The Reapers new Master: a Bla...

By Yadira_Sempai

40.4K 1.1K 167

Grell Sutcliff the reaper hasn't been in London pestering his precious Sebastian for a few months. Though its... More

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A Master Marks-Woman
How to be rude the American way
The Hunt Begins
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Another act
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Fight Nitroglycerin with Nitroglycerin
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A Trancy Brat
A Garden Party for a Guest of Honor
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A confession falling on dead ears

Hello My Name is William T. Spears

827 22 5
By Yadira_Sempai

A Reaper musn't use their death scythe without permission, for it is forbidden. Modyification's made unto a reaper's death scythe without permission is forbidden. Killing human's not on the "To Die" list and collecting their souls is forbidden. Grim reaper's must never remove their spectacles for it is a part of their uniform, also for the fact that all reapers are severely nearsighted. Reaper's must take care of their death scythes and spectacles. Giving any information about the deceased concerning their death, murderer, cause of death, or circumstance to human's is forbidden. When a reaper removes their spectical's, and never dawns them again, will be considered a deserter. When a reaper retires their death scythes are required to be confiscated and collected. Also coming to the human world to meddle with life and death matters like an idiot is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!

Unfortunately one reaper by the name of Grell Sutcliff, violates a majority of these rules. For those of you who are wondering my name is William T. Spears, I'm a grim reaper. My position in the reaper society, for those who are wondering, I am the supervisor of the dispatch management division. Above, as you can see, I have listed several important rule's for reaper's to follow. The reason why I'm saying all of this is because I must speak to Grell. Several month's ago Grell willingly did field work in America, for one Gregory Gains. This was not a violation of any of the society's rules, however what he did there while he was there. He meddled with life and death matter's of a human, but not just any human, a demon hunter. Normally the supervisor for the area would have interfered and spoken with Grell but it was not necessary. It is common for reapers and demon hunters to interact whether either party is working or not. But when Grell interacted with this demon hunter, who at the moment he assumed was a "perfect man", he made a blood contract over a silver cross.

If your wondering what a blood contract is, it's when a divine being. Example: a grim reaper. Makes a contract with a human with divine purpose. Example: a demon hunter. These contracts have been made before, but with serious repercussions. After one incident involving a demon hunter gone rouge and forcing "their" reaper to do the same (the Aztec's vanished). I was going to inspect the contract and upon my observation (from a distance) I found the contract to be rather, innocent. All the contract required for Grell to do was stay by the hunters side. He doesn't really have to follow any orders she gives, all he needs to do is be present. This contract didn't seem to interfere with Grell's work either, seeing as how the contract would terminate at the time of her death. So to put it in clear terms, the contract should have terminated itself tonight.

I checked the ledger this evening and found that I was to reap the soul of one Beatrice Kincaid, after she kills Jaclyn "Mercy" Maria Martinez. Who was (and apparently still is) the one Grell was indebted to. I sent a small owl to the location where this soul would be and made it's eyes mine. From what I had observed Miss Martinez perished as scheduled. But then she stood to her feet and temporarily stole Grell's scythe, which she used to reap the soul of miss Kincaid. Normally cinematic record's won't play themselves who for someone who isn't a reaper, but in this instance they did. This lead's me to believe that Jaclyn Maria Martinez was born a reaper. I'm heading to the Phantomhive estate tonight to speak with Grell and his harboring of a birth right reaper. 

A birth right reaper is basically a being who was born to human parents but was born a reaper. 

On my way to speak to Grell, however, I noticed a former reaper. The legend himself  the man who is now known simply as the Undertaker. He was heading the same direction as myself so I decided to confront him. When I stopped him he was carrying a large parcel with him, it was one of his custom made coffins. I swear the man's coffins are pieces of art.

"Oh well if it isn't William T. Spears. What bring's you to this dirt road at this hour?" He said with a light chuckle.

"I'm headed to the Phantomhive estate, it's the only thing down this road." I said in response.

"Oh well what a lovely coincidence, that's where I'm heading! As you can see I'm delivering one of my custom made coffin's as a gift to a good friend who's currently staying at the estate." He said as he peaked my curiosity.

"A good friend you say? If it doesn't bother you, do you mind me asking who your good friend is?" I asked, only expecting the obvious answer of Grell.

"Not at all... Her name is Jaclyn, but I call her Mercy. So do a lot of people actually." He said as he took me by surprise. "I made this coffin for her after she let me measure her for one, I decided what better way to really establish a friendship than with a gift from my line of work. I mean she did give me a taste of what she does tonight." He said as my curiosities grew. 

"What do you mean by, a taste of what she does?" I asked hoping to get a clear answer. 

"Oh well you see she's one of those Marshal's from America. She was after a former student of her's who went down a criminal path. She ended up killing the woman tonight, her body was all mangled in the chest. She must of pissed her off something fierce cause I haven't seen a corpse so perfectly mangled before." He said in a sinister giggle. "Say Will, Would you like to ride along with me. I do so love living company every now and then on these long errands." He said with a fairly eerie smile. 

