To Be With You | Carl Grimes...

By Marvel890

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[Discontinued at the moment] Brenda has never been a positive person. She lost her dad before she could even... More

Chapter 1: And I Know You Want To Get The Hell Out Of Here
Chapter 2: You Only Care About Yourself
Chapter 3: We Couldn't Risk It
Chapter 4: We Were Being Hunted
Chapter 5: Once They're Gone A Part Of You Dies
Chapter 6: His House, His Group, His Rules
Chapter 7: My Reason To Live
Chapter 8: Kill Me Now
Chapter 9: Don't Blame Yourself
Chapter 10: She Didn't Have To Suffer Anymore
Chapter 11: We Can Stay and We Can Fight or We Can Go
Chapter 12: He Just Is
Chapter 14: Cell Block D
Chapter 15: Who Knows What Could Happen Next?
Chapter 16: Dosen't Work Like That
Chapter 17: Even Strong Men Get Scared
Chapter 18: So Used To Being Safe
Chapter 19: Not Again
Chapter 20: We Already Lost Them
Chapter 21: I Miss You
Chapter 22: If There's A Chance
Chapter 23: Look at the Flowers
Chapter 24: The So Called Sanctuary
Chapter 25: Not So Sure Anymore
Chapter 26: Who's Gareth?
Chapter 27: It's Complicated
Chapter 28: Isn't The End
Chapter 29: By Just Being Here With Me

Chapter 13: Kids Deserve To Be Kids

306 16 0
By Marvel890

My eyes opened as the sunlight beamed through the bar windows and into my cell. I yawned and sat up straight, still groggy from the wonderful sleep I had last night. I gazed outside and saw that the sun had just risen.

Great, I thought, that means the showers are empty.

I got up quickly, exited my cell and rushed into the showers. It was completely empty. I stripped from my clothes and entered one of the showers.

As the hot water showered my body, I couldn't help but smile widely. I was lucky to wake up every morning before anyone else did and shower while there was still hot water left.

Once I was done, I shut the water off and dried myself. After that, I dressed into my regular attire: ripped jeans, white shirt with a blue jean jacket over it, brown combat boots, and my brown leather gloves.

Beth helped Jane and the other women wash clothes every week. It was nice to have fresh clothes once in a while.

I went back to my cell and found a note laid out on my pillow. I grabbed it and it read:

Target practice in ten minutes.
P.S. Don't be late this time.

I smiled to myself. Every other day, Carl and I would go beyond the fence and into the woods so he can teach me how to shoot. It took a lot of convincing to Rick, but he eventually agreed. But he said to keep it just to ourselves and don't let anyone else find out. I've been getting better and better every time.

I grabbed my weapons and left the prison. Outside, Carol and Daryl were talking while Carol made breakfast for those early morning people.

It wouldn't hurt to eat something before practice. Wouldn't it?

"Good morning, Brenda." Carol greeted with a smile.

"Hey." Daryl nodded.

"Mornin'." I replied.

"Want some breakfast?" Carol handed me a plate of eggs.

I took it. "Thanks. See you later."

Leaving the prison, I admired the garden we had started about almost a month ago. We had irrigation systems, all kinds of different fruits, and even pigs.

A lot has changed since the Governor left and we took in his people. We all became a bigger family. And I was glad to be apart of it.

"You're late. Again."

I sighed and moved towards Carl, who was leaning against a tree, his arms folded, and his face disappointed.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you didn't know." I said sarcastically.

He narrowed his eyes together. "I know. But you're always late."

I shrugged and held out my plate to him. "I saved some eggs for you."

He couldn't hold it in anymore and cracked a smile. "Fine! I forgive you, but only because I'm starving. Next time, you better not be late." 

I laughed. "You can never stay mad at me for more than two minutes."

He laughed too. "Not true."

I couldn't help but stop and stare as Carl laughed. I loved it when he smiled and laughed. It made me happier. For some reason, my stomach would make this funny feeling, like there was butterflies in my stomach.

Lately, I've been wanting to hang out with Carl more and more. I admired his smile, his laugh, and especially when his blue eyes sparkled.

Where did these feelings come from? I'd always ask whenever they come about.

One day, I just woke up, and it happened. I don't know why or how. Could I possibly . . . have feelings for him?


I snapped out of my trance.

"Sorry." I said.

"What's wrong with you these days?" Carl asked, worriedly. "You seem to blank out a lot."

"I don't know." I responded, and it was the truth.

"All right, let's get to practice." He said.

We both took out our guns.

"Now, remember what I told you," Carl instructed, "hold it up to your eye by don't put your—"

"—Finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot. Yeah, yeah, I know." I interrupted and held out my gun in front of me, aiming at a tree in front of me.

