Three's a Crowd...or is it? (...

By FluffyBunny

1.7M 32K 5.9K

Tyler and Alex have been together for years, just the two of them...that is until they decide to add best fri... More

Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 pt. 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24---LAST CHAPTER---

Chapter 12

69.1K 1.3K 85
By FluffyBunny

Alex POV

I woke up; opening my eye’s lazily to find Ryan watching me from his position on the other side of Tyler. He smiled when he noticed I was awake.

“Hey.” He whispered.

“How do you feel?” I whispered back, adding a smirk. I know exactly how he’s feeling.

Ryan blushed and looked down at the bed before looking back to me with a grin. “Sore.” He replied.

I laughed and nodded my head. “You should probably take a hot shower. It will relax your muscles.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” He mumbled and carefully got out of bed. I groaned when I saw how open he was, standing there completely naked. His body was perfect, soft and hard I need to quit thinking this and close my eyes. I can already feel mine starting to react.  

“Do you um...” I waited for Ryan to finish, still trying to keep my eyes trained to his face.  He blushed again and bit down on his lip as his eyes went from the bathroom door and back to me. Is he really asking if I want to shower with him?

I looked down to see Tyler still sleeping peacefully and scooted out of the bed, walking towards the bathroom. I winked at Ryan as I went in and turned on the shower. I quickly jumped in when the water got to the right temperature and let the warm water run over my body.

After a few minutes of standing under the spray I started to think that Ryan lost his nerve and backed out of taking a shower with me. I was about to just wash up and get out but the door closing with a soft click had me smiling to myself.

"I thought you changed your mind." I called out and I heard Ryan laugh nervously before pulling the shower curtain to the side and stepping in. 

He kept his head down and I can't help but to think how cute his shyness is. I took a step closer to him and placed my hands on his hips, pulling his body to mine.

"Don't be scared." I lifted his face up so he was looking me in the eyes.

"I'm not." Ryan replied and I gave him a half smile, knowing he was. I moved back slightly until Ryan was standing under the spray of water and I watched it splash down onto his body.

"You're so sexy." I let him know as I slicked his hair back out of his eyes, keeping my hands on the back of his head, I pushed my lips onto his. He responded immediately, kissing me back with passion. I groaned when I felt him bite down on my lip, asking for entrance that I readily gave into, our tongues fighting each other for dominance.

I smiled against his mouth at his determination to claim me. It was hot and had me aching all over. I thought for just a second on whether to give in, my body deciding for me as I shoved Ryan against the shower wall, deepening the kiss even more.

He gasped in my mouth, finally giving in and I explored his mouth with my tongue as I grabbed one of his legs, wrapping it around my waist to grind on him easier.

Ryan moaned, breaking the kiss and I took this opportunity to attack his neck. I bit softly onto his collar bone before sucking hard. My body went crazy at the thought of leaving my mark on him, something to show everyone that he was mine.

"Alex." Ryan pulled his head away and looked me in the eyes, the mood suddenly turning serious. "Will you tell me about your family today?" He whispered.

I stayed quiet with my forehead pressed against his shoulder for a minute before placing my hands on the wall and shoving myself backwards. Why did he have to ruin a good thing? He just had to bring up the one thing that would make me go from happy to sad and then to anger all in a single breath.

Ryan watched me with worried eyes as I finished up cleaning by body and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist. I started for the door, intent on just getting away before groaning loudly and turning around to face him.

I didn't know what to say. I really don't want to have to bring him into my messed up life. Amazing as it sounds but I'm really starting to care about him more and more everyday and I just want to wait as long as possible before having to see the look of pity in his eyes. I went through the same thing with Tyler when he found out. And every time I let him know I was going home, he would try to make up some excuse to keep me at his house as much as possible while giving me 'the look' while his eyes watered from being scared of what was to come.

"Just tell me." Ryan whispered and I shook my head. I just can't tell him right now.

"Why? Why can't you tell me?! Tyler knows!" I rolled my eyes a little at his sudden anger towards me.

"Of course, Tyler knows! We have been together for years! You have only been with us for a few days." I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to calm myself down a little.

"Fine! If I'm not important enough to be an equal part in this relationship, then maybe I shouldn't be in it at all!" Ryan's eyes widened at the end, surprising even him.

"You don't want to be with us." I said in a calm voice, narrowing my eyes at the boy who was now standing in front of me in a towel.

He opened his mouth; a loud girl scream coming from the bedroom cuts him off. I turn my head in confusion to the door and hear a different high pitched scream that I'm sure was Tyler that time come a second later.

Ryan and I rushed for the door, simultaneously and shoved ourselves through to see Tyler sitting up on the bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around him and a look of horror on his face. I would have laughed if not for the fact that I'm sure Tyler would have punched me if I did.

"What happened?" Ryan rushed over and knelt down beside Tyler, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You." Tyler growled at Ryan before turning and glaring at me. "You." He hissed once again.

I raised one eyebrow at him. "Yes, it is me." I smirked.

Tyler pointed a finger at me and I knew it was suppose to be one of his weird silent threats but I just couldn't help but to smile a little at him.

"You two left me in here while you..." He trailed off glancing back and forth between the two of us, his mouth dropping open a little and realization dawning. Oh, great, here we go...

Tyler stood up on the bed, letting the covers fall as he crossed his arms angrily. My eyes instantly looked him up and down and I had to stop a moan from emerging. I really need to quit looking at these two boys. All thoughts leave my head when I do.

"Stop looking at me!" Tyler yelled and I forced my eyes up. "So. You're telling me that the two of you went to go have some nasty freaky shower together, leaving me here...ALONE!" Ryan attempted to say something and closed his mouth quickly from the slap that Tyler delivered to his head.

