28: All Hope is... (Coco)

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I close my eyes as tightly as I can, hoping, praying, that when I open them all chaos will be gone. "Coco! I know what we have to do!" Mint's voice echoes off the walls of my mind, and I open my eyes. Mint lies on the ground, a puddle of blood forming around her leg. I rush to her side, kneeling beside her, hysteria rising in me. "It will be okay, Mint. Everything will be fine..." I choke on my words. I look at her. Her hair and face is crusted with blood, but her green eyes shine brighter than ever before. "We must combine and destroy, Coco. Before all is lost..." She winces and grips her mint leaf pendant in her hand. She yanks it off her neck, the chain popping as it breaks. She hands it to me and closes my fingers over it. "Mint, why are you giving me your pendant?" I begin. "I love you, Coco. You are my best friend, and I'll never forget you. Maybe we'll see each other again." She grits her teeth. "Please tell Shadow I..." her eyes close. "Mint." I say softly. I gently shake her shoulders. "Mint, wake up." I say, shaking her shoulders with more force. She doesn't respond. I feel a pain like I have never felt before. "Mint!" I wail. I move her hair out of her face. "No!" I yowl. Tears stream down my face, and I scream her name until my throat is raw. "No. No. No!" I shake my head, rocking back and forth on my heels. "I can't live without you." I manage. "I can't!" I scream. I lay down beside her, putting my arms around her. I lay in silence, my body numb and my eyes burning from tears. I hold Mint's pendant in my left hand, and I hold mine in my right. I inhale shakily. "...All I can do, is hold you tight." I sniff, singing quietly. "Knowing clouds will rage in. Storms will race in..." I sing. "But you will be safe in my arms. Rains will pour down, waves will crash around. But you will be safe in my arms." I bury my face in Mint's hair. I continue the song, "Story books are full of fairy tales, of kings and queens and the bluest skies. My heart is torn in knowing you'll someday see the truth from lies." I sing loudly now, trying to block out the pain. "When the clouds will rage in. Storms will race in. But you will be safe in my arms. Rains will pour down, waves will crash around. But you will be safe in my arms. Castles - they might crumble. Dreams may not come true. But you are never all alone. 'Cause I will always..." I look at Mint's peaceful face. "Always love you." I finish in a whisper. I kiss her forehead and turn away from her.
Memories explode into my head, bittersweet. Mint and I singing at her house, back on Earth. Mint and I swimming at the river, laughing every time we slip on mossy rocks and fall into the water. I feel myself crying again. I see Mint skipping down the street, singing "What a Wonderful World". I see us laying on her trampoline, gazing up at the stars. All the adventures we had, all merely memories now. Something inside me is gone. A devouring sadness eats away at my heart, but I don't mind. "How touching." I hear Jared sneer. I don't respond, don't react.
Mint is gone. The Realm of Time and Earth are in Elsa's hands. Everyone I care about are gone or going to be gone. Nothing matters anymore. I failed.

"Combine and destroy, Coco. Before all is lost."

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