worry about how I got it, just know that the second you disobey a command of mine it's getting put to use."


Her first command was for me to get Yanae to stop hanging out with Michelle.

I don't even know who that is!

I'm smart though, so I'm staying a step ahead of her. First I had to confirm that Yanae knew her though.

Once she did I went back to my room to think of my plan.

Nobody bout to play me.

Michael Bradford.

"You gonna go nigga or nah?" I asked Jayce as we stood around the pool table.

He chuckled. "Give me a second. I'm tryna figure out how I wanna start it."

I sighed. About thirty seconds later he finally went. A few balls went in so he went again, and again, and again, and again until he won.

It always goes like this. Unless I go first I don't get to go. Jayce is too beast at pool.

"Yo ever since last night when we saw that twin I've been in deep thought." Jayce confessed.

"Me to bruh."

Jayce went over to his laptop bag and pulled out a cream colored folder then sat it on the pool table.

"You know your boy had to do some research." He nodded at the folder. "Open it."

I picked it up then opened it. The first page already had me interested.

"We may have a problem." Jayce said.

Siani Bradford.

I'm here.

I'm fine.

I'm alive.

But I'm not okay.

It's like life decided to just turn on me all of a sudden. Why do I even still want to live?

My phone rang once again. This time I just decided to throw it towards the lake I was sitting in front of. Silencing it for good. It didn't fall in the water but I couldn't hear it anymore which was calming.

I was just chilling at the park by the lake, sitting under a tree.

Last night after they closed the bar I ended up sleeping in my car. Anything to avoid going back to them.

I wasn't just at the park because it's peaceful though. There's another reason.

I still need answers, and I'm gonna get those answers now.

Jasmine jogs this trail every Sunday morning at this time. I know because she dragged me along with her a few times.

I checked my watch and saw the time. Any minute now.

"Wow," I heard her voice say. "You look horrible."

I turned my head and looked up to see her standing there in her workout attire trying to catch her breath.

"We need to talk." Was all I said.

"Lets talk then." Jasmine said sitting down by me. "Your family enjoyed the show you put on last night?"

"Cut the bullshit Jasmine."

She laughed. "What?"

"Why can't you just tell me where my brother and mother are? You've been stringing me along for far too long."


"Well what? Just tell me where the hell they are!" I yelled. "I never liked your mother, I don't like you and just like my dad did I'm ready to get rid of your trick ass!"

Her jaw clenched. "Don't talk about my mother."

"Why not? Her hoe ass did ruin my family and make you and your twin mistake who are currently ruining my life." I vented. "I'm glad she didn't pop up yet cause honestly--"

"She's dead! Okay? She's gone!" Jasmine yelled letting a few tears fall. "Her HIV turned into AIDS and very soon after that she died."

"You wanna go in on my dead mother? Lemme go in on yours. She became our guardian after our mom died, everything was going cool until death struck again. Guess who it was this time bitch? Your precious little brother! Your dumbass mom left him outside unattended and he got hit by a car!" Once she said that my heart broke.

"Since then she's been on drugs, in and out of the house. Me and Jason are basically raising ourselves right now! We haven't seen auntie Liyah since we got evicted from our old place and moved here. Every other week an envelope full of money will appear on the door step and that's all we hear from her." Jasmine vented.

"So how about that bitch? Life not so perfect now is it?" Jasmine said getting up and walking away.

Once I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore I completely broke down. I never cried like this before.


Yanae Bradford.

Pops pulled up in his driveway. He was surprised when I called him earlier today and said I wanted to come over, but he came and got me anyways.

"Well China and I have a meeting with our wedding planner later on so.."

"Its okay I'll just chill out here with Toni." I said getting my bags out the car.

Once we got inside I went upstairs to see Toni in my room.

"Finally you're here."

"What did you wanna talk about?"

She got up and grabbed her purse. "Lets take a walk."

I just shrugged and followed her. We went downstairs and outside easily undetected.

It was a little pass 6 so it was already dark.

"Are you gonna tell me why you were at the party last night?" I asked as we walked through the neighborhood.

"Once we get to the end of this next block." Toni said doing a little dance.

