The Adventures Of Mint & Coco

By MintOfTheRealm

467 62 3

Mint and Coco are just 2 normal small town teen girls, both age 16. ...Until they are pulled from Earth into... More

1: Our Adventure Begins (Mint)
2: The New Reality (Coco)
3: Our New Perspective (Mint)
4: Those Who Fly (Coco)
5: Everything Has Changed (Mint)
6: The First Sign (Coco)
7: Confusion, Not Illusion (Mint)
8: Held Breaths (Coco)
9: The Silhouette (Mint)
10: Tears Do Fall (Coco)
11: Welcome to The Realm of Time (Mint)
12: Icy Blue Eyes Tell No Lies (Mint)
13: The Opposing One (Coco)
14: "I Guess We're Just Meant To Be Enemies." (Mint)
15: Revenge Will Not Be Accepted (Coco)
16: Guilt Requires a Positive Attitude (Mint)
17: The Tribe of Flying Souls (Coco)
18: A Sky Full of Mysteries (Mint)
*19: "What Will You Do, My Flower?" (Coco)
20: The Pack of Sharp Claws (Mint)
21: Jared's Black Diamond (Coco)
22: The Fear of Falling Apart (Mint)
* 24: Our Beating Hearts (Coco)
25: A Twist in Our Story (Mint)
26: The Rage We Feel (Coco)
* 27: Time is Ticking (Mint)
28: All Hope is... (Coco)
29: No Going Back? (Mint)
30: The Truth Behind The Cracked Photo (Mint)
31: Our Strengths Combine (Coco)
32: I Still Dream (Mint)

23: Bleeding Out (Mint)

21 2 0
By MintOfTheRealm

"Where am I?" All I see is red and black, and something far away that is glowing. "You're future... that's where." Some mysterious voice states. A face flashes by, and I try to shut my eyes, but it's like they're stuck open. I am forced to look at his face, and hear a scream that sounds very familiar. "Coco?!" I look around, but my vision is blurred. The only thing visible is the face, grinning in satisfaction. "What have you done with her?!" I demand, crying. The face grins wider, "Wrong. It's what have you done with her?!" I scream, "Nothing! I'd never hurt her!" The face begins to zoom out, "Then why did you let this happen? She's ours now. And so are your precious friends!" I focus my vision, trying to make out the figures struggling to survive. "Let them go!" I shout. But the face is long gone, and I am left to watch my friends die. Shadow looks up from the depths. His blue eyes are icier than ever, and they shatter brightness throughout the hollowed deeps... "If only you would've listened Mint. If only..." I hear someone repeat in my mind. "Combine and destroy! Combine and destroy! Before it's too late..." My head is pounding and my body is full of shivers. My eyes go black, and then something bright blinds me, I squint trying to see... There's black fog rolling in, and swirling. And down below is my pendant, along with Coco's pendant. One is sat on top of the other, and lightning strikes from the sky. It hits the black fog, surrounding it with sharp rays; almost like long skinny needles. And the sky clears, letting peace flow. "Combine and destroy Mint. Do it before it's too late..."
"No, let them go!" I scream, sitting up. It was just a dream... My heart feels like it is beating out of my chest, and my face is dripping sweat. The blankets have been tossed off the bed, and I struggle up to my feet. I swing the curtains open, and step off the bed. I pad to the bathroom, and get a towel. I slide it along my face, drying it. Putting it down, I look in the mirror, and scream. In the reflection, I see Coco standing behind me. Her face is pale and her eyes are white. I blink my eyes to see it was only an allusion. Maybe Kona was right... Maybe I am going insane.