"Okay, bossy. Let's see how you do." Carl chuckled and watched closely.

"Watch and learn, sheriff boy." I joked and waited until I was ready.

I moved my index finger on the trigger and pulled. The bullet went straight past the tree.

I put down my gun in disappointment.

Carl slow clapped. "Great job. You're gonna have to teach me that one."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not my fault I have such a terrible teacher."

"Hey. I'm doing my best, okay?" Carl said seriously.

"I was just joking, Carl." I laughed and this time, he rolled his eyes. "But I really wasn't."

"Ha-ha." He said. "Let's go again before I make you do push-ups."

* * *

"So," I said to Rick after he was done talking to Hershel, "about that run . . ."

"No." Rick stated simply.

I frowned. "But I could help! Really."

"It's too dangerous."

"But Zach is going!" I complained. "He's just a few years older then me."

"It's too dangerous." Rick repeated, more forceful this time.

"But I—"


I sighed. "Fine."

A whistle was heard and we looked over. Michonne was back.

I let out a breath. Every time she leaves I hope she always comes back.

"Let's go." Rick said and Carl and I followed him to the gate.

We pulled the ropes and the doors opened just enough for Michonne to ride back in on the horse. We closed the doors before any walkers can get in.

"We're glad to see you." Rick said once Michonne got off the horse.

"Glad to see you, too." She said and smiled. "Somebody hit the jackpot."

She dug in her bag and took out a bunch of comics.

"No way." Carl took them, with a big smile and wide eyes as if he had never gotten those issues before.

"Nerd." I coughed and Carl shoved me with his shoulder.

He turned back to Michonne. "Awesome, thank you."

"I get to read 'em when you're done." She said and turned around to Rick. She handed him a razor. "And I found this. Your face is losing the war."

Rick chuckled.

"Glad I wasn't the one to break it to him." I muttered and laughed when I saw the look on Rick's face.

"Don't worry, Brenda." said Michonne. "I didn't forget about you."

"Please don't tell me you got me something like nail polish." I said, making her chuckle.

She went to grab something in the bag and took out a black book. She handed it to me and I took it. The title read The Hunger Games.

"This is my favorite book ever! I've read it so many times, I lost count." I grinned. "Thanks, Michonne!"

"Nerd." Carl coughed. This time I shoved him.

"You're gonna stay a little while?" Rick asked her.

"Just a little while."

Daryl rode his motorcycle over, with Sasha, Bob, Tyreese and Zach in the two cars behind him.

"Well, look who's back." He said.

"Didn't find him." said Michonne and I knew she was talking about the Governor.

Apparently, he isn't dead, he's just gone.

Daryl nodded. "Glad to see you in one piece."

"I'm thinking of looking over near Macon." She said. "It's worth a shot."

"Seventy miles of walkers." Daryl said. "You might run into a few unneigborly types. Is it?"

Michonne didn't answer him.

Daryl turned his head over to Rick. "I'm gonna go check out the Big Spot. The one I was talking about. Just seeing."

"Yeah, I got to go out and check the snares." said Rick. "I don't want to lose whatever we catch to the walkers."

"I'll go." said Michonne.

"You just got here." Carl took the words straight out of my mouth.

"And I'll be back." She said and patted my head as she went to get the horse.

I crossed my arms as I watched her leave behind Daryl and the others. After they left, Carl and I walked over to Rick.

"Going to check out the snares?" Carl asked him.

"I am." He said. "You're not. Do your chores. Read comics. Maybe some books, too. Hang out with Patrick. Maybe go to story time."

I stifled a chuckle and patted his back. "Good luck with that, buddy."

Rick looked at me. "I was talking to you, too."

Me face hardened. "But I want to do something useful. I'm not dumb," Carl gave me a look and I rolled me eyes, "we're not dumb. We can help."

"I know." Rick told me. "But you're still a kid. Kids deserve to be kids, even now."

"Now brush her down." Rick said, petting the horse and kissed her.

He went to talk to Hershel while Carl and I stayed.

"I'll get the hay." I said gloomy.

"And I'll brush her down." Carl said in the same tone.

* * *

Finally, after our chores, Carl and I went to find Patrick so we can play soccer.

"Hey guys." Patrick said when we found him.

"Hey." I said and Carl waved.

We came up with the teams; Carl and Patrick against me. They argued, saying it wasn't fair to me because I'm a girl. I wasn't gonna take that.

"Ready to get your asses kicked by a girl?" I said.

"Sure, Brenda." Carl rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure about this, Brenda?" Patrick asked me, looking unsure. "I think it would be fair if—"

"Can it, Pat." I told him. "Let's play."

In the end, Carl and Patrick did get their asses kicked by a girl. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh, ha-ha." said Carl. He wasn't too happy that I beat them 12-4.

"We'll get you next time. I'm sure of it." Patrick added.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

We heard giggling. We looked over and noticed four little kids standing on the other side of the fence. It looked like they were talking to the walkers.

The three of us have each other suspicious glances and we decided to find out what's going on.

"Hi, Nick!" said the little boy with the curly hair.

They continued to giggle and laugh as they waved at the walkers.

"You're naming them?" Carl questioned.

They spun around.

"Well, one of them had a name tag, so we thought all of them should." The short, blond haired girl said.

"They had names when they were alive. They're dead now." Carl explained.

"Not they're not." said the tall girl, with a blond ponytail. I saw her once before. I think her name is Lizzie. "They're just different."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Carl suddenly got mad. "Okay, they don't talk. They don't think. They eat people. They kill people."

"People kill people. They still have names." Lizzie said, as if we were dumb.

"That's not the point." I told her and she gave me a dirty look. "The point is, that they're not like us. They're not human. They're monsters."

"Have you seen what happens?" Carl added. "Have you seen someone die like that?"

"Yeah, I have." She answered.

"They're not people and they're not pets. Don't name them."

She didn't look interested in what we had to say. She turned to the little kids. "We're supposed to go read. Come on."

They left but the short blonde stayed.

"You're coming to story time tonight?" She asked Patrick.

"Uh," he said, glancing at Carl and I, "yeah."

"See you then." She grinned and followed the kids.

Patrick turned to us to see our amused faces.

"I go sometimes." He said. "I'm immature. You guys wouldn't dig it."

"Okay." I put my hands up in defense.

"I'm gonna head up there, too." He said. "I'll catch you later, young sir."

He looked at me and bowed. "Young lady."

And with that, he went up back to the prison.

I glimpsed at Carl, a smirk on my face.

"Young sir?" I couldn't help but laugh.

He laughed too and bowed, just like Patrick did. "Young lady."

I pushed him playfully as we continued to laugh our butts off.

* * *

"It's time." Carl told me. I glanced up from my book and sighed.

"Do we have to go?" I complained.

He shrugged. "We'll leave early."

"Okay." I closed the book and followed Carl into the library where the usual story time meetings were held.

We snuck up behind the bookcases as we listened to Carol tell the kids, and Patrick, a story. We didn't want any of the little kids, especially Patrick, to see us here.

"The children fastened their eyes upon their bit of candle and watched it melt slowly and pitilessly away." She read. "Saw the half inch of wick stand alone at last. Saw the feeble flame rise and fall. Climb the thin tower of smoke."

A bald man gave Carol a wave and walked his way out of the room.

"Linger at its top a moment and then . . ." Carol trailed off.

"Aw man." I muttered and Carl gave me a weird look.

"What? It was getting interesting . . ." I said and turned my head back to Carol.

She shut the book and stood up.

"Ma'am, should I take watch now?" The curly haired little kid asked.

"Yes, Luke, you do that." She replied.

"Today . . ." Carol said, and took out a case from the chest she was sitting on, "we are talking about knives. How to use them, how to be safe with them, and how they could save your life."

Carl and I gaped at each other with wide, shocked eyes.

This isn't story time . . . she's teaching kids how to use weapons.

"Ma'am, may I be dismissed?" Patrick asked.

"What is it?"

"I'm not feeling very well today." He said.

"Sometimes you're gonna have to fight through it." said Carol. "What if you wind up out there alone? You just give up because you're feeling bad?"

"No," said Patrick, "it's just I don't want to yack on somebody.

The kids in front of him slid to the side.

"Go." Carol said and Patrick rushed out, probably to the bathroom.

"Okay. Today we're gonna learn how to hold a knife, how to stab and slash and where to aim for."

Carl stood up and before I could yank him down, it was too late. Carol saw him. She paused.

"Please, she begged, "don't tell your father."

Carl shook his head, grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of the room.

"What happened?" I asked, but he kept on walking. I stopped short, which made Carl stop suddenly. "Carl."

"What?" He crossed his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"What Carol is doing is wrong." He said.

"I think she's doing the right thing." I said.

"Those kids don't deserve this. They're not ready."

"That's why she's teaching them now." I told him. "So they can be ready in the future."

Carl turned around, but before he could move, I asked him, "Are you going to tell Rick?"

He looked at me, but with no response. I couldn't read his face, and then he left.

I sighed and crossed my arms, head shaking. Deciding to think about it tomorrow, I headed to bed.

~ ~ ~ ~
isn't Patrick just adorable? This chapter is a bit longer, nothing much, but something surprising is happening next chapter.

Hope you enjoyed it. As always, comment your thoughts and opinions. It will definitely improve my writing, no doubt, so PLEASE comment! I love hearing feedback from you guys!


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