I was confused until I heard music. Looking further down the block I could see a party.

I stopped walking. "No Toni. No parties. I didn't agree to this."

She laughed. "Come on. Loosen up." Toni grabbed my arm. "Lets go!" She said running towards the party.

Once we got in the party something just felt off to me. I couldn't explain it but it just felt weird. I wanted to go home but we were far from pop's house and I didn't pay attention to how we got here.

"Come danceeee!" Toni said pulling me towards the dance floor.

I yanked my arm away and stopped walking. "No Toni! Either we're talking or I'm leaving."

I saw Toni nod at someone behind me but I didn't really pay attention to that. I was trying to get out of here. Parties are not my scene anymore at all.

Toni smiled at me. It was a devious smile. "Okaaaaay." She said before walking away.

"Toni!" I tried calling after her. I don't know where I am and I'm scared.

I felt someone touch my arm. "Wassup shorty." Some guy said.

"Leave me alone!" I said attempting to walk away. He just grabbed me again.

"Not so fast cutie." He said.

I quickly kicked him in his private parts then ran. Once I got a safe distance from him I pulled out my phone.

Just as I was about to call her she called me.

"Michelle?" I said breathless into the phone.

"I sensed something off so I decided to call. Is everything okay?" She asked.

"No. Toni dragged me to this party and I have no idea where I am. Some creep just tried to grab me."

"Okay do you know how far away from your house you are by time?" Michelle asked. It sounded like she was moving around.

"I'm at my pops house. And I don't know. We were walking for about 30 minutes."

"Okay I think I know where you are. Go to the front yard and don't talk to anyone. If anyone touches you just scream and run. I should be there in five minutes." Michelle said before hanging up.

A few minutes passed and I was just sitting on the curb in front of the house. I looked down the block and saw a cute little mini Cooper coming towards me. The car came to a stop and out came Michelle.

"Oh you really thought I wasn't gonna find you?" I heard a voice say with the same grip on my arm.

Michelle reacted quicker than me and pulled out her pepper spray. She sprayed him right in the eyes and watched him fall to the ground.

"Worthless bastard." She mumbled before turning to me. "Lets get out of here."

Once we pulled up to pop's house and I saw his car in the driveway I knew there'd be hell.

"Your pops is home?" Michelle asked shutting off the car.

I just nodded not really wanting to say much.

"Lets go in."

The second we walked in pops rushed towards us with China not too far behind.

"Where the hell were you?" He asked concerned and angry at the same time. "And where's Toni?"

"Um sir- if I may." Michelle said cutting in. "I'm Michelle, a close friend of Yanae's."

"I'm Jonathan. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yes, well the both of you really." Michelle said motioning at China.

"I'm listening." Pops said crossing his arms.

"So your daughter Toni," Michelle said pointing at China. "has been a very horrible and negative influence on Yanae."

"What at you talking about?" China asked laughing a little.

"Well for starters she's way too fast. She's sucked Nae into her fast ways multiple times, for example tonight. She dragged her to a party she didn't want to go to. This isn't the first time she's done this though. However, this time some creep tried to grab Nae so I had to come get her." Michelle explained.

Pops looked even more mad than before.

"Okay so what? News flash, teenagers party!" China said laughing nervously.

"Thats true." Michelle nodded. "But do they also body shame others to the point where that person starves herself, throws up, and cuts just to feel pretty or accepted?"

China looked like the air got stuck in her throat.

"Your daughter had Yanae in such a bad place. But it's okay cause that's normal, right?" Michelle asked sarcastically.

Pops looked livid. He looked at me.

"Is this true?" He asked. I've been avoiding eye contact this whole time, but I decided to look at him now.

"Yes," I said quietly.

His jaw clenched as he turned to China.

"I want you and your daughters shit out of my house." He said lowly but his words were filled with so much hatred. "Right now."

"Baby," China pleaded. "Are you seriously gonna believe her over me? She's lying!"

"Believe you over my daughter?" He sighed. "China don't make this any harder than it has to be. Just get out." Pops said massaging his jaw.

"But baby! What about our wedding? We're getting married." China said on the verge of tears.