Stella has called a meeting this morning, so I put on some nice clothes. The meeting will be outside, where Stella will stand on a big platform to give her announcement.
I open the door and walk outside. Kali is walking ahead of me, next to Shadow, who is not paying attention to her. "Shadow! I want to know what you think. Don't you think that Mint is too weak to be the commander in chief?" she asks. Shadow turns his head to face her. "Well, actually, I think she will be great." Shadow states. Wow, when they first met it was like love at first sight. Now it seems as if Shadow wants to barf on her. "Hey Kali." I greet, "Looking irritated this morning..." Kali stops and turns around. "Not until you opened your mouth sweetie." She spits. I brush my shoulder, "You know you spit a little when you speak, that's pure sign of snootiness." Kali sticks out her tongue, "Well you don't. You must be too mannered to have the battle. How about, you give your place as commander in chief to someone who really deserves it." I step past her. "I'd love to, but Stella probably won't accept it if I asked for Shadow to take my position." I walk away. Or would she? "Not to him! To me!" I hear Kali spat. Oh jeez. It's actually becoming very annoying now passing her by. It's been almost a week since I've become the commander in chief, and so many people don't accept me... It's like they don't trust me yet or something. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to give my position to Shadow. I mean, it was his idea in the first place to come here. He knows so much more than I do. Stella is just going to have to accept it. My mind is full, but for the first time I remember yesterday morning. Kona kissed me. I like that he cares so much about me, but I'm forgetting who I really belong to... Raven. I have to do something... I need to tell Kona that I can't be with him.
I open the doors to the den and walk out. Stella is standing on a platform in the center of the village. She sees me, and begins to call everyone. "Okay everyone! We're having a meeting!" she announces. People begin to come out of their dens, and step up around her. "Mint, if you would please step up beside me." Stella says. I push my way through everyone to step up onto the platform. The wind blow wilder up here, and my hair waves behind me. "Mint, as my commander in chief, you will have lots of responsibilities-"
"I'm sorry, but I can't be your commander in chief Stella. I'd like to turn my position over to Shadow," I interrupt. Shadow is wide eyed, and everyone stares at him. "What?" Stella questions. I turn to her, "I'm resigning. Please accept." I say. Stella looks around for a bit. "Um, Shadow, would you please step up here." She instructs. Shadow makes his way through everybody and steps foot-by-foot, up the stairs to stand beside me. Before Stella can say anything, he leans into my ear. "What are you doing?" he asks. Before I can answer, Stella speaks, "Shadow, it seems as if Mint would like you to take her place. Would you like to be my commander in chief?" Shadow holds up his hand. "Mint, are you sure?" he whispers in my ear. I nod. Shadow puts his hand down. "Yes." There are murmurs from the crowd, and I see Kali making a blank face. Stella walks over to me, "Mint, there is a reason why I chose you. But if this is what you want, then I accept." I nod, and walk down off the platform. People stare at me as I walk to stand in the back. The wind is blowing furiously, and I try to let my hair cover my embarrassed face. Stella welcomes Shadow, and begins speaking of something else. "Alright everyone, something important that we need to discuss is which bird tribe to attack. It could've been any of them. But there is one certain bird tribe that has caused harm before. And that tribe is The Tribe of Flying Souls. We will attack them in two days. We will leave tomorrow morning. We will step up to them, and call them out. No raiding. This will be a fair battle. It has been three weeks since Shadow and his team brought this message, so you had plenty of time to train. Finish up all of your training today, and then if you would like, you may go hunting and stock up on food. Now, this is the end of the meeting. Meet back here tomorrow morning." Stella steps off the platform, and Shadow follows her. He heads towards me, but I don't want to talk about it. I shrink to my cat form, and climb up a tree. He walks by, looking for me. "Mint? Where are you?" I wait until he has gone, and then I crawl back down. I grow in to my human form, and head for the creek again. It seems to be the only place I can concentrate.
I sit down on the bolder under the tree, and watch the fish swim by. Well, at least Shadow gets what he wanted. Revenge... It never would've worked out if we wanted to be together. He wants to destroy the bird mutants, and honestly, I want to go home. I miss my family. I miss my cats. Even though I am one now, it's different... They're probably worried sick about us. This all started because of our curiosity... I hope Raven won't be angry at me. The first thing I'm going to do when we start the battle, is find him. We can't stop this battle from happening, but we can try. I need to find Kona.
I stand up, looking into the sky. I don't see where I am going, and I bump into him. "Mint, there you are." I realize he had been looking for me too. "Oh hey Kona, I was just coming to find you. I need to talk to you..." I utter. He grabs my hands, "Mint did you give Shadow your position because of what you believe?" I nod. "That was smart. Now we just need to figure out how to stop this battle." Kona says. "Combine and destroy, before it's too late..." Kona notices that I'm worrying, and he puts his arms around me. "Did you have another nightmare, Mint?" I nod into his shirt, letting him comfort me. "What happened?" Kona questions me. I let go. "Well, the same thing... Coco's pendant and mine are there, and then this darkness comes... and then it's gone..." Darkness... I continue, "But this time, I saw you... and my other friends... and you were left to die... burning in a hell-like place. And there is this lifeless face, and he keeps saying: 'Combine and destroy...' or 'your destiny awaits...' Kona, maybe I am going insane." I guess. Kona puts his head against mine. "Not possible. It's just a dream Mint. Know that I'll always be here to comfort you." I don't say anything after that. I forget that I'm supposed to tell him that I can't be with him. I'll let him comfort me. I need it more than anything. And what if Raven hates me now? He has probably already found someone of his own kind.

