Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
8: Stop It!!
9: Happy Birthday Mase!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!
18: His Return..
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
26: Captured! Part 3
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
32: Haunting You...
33: Our Wedding

19: Turned

1.7K 21 7
By AmorAuctor

Heyaa Guyzz!!

OK, I Found Some Tiime.. I Had This Stashed Up In Word So It's What I Wrote Over The Days I Had Free Tiime..

Thank You For Your Support & Fortunately, My Writers Block IS GONE!!

Tookk A Lot Of Apple Juice, It Kiinda Helpzz.. Dont Ask.

So, Here You Are!! Hope Thiis UNConfuses Yuhh!!


Chapter 19: Turned.

The pain.

It started again.

‘It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone’

I did forget him.

I did a good job in living my life without him.

I didn’t even think about him.

Did I?

The pain in my chest hurt badly, my body was aching to be in contact with his. My wolf was howling in pain for her mate.

I wanted him.

I needed him.

But he left.

I know, everybody makes mistakes. I do too.

But is it as bad as his?

He thought I was cheating on him.

He left me.

There’s no need to be together if there is no trust and honesty in our bond.

I don’t know why someone has bonded us together. We are nothing alike.

But one thing really bugs me…

How did he become a vampire?

Mason’s P.O.V

I walked to the office in the school. I had to stay by her, especially since there are vampires here.

“Uh, hello. I want all my classes next to Rox’s classes” I told the lady, I think her name was Raven.

She glared at me. “You’re an ass, you know that?”

I was a little surprised. Were teachers allowed to use this type of language? “Just do it”

“I don’t take orders from you” she spoke, directing her gaze back to the computer screen.

“Yes you do. I am your Alpha” I said, using my Alpha voice.

She turned to me with a cold glare. “No you’re not. Roxy and Kane are our new Alphas”

Rox is an Alpha?

“Well I’m back, so I guess not anymore”

She shook her head. “Not all the pack is aware of that, and you’re not Alpha until you present yourself to the pack”

“Just hurry up and do it!” I yelled, slamming my fists on the desk.

She looked taken back but still disagreed. “I don’t take orders from vampires”

I glared at her, cold and harsh. I growled. “You will do as I say or when I get my place back I’ll kick you out, or maybe kill you”

She narrowed her eyes and turned to the computer. She typed a few keys and the printer started to whir.

“Help yourself, nit wit”

I smirked and grabbed the papers. I walked to my room which is…410 and my locker is 21.

I sighed and walked to my room, slowly. My thoughts were flooded by memories.


The pain had gotten worse.

My soul ached for her.

My wolf called for her.

I needed her.

But I couldn’t go back.

I had made too many mistakes…

Too many.

I don’t deserve her.

The lights went out in the cheap motel.

I moved every day, closer to her.

Hoping that it will heal the pain but to no avail.

I sighed and grabbed my jacket from the peg. I walked out the room, not bothering to lock the door. I felt weak, and it sucked.

I dragged myself down the stairs and into the darkness. I walked across the streets to the nearest pub.

The moon was my only company in this night. I looked up at it, remembering Rox.

Why did I leave?

A sigh escaped from my lips and I was suddenly dragged into an alleyway.

I struggled against the 5 holds on me.

“Lookie here” One of them spoke.


“Ooh, a werewolf” Another one of them spoke, evilly grinning at me.

I kicked one of them and punched another. I tried getting up but I felt a small prick on my right arm.

“What…is this?” My voice came out slurred, my head was banging with pain.

They chuckled darkly. “Just a little toxin, to keep your wolf in control…for what we’re about to do…”

My vision became blurred and sounds around me were slurred.

“A tough dog, aren’t ya?” The one I punched spoke, wiping the blood from his mouth.

“I think he’ll make a good experiment, won’t you?” Another spoke, smirking at my wooziness.

“Hmm, let’s see”

A screamed in agony as two knives entered my neck. I clutched onto the dirt, clenching my teeth. I kicked my legs trying to get out of this pain.

“Hold him down!” One of them commanded.

I felt many hands over me, pushing me down into the Earth. The pain was building up inside of me.

“Almost done…”

The heat was building up, higher to the surface. I closed my mouth, holding in my screams.

I felt my eyes turn black and my blood run cold.


“Agh!!” I screamed, tearing one of them up. I clenched my teeth moving for another.

“It worked!”

I growled and tore his head off, tearing him limb-limb. I shot my head to another one and I was craving for his blood, craving for his fear.

I pounced on him, ripping his head off and drinking the blood that poured from his neck. I threw him at another and then growled at the one who changed me.

He stared at me with pride which added to my anger.

“Wow!” he breathed out. “A perfect breed…”

I growled at him.

“2 monsters in one…” he said, smirking.

I growled at him.

“Nuh-uh” he shook his finger. “I would calm myself if I was you…”

I growled at him, taunting him by taking one step closer to him.

He smirked and…

He was gone.

Flashback Over

I was an experiment, meaning they were trying this on everyone, all wolves.

But why?

I was in my room and thankfully, I was alone. The bite marks were gone and replaced by a tattoo.

His words still haunt me.

