Love with a Passion

By KingofThugs

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By KingofThugs


"You really whooped his ass." Charlie said to me.

"I was so mad Charlie and he needed to know how mad I was." I told her.

"You talked to Stephon?" She asked me.

"No. He haven't replied to my any of my texts since the fight." I frowned. It wasn't like him to ignore me even if he was mad at me.

"That's strange."

"I know."

I looked around the cafeteria and saw Stephon walk in with his hood on. "I'll be right back." I said to Charlie.

"Go handle your business."

I grabbed my stuff and got up walking towards him.

"Stephon." I called making him turn around. He looked at me and turned back around leaving out the cafeteria.
"Stephon what's wrong?" I asked grabbing his arm.

"So you fucked him?" He asked bluntly looking down at me.

"Fucked who?" I asked but already knew who he was talking about.

"Now you dumb Empress? Iman who else."

"Well yea, we had sex."

"And you didnt think that should've came up when we were talking."

"I didn't know it was any of your business to know who I fucked." I said with an attitude.

"You right Empress. You absolutely right. So next time you need someone to talk to don't come to me." He said and walked off.

"I don't understand why you're mad with me." I said walking with him. "You acting like someone took your virginity and turned around and did you dirty."

"You shouldn't have had sex with him Empress, what you want me to do."

"I regret it but it's nothing I can do about it. I liked that nigga a lot and I opened up to him giving him something I never gave no one else. I'm hurt but you the one mad at me." My eyes were watery but I wasn't going too cry no more.

He looked at me. "Don't cry Empress."

"I'm not, I refuse to cry over the situation anymore. I just wish it didn't happen but you live and you learn."

"I love you man." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I love you too." I said looking up at him. "So you not mad at me no more?"

"No, I missed talking to ya lil ass."

"You shouldn't have been ignoring me."

"I know, I was just mad but I'm over it now."

"Better be." I bucked at him.

"You don't scare me lil bit." He laughed. "But I seen what you can do with your hands so imma chill."

"Shut up, he deserved it."

"He sure did."


"I'm so tiny." I said looking at my belly. I was four months and I was poking a little.

"It's fine Freedom, before you know it you'll wake up with a big stomach." Africa said. I was on face time with her.

I decided to finish second semester at home by taking online classes. I still don't know what I'm going to do for next year.

"I miss you so much best friend." I pouted.

"I miss you too bestie. I'm coming to see you this weekend. I'm riding back with Jordan and Bryson." She said.

"That's so far away." I said.

"Girl that's two days. I got class in twenty minutes and I'm mahfucking tired." She said like young thug daughter making me laugh.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Go feed my god baby and I'll text you after class."

"Ugh ok. I love you."

"I love you more." She blew me a kiss and hung up.

I sighed. I missed being at school and being around my friends.

Brother 😎💪🏼: you want something to eat before I come by?

Yes please, I want a chicken box

I locked my phone and got up going downstairs to get me something to drink.

"I didn't know you was home." I said to my father.

"I left work early, when I got home you was sleep. I called your name but you was acting like you was dead to the world."

"Why you play so much." I laughed grabbing a water bottle and a pack of gushers.

"Did you eat yet?" He asked me.

"Not since this morning but my brother bringing me something to eat."

"Spoiled ass."

"You spoil me too daddy." I stuck my tongue out at him. "I got it." I said walking to the door to open it.

I opened it and Moriah and Journey walked in.

"Thank you." I said taking the food from him. "Hey Journey."

"Hey Freedom."

I took my food in the dining room and sat at the table opening it. When that smell of ketchup hit my nose my stomach immediately started to turn. I got up from the seat and ran to the bathroom. I bent over immediately throwing up in the toilet. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and got up to brush my teeth again. Being pregnant was no joke, every once in a while I would catch myself throwing up and I hated it.

"You ok Freedom?" Journey asked standing at the door way.

"Yea I'm good, that ketchup smell just caught me off guard."

"It be like that sometimes, you want to go to the mall with me? I need to find something to wear to my friend birthday thing."

"Yea, I need to get some fresh air and walk around."

"Ok, I'll be downstairs." She said and walked away.

I went to my room and took my pants off putting on a pair of jeans. I put on my long sleeve black top and slipped on my purple uggs. I grabbed my purple north face putting in on and then grabbed my bag. My hair was up in a curly bun so I just left it that way. After grabbing my phone I made my way downstairs into the living room.

"Really Moriah." I said looking at him eating my food. "How you going to eat something you brought for me."

"I didn't know you still wanted it, my bad Free."