It is almost sunset, and I am doing some hunting for tomorrow. I spot a small fish, and aim. I throw the spear, and then quickly pull it in. I hang the fish on my stringer, and move on to another fishing spot. I hear someone shout, "Get back here!" I rush through the trees, smashing leaves. I come to a clearing to see Shadow aiming for a deer, who he has attempted to kill before. He throws the spear and misses once more. The deer rushes further up the mountain to disappear. "Not again!" he spats. "You almost had it." I comment. Shadow turns around, "Hey Mint, I didn't know you were standing there." I shrug, "I guess I'm pretty sneaky." He sets his spear down and walks over to me. "Mint, you gave up being the commander in chief... why?" he asks. I set my spear down too. "I... well... you're the one who wanted to get revenge on the bird mutants the most... you were leader of the team, and I just thought you deserved it more." I say. Shadow shakes his head, "You didn't have to do that for me." I shrug, "I know." His blue eyes connect with mine, his jet black hair waving in the wind. And he steps forward to begin leaning in. No! No! I step away. "What's wrong Mint?" he asks. I look around, trying to find the right excuse. "Nothing." Shadow clears his throat, "Mint, I need to tell you something." He says. I move my hair out of my eyes. "Mint I-" he is interrupted by the sudden sound of rustling bushes. Kona steps through, and all is quiet as his eyes dart from me, to Shadow. I step away from him, and pick up my spear. "Hey Mint, hey Shadow." He greets. I flick my ear, and Shadow twitches his long black tail at the tip. Shadow walks away, heading for the little exit in the bushes, "I'll see you tomorrow Mint." He tells me. I hear him walk away, and then everything is silent again. "Mint, I was wondering if you'd like to hunt with me. You know, before tomorrow..." Kona wonders, breaking the silence. "Sure Kona, I'd love to." I agree.

We walk side-by-side through the trees. The sky is dark blue, but the moon and stars are so bright, they light our path. "Mint I know this is a little sudden... but I think you're beautiful." Kona randomly stammers. I lift up my head, immediately less grim. "Thanks, Kona." I spot a rabbit, and throw my spear, it misses, but it manages to hit a dove sitting behind it. I go pick it up, and put it in my bag. "What should we do Mint?" Kona asks. I look at him, "I don't know. I don't think that there's a way to stop this battle. And if we tell Stella that Shadow is wrong, then she might just throw us out. I think it's best to just let it happen... I give up." I stumble down the hill back to the village. Kona follows me, "Give up? Just like that?! Why?" I don't answer until I get back down to the main clearing. "Because there's nothing we can do." I state, turning around to face him. My breath stings in my throat as I exhale. He still has that look of affection, but I ignore it. His silver hair is whipped in different directions, and I turn away. Kona stays where he is, watching me leave.
I drop off my food on the pile, and head to the dome room.

As I crawl in bed after a warm shower, I stare at the ceiling. That's it. There's nothing left to do.
"There's nothing you can do? Combine and destroy, combine and destroy..."

