The Girl With a Rose on Her F...

By FlowerFiction1994

107K 2.6K 264

A lose modern version of the Grimm tale fairy tale story "The Girl With a Rose on Her Forehead" thrown into t... More

Season 1: Episode 1: Pilot
Season 1: Episode 2: The Thing You Love Most
Season 1: Episode 3: Snow Falls
Season 1: Episode 4 :The Price of Gold
Season 1: Episode 5: That Still Small Voice
Season 1: Episode 6 : The Shepard
Season 1: Episode 7 : The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Season 1: Episode 8: Desperate Souls
Season 1: Episode 9: True North
Season 1: Episode 10: 7:15 AM
Season 1: Episode 11: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Season 1: Episode 12: Skin Deep
Season 1: Episode 13: What Happened to Frederick
Season 1: Episode 14: Dreamy
Season 1: Episode 15: Red-Handed
Season 1: Episode 16: Heart of Darkness
Season 1: Episode 17: Hat Trick
Season 1: Episode 18: The Stable Boy
Season 1: episode 19: The Return
Season 1: Episode 21: An Apple Red as Blood
Season 1 Episode 22: A Land Without Magic
Season 2: Episode 1: Broken
Season 2: Episode 2: We are Both
Season 2: Episode 3: Lady of the Lake
Season 2: Episode 4: The Crocodile
Season 2: Episode 5: The Doctor
Season 2: Episode 7: Child of the Moon
Season 2: Episode 8: Into The Deep
Season 2: Episode 9: Queen of Hearts
Season 2: Episode 10: The Cricket Game
Season 2: Episode 11: The Outsider
Season 2: Episode 12: In the Name of the Brother
Season 2: Episode 13: Tiny
Season 2: Episode 14: Manhattan
Season 2: Episode 15: The Queen is Dead
Season 2: Episode 16: The Millers Daughter
Season 2: Episode 17: Welcome to Storybrooke
Season 2: Episode 18: Selfless, Brave, and True
Season 2: Episode 19: Lacey
Season 2: Episode 20: The Evil Queen
Season 2: Episode 21: Second Star to the Right
Season 2: Episode 22: And straight on till morning
Season 3: Episode 1: The Heart of the Truest Believer
Season 3: Episode 2: Lost Girl
Season 3: Episode 3: Quite a Common Fairy
Season 3: Episode 4: Nasty Habits
Season 3: Episode 5: Good Form
Season 3: Episode 6: Ariel
Season 3: Episode 7: Dark Hollow
Season 3: Episode 8: Think Lovely Thoughts
Season 3: Episode 9: Save Henry
Season 3: Episode 10: The New Neverland
Season 3: Episode 11: Going Home
Season 3: Episode 12: New York City Serenade
Season 3: Episode 13: Witch Hunt
Season 3: Episode 14: The Tower
Season 3: Episode 15: Quite Minds
Season 3: Episode 16: It's not easy being Green
Season 3: Episode 17: The Jolly Rodger
Season 3: Episode 18: Bleeding Through
Season 3: Episode 19: A Curious Thing
Season 3: Episode 20: Kansas
Season 3: Episode 21: Snow Drifts
Season 3: Episode 22: There's No Place Like Home
Season 4:Episode 1: A Tale of Two Sisters
Season 4: Episode 2: White Out
Season 4: Episode 3: Rocky Road
Season 4: Episode 4: The Apprentice
Season 4: Episode 5: Breaking Glass
Season 4: Episode 6: Family Business
Season 4: Episode 7: The Snow Queen
Season 4: Episode 8: Smash the mirror - Part 1
Season 4: Episode 9: Smash the mirror Part 2
Season 4: Episode 10: Fall
Season 4 episode 11: Shattered Sight
Season 4: Episode 12: Heroes and Villains
Season 4 Episode 13: Darkness on the edge of town
Season 4 : Episode 14 : Unforgiving
Season 4 Episode 15: Enter The Dragon
Season 4: Episode 16: Poor Unfortunate Soul
Season 4: Episode 17: Best Laid Plans
Season 4: Episode 18: Heart of Gold
Season 4: Episode 19: Sympathy for the De Vil
Season 4: Episode 20: Lily
Season 4: Episode 21: Mother
Season 4: Episode 22: Operation Mongoose Part 1
Season 4: Episode 23: Operation Mongoose Part 2
Season 5: Episode 1: The Dark Swan
Season 5: Episode 2: The Price
Season 5: Episode 3: Siege Perilous
Season 5: Episode 4: The Broken Kingdom
Season 5: episode 5: Dream-catcher
Season 5: Episode 6: The Bear and the Bow
Season 5: Episode 7: Nimue
Season 5: Episode 8: Birth
Season 5: Episode 10: Broken Heart
Season 5: Episode 11: Swan Song
Season 5: Episode 12: Souls of the Departed
Season 5: Episode 13: Labor of Love
Season 5: Episode 14: Devil's Due
Season 5: Episode 15: The Brothers Jones
Season 5: Episode 16, 17, & 18: Our Decay, Her Handsome Hero, & Ruby Slippers