"I'M TALKING!" He yelled. "Like I said, while you two were getting down in the shower without me, I was in here having a nice dream, only to be scared out of my mind by some freaking woman on crack screaming her head off!" He stopped and sucked in a breath before turning his gaze onto Ryan. "You should go and make sure your mom hasn't been scarred for life, seeing as the two of you didn't even bother to cover me up before you left!"

I laughed before I could stop it, laughing more and more as the image started rolling around in my mind. It didn't help that Tyler pouted and Ryan looked a little grossed out and a lot scared of having to go check on his mom.

I went to Tyler, trying to give him a hug while I still laughed. "Awh. Don't pout baby. You would have laughed if it was one of us." Tyler rolled his eyes and tried to push me away. I glimpsed Ryan out of the corner of my eye as he stared down at his phone with a shocked look on his face.

"What’s wro-" I stopped talking when I realized it was my phone he had in his hand. I instantly went on alert and jumped back off of the bed, snatching the phone out of Ryan's hand. He looked back up at me, stunned and I glanced at the phone to see my dad had sent me a text message.


I slammed my phone shut and glared at Ryan. I know I shouldn't be mad at him but I really didn't want him to know and now after reading that, it's not going to be hard to guess what my home life is like.

"Alex, I didn't mean...”

"It's fine. I got to go." I mumbled not giving Ryan another glance.

Tyler jumped off of the bed and I could tell he already had an idea of what was going on. I kissed him on the lips as he tightens his hold on me for just a second. I turned around avoiding Ryan's hurt look as I dressed quickly and walked to the door, pausing and running my hands through my hair roughly.

I looked back at Ryan, sitting on the bed, hurt and confused and right then I made an instant decision. Most likely the wrong one. In fact it's probably the worst decision I'll ever make but he wants to know about my life so bad then the only way to do that is to witness it.

I punched Ryan's bedroom wall and put my head against it. "Get dressed." I demanded, cutting my eyes to Ryan. He didn't hesitate and hurriedly found some clothes, pulling them on quickly.

"Wait for us at your house." I told Tyler who nodded, years of being together makes it where we know exactly what the other will do without having to use words.

Ryan finished dressing and followed close as we made it out of his house, breathing a sigh of relief that we didn't run into his mom. It was already dark out and I sped up my walking, heading in the direction to my house.

We didn't talk the whole way there, leaving us in an awkward silence. It took less than ten minutes to make it through my front door and I noticed my mom’s car not in the driveway. This had me hesitating; my hand on the door knob and Ryan put a hand on my back, rubbing it softly for comfort.

I half smiled, taking his hand in mine and pulling him closer into a hug. “I’m sorry I got mad and I don’t want you to stop being one of my boyfriends.” I whispered into his ear. “I just didn’t want you to have to know about this.”

Ryan hugged me back, laying his head on my chest. “We can leave if you want. You don’t have to do this and I won’t ask again.”

I shook my head, bringing his face to mine and giving him a kiss. “No, it’s better this way.” Ryan nodded and I pulled away, opening the door, hoping that my dad was sober so his words wouldn’t be as harsh.

We walked in and I took Ryan’s hand in mine once again as I looked around. I didn’t see my dad so I started pulling Ryan to my room.

“Alex! Where the hell have you been?!” I cringed, turning around and pushing Ryan behind me. My dad has never raised a hand to me before but I wouldn’t be surprised if he ever tried.

“Out.” I replied with one word and took a step backwards, forcing Ryan against the door to my room.

“Your mother took Katie out of town for the week so it’s just you and me. Maybe now I’ll have a chance to beat the queer out of you!” He slurred his words slightly.

If I wasn’t extra worried about protecting Ryan then I would have scoffed at him thinking it was even possible to ‘beat the queer out of me’.

My body trembled lightly when I saw my dad take a few stumbling steps our way, a beer in one hand and a smoke in the other. “Who the fuck is that?! Another fag that should be dead!”

Ryan tensed behind me and I could feel him starting to shake. I’m not sure if it was from anger or being scared but I knew that this was enough for him to understand. I reached back, not taking my eyes off of my father and opened the door to my room, pushing Ryan and myself through before slamming the door, barely getting it locked before the handle started jiggling and a pounding was heard.

I grabbed a bag from my closet and started shoving clothes into it, anything that I would need for the next week. There is no way I am going to stay here alone with that homophobic man. I was in the middle of grabbing another pair of jeans when I heard Ryan sniff causing me to look up and see his eyes almost over flowed with tears.

“Don’t cry.” I hurried to him, laying my hand on his cheek. “You don’t need to be worried about him. I would never let him hurt you.” Another loud bang on the door with muttered cussing was heard.

“It’s not me that I’m worried about and I will make sure he doesn’t hurt you.” He said simply, hugging me close to his body. I smiled, a good feeling spreading through me. I now don’t regret letting him know about my life. I should have known it would bring us closer.

“Thanks.” I whispered and pulled away to grab my stuff. We climbed out of my window and walked slowly to Tyler’s house, this time the silence not awkward but comfortable.

 AN: Sooooo...that was the next chapter! Hope you liked it! But I have a feeling that some of you are confused on why I and taking this story is going back and forth from humor and serious..THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS! lol Alex's life will play a pretty good part in the story later on so I'm just getting everyone used to his completely MESSED UP HOME LIFE! UGH! I REALLY WANT TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF HIS DAD AND KICK HIM OVER AND OVER IN THE BALLS! hehe


Comment....comment...comment....(I could annoy you and go on like this all day....) XD

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