Copyright© [boyxboy]

By CatOfPurgatory

1.2K 22 14

High school. It's scary, it's fun, it's sadness and happiness, and it's filled with... Toys? Dylan is the new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

22 0 0
By CatOfPurgatory

Dylan's POV

I quickly brushed my hair and put on a pair of black and white converse before rushing downstairs.

"Bye, Dad!" I yelled as I got to the front door, which had just rang. Luke and I were going out tonight, to get my mind off things with Wayne and to celebrate our five month. It's not a lot, but it's the longest I've been with someone, and it's been incredible. I opened the door, a wide smile on my face turned into one of shock and terror. My heart dropped.

"Hello, Dylan. Long time, no see, huh?" mocked the guy in front of me.

"W- what are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" I gulped. The guy punched me in the chest to the point where I lost the air in my lungs.

"I'm here to take you to Wayne. He said he wants you," the guys smirked, grabbing my upper arm and tugged me to the black Explorer in the front. He tossed me into the back seat, where another guy sat. I gulped when I realized it was Josh, the one who had cut off all of my clothes those times in my old town. The other guy, I had no idea what his name was, got into the drivers side and slammed on the gas. Josh laughed as he saw my expressions. I tried my best to stay emotionless.

We pulled up to a series of apartment buildings, and Josh yanked me out of the back seat, "Walk, dumbass."

"Nice to know you haven't changed at all," I mumbled.

"What'd you say?"

"You haven't changed at all. Except, I remember you being a lot stronger the last time I saw you. Too much sitting around eating doughnuts, I'm assuming."

That earned me an elbow to the ribs, but it was worth it. If Luke taught me anything, it's that you should be brave. Or at least talk back.

After many stairs and twists and turns, we came to a door with no apartment number. The guy I didn't know knocked, and Wayne opened it almost immediately. They pushed me into his arms and they exchanged thanks and the two walked off. Wayne looked down at me and smirked.

"It certainly has been a long time since I've seen you, I mean damn. You're actually pretty attractive, now. I've missed you, Dylan. How have you been?"

I stayed quiet in his arms.

"Oh come Dylan. I know that you want to talk to me. It's been so long and I know you talk about me, Brandon told me all  about it."

Brandon wouldn't do that. Not the full story, at least.

He put his arm around my waist and started walking towards the couch, throwing me onto it once we were in close enough range.

"I heard you were pretty happy, now. Is that true?" I remained silent.

"Damnit, you really are pretty fucking pathetic. I know you can talk," he said.

I cleared my throat and looked up at the standing man in front of me, "Yeah, I can talk. But I have better things to do with my time than waste it with a nobody such as yourself."

"Oh, so the little one can actually speak up and try to stand up for himself. How cute, " he mocked. I grinned at him.

"If there's one thing I've realized after I moved here and met Luke, it's that the past should stay in the past and things do get better. Just because you found me doesn't mean you have to always constantly try to abuse me. It's not worth it."

"Really now? I find that quite odd of you to say, because you wouldn't talk about your past with me so much if you didn't want it to come back."

I shrugged, "You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. Like, I learned that you are just a pathetic excuse for a person and find joy from hurting people . It won't get you anywhere but a jail cell."

"I'm good at what I do, that's why we're at the abandoned apartment buildings off of the highway. They found poison in these apartments a couple years back, and they've been lifeless ever since. Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom, but we'll continue our talk when I get back."

He walked out and I quickly grabbed my phone from my front pocket. I looked at the recording that had been taking place for the past 13 minutes and 37 seconds and looked for a forward button. I had to send it to someone, I knew I was in trouble. Wayne didn't do civilized conversations. I found it and sent the message to everyone on my recent list. That included: Luke, Brandon, mum, and dad. I heard a toilet flush, and the message was still sending. It was only halfway sent. I put the phone into my pocket quickly and glared at the man walking towards me.

"You think I want to hurt you, don't you? Well, don't give yourself that much pleasure," Wayne cooed, pulling a pocket knife from his front pocket. He opened it and walked towards me. I stood up and ran behind the couch, the only place that could offer me a little bit of protection. He jumped on the couch and grabbed me by a fistful of hair, "Come here, Dylan. Let me show  you how much I missed you." He yanked my hair harder, pulling me up as my back was bent over the couch. I had tears in my eyes and he put the knife on my light grey shirt, slowly cutting it open. He got it sliced from the bottom up to my chest, and whilst still holding onto me by my hair, pulled zipties from his pocket and tried tying my hands together. I was able to punch him in the face, causing him to put his hands over his now bleeding nose. I ran into the first room I saw. That being the bathroom. I locked the door and began looking for anything I could use from the people that had lived here previously. God, what kind of people were they? They didn't have anything  that could be used as a self defense weapon. I continued frantically looking for anything that I could even throw at him. The doorknob started to twitch, and the lock was coming undone. Did he have a key?! I pulled the drawers by the door open so I could buy more time. I sat in front of the door as well, pulling my phone from my pocket. I only had a bar of service and the message failed to send so I quickly clicked retry. I didn't know what would happen if someone didn't get the audio message.

I went to Luke's messages and typed in, "I love you so much. Don't feel bad. Just be happy,"  and clicked send. It had a little bit to go before it would go though. the drawers were shaking along with my body from the pounds on the now unlocked door. He finally broke the drawers and pushed it open.

"You're being irrational, Dylan. Follow me and I won't kill you, but I'll make you wish I did," he growled. I tried standing up, but couldn't. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled up, making the front of my shirt choke me. I began coughing, not sure of what to do than to flail all of my limbs. I kicked him in the shin and he punched me in the eye.

"Don't ever fucking try to fight me. You'll lose every time."

I was dragged into the living room and he tossed me down, sitting on top of me to ensure I couldn't get away. He tied my wrists together with four pairs of zipties and finished it off with multiple layers of duct tape. He did the same thing around my ankles, leaving me almost completely useless. He got his knife again and slowly pushed it into my skin. I yelled in pain as it was slowly traced up my stomach and chest. A trail of thick, warm blood started oozing out of where I had been cut.

"You think you're strong," I breathed out, getting dizzy, "but you really aren't. No matter what happens tonight, you'll end up where you belong."

"Cute, I am where I belong. Finishing my fucking business with you," he growled, moving down so his lips were by ear, the knife slowly going deeper into my stomach, "and this is the last face you'll see."

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