"Yes, thank you good sir." I said as I climbed onto his mule drawn wagon. 

"Say Will! Do you want to hear a good joke that my dear friend told me earlier this week!" Asked the Undertaker as he tried to contain his laughter. 

"I don't see why not." I said in my usual tone of indifference. I sat there as he told the joke with great laughter and joy. I couldn't help but grimace and finally give into the laughter, it was a very funny and impressive joke. 

"I say Will that's the first time I've ever heard you laugh. Mercy is quite the wit, you'd like her. Well you might even fall for her too! I don't think there's a man out there who wouldn't want to umm... Well you know? See her on her back, if you catch my drift." He said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"Oh please I doubt I'd fall for her. And watch that imagery undertaker, it's indecent." I said as my laughter slowly faded. We finally arrived at the Phantomhive manor and were greeted by that leech Sebastian. Honestly I don't see what that wretch Grell see's in this piece of filth.

"Greating's Undertaker  what a surprise to see you here." Said Sebastian with that smug grin of his.

"Hello there Sebastian! I've brought a gift for Mercy with me!" Said the Undertaker as he violently shook Sebastian's hand.    

"Yes I see. Hello there Mr. Spears. What bring's you here this evening?" Asked Sebastian. 

"I'm here to speak with Grell, don't tell me he's not here. I know for a fact he is." I said as I adjusted my glasses. 

"Ah yes Grell. He's currently staying here as a guest with his new master. Her full name is..." Said Sebastian before I interrupted him, by putting my scythe in his face. 

"I know who she is, I sent an owl to spy for me. I witnessed the event's that have just occurred and I wish to speak to Grell about them." I said as I slowly lowered my scythe. "Take me to him immediately." I demanded.

"Are you talking about how Mercy is really a demon hunter or that she was born a reaper?" Asked Undertaker as he caught both Sebastian and I by surprise.

 "How did you know that?" I asked. 

"Well I'd be a fool if I didn't recognize one of my own kind. It was obvious she was born a demon hunting reaper by her fashion and her eye's. It was obvious she had her eye's hidden, she chose hazel. That's a mystical eye color known for it's ability to change depending on what one chooses to wear." Said the Undertaker taking us all by surprise. "Now if you don't mind would you be as kind to help me carry this. It's awfully heavy." He said as Sebastian walked over to the coffin.

"Right away sir. Do you mind me asking why you even made her a coffin. I mean if she's a reaper she can't die so what's the point?" Asked Sebastian as he lifted the coffin over his shoulder.

"It's a gift. Plus a woman can find use for it as a number of thing's. She can put her clothes or shoes in it. She could use it for decoration, or a table. She can even sleep in it if she likes!" Said Undertaker with a loud cackle. "Ehehe! Oh my the thing's women like!" He said as we all walked inside the rather impressive manor. 

"Where is Grell?" I asked as I looked around anticipating that he would attempt to tackle me with his affections. 

"I believe he is in the laundry room washing out some blood stains from his lady's blouse." Said Sebastian as he placed the coffin on the floor. 

"Thank you, now if you would excuse me I must go discuss business." I said before walking towards the laundry room. When I walked towards the open doorway I saw Grell scrubbing aggressively at a stain, he was also yelling at it as if it would do any good.

"Dammit get out!! I swear how can such a small person bleed so much!" Shouted Grell as he stared at the slowly dulling blood stain.

"Hello Grell... I see your busy doing laundry. I guess it's too much to ask of you to do your actual job first." I said as Grell jumped in surprise to see me.

"Oh Will, it's just you. You gave me a fright." Said Grell with a sigh of relief. 

"Yes, it's just me." I said as I stood in the doorway, rather surprised he hadn't tried to jump me. "I have something to discuss with you." 

"Oh is that so? What do you want to talk about this time Will? My boring old paper work or my death scythe." He said as he went back to scrubbing at the stain. 

"The birth right reaper you've been harboring." I said as Grell turned around to face me. "Your master Jaclyn Maria Martinez is in direct violation of several rules." 

"I have no idea what your talking about..." Said Grell as he went back to scrubbing the stain frantically.

"I know for a fact that you know what I'm talking about. I sent an owl Grell. I saw what happened tonight, I saw her reap Beatrice Kincaid's soul." I said in my most authoritative voice.

"I didn't know before tonight. So I wasn't harboring anyone." Said Grell as he dunked the bloodied blouse in a tub of soapy water. "Besides her eye's have returned to hazel. She's not ready to be a reaper, come back on her 25th birthday. That's when her dye is set to finally fade. Now if you please I must go check on my lady, it's time for her to take her pain killer's." He said as he stood to his feet and walked out the door.

"Then let me speak with her, I must inform her on the rules she must follow." I said as I followed Grell.

"Well now is not the time to burden her with work, if you were paying attention you saw that my lady was  severely injured this evening. She need's her rest, not work." Said Grell in a surprisingly serous tone. I was confused however, Grell was acting... Normal. He was treating me rather coldly too, something I'm not familiar with when it comes to Grell.   