I climb up the rocky wall, Kona struggling behind me. "Give me your hand," I instruct. He does so and I pull him up. We're on our journey to find the bird mutants. Stella is in the lead, she carries a map that shows the location of every pack, every tribe, in the entire Realm. Shadow walks next to her. As the commander in chief, he must support her at all times. Some people were ordered to carry bags of food, but everyone else must bring extra clothes and blankets. Dirt smashes under my feet, and the trees have begun to clear. We are walking into a meadow, and once we get across, we must hike through the snow that surrounds the mountains, because they are too high to climb. "It's starting to get cold." I comment. "Want my jacket?" Kona asks. "No thanks, I have my own." I reach into my backpack and pull out a coat, a hat, and some gloves. I slip them all on, and then zip up my backpack. Everyone passes me, but Kona waits. We are in the back now, and honestly, I enjoy the silence. "Thanks." I say, smiling. He smiles back, his teeth shimmering.

We step into the snow; from here there may be blizzards, and other snowy storms. It crunches under my shoes, and I am thankful to have picked out such warm boots. Even though I wasn't commander in chief anymore, Stella had let me keep the room. Why does she like me so much? She acts like she's my mother or something. Mother from another world? I don't even know. We have been hiking all day now, and my feet are beginning to ache. The sun has set, so maybe we'll stop somewhere. How could we possibly stay out here? There's nothing but snow... I take back my thoughts as I see through the fog a big abandon house up ahead. It looks a little like Shadow's shack. Stella orders everyone to stop so she can speak, "Attention everyone! I'm sure you are all tired, so we will stay here in this house for a night. I know we have brought a lot of people with us, but please, make room for others." She leads us into the house, and right away I can tell it is drafty and probably cold inside as well. Everyone begins to make their way inside, and me and Kona step in last. I close the door, and wonder how we will be able to see. It is dark for a while, until someone finds a light string. There is only a little light, but enough to see. The wood creaks below as people walk, and I start to wonder what type of creatures must nest in here.
Everyone is beginning to settle down. Some finding left behind blankets, and others emptying their backpacks of anything warm. I search around for a room or area where someone isn't already laying. I spot a door, and head there. I open it, and it creaks slowly. It's a small empty room. Probably used as a closet. I walk in, and open my backpack. I get out the blankets I brought, and lay them out. I zip up my backpack, and sit down. The room is filled with whistles as the wind seeping through the cracks surrounds me at every corner. It feels lonely and empty in here. I start to wish I had asked Kona or Amber to stay with me. Just at that time, the door slowly opens. Light shines in, and it glows on grey hair. I strain to see who it is. Kona, thank god. "Mint," he whispers, "I just thought you may like to have my company in here..." I sit up onto my knees, "Thanks." He walks in, and shuts the door. I hear him rustling through his bag and I realize that he brought a flashlight with him. He turns it on and hands it to me. I aim it at his bag so he can get out his blanket. His hair frames his face and he moves his bangs away. Once he's laid out the blanket, I turn off the flashlight and hand it to him. I try to get comfortable, but it feels like I'm missing something: my pillow. Kona hears me ruffling around, and puts his hand on my left shoulder. He pulls me in, and I lay my head against his chest.

An hour has gone by, and Kona is asleep; his head tilted back against the wall. I can't sleep... There is a window in the corner, and I lean over to look through it. It is blurry, but I manage to see out. There is nothing but snow and trees. Tomorrow is a long day. It's best to sleep. I lay my head back down on Kona's chest and nestle into his shirt. The same words that haunt me every night echo in my mind as if they are the wind. "Combine and destroy before it's too late... Darkness is coming... Combine and destroy..." I feel Kona moving his left arm to wrap around me, and I relax into his comfort.

I wake up, thankful to not be sweating. I didn't have a nightmare this time. Maybe because Kona was here...? He is awake already, and I realize he had been watching me sleep. "Morning Mint." I yawn, "Morning Kona." The light shines through the window and I see what a mess we made last night. There's ruffled up blankets, and my bag has flopped over, all of its contents spilled. I stand up and stretch. "Oh no, did they leave without us?!" I exclaim, as I open the closet door. The house is empty, not one soul in there. Kona steps out, "Yeah, they did." I turn to him, frustrated. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" I ask, angrily. Kona is bug eyed, "I thought that's what you wanted." I hiss, "Why the hell would I want to be left behind Kona?!" I grab my backpack and stuff everything of mine inside. "You said you didn't want to fight. I thought you might just like to stay here with me. It's perfect here." Kona stammers. I growl, "No Kona... No! I have to get back to Rave... and my best friend..." I pause, "I haven't said anything Kona, but I miss her so much. I want to see her... even if she hates me. And Raven... god, just thinking of him brings me joy." Kona looks confused, "Mint, you miss her? You should have told me. To be honest, I would think that she probably hates you by now. And Raven? He's not even one of our kind!" he spats. I let tears cloud my eyes, "Kona I thought you cared about me!" He reaches towards me. "I do Mint." I don't let him touch me. "Then why don't you understand? This is important to me. I was supposed to try and stop this battle! And you said you wouldn't let me down... but you did." I say. I put the backpack over my shoulder, and head to the door. Kona blocks me from exiting. "I'm sorry Mint... I just thought that we were... you know... more than friends." He guesses. I shake my head, "No Kona... this wasn't supposed to happen! You were supposed to help me, not fall in love with me!" I exclaim. "But I did." Kona leans in fiercely, and I move away. "It's wrong... it's all wrong... I let this happen... I should've never let you kiss me, or even hug me. I should've never told you my problems, because obviously, the only reason you care about my problems is because you are in love with me. You don't even care if I get back to my best friend or not. You don't care if people die! You said you understood just because it's what I wanted to hear..." I cry, "I trusted you..." I push him away, and run out the door. "That's not true!" he shouts after me. I run through the snow, but it's so deep, I trip and fall face first. Kona rushes out and helps me up. "Mint I care! I'm not what you think! I just... I love you so much, more than you ever could imagine. And if you want to go, I'm coming with you. I'm sorry that I let them go without you. When you said that you didn't want to have this battle, I suspected you meant that you'd rather not be here. I didn't..." he stops speaking. "Kona... I just don't think that we should be together. I was going to tell you, but I forgot ...I'm sorry." Kona bows his head, "Then... this will never work." I look over my shoulder at him, "What won't?" I ask. "If we can't be together, then we can't be friends." I put my beanie on straight, "...Why not?" Kona takes a deep breath, "Because it would be too hard... seeing you with someone else. Just seeing you talk to Shadow... It's too hard. Mint I love you! I'd die for you... I'd do anything you want me to, please Mint... just stay here; ...with me..." I sigh, "I don't have a relationship with Shadow, Kona. You know that." Or... do I? My breath billows, "I can't stay here Kona. I'm so sorry but... my dreams are right. My destiny does wait for me. Somewhere out there..." I cough. Kona reaches for my hand. I grab it. "Mint, I promised to help you complete your mission... but I can't... If we cannot be together..." Kona inhales sharply, "It's like being stabbed in the heart Mint. I'm bleeding out for you..." I can't listen to Kona anymore. I let his hand drop from mine. I blow my hair out of my face. "I have to go now." I walk away, and Kona doesn't follow. "I'd die for you Mint." I look back at him, and he walks in a different direction. I turn my head. I'm so sorry...
I had read over Stella's map, and I know where they headed, so that's where I walk.

I walk for hours and hours, until I finally see somebody in the distance... "Amber?" I whisper. I run, trying to catch up. "Amber..." I pant. She turns around, "There you are Mint! What happened to you? We were wondering where you were, and we didn't have time to search for you." She explains. "Thank god she's back!" People turn around, and some seem happy to see me, and others seemed disappointed at my return. I see Kali looking over peoples shoulders, and hear her spat, "Dang it! She came back." Shadow marches through everyone, followed by Stella. "Mint!" Shadow hugs me, his warm breath on my shoulder comforting. When he lets go, Stella smiles at me, "Somehow I knew you'd find us." I nod. Kona's sister, Ash, steps up to me. Looking around she asks, "Where's Kona?" I flatten my ears. Oh, right. "He decided not to come with me. I'm sorry Ash." Tail drooping, she pads away, back to her spot in line. "Well, that's very disappointing, but we must not turn back. We are almost there. Alright everyone, let's go!" Stella instructs. She goes back to her place in line, and Shadow decides to stay with me. "You came back Mint... I thought I'd never see you again." He says. I shrug, "Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" I giggle. Shadow pauses for a second, "Good thing."
"Combine and destroy, or what you have created will create something else, something worse. Something you cannot imagine. How many times must I warn you? You must combine! You must destroy! You'll never understand."

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