Give Me a Chance, Chambers.

By 80s_omg

23.3K 503 144


He Could've Jumped.
He Doesn't Even Care.
He Does Care.
Back to the Market.
The Treehouse. (Part 1)
The Treehouse. (Part 2)
Give Me a Chance, Chambers.
Finding Ace and Eyeball.
Lies are Told.
Was It True?
Whatever it Costs.
The Arrest.
Things Were Different.
Dinner with Gordie.
The Tent.
I'll Be Okay.
He Knows what it's like.
He's Finally Out.
The Gang's All Here.

Where's Teddy?

1K 23 5
By 80s_omg

I woke up the next morning wishing I hadn't told Chris to go home... Because Teddy never came home. My mom didn't ever come into our room anyway, so she wouldn't have even noticed Chris.

It was starting to worry me that Teddy wasn't home though. Where did he stay? At Gordie's? In the treehouse? In an alley somewhere? Jesus, I had to go look for him.

As if she cared, I left a note saying telling mom I'd be back. I headed to the treehouse. The door was unlocked, so I just went right on in. "Teddy?" I called out. "Are you in here?"

I heard him cough. "Y-yeah, I'm over here, Em." "Teddy, what's wrong?" I asked. "It got so cold last night... I should've come home. Um, d-did Chris stay the night last night?" I blushed. "No, I told him he had to leave a bit after I cleaned him up." "I'm sorry him and I got into it like that. I can't control if you like each other. I won't bother you anymore about it, alright?"

I got up and sat next to him, and gave him a big hug. "Thanks, Teddy. Do you wanna come home now?" "I guess." He said with a sigh. "Hey Em, how about you and I do something today. We never really hang out anymore, considering I'm always with one of the guys, and you and I have been arguing a lot lately."

"Yeah, okay. Have anything in mind?" I asked. "Tons. We should go check out the new museum down on Waltz street. Then after that, we can go to the Zoo. And then go see a movie, and then w-" "Woah, Teddy, slow down." I chuckled. "We need to plan ahead. How about we just go to the museum today, and then do the rest throughout this next week?" I asked. "But Emily I might not have that much ti-" he stopped himself. "Oh, nevermind. That sounds like a great plan."

I was really confused on why he said we didn't have enough time. Of course, that little comment he made slipped my mind later on and I paid no more attention to it, even though I should've...

Within the next day or 2, Teddy was no where to be found. No note, didn't let me know, nothing. I checked with Chris, Gordie, and Vern. No one saw him anywhere. But after he had been gone for the entire day and it was starting to get dark, I really started to worry. I left the house at about 9 at night to start the search. Sadly, none of the boys were able to come with me... not even Chris.

I walked into town feeling extremely uncomfortable. I felt like everyone i walked passed was staring at me. I got so uncomfortable that I ended up going down a dark alley. It was extremely quiet... too quiet.

"Hey babe, where ya going?" I heard someone say quietly. "Who's there?" I stupidly asked. "It's Ace, and you're dead." I heard, and he started running up towards me. He grabbed me before I could run away. Chris's brother eyeball came behind him and looked at me. "Well, who'd you get this time, Ace? Is that Chris's little girlfriend?" He laughed. "How the hell do you now about that?" I said through my teeth."Oh, everyone in town knows about it, hun." Eyeball said.

"What you doin' out so late anyway, doll? You wouldn't be looking for Teddy now, would ya?" Ace asked. I tried to shove him away. "That's none of your damn business. Let me go." I kicked him in the shin and ran all the way home.

I got in the door, slammed it, an locked it. "Where the hell is your brother?" My mother asked. "I'm not sure. I was just out looking for him. I'll look some more tomorrow." I went to my room.

I sat on my bed and thought. How did Ace know that Teddy was gone? Do they have him locked away somewhere? No wait, I remember him saying something about not having much time... That must've meant not much time before he went away. Ace knows something though. Maybe they grabbed him while he was out sometime. I need to find out... I just need to.


Hey guys!! Please let me know if you liked this chapter, and if you like the direction it's heading in! I know its kinda weird... but yeah lol.
So i got a tablet with a keyboard so I've been typing a lot on it and it really helps out with my stories!! Thanks for voting and commenting!

*Skin It and Stay Gold*

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