i'm yours // i.h.

By sam_wuz_here

2.7K 36 49

"I loved you before I met you... and I'll love you even after I've forgotten you." Sam is your ordinary girl... More

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A/N: Thank you and an announcement!

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49 1 2
By sam_wuz_here

// Sam's POV \\

I sat in the dark room, tears still rolling down my cheeks. I was shocked that there was anything left to cry out.

I had a flashback to when the handcuffs came off, and I swear I saw Ian. It turned out that it was only another victim getting blasted through the wall...

It wasn't much more comforting.

I was also having other flashbacks... to months ago when I was still in school.

I remember getting the VidCon tickets, and thinking my life was complete.

I also remembered running into Ian in the elevator, which is how my life turned upside down. I remember when we went on that date to the pizza place down the street, which was when we were first captured.

We escaped, and Grace was dead, even though we only saw her a few times.

It was like my mind had been blank, like I tried to push every memory with Ian away. Had meeting him been a mistake? He really had screwed up my life...

I sat in silence, the only noise being my soft sniffs as I attempted to comceal them. I didn't know if Ian was going to save me. He didn't really have any way to, so I didn't expect it.

// Ian's POV \\

I stared straight ahead at the long road stretching out for what seemed like forever in front of me. Several thoughts and memories filled my brain.

Was Sam the reason my life was falling apart?

I shook my head, cursing at myself for even thinking that. She was one of the best things to happen to me, we just ended up in a sucky situation.

I turned up the radio, where Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco was blasting from.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, as much as I didn't want to break down in this moment. The thoughts were just too much, and I slammed my head down on the steering wheel. I felt the car swerve, when I snapped my head back up.

Just in time, I swerved it away from some very small guard rails separating a large cliff from the road. My heart was pounding so fast and loud that I thought anybody nearby would be able to hear it.

I felt the tension increase in my entire body, as if I would snap into a million pieces with a single wrong move. My heart and head were pounding, causing my vision to swirl and grow foggy.

I stopped the car, and leaned back in the seat. My whole body was numb, and my vision was going to black...

That was the last thing I remembered before the flashbacks came.

// Rachel's POV \\

I sat at the table, watching the dark room while I violently sobbed. Sam was still trapped, Ian nowhere to be found.

A man came into the room several hours ago, and Sam has been asleep since then.

I'm just afraid she will never wake up.

// Sam's POV \\

All I saw was black, but my brain was still buzzing with emotions. I couldn't feel anything. It was like somebody injected novacaine everywhere eccept my brain.

I saw pictures, like a movie playing in my head. The words were fuzzy, and the movements made me feel dizzy and nauceous.

I suddenly shot up, and felt like I was going to be sick.


I was not even screeching, it was a whole new level of agony. My entire body seared with immobilizing pain, and my brain was fading in and out.

I didn't know what to do.

All I COULD do was wait until it was over...

// Ian's POV \\

I felt a pain sear throughout me, and fill me up until I couldn't take it anymore.

I let out cries of pain, louder than ever before.

The flashbacks became so vivid, it was like I was reliving the moments.

Suddenly, it all stopped.

I saw a bright light, and a figure in the distance.

There was short, curly brown hair blowing in the wind. The figure wore a short, flowy, white lace dress with gold flats.

She smiled at me, her warm hazel eyes being very welcome.

I squinted, trying to get a better look at her face.

"Sam?" I finally recognized her features.

"If you come with me, you can find your second chance."

She took my hand, and we walked together.

Another short figure stood before us.

She had similar hair to Sam, and bright blue eyes.

"Grace?" Sam's voice cracked a bit as she spoke the familiar name.

"Yes, you two finally made it..." Grace's face fell.

"But, I have some horrible news."

I looked down at me and Sam's intertwined hands, and then back at Grace.

"Go ahead. We're ready."

"Well, I need to explain how you got here first."

"Ok, so. When I was brought here, an elder angel told me I was special. I was an unborn angel, meaning I had no parents to be born to, but I was going to be brought into the world in my current form in order to find 2 people who had no child. The only catch was that they had to be special too."

"That's how I found you 2."

Sam looked at me, bit her lip, and looked back at Grace.

"Sam, or I guess I should call you mom... Anyways, you are a very very younger sister to Athena. You have traveled through many souls, unable to find peace and rest happily. Ian, or dad... You are a troubled old soul as well. I just wanted you two to find happiness! However, others did not. They have a mission to keep old souls alive, for their own selfish purposes."

Sam was crying now, and I pulled her in for a tight embrace.

"So, in order for me to be 'born', I needed to help you 2 get together and have me, and raise me until I was 18 as soon as I could."

"Unfortunately it's too late for that... I can never be born, you 2 are so close to death... I just failed."

Sam and I were both violently sobbing, and then Sam sprinted to Grace. She hugged her, and then I joined the embrace.

"I'm so sorry..." Sam whispered, her words shaky.

We all felt the pressure building around us, as if we were being crushed.

"It's all over..." Grace whispered.

*end of knockout*

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