Familiar Strangers

By CamilaAldebol

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Kai and Louis were best friends when they were little but when Kai moves to Australia they lose contact. Seve... More

Familiar Strangers
Prologue - Dear Louis
Chapter 1 - The Keys
Chapter 2 - 1D at Nando's
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 5 - Recording Studio
Chapter 6 - Get to Know You
Chapter 7 - Those Blue Eyes
Chapter 8 - Don't You Remember
Chapter 9 - Twitcam
Chapter 10 - Tattoo
Chapter 11 - He Knows
Chapter 12 - Malakai Grace
Chapter 13 - Say Something
Chapter 14 - Familiar Strangers No More
Chapter 15 - When the Darkness Comes
Chapter 16 - Not Again
Chapter 17 - Haunted
Chapter 18 - Blank Page
Chapter 19 - Starting Over
Chapter 20 - Rehearsals
Chapter 21 - Mine
Chapter 22 - Yours
Chapter 23 - Don't Give Up
Chapter 24 - The Dream
Epilogue - Time

Chapter 3 - The Call

293 2 0
By CamilaAldebol

The song Kai "wrote" is Fix You by Coldplay!

Chapter 3 - The Call


Tears spill out of my eyes as I reach for the tissue box Kiran is holding next to me. I can hear her soft little hiccups as she too is crying. After Kyle left Kiran and I decided to watch some movies. We started off with comedies but now we're watching Up. We've watched this movie more than ten times but it always gets to us. Every time we watch Carl and Ellie's life, eight minutes that just claw at your heart, we end up bawling our eyes out.

"I love it but it's so heartbreaking." Kiran says shaking her blonde head, her brown eyes red and full of tears.

I nod agreeing with her. "I know right?" I dab the corner of my eyes trying to catch the tears before they fall. My heart aches for Carl even though he's not real. I smile when Louis, my German Shepard, rest his face on my lap and stares up at me worriedly. He gets worried every time he sees any of us cry I think it's because when dad died that was all we ever did. I pet his furry head and after a few minutes Kiran and I stop crying. I'm drifting off when I hear my phone ring. I'm tempted to let it ring and not answer but it could be mom or Aunt Beth who are having a spa weekend so I reach for it. Kiran comes in to the room which surprises me because I didn't know she had left. I look at the screen and see it's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer unsure who could be calling me. Kiran asks me who I'm talking to and I just shrug.

"Yes, is this Kai Ellis?" The voice on the other end of the line asks.

"Yes." I answer still wondering who it is but before I can ask them they talk.

"Sorry to be calling you so late." The person is definitely male his voice is somewhat familiar but I don't know from where.

I keep trying to put the voice with the face but give up. "Its fine but who is calling?"

"It's Simon, Simon Cowell from Syco." My mouth drops open at his name and at that moment everything clicks. He does sound like him but it can't be. Kiran looks at me her left eyebrow raised questioningly. This can't be true, it has to be a joke. I'm too shocked to say anything as a few seconds pass. "Miss Ellis are you still there?" He asks.

I finally react and look back at Kiran. "Um, I'm here it's just... This is a joke right. I mean..." Words come out of my mouth completely jumbled up. What am I saying?

"Who is it?" Kiran asks me again and I raise my hand telling her to wait. Kiran shoots me a glare which I choose to ignore.

I hear a chuckle coming from the other end. "It's no joke Miss Ellis. I was calling because I wanted to ask you if you and the other members of your band could come meet with me." Simon says completely serious.

My head spins at his words, a sense excitement but also confusion filling me. "Um, well I guess we could. When?" Kiran stares at me confused and annoyed.

"Can you come by on Wednesday say at eleven?" He asks and I'm shaking my head like an idiot. You're such a nitwit, he can't see you!

I stop shaking my head and try to calm down enough to produce something coherent."Yes, we most certainly can but may I know what this is about?"

"I saw your cover of WMYB and other songs and I was pleasantly surprised at your collective talent as well as individually. I just us to talk about a few things." Simon says like it was nothing, like he, a big A&R executive, didn't just say he thinks we have talent and that he wants to talk about a few things!

