Thick Love: A thug love story

By LadyRaye1994

146K 5K 332


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 : interview with the characters
Chapter 9 : A romantic date and surprise
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: unexpected news
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: break out the news to my dad
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Baby Dominic Charles
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Brief Note
Chapter 31
New Character
Chapter 32: Laniah Charleah
Chapter 33
New Character
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37:Surprises /Double engagement
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Planning for a double wedding
Chapter 40 : Dresses for the brides
Chapter 41 : Wedding planning cont'd
Chapter 42 : Wedding planning cont'd again
Chapter 43 : Wedding planning cont'd
Chapter 44 :Wedding cont'd
Chapter 45 :Wedding planning cont'd
Chapter 46: The Ceremony Pt 1
Chapter 47 : The Ceremony Pt 2
Chapter 48 : The reception
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 25

1.7K 76 2
By LadyRaye1994


I felt horrible I have been throwing up like crazy if I eat something the next morning it will come back up out of my system ya see why I need to tell my big head boyfriend to stop  releasing in me we already have two plus my angel Chenique and they are not one as yet ya see my babies are all born in May Chenique is a day after them so we decided to do a big bash but anyhow as I speak I just threw up my breakfast .

Me: Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

D'angelo: What Chey I am trying to sleep geez 

Me: So you gon ignore me  well I think am pregnant babe 

D'angelo: what did you just say 

Me: I said I think I am pregnant again duh

D'angelo: Well make a doctor's appointment and get four pregnancy tests babe I will watch the babies just go do it  love you babe 

Me: Ok and I love you too 

I went into our shower and lathered my body with my beautiful day body wash and rinsed off grabbing a drying off towel turning off the water and grabbing my towel I dried off and then I went in our room and put on my underwear ,jeans and a shirt with mk sandals and grabbed my bag and went to the pharmacy picking up four pregnancy tests once I got them I paid for it and went back in my car and drove off to McDonald for me and da hubby  so I went home and parked grabbing the bags and locking up my car and went inside .

I rest the food on the counter and went into the downstairs bathroom I peed on all four sticks and washed my hand waiting for it to beep so I can know the results so I went downstairs and ate my breakfast meanwhile D'angelo was still sleeping and the babies were still sleeping since they can eat food I decided to make oatmeal for them  but before I could have start on their oatmeal I heard a beep meaning the test were results were in I went to the bathroom and guess what it all came out positive oh my goodness was I ready for a next baby I then have three and adoption and abortion is out of the question so I called my doctor and she told me to come in today so first I made the breakfast for the babies  so after making their breakfast I decided to let it cool then I went to  up into our room .

Me: Babe I am pregnant and were going to my obstetrician /gynecologist 

D'angelo : were gonna have a next baby  

Me: Yes babe I am pregnant but were gonna confirm it first and breakfast is downstairs.

D'angelo :Okay babe let me just shower first babe 

I went in the nursery and notice that all three of my babies were up so I grabbed Jr and took his onesie and pampers off and took him to the tub I lather his baby wash cloth with johnson johnson baby body wash  and then I rinsed him off grabbing his baby blue towel and taking  him  out of the tub and into the nursery in the changing towel putting on a clean diaper on him and putting on his undershirt which is a onesie but it is actually an undershirt I put him in his crib and grabbed the girls and took off their clothes placed them in the tub I lathered both of them then rinsed them off together then grabbed both of their towel and dried them off carrying them to the changing tables yes we decided to buy a next changing table for them so Chenique was in one and Caia was in one .

************** Five Minutes later *****************

The babies were all dressed and feed so I just packed their bags and we were on our way to the doctors office so we arrived at the doctors office and D'angelo of course signed me in so we waited until the nurse called me in the back she took my blood pressure ,weight and height and my urine sample and told us to wait in the room for the doctor .

Conversation between Cheyenne and Doctor Wright and D'angelo

Doctor Wright : Well hello again Cheyenne so what brings you in my office .

Cheyenne : Well I have been throwing up and having cravings Doctor Wright 

 Doctor Wright :well your test came back and indeed you are  pregnant  your are 17 weeks pregnant meaning your four months so lay back and lift up your shirt for me please .

Cheyenne :Okay  wow how could these symptoms just start coming to me Doctor Wright 

Doctor Wright : Well it happens sometimes but your baby was hiding  and just started to come out and ok this gel is cold  I am just going to check the babies heart and there the baby boy is see it little private .

Cheyenne : Babe were having a boy again

D'angelo: Finally a next lil me 

 Doctor Wright : Okay the ultra sound pictures will be at the front desk and please make a appointment for you and I will see you in  22 weeks which is next month ok

Cheyenne :Ok 

I wiped the gel off my stomach and we went to the front desk setting a date for my next appointment and getting the ultra sound pictures .


Cheyenne is pregnant again can she raise four children and still go to college ?

How will her dad take it will he be excited ?

thoughts on 

Cheyenne and D'angelo unborn   child 

Some boy names (first and middle)

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