Season 1: Episode 20: The Stranger

1.1K 44 0
By FlowerFiction1994

-Mr.Gold's Pawn Shop-

August stepped into Mr.Gold shop, as each day passed the window of opportunity for finding Azalea kept closing more and more. With no one else besides August, Mr.Gold, and the Evil Queen knowing about the curse...well August had his hunch at to who the missing flower enchantress was being held by. "Nice to see you again...August." My Gold said as the bell rang from the door. "Let's skip the formalities." He said getting straight to the point. "Yes, lets...You claim to be the only person who can make Ms.Swan believe. That you could get her to do exactly what she was brought here to do and yet, for a man who is running out of time. You don't seem to be in much of a hurry to awaken the savior." Mr.Gold said as August walked up to his desk. "It's not me slowing anything down. It's her, all she can think about right now is getting custody of Henry, and Azalea, the girl who has been missing for almost two weeks now." He said leaning against the desk. "So I suggest that if you have the would be best to let her go." August said. "You think that if I had the flower enchantress she would still be alive? I need her heart to finish a very important potion. So yes even if I would love to have gotten to her first it didn't work out that way. Sorry but I cannot be of any help." Mr.Gold said. "So you have no idea where she is at all?" August asked, not really believing him. "No I actually don't. She was able to get her magic back, along with her memories. And when she did I went after her. She...well she was able to get away from me, I went after her but I haven't seen her since she went running from me." He admitted. "So she is hiding from you?" August asked. "Possibly, or someone else took her while she was running, or the Evil Queen got to her. Regina was the one who took her magic from so long ago, and the one who broke into her flower I'm not saying the Regina has kidnapped the poor girl, but if she hasn't then no one knows where she it." Silence fell over the shop and August sighed. "Fine, but trust me when I say that when I get Emma to believe and she finds that you kidnapped Azalea -if you have her- there will be a lot to pay." August threatened before stomping out of the shop.

-Enchanted Forest-

"There has to be something I can do to help besides these planting flowers." Azalea said walking down the path with Grumpy and Prince Charming. "Trust us when we say that you are contributing greatly to the cause of protecting Mary and I's unborn child...your sister." the Prince said as he patted the flower enchantresses back. "Yea, sure we can fight and all that. But you are the only one in the whole kingdom who can make a protection spell to keep evil magic out of the kingdom." Grumpy said watching as Azalea stopped and dug into the ground with her small shovel, planting another bundle of white flowers into the ground. They glowed brightly for a few seconds before returning to looking like normal flowers. "But you guys are putting your lives on the line every day. Pinocchio and his father are building the wardrobe to take Snow and the baby to the other world. Yet all I can do is plant a bunch of flowers, and I can't even do that alone without guards." Azalea said looking down at the ground as she stood up. "You need guards because you are a powerful person, and we don't know when Rumple could try to come and take your heart are being very helpful. Even if it doesn't seem like it to you right now." The Prince said getting on his knees in front of the girl. "Some of the biggest gifts come in small packages yea?" He said forcing a smile from the girl. "Come on, the faster you plant these flowers the faster we get back to the castle." Grumpy said taking the lead in the small group. "And the faster we get you back into a safe place." the Prince said pulling Azalea along. The girl rolled her eyes, yes she understood that it was important to keep herself safe. But the castle was feeling more and more like a prison and less like a home, especially sense Regina had threatened with the curse and Rumple had been captured by Cinderella and the magic quill. Azalea knew her job, and pulled the bundle of flowers closer to her chest as she walked down the path with Charming and Grumpy. Keeping her complaints to herself.

-Unknown location-

Azalea gasped as she woke up, a painful coldness woke her up as she wrapped her arms even tighter around her waist. She felt like there was nothing left inside of her to keep her warm. All she wanted to do was sleep but every time she tried the cold would wake her up, or her nightmares...or what she used to think were nightmares. Now she knew, it was the magic in her heart, giving her memories trying to get her to remember everything before the curse. Now the only help they were giving her was keeping her awake when all she really wanted was rest. "Please help me, please remember, help me...Emma your the savior. Please save me." Azalea had taken to talking to herself the longer she stayed trapped in this room by the evil queen. She heard her stomach growl, trying her best to ignore how hungry she was. And how much everything hurt.