"Oh um okay, thank you." I mutter completely taken aback by the whole conversation.

"See you Wednesday Miss Ellis." I nod and he hangs up. I stare down at my phone dumbstruck. What just happened? I look up at Kiran and smile.

She looks back at me slightly annoyed but with new found curiosity. "What?"

I grab her shoulders and start jumping up and down like a maniac saying 'Oh my god' over and over again. "What's wrong with you?" Kiran asks looking rather confused.

I stop jumping and smile wickedly at her. "That was Simon Cowell." I say and she just scoffs and looks at me annoyed.

"Yeah and I'm dating Ryan Gosling." She answers sarcastically rolling her brown eyes. Kiran loves being sarcastic its like her thing.

I look at her straight in the eyes. "I'm not lying Adele. It really was him." I say seriously using her middle name and she stares back at me unsure if I'm really telling the truth.

Her brown eyes observe me quizzically. "Alright I'll bite, what did he want?" She crosses her arms and waits for me to say something.

I squeal excitedly. "He said he wanted to meet with us on Wednesday to talk about some things." Kiran still stares back at me unsure. "He said he saw our cover of WMYB and that he was surprised at our collective talent as well as our individual one." Kiran breaks out in a bright smile. I guess I've convinced her.

She laughs and shakes her head no doubt trying to process everything. "Oh my god!" Kiran squeals as she takes my hands and jumps up and down. I laugh and we start talking excitedly while jumping.

My door opens making us scream in fear. Kyle walks in and eyes us warily. She must think we've gone mad. "What are you doing?" She asks curiously with an amused look on her face.

Kiran and I look at each other and smile rather maniacally. "We have something to tell you." I say feeling the excitement fill me.

Kyle nods then proceeds to smile like the Cheshire cat. "Fine but I have some exciting news and I think you'll love it. Especially you Kai." I begin to protest but that last thing makes me curious.

"Alright what is it?" Kyle breaks into another bright smile and even blushes. I raise my eyebrow questioningly. What could make Kyle blush red?

"I met One Direction today!" She squeals loudly.

Kiran's eyes go big and she smiles yet again. "No way."

Kyle delivers a loud squeal that makes me wince. "Yes! They came to Nando's today and I took them to their table."

Kiran looks back clearly disappointed and amused. "Well you didn't actually meet them."

Kyle glares at her before continuing. "You didn't let me finish." As they bicker all I can think about is him. How I haven't seen him in seven years. I've worked at Nando's four months now and not once have I been there when he is and Kyle has been working there for less than three weeks and she's already seen him. I suddenly experience a sharp pang of sadness and longing that takes me by surprise.

Done bickering Kiran signals for Kyle to finish her story. "So I took them to their table and Sam came so I left. Then Sam calls me over and asks me to bring them their drinks, so I go and get them and when I come back Sam asks me if we're going to sing at the cafe tomorrow. I said yes and asked her why and she said the lads recognized me from our videos!" Kyle all but yells. "I couldn't believe it of course so I just stared back at them and then Harry introduces himself and the lads, as if I didn't already know who they were. Anyway I introduced myself and asked if they really had seen our video which Niall then said was amazing and they all agreed. Liam asked if we had a manger to which I answered no, then Zayn asked about the cafe and asked if they could come watch us to which I said yes!" She finished start struck. All I can do is stare at her as she keeps on talking. I wonder if he still looks the same. I mean I've seen millions of pictures and videos of him but what about in person?

By this time we're seated on my full sized bed. "Zayn's eyes are more breathtaking in person and so are Niall's. They are the purest of blue! I mean they are just so attractive, I'm surprised I was able to talk. Oh and Louis is exactly like I remember well except for the five o'clock shadow." Kyle looks at me and realizes I've been quiet all this time. She scrunches up her eyebrows in worry.

"You alright Kai?" Kiran asks concern in her eyes. I want to tell them no, that I'm not. That I'm sad I didn't get to see him instead of Kyle, that I miss his friendship so much.

