Boarding School Cos Im Naughty

By KeepDreamingDreamer

21.2K 167 16


Boarding School Cos Im Naughty One
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Two
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Three
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Four
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Five
Boarding school Cos In naughty Six - FREYA'S STORY
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Seven
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Eight
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Nine
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Ten
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty Eleven
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty Twelve
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty -letters
Boarding School Course I'm Naughty Fourteen
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty 16
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty 17
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty- chapter 18
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty - 19
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Chapter 20
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty chapter 21

Boarding School Cos Im Naughty fifteen

488 6 1
By KeepDreamingDreamer

Once we got to the cage I was determined to find out more about Freya Greene and since she wanted to come here there must be something special about it. “So what do you like about fighting?” she looked up at me like it was the most stupid question ever.

Looking forward she replied with “I street fight” then she walked off, that didn’t help much. Turning to my left I saw a familiar face but I didn’t know the name.

He walked up to me “can I help you?” I questioned I looked him up and down like he was a piece of dirt and he was kind of.

He nodded once “yeah you can actually, you know Crazy right? Crazy hammer?” he nodded towards Freya.

I raised an eyebrow “maybe I do maybe I don’t, what’s it to you” I nodded towards him shoving my cup to his chest a little.

His lip curved at the side “because I know you know me and I know that you want to know more about her” he pointed towards Freya who was talking to some random boy.

Freya looked back at us and frowned then flicked her hair over her shoulder fiercely I looked at the boy next to me he looked our age about 5 ft 7-8 blonde hair blue eyes I knew this guy this was Link, black trousers, vest, black hoodie yes defently Link. “I know all I need to know”

He stared at me and shook his head in disbelief “she can wrap you around her little finger and make you do whatever you want” Link said shifting his weight watching her making her way with the boy.

I grabbed link and pulled him my way “actually it’s the other way round twat so get you facts straight” then I pushed him back to where he was.

Freya approached us giving Link a dirty look “I didn’t know you knew this rat Brandon” she put her hand on her hip and looked at me raising an eyebrow, Link raised an eyebrow to and her mate behind her crossed his arms.

“I don’t have to tell you everything, Freya” I smirked but that’s when she grabbed my collar and pulled me in. “don’t you dare call me Freya not here” she pushed me back up and looked at Link then walked away. Link just held his little finger up and smirked.

“Wait!” I shouted after her “what are we doing here” I touched her shoulder and she didn’t react.

She looked to the guy next to her “so, what been happening lately” she sat on a table and started plaiting her hair, on the way her she had gotten changed in to some baseball shorts and a vest so that her ‘rep’ wouldn’t get pulled down or something.

The guy looked at her “people have been talking saying that it was all talk about you and that guy they think it was someone else” he whispered pushing his hair away from his face.

She looked at him like he was crazy “who?” she finished plaiting her hair and the ref came out to announce for when the next fights will be.

“ladies and gentlemen I am proud to say that next week we will be joined ben The Crushhherrr” then everyone cheered I looked at Freya who was talking to her friend then she jumped up and pulled me away from the crowd.

The door slammed “we’re going” she demanded she looked angry very angry

I looked back “why? What’s wrong? Who’s The Crusher? I’ve never heard of him” I got on the motorbike and looked back at her.

“You wouldn’t have, he’s not from around here”

i know im soo lame at uploading i just  didnt have the time so heres a quicky chapter :) its not all that im still think about how im puting this story into words its all in my head but yeah

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