"Grell... Are you feeling alright?" I finally asked.

"I'm fine. Why?" He asked and sounded rather annoyed. This was very strange of Grell, I decided to remove my glove and place my hand on his forehead.

"Well, you don't have a fever. Tell me have you been sleeping enough?" I asked with some concern, when I placed my hand on his forehead he slapped it away. 

"What are you doing that for? I told you that I'm fine, now if you excuse me I must tend to my mistress." Said Grell as stormed off to check on his mistress. What strange behavior for Grell, I'm not complaining much. But the fact that Grell isn't trying to make me victim to his affections is leading me to believe his mistress might be abusing him. I'll observe how she react's when Grell allows me to speak to her without permission. I followed Grell up a flight of stair's and down a hallway, all the while he kept glaring back at me. As if he didn't want me there, as if he didn't like me. He was glaring at me the same way he did the first time we met, back when he wanted to be with someone else. This was a stange experience. Finally we  had arrived at the guest room, when we got there the sound of giggling could be heard. Undertaker was there presenting the coffin to Ms. Martinez, she seemed rather delighted at the coffin. It was ivory black with ribbion's of crimson red embroidery, it was adorned with little pearl skulls that had heart shaped eye sockets. I can see why she was delighted, it's interior was pure red silk and was cushioned. They seemed to have had a conversation before we arrived though. 

"So your going to do it for me right?" Asked Ms. Martinez.

"Of course anything for a friend like you..." Grinned Undertaker as he hugged Ms. Martinez. Hmmm... I can see why Undertaker said what he said earlier, that night slip she has on is quiet fetching.

"Uhhh... My lady, you shouldn't be out of bed you should be resting." Said Grell as he walked into the room.

"Oh Grell hello... I didn't uhh see you there." Said Ms. Martinez as she walked and sat in her bed.

"Well you should get some sleep, but first you should take...." Said Grell before I pushed him onto the floor.

"Excuse me Ms. Martinez, My name is William T. Spears." I said as I handed her my card. "I'm here to speak to you on the event's that have transpired this evening."

"Gahh! Will I told you not to talk to her about that! She need's her rest!" Shouted Grell as he got up from the floor and dusted himself off.

"No, Grell it's alright. Calm down." She said as Grell calmed down slowly. "I'm assuming your some kind of royal officer sent here by the queen to... Oh I don't know, to tell me how I executed Ms. Kincaid was inhumane or something." She said with a prideful tone full of indifference. "Or are you going to tell me I have to leave to become a part of the reaper society like Grell?" 

"Hmmm... Your very bright aren't you? But you are still unaware to the fact that there are rules that all reapers must follow. I'm not surprised, Grell can be a bad influence." I told her as she frowned at me, then she stood to her feet and smacked me across my face. 

"Please don't insult my butler, he didn't tell me anything because why would he. This whole time he thought I was as mortal as any human, he had no idea I was born a reaper." Said Ms. Martinez. "Oh and call me Mercy, everyone does." She said before she climbed back into bed. 

"Yes, I'm sorry. Please do forgive me." I said as bowed and re-adjusted my spectacles. "Then might I have a moment of your time to explain the circumstances of your situation." I said as sat down beside her as I was taking out some files. 

"I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt, but it's late. I've had a long and exhausting day, I'd like to get some sleep." She said as she pushed the files I tried to hand her away. "Perhap's we can talk about this tomorrow. I think it's only fair since you came here without warning." 

"Yes, I see very well. I shall see both of you tomorrow then." I said as rose from the bed and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience Ms... Mercy. Enjoy the rest of your evening." I said as I walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me and waited, I could hear the beginnings of a conversation. 

"My lady I do apologize I tried to get him to leave but he..." Said Grell before he was cut off.

"Grell, Grell it's ok. Why don't you come here and relax next to me..." She said as I heard the creaking of what I believed was the bed.

"Oh... I see. So your still in the mood I assume?" Asked Grell with a giggle. 

"You know me all too well. So what do you say?" Asked Mercy in a rather... Seductive voice. 

"I say, what took you so long?" Said Grell as I began to hear what sounded like... kissing?!?! 

"Hey can I ask you something Grell?" Asked Mercy.

"You may ask anything my lady." Said Grell.

"Is that guy the same one you told me about? You know the one with the cold disposition?" She said. "The one that you said you liked a lot." 

""Hmmm... Oh yes, but he hasn't been as appealing since I met you." Said Grell as I heard more kissing. I surprised to hear this conversation. This would explain why he was acting so strange, well strange for Grell. The fact I was no longer appealing to him was a sigh of relief, but it was strange. Will he go back to treating me the way he used to before I beat him senseless? Would he be the troublesome asshole he used to be? Or will this just make him a better reaper? I have no idea, why is this even bothering me? Could it be I liked being fawned over the way Grell did? No this is a job, there's no room for emothion's of thought's like this. Well I should be going, soul's don't reap themselves, and I'm on overtime.    

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