This is what happens when gold diggers are exposed.

"Oh yeah." Pops said with a smirk. He grabbed her hand and slowly slid the ring off. "Consider that shit cancelled."

Siani Bradford.

I sat at the bar running my fingers through my hair. My cheeks were most likely red and stained with dried up tears seeing that I've been crying since earlier.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asked.

I'm only 18 so of course it's illegal for me to drink. However, he didn't ask for my ID so oh well.

"Just pour me another glass and let my feelings flow." I said pushing my empty glass, that was once filled with Scotch, towards him.

He refilled it then walked away. I felt the presence of someone behind me but I didn't care enough to turn around.

"Whats got a pretty girl like you looking so sad?" A deep voice asked.

I just raised my eyebrows and took a sip of my drink. "You don't wanna know."

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I'm surprised it hasn't died yet. Pulling it out I saw a name that hadn't been on my screen for a while. Ty.

Its too late though. He, just like everyone else, only cares when something may be wrong.

"Whats your name?" I asked the guy while looking at my screen.

"Roman." He answered.

"Okay well do me a favor and answer this?" I asked sliding my phone towards him while taking another sip.

"If I do you have to agree to have a conversation with me." Roman said.

I just nodded.

"Hello?" He said into the phone. I looked over at him for the first time. He wasn't ugly at all. He was tall and chocolate with a muscular build.

"This is Roman. Who is this?" He said while smiling.

"I mean... she a little busy right now." Roman winked at me. "I can tell her you called though."

He laughed a little. "Ight bro take it easy."

Roman slid my phone back to me.

"Ty I think it was? He's not such a happy camper right now."

"I don't care what he is." I mumbled to myself.

"Boyfriend?" Roman asked.

"No, he's just someone who wasn't too truthful with me."

Roman nodded. "So, you agreed to have a conversation with me."

"I did." I downed the last of my drink. "I didn't say when though so until further notice you can leave."

I raised my glass at the bartender. "Can I get a refill?!"

I finished emptying the contents of my stomach, which was just alcohol, into the toilet.

I was so confused and just out of it. I've never been this drunk before.

My stomach was doing back flips, I was vomiting every 10 seconds, I felt cold and my skin was starting to get pale.

Once I gathered enough strength I got off the bathroom floor and made my way to the sink. I washed my hands, face and mouth before exiting the bathroom.

I was on my way out of the bar when I accidently bumped into someone.

I didn't even have enough strength or patience to turn around and apologize.

"Look who it is!" I heard a very familiar voice say.

I turned around and saw Destin accompanied by five other females. I couldn't really tell if she was still pregnant or not because she had heavy clothing on.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I really just need to focus on getting to at least my car right now.

"Not so fast missy!" I felt someone grab my arm to turn me around. Once I saw Destin in my face I was met with her fist.

If I wasn't in this current state I would have easily been able to dodge her punch seeing that she took forever to actually throw it. But right now I can barely remember my name.

"You think you and your little friend could just pull up on me like that and not get you ass beat afterwards?" She asked before throwing another punch. This one caused me to fall back onto the hard concrete sidewalk.

"Get her in the alley Des." A female voice said.

I felt my body being dragged. Next thing I know I was being stomped out by multiple people.

I started throwing up then I felt my body begin to shake as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

After that I blacked out.

I could have sworn I heard someone scream "Stop". But that could have just been my imagination.

You know how usually when people are about to die they see all the things they want to live for? The happy moments and all?

Well me, I saw nothing.

Earlier I asked why do I even still want to live. Now I have my answer.

I don't.

Michael Bradford.

"Babe can you just choose a movie and be done with it?" I asked Mo.

She been looking at the same list of movies for like an hour now.

She laughed. "Hold on!"

My phone started ringing and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Speak," I answered.

"There's been an accident."


Sooo since I totally beasted on my finals I figured I'd write a little something. And since y'all showed so much love last chapter.

Give me your best guess on what you think is going to happen.

Who do you think died? (Yes someone definitely did die.)

Shouts out to @x_2cutee & @toreesymone71132 for getting the trivia right! None of my covers have a face on them!

You know you love me...
-Dream2Reality ❤

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