My eyes literally became watery looking at him eat my food and it looked really good.

"I'm ready Journey." I said rolling my eyes at Moriah.

"Journey will take you to get more food."

I ignored him and started walking to the door. I was mad at him, I was planning on eating that.


"You like this?" Journey asked coming out the dressing room showing the pants she tried on.

She had a pair of navy blue velvet looking pants on that was tight.

"Yea, you got a shirt already?"

"Yea and shoes. I just wanted some bottoms." She went back into the dressing room to change. "I'm getting this and calling it a day."

We've been in the mall for two hours and now she finally found something. I suggested we look in here first but she claimed she never find anything.

"Ard I'm ready." She came out the dressing room holding her pants and bag. I followed her over to the line. "So how you feel about being pregnant?"

"It still feel unreal, I just can't believe I actually am." I said.

"That's how it be in the beginning. That's how I was, even though I was a little bit older than you when I got pregnant I was still scared but your brother was there despite all we went through."

"I just wish Elijah and I can be on good terms and it last. We always back and forth and I hate it."

"Y'all still growing up so it won't be perfect."

I nodded taking my phone out and replying to Logan's message. I took a off guard of Journey because she was looking so cute. I posted it and wrote

When your sis in law really the shit and your brother lucked up @ takeaJourney

"You always taking pictures of me." She laughed. "You lucky I look cute."

Journey in mm


"Um Elijah." Aries said.

"What up." I said not looking away from my computer screen.

"Why you still communicating with your ex."

I turned around and she was holding my phone. "Why you going through my shit." I said irritated.

"I thought I told you stop communicating with her."

"You can tell me all you want I don't have to listen to you the fuck." I snatched my phone from her.

Everything with Aries was cool in the beginning but now all she do is complain and give me attitude when I don't listen to her.

"Eli that's not right because if I was talking to my ex you would me mad."

"But you're not so that example is irrelevant and stop calling me Eli foreal."

"You so nonchalant about everything and that's the problem. You don't know when it's time to care and actually listen to what the fuck I got to say." She raised her voice.

"if you going do all this yelling you can leave, I got homework to do and I don't have time for this shit."

"Call me when you not acting like a dumb ass." She grabbed her things and left slamming my door.

I sighed, she was getting on my fucking nerves. I unlocked my phone and dialed Freedom's number face timing her. She answered and it looked like she was eating.

"Hey." She said chewing something.

"What's up? What you eating?"

"A burger and some broccoli. Guess what my brother did."

"What he do?"

"He going buy me food and then eat it because he thought I didn't want it no more after I threw up. I was so fucking mad and literally almost cried but sis in law got me some food." She smiled.

I laughed at her. "Tell your brother he can't be eating the food from my baby."

"Don't do that." She straight faced me making me laugh.

"I'm talking about my baby in your stomach Free. Chill."

She chuckled. "Oh cause I was about to say."

"You wasn't going say shit but be happy I was referring to you as my baby if I was."

"You thought I was, I'm chilling."

"Bluffing ass." We both laughed. "But foreal you know you got a special place in my life."

"I better, I'm carrying your baby."

"You know what I mean." I gave her a straight face and she shook her head taking a bite out of her food.

"Eli." She dragged out. "I don't want to talk about that."

"We don't have too." I nodded my head. "You good though?"

"Yea, I got a job at Walmart foreal. Everything good at school? Basketball going good?"

"Yea, I'm managing or trying to at least. A lot of shit running through my mind constantly but I'm trying."

"You stressed?"

"A lil bit, it's just the thought that I don't know what the future holds for me. You. Us."

"You can't over think about stuff like that cause it will weigh you down. Just focus on what you doing now and what you can do to make you better."

"But Freedom it's a baby in the picture now. I can't just think about now."

"And I understand that Elijah but I don't want you there stressing yourself out and loosing focus. I want you to continue doing well and not fall behind. I got you and I'm telling you this because I want what's best for you." She said making me smile at her. "Why you smiling at me?" She mugged me but then started smiling too.

"I don't know what I did to have you in my life even if we not together but I'm glad you here. You always here for a nigga and I appreciate it even though you don't think I do."

"I'm a good person, I'm always here for the people I care about."

"imma let you eat cause it look like you really want too and I got homework to do so I'll check on you later."

She rolled her eyes. "Im not handicap but ok, talk to you later."

"See you Free." I said then hung up.

I went to her thread and opened it typing.

I love you ❤️

BM 🔐👶🏼: I love you too ❤️, don't get distracted too much


She'll be finding out the sex soon so what should she have?


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