-Enchanted Forest-

"Did you get the tree?" Azalea asked. The blue fairy and Geppetto turned to see the girl running down the palace hallway towards them. Geppetto gave the blue fairy a wary glance, he was worried the flower enchantress would find out his secret deal he made with the blue fairy. The deal to take his son in the wardrobe and tell everyone that it only had enough magic to take one person. "We did get the tree!" The blue fairy said flying over to the girl, so that she couldn't get too close to the room where royal guards were unloading the trunk of the magic tree that they had cut down. "Might I see it? I want to be able to help you all in preparing it for Mary and the baby." Azalea said with a grin. "No! No, I must do this with just my son Pinocchio. The carving that has to be done to make the trunk a magical wardrobe is very detailed..." Geppetto said, looking nervous. "Oh, okay. I understand." Azalea said, trying to hide that she was hurt by Geppetto's words. "Oh don't be disappointed young child. It is not that I doubt your abilities." Geppetto said walking down the hall to comfort her. "It's just that...I have a very particular way of doing my carving, and with this being such an important project -" Azalea nodded, "I understand. Thank you for helping us by making this. Your amazing Geppetto." Azalea said with a grin. "I deserve no thanks. I only wish to help those...closest to me." Geppetto said, taking his sons hand into his own, holding it tightly. "Why don't you go on and see if you can help anyone else?" blue fairy suggested to Azalea. "Okay. I don't want to distract you anymore Geppetto. Good luck." She said before turning and walking back down the hallway, away from the magical tree trunk. "Don't leave the palace without guards!" Blue called out to Azalea, who rolled her eyes as she turned the corner, leaving their sight.

-Emma's Car, Leaving Storybrooke-

"You do know that if my mom catches me out her with you she will be really mad." Henry said as he sat in the yellow car with Emma. "Yea, Henry I need to ask you something really you want to leave Regina, and do you want me to be your mom?" Emma asked. "More than anything." Henry said with a grin. "Than buckle up, were leaving." Emma said as she started the car. Henry got a shocked look on his face, quickly pulling the seat belt on when he felt the car jerk as Emma drove down the road.

-Enchanted Forest-

Azalea held the shining yellow flower in front of her (much like a flashlight) as she walked around the palace walls. She knew that if anyone found her wondering on her own she would get in trouble, but she was just so sick of having to be watched like a child. Rumple had literally ruined most of her life. She wasn't going to let him be in control of everything she did. "This is all I wanted." She though to herself as she tucked the shining flower into her hair, using it as a light in the darkness as she walked around. 'Some fresh air and peace.' The peace of the night was broken when she heard shouting from the front of the gate. It sounded like a fight was breaking out. She quickly hid within some bushes and tucked the shining flower into her jacket, hiding herself in the shadows of the night. "That was easy, now all I have to do is track down my little flower girl." A chill ran down Azalea's spine. Who was after her now? Rumple had been trapped away, so it couldn't be him. Who else would be powerful enough to be able to get past the castle guards "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Azalea felt a rush of relief when she heard Charming's voice. "Why stop now? I already got all the way into the castle grounds. I'm so close to finding the flower enchantress I can almost smell her."  Azalea begged for him to only be kidding about the smelling part, being a flower enchantress did make her smell like the person trying to get her probably didn't know just how accurate his statement was. "The person your looking for is safely inside the palace, you will have to get through us to get to her." Grumpy's voice as he said holding up a sword. Azalea dared to peek through the leafs of the bush, fear making her stop when she saw the leg of the person who had broken in to come take her right in front of the bush. Charming and the dwarfs were standing in front of the door to the castle. If the man found her in her hiding place she was doomed. She had to think of something. "I suggest you move out of my way, I am being payed a heavy price to bring the girl back with me." The man said pulling out two swords and pointing them at Charming and the Dwarfs. One of the branches from the bush started to shake and Azalea smiled. She put her hands on the ground below her, she closed her eyes and focused on the branches around her. 'help me my friend.' she though as her hands started to glow, the branches shifting and moving more. Suddenly they all shot out from the bush, wrapping themselves around the intruder until he was trapped, the branches wrapping themselves around his legs and arms. "What's happening?!" Doc shouted from the group. "Don't worry! It's only me." Azalea called as she climbed out of the bush to where everyone could see her. "Azalea! I though you were safe inside." Charming said running over to her. "I came out to take a walk and get some fresh air, then this man showed up and I hid." Azalea explained as the man fought to get out of the twist of the branches, to no avail. "You know that your supposed to stay inside after it gets dark." Charming said, holding the girl in his arms. "I know, and I'm sorry...but I'm trapped in the castle all the time, and I have no freedom...I just wanted to walk around, without an escort and without feeling like a burden." She said, unable to look James in the eye. Charming sighed. "You are the furthest thing from a burden." He said pulling the girl into a hug. "I understand your frustration, and tomorrow we will find a way to maybe help the castle feel less like a prison and more like a home...but you need to understand just how important you are, your the last flower enchantress in the land. Your are the only person with a pure heart. Now that you carry the last inheritance of the powers of a flower enchanter you have a giant target on your back. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you under my watch." James said, Azalea hugged him. "I'm sorry," She said as the Dwarfs worked on moving the new prisoner to the cells down below. "Let's get you back inside, I'm sure Snow is worried to death not knowing where you are." He said before pulling her inside.

-Azalea's Apartment-

Mary walked around Azalea's apartment. Emma told her that she had already looked for clues multiple times, but Mary couldn't just sit around and do nothing while Azalea was missing. Mary was worried to death. There was a vase of roses on Azalea's kitchen table, slowly dying from neglect. Mary frowned as she picked the vase up and took it to her apartment. Mary had never seen Azalea's flowers ever die. It couldn't be a good sign at all.

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