The Three Hottest Guys In Sch...

By ThisSideOfSuicide

51.8K 932 201


The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 1
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 2
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 3
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 4
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 5
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 6
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 7
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 8
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 10
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 11
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 12

The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 9

3.5K 62 32
By ThisSideOfSuicide


I stared at both of them. It was all too much to take in. "So... why are we going to the underworld?" I asked. I still didn't get it, what was so special about me? But then I felt a searing pain in my neck, and everything that happened in the hallway came rushing back to me.

"We're taking you to the hospital there. They'll treat you so that it doesn't hurt anymore. But we need to get there quick. If Lucifer-"

"Wait... my dad?" He shook his head and I let out a deep breath. Lucas still hadn't told anyone. But why hadn't he told me he was an angel? So many questions stayed unanswered, but I decided I would figure them out as soon as we got this pain sorted out. It was taking over. "Just get me to the hospital. Damien walked over to me and picked me up, and I was soon drifting off again.


We both walked, Amber in Damien's arms, towards the cave. The mouth of the cave was hidden by some trees, and I pushed them aside so we could get in. We both closed our eyes, and we appeared in the underworld's equivalent. The cave was much larger here, and there were candles lining the walls. It felt so eerie here, and I walked quickly, dying to get out.

"Do we tell them she's human?" I asked, knowing that not telling them could risk her health, but telling them would get her and us possibly killed.

"No. We say she's demon, since she doesn't drink blood." I agreed. I could pass her off as my sister. We came up to the hospital and a young nurse led us to a room where she could be treated. The nurse was thin, too thin, and she seemed fragile. I almost wanted to take her arm for fear she could collapse at any moment. Damien placed Amber on the bed and the nurse asked us to leave. We went to the restaurant downstairs, and a waitress was soon serving us.

"Can I take your order?" I saw the way she looked at me and I smiled, as seductively as I could.

"I'll have a diet coke please..." I said, with a wink. She giggled and turned to Damien, her expression suddenly turning cold.

"Yeah... Yeah what he's having." I laughed and he glared at me, asking, "What?"

"That's just what a girl usually says on a date. When I drive you home later, don't expect a kiss outside the doorstep." He kept glaring at me and I shrugged, trying to keep a