I take a deep breath and smile. "I'm fine I was just processing it all." I say truing my best to look convincing. Kiran and Kyle look at me uncertain but let it go. "Anyway our news is just as exciting maybe even more or so." I say quickly changing the subject.

Kyle scoffs and rolls her eyes. "What can be more exciting than meeting five very attractive pop stars?"

Kiran and I exchange a look and chuckle to ourselves knowingly. "Oh I don't know, Simon Cowell wanting to meet with us on Wednesday." Kiran says casually. Kyle's eyes go big.

"What!?" She squeals and Kiran and I both laugh.

I nod enthusiastically. "We had the same reaction. That's why we were dancing like lunatics earlier." I explain our childish behavior earlier.

"Oh my god! Why does he want to meet with us?" I can tell Kyle is reeling form the information and is silently screaming inside.

"He said and I quote 'I saw your cover of WMYB and other songs and I was pleasantly surprised at your collective talent as well as individually' and then added that he just wanted to talk with us about some things." I say retelling the whole conversation with Simon. Kiran and Kyle squeal again as they jump off the bed and jump and dance like lunatics. I smile amused and decide to join them forgetting all about Louis Tomlinson.


As the clock hits seven fifty we make our way up to the small stage on the corner of the cafe. The familiar smell of coffee, delicious food and pastries fills my nose and draws a smile out of me. I love this place. Ever since we first came here and Lucy, the owner, asked us to play it's become one of my favorite places in London. We started performing thanks to Annabel, Lucy's seventeen year old daughter that had apparently seen our videos and was a huge fan so she told her mum and the next thing we knew we had become regulars. People seem to like us and the cafe is usually full when we perform. In the beginning it had been so intimidating to get up there and sing but having your sister and younger cousin with you made it easy. Before this cafe I had never sung for anyone except my family. Eying the small cafe I realize it's slightly less full than usual but of course we don't usually sing on weeknights. Kyle who hasn't been able to stop talking about how One Direction might come to see us, is standing next to me disappointment written all over her face as her eyes wander around the room no doubt looking for them. I too feel a tinge of disappointment I mean don't get me wrong I doubted they'd come but I guess I secretly hoped they would. Kai takes out her blue guitar and begins strumming the cords making sure it's tuned perfectly. The three of us sit on our stool with our guitars and get ready.

"To dad." Kai says.

I nod back. "To dad."

"To Uncle Will." Kyle adds and the three of us nod as we finish our pre show ritual.

Kai takes a deep breath and smiles at the crowd which is filled with a familiar faces. "Hey guys, thank you for coming out today. As many of you know I'm Kai."

"I'm Kiran." I say with a small wave.

"And I'm Kyle." She says her smile bright like if she wasn't disappointed a few minutes ago.

"And we're The Keys. We'll be starting off with Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. Hope you like it." Kai says into the microphone in front of her. We start strumming our guitars in perfect sync just like we'd practiced and the music fills the cafe.

Kai begins to sing first.

Aren't you somethin' to admire?

'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror

And I can't help but notice

You reflect in this heart of mine

If you ever feel alone and

The glare makes me hard to find

Just know that I'm always

Parallel on the other side

I begin my part with a big smile.

'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul

I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go

Just put your hand on the glass

I'll be tryin' to pull you through

You just gotta be strong

I finish my part and Kyle continues.

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now

I'm lookin' right at the other half of me

The vacancy that sat in my heart

Is a space that now you hold

Show me how to fight for now

And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy

Comin' back here to you once I figured it out

You were right here all along

We start singing together and our voices mix and fill the room. I look at each other and smile enjoying ourselves.

It's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me

I couldn't get any bigger

With anyone else beside of me

And now it's clear as this promise

That we're making two reflections into one

'Cause it's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

A few minutes later we finish the song and smile as the crowd claps and cheers. We jump to the next song and soon enough we're almost to our last song. So far everything has gone beautifully but my nerves go awry thinking about the next song. It's new to our set list because Kai just finished writing it a week ago.

"Alright this next song is new to our set list" Kai is saying but my attention is caught by the jingle of the front door opening. Normally that wouldn't have caught my attention but this time it did because of the four very attractive lads that have come. Nobody recognized them mainly because the people's eyes were fixed on the talking Kai up on stage but I do and by the look on Kyle's face she does too. I look at Kai to see if she's noticed and her nod tells me she did. "This is Fix You. Hope you like it."

I start playing my guitar as I watch them sit at an empty table. I notice one of them is missing and quickly figure out it's Louis. The one who I think is Liam tips his head in a hello towards Kyle, she in turn smiles slightly blushing. The other three then wave their hellos. The four of them sit watching us carefully, Niall take out his phone and points it at us as Kai begins to sing. I believe he's recording us which make my nerves skyrocket.

Kai begins to sing.

When you try your best but you don't succeed

When you get what you want but not what you need

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse

I take my eyes off them and begin to sing my part. I feel Niall's eyes boring into my face.

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

We sing together in perfect harmony.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

Kyle stops playing the guitar and grabs her microphone.

And high up above or down below

When you're too in love to let it go

But if you never try you'll never know

Just what you're worth

I look at the guys and find Niall and Liam staring at me. I quickly look down at my guitar and hide the blush creeping up my face.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

We finish strumming our guitars and the crowd claps energetically. Kai had been worried nobody would like her song but it's a big hit. I told her so earlier when she tried to take it off the set list. Kyle looks at me her brown eyes big with excitement. "We'll be having a five minute break and we'll be back for our final song." Kyle says into the microphone and places her guitar in its case. She motions for Kai and me to follow her so we do. When we reach the table they're sitting they give us a friendly smile.

"Hey lads, I didn't think you were going to make it." She says smiling brightly fixing her eyes on Zayn.

Harry who's been hiding behind his shades takes them off. "We said we'd come besides if we didn't we would've missed that amazing song." He says his cheeky smile revealing two dimples.

Niall nods in agreement his blue eyes shining with admiration. "It really was." He says to Kai.

"Oh um, thank you." Kai says grateful for the compliment but her eyes say she's disappointed. She probably expected to see Louis.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you guys. Lads these are my cousins Kai and Kiran Ellis and girls well you know who they are." Kyle says pointing to each of us. She looks nervous and I'm surprised she isn't fangirling big time right now.

"It's very nice to meet you." I say smiling my breath hitching when I look into Niall's blue eyes.

Niall smiles cheekily at me and Liam smiles warmly. "Likewise." Liam says nodding.

Kyle's eyebrows scrunch up. "Hey, where is Louis?" She asks glancing at Kai's face. I'm sure she's notice her disappointment.

Zayn's eyes land on me then quickly move to Kyle. "Oh he wasn't feeling well so he stayed back but he wanted me to tell you that song was incredible." Zayn explains with a breath taking smile and Kyle was right. His eyes are even better in person.

Kai looks at him and I can tell she's disillusioned. We all know how she feels about Louis and how she wishes to see him again. He was all Kai talked about when I first met her. "And how would he know that?" Kai asks sharply and I silently pray they don't notice.

Harry chuckles, I guess he didn't notice or he just brushed it off. "Niall and Louis were skyping. He watched the whole thing from his flat." His green eyes only looking at Kai for a moment before returning to Kyle.

Kai seems surprised. "Oh."

Liam stares at me intently going from my hair to my eyes, to my nose then stopping at my mouth. I feel my face getting hot so I avert my eyes from his light brown orbs which are also better in person. His eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "You guys should get back on stage, you wouldn't want to keep your fans waiting." He says when he finishes observing me with an almost forced smile.

We laugh and say our goodbyes. "We'll see you soon." Niall says with a knowing smile.

We nod and then get back onto the stage. They watch us intently all through the last song. What did he mean they'll see us soon? As the song ends I think of the meeting we have with Simon tomorrow and my nerves skyrocket once again.


Hey lovies! I hope you liked this chapter, the next one is coming soon! Again the song Kai "wrote" is Fix You by Coldplay! Video on the side of the Gardener sisters (which are the voices I imagine The Keys having) of Mirrors!

Please comment and vote!

Love, Kamila :)

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