‘2 monsters in one’

I was dangerous.

Should I stay here?

If I lose it for one split second, I could kill someone.

I could kill Rox.

She doesn’t want me here but my wolf tells me differently.

He knows she still loves me, he knows she needs me; wants me.

Roxy’s P.O.V

I had to go to my classes.

It sucked.

I quickly dressed into some grey skinny jeans and a white tee with a black vest over. I slipped on some black converse and peeked out the key-hole.

The coast is clear.

I opened the door then ran for the refrigerator, grabbing a can of Pepsi Max. I searched the cupboards and smiled weakly when I saw them.


I grabbed the whole packet and charged for the door. I swung it open and legged it down the hall.

 I ran in the elevator and quickly pressed the button before anyone else came in.

In my rush I forgot my bag, but I couldn’t care less. I had other things on my mind…


The doors opened and I raced to the girl’s bathroom.

Classes began at 8 and it was now…8:30am.

I missed half of my first class so I didn’t bother turning up for it. I kicked open the bathroom door and ran into a cubicle, munching on my Oreos.

I suck.

My eyes went wide when I heard crying.

I got on my knees and looked through the gaps below the walls surrounding me.

I saw some awesome blue Chuck Taylor’s.

“I like your shoes” I said, smiling at the blue shoes.

She stopped crying and sniffled. “Thanks” she said weakly.

“Uh, can you open the door please? The ground smells like piss” I said, getting up and brushing my knees. It really did.

She laughed weakly and I heard the creak of the door. I walked out my cubicle and into hers.

Hey! Don’t get any wrong thoughts…

She smiled weakly at me. She was pretty even though she had a red nose and puffy eyes. She had brown curly hair with blue eyes. She had a few freckles which were cute and she looked the same as me. Creepy much…

“Hey” I said smiling at her, digging my pockets for a tissue.

She smiled. “Hey”

“I’m Roxanne but call me Roxy, what’s your name?” I asked, handing her a tissue. I should’ve brought a box…Oh man!! There’s toilet paper!

“I’m Rosanne” she said, smiling.

“Sup Rosa” I said grinning, nudging her shoulder slightly.

She chuckled. “Hey Roxy!”

“So, why were you crying?” I asked, pulling her up and out of the cubicle. I jumped up on the counter by the sink and patted the side next to me.

She smiled and hopped up. “Well, it’s…complicated”

“How complicated?” I asked, digging the packet for another Oreo.

“Supernatural complicated…”

I grinned and offered her an Oreo, which she took. “Try me; I know lots about the supernatural”

“How much?”

“Werewolf much…” I said, shrugging. Well, if she was human she’d think I was joking. If she was a supernatural being or whatever she would think I was not joking, or she’ll think I was human and was joking…


“You’re an Alpha” she stated.

I grinned. “Oh yeah, well that is until he-who-shall-not-be-named wants his place back”

She grinned. “He-who-shall-not-be-named, that’s what we have to call him, right?”

I nodded, still grinning. “I love Harry Potter”

She chuckled. “I’m part of your pack”

“Awesome, then why were you crying? You gotta tell your Alpha everything…”

She sighed. “Well…my parents. They’re urging me to find a stupid mate; if I don’t in 2 weeks then I’m getting forced to mate with a random wolf”

My eyes widened. “They can’t do that! They’re part of the pack right?”

She nodded.

“Well, I haven’t been Alpha for long but don’t they need permission to do that?”

She shrugged. “I dunno, I’m not really into all the rules and stuff”

I grinned wider. “You’re so like me”

She chuckled. “You’re so like me…”


Guess what?


Man, I have a new bestie!!

That’s a good thing when I’m tryna avoid my boys.

“I don’t even want a mate!” she said throwing her hands in the air.

“I didn’t want one!” I yelled and we high-fived.

We were at our lockers which were next to each other; well fate has bonded me with someone exactly like me. Atleast it got one thing right!

“But I did” I sighed.

“He’s back, ain’t he?” she asked, shutting her locker.

I nodded and leaned against my locker. “Yup, and the worst thing…”

“What?” she asked.

{He’s a vampire…} I said to her in the mind link.

“No way!” she breathed.

And then said the thing I least expected…

“That’s awesome!”

“Wha?!” I said to her, as we skipped to our next lesson…P.E.

“It’s awesome, he’s stronger than ever…how did he get turned?” she asked, kicking open the door to P.E, startling a lot of girls.

I pointed at them and laughed. Sorry, but I’m feeling like Horrid Henry today…

“Na-na-na-na-naaa!!” I yelled still pointing at the girls.

They glared at me and some stared at me like I was a freak.

I flashed them a grin and skipped to where Rosa was standing.

“I dunno actually” I said, taking my vest off. “I would ask him, but I hate him”

She smiled at me. “You can’t hate your mate”

“Hey! That rhymes!” I exclaimed. “I can, well I’ll try”

She shook her head, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Whatever Roxy”


Ok, So I Hope Thiis Helpzz!!

& I Just Wana Say..

Everything Happens For A Reason..

Mia!! :P

P.S: Might Not Upload Sooon!!

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