One Direction Sickfics

By 23kowgirl

1.1M 13.4K 2.1K

Sick fics for all the boys of 1D More

Harry gets seasick
Liam gets seasick
Louis gets seasick
Harry gets food poisoning
Niall sick on your anniversary
Liam gets food poisoning
Harry goes to the hospital
He's sick at school (Harry)
BSM He's sick (Liam)
BSM he's sick (Harry)
Harry High fever
Sick on the bus (Louis)
Sick on the bus (Louis) part 2
Niall sick on wedding day
Harry sick at work
Sick on stage Niall
Sick on the bus
Harry and Niall sick
Niall and child are sick
Niall panic attack
Niall Sea sick
Niall migraine
Niall sick alone
Niall gets drunk
Liam and Niall food poisoning
Niall carsick
Niall gets a cold
Niall takes care of you
Niall high fever
Niall chest infection
Niall Hypothermia
Niall gets hurt
Niall Tonsillitis
Niall Airsick
Louis Stomach Flu
Larry food poisoning
Larry food poising (part 2)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Niall)
Food poisoning on Honeymoon (Liam)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Harry)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Louis)
Louis Chest infection
Harry asthma attack
Louis High fever
Sick at work (Niall)
Sick at Work (Liam)
Sick at work (Louis)
Niall Strep Throat
Oldest son sick at school (Niall)
Niall sick on Tour
Happy birthday Niall
Niall sick on his birthday
Harry Stomach Flu
You and Harry are sick together
Niall sick alone
Louis's oldest son sick
Niall's son Strep throat
People are curel
Liam Stomach virus
Harry sick on break
End of OTRA
Louis sick (part 2)
Made in the A.M.
Louis Stomach Virus
Niall Stomach Virus
Harry sick from nerves
Liam and Wife both sick
Harry sick on Thanksgiving
LiLo stomach virus (Part 2)
Requests/Update/Thank you
Wisdom Teeth (Niall)
Wisdom Teeth (Liam)
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)
Niall hungover
Larry (Harry) Strep
Niall's son sick
Liam's son sick
Harry's son sick
Harry Bronchitis
Harry sick at the AMAs
Louis sick on his Birthday
Liam sick on the bus
Harry ear infection
Liam sick but the others don't believe him
Louis sick from junk food
Louis sick at school
Harry sick at school (part 2)
Larry Harry sick at studio
Louis upset stomach
Niall bad stomach flu
Harry allergic reaction
Louis sick on New Years
Louis's daughter sick
Louis Anorexic
Harry bad stomach flu
New Book
Harry 'I'm too busy to be sick'
Harry notices scars
Harry sick but other think he faking
Niall sick from junk food
Narry Niall sick at work
Kind of a rant
Louis bad stomach flu
Liam migraine
Niall head cold
Harry head cold
Niall sick but no one believes him
One Direction shared sickness
Niall 'Lazy Weekend'
Harry migraine
Narry sick (Part 2)
Louis sick but no one believes him
Not so Happy Birthday Harry
What do you guys think?
Larry Louis upset stomach
Niall Knee Surgery
Quick Explanation
Larry Harry upset stomach
Niall gets jealous
Larry Louis Migraine
Harry sick on the bus
Harry sick on tour
The guy next door
Niall Pneumonia
Severe writers block
Louis cares for Hannah
Niall Migraine
Niall catches Harry's sickness
Overdo it did we?
13 facts about me
Liam bad stomach flu
Nialler is actually sick
Power outage
Harry sick during interview
Little sick Liam
No I'm not sick
BSM Niall's sick
BSM Louis sick
This Town
I'm Sorry
Harry Sick at School
Just a bit of a rant
Niall Sick at School
Lilo Sick day
Larry Harry Tummy Troubles
Niall Flu Bug
St. Patrick's Day Dilemma
Taking a break
A Narry Weekend
Louis Part 2
A college life for me
A college life for me 2
A College Life for Me (Alternate)
Niall Flicker
Niall Sick
Harry for Aynsnstryi
Larry for styleskiiwi
Liam Seasick for ItsBerryAllen
Do me a favor
New stories!
Niall fakes sick
Harry fakes sick
Louis's son sick
The End...(but not really)

Wisdom Teeth (Louis)

4.3K 66 4
By 23kowgirl

"I want my meds now," Louis whined. He had just had his wisdom teeth out and he was complaining about the pain. On top of that the anesthetic had made him sick to his stomach. You were running around trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Babe you've got to eat before you can take your medicine," you explained stroking his hair.

"I can't eat," Louis whined. Louis was never good with pain. You sighed and ran your fingers through his hair.

"Lou, you'll feel better when you eat baby. It'll help your stomach." Louis whimpered and put his hand to his mouth. "Lou," you sighed. You scratched his scalp with your nailed and he put his head on your shoulder. "Louis I promise you'll feel better once you eat a bit. Just some broth, nothing strong. Then I can give you your medicine."

"No," he whined. You sighed. You knew you had your work cut out for you. When Louis was sick or in pain he was completely helpless.

"What can I do Louis?" you asked sweetly. He whined and cuddled in closer to you much like a child would. You put your arm around him and rubbed up and down his back. "You wanna watch a movie baby?" you whispered to him. He nodded. "Ok sweetie." He sat up and let you get up and you put and movie in the DVD player and sat back down. He immediately cuddled in to you. You held him in your arms trying to comfort him the best that you could. He would whimper occasionally but he seemed pretty content. After about an hour he shifted uncomfortably. You looked down at him and rubbed down his arm.

"Y/N," he whimpered.

"What's wrong buddy?" you asked softly.

"I don't feel good," he replied shutting his eyes.

"I don't know what to do Louis," you sighed. He whimpered and leaned closer in to you. "Tell me what I need to do," you whispered.

"I don't know," he cried.

"Louis don't cry you're going to make yourself feel worse," you told him. You held him close as he continued sobbing.

"It hurts so bad," he cried. You were completely heartbroken. You didn't know what to do for him.

"Why don't we go lay down maybe that will help," you suggested.

"Please let me take the medicine," he cried. You knew he needed to eat but you couldn't stand him being in so much pain.

"Ok Lou," you reluctantly agreed. You got up and get him his medicine and some water. He took the pill happily and took a drink to wash it down. "Let's go lay down Louis," you whispered. He nodded. You walked into your bedroom and got into bed. He curled in close to you putting his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair.

"Y/N," he whimpered.

"Shh Louis, it's alright," you reassured him. He let out a few soft sobs before he drifted off to sleep. You found yourself following after him. Your eyes got heavy until you were fast asleep with Louis in your arms. You didn't know how long you were asleep but you woke up when Louis called your name. You opened your eyes and looked around and realized he wasn't with you.

"Y/N," Louis called. You realized he was in your bathroom.

"Oh no," you whispered to yourself. You got up quickly and found just what you were afraid of. Louis was hunched over the toilet and he had already thrown up. He looked at you with tears in his eyes. "Aww Louis," you whispered kneeling down next to him. He sobbed over the bowl as pain overtook him.

"This is horrible," he sobbed. He gagged and spit into the water.

"Try to relax Louis," you told him. He heaved over the bowl bringing up stomach acid. There was nothing in his stomach to bring up. He sobbed letting tears fall from his eyes.

"I want to be done," he cried.

"I think you're almost done baby. Try to take a deep breath." He took a breath and let out a soft sob afterwards. "Shh baby, you're ok," you whispered. He took another breath and coughed a little.

"I think I'm ok," he whimpered softly.

"Ok baby, let's get you back to bed, yeah?" He nodded. "Ok babe." You flushed the toilet and got Louis back in bed. You went to the kitchen and got a bottle of sprite for him to sip on. "Here buddy try this," you said handing him the bottle. He took a few small sips and put the bottle down.

"I still feel sick," he whimpered. You put the trash can in the corner of the room next to the bed.

"Relax, I'm gonna go find something for you to try to eat." He groaned at the thought. You left the room and went to the kitchen. You weren't sure what he could even eat at this point. Completely overwhelmed you decided to ask for help. You grabbed you phone and called the first person you thought of.

"Hey lass."

"Liam I need your help," you said while tears popped to your eyes.

"What wrong darling?" he asked sounding concerned.

"Louis isn't doing well. He's in a lot of pain and he just threw up which really worries me," you explained.

"It's not uncommon for people who get their wisdom teeth out to throw up," he reassured you.

"It can't be good for his mouth."

"Well I mean it's not, as long as he doesn't keep throwing up you should be fine."

"What should I give him?"

"Something like Sprite to start with. A few crackers, make sure he takes as small a bite as he can. He still can't really chew so he needs to just let them dissolve in his mouth. See if he can keep those down and go from there. Oh, and don't give him any more medicine, that won't help settle his stomach."

"Ok. Ok I got it. Thank you so much Liam," you sighed with relief.

"Course darling, let me know if you need anything else."

"I will, you're a lifesaver. Bye Li."

"Bye Y/N." You hung up and grabbed a few crackers to take back to Louis.

"Lou," you said softly walking in to the room. He looked up at you. "Try to eat these. Slowly. Liam said just let them dissolve in your mouth." He nodded and took the crackers from you. He got a few down and then stopped.

"I can't," he muttered.

"What's wrong Lou?" Before he could answer his stomach sent up what he had just eaten. He grabbed the trash and heaved into it. Your heart broke. "I'm so sorry baby," you cried putting your hand on his back. He got up everything he had eaten then looked over at you. You took the trash from his hand and set it down. You grabbed the bottle of Sprite and handed it to him. "Try to just drink Lou," you whispered. He took small sips then put it down. His eyes got heavy. He was clearly exhausted.

"Lay with me," he whispered. You did as he wished and got into bed with him and pulled him close to you. He was asleep within minutes. He stayed asleep for over an hour and he woke up again and immediately grabbed for the trash. You were jolted awake and saw Louis's pain and felt your heart sink.

"Baby," you sighed. You comforted him until he was done. His hands shook as you once again took the trash from him. "Baby I'm going to call the doctor. This isn't normal." Louis nodded. Normally he would have protested but he agreed. You called your doctor's office and asked what you needed to do. They told you if he got bad to take him to the ER. They told you just to try to keep fluids in him. You thanked him and hung up. You told Louis he needed to try to keep drinking. He picked back up his drink and took a few more sips.

"I'm sorry," he said hoarsely.

"Don't be sorry babe. I'm sorry you're so sick," you cooed rubbing your hand down his back.

"I'm so tired."

"Let's lay back down." You pulled him back down and held him. He was once again out within minutes. You were so worried about him. He woke up a few hours later and brought up what little he had in his stomach. "We need to go to the hospital Louis. This is bad." You rushed him to the hospital where they hooked him up to an IV to get some fluids back in him. They explained he had a bad reaction to the anesthetic and that it wasn't as uncommon as you thought. They assured you Louis would be fine and that no damage was done to his mouth. You sighed in relief knowing that Louis would be alright. After he was released from the hospital you took him home making him as comfortable as you could.

"Y/N," he whispered as you got into bed.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Thank you for taking care of me." You smiled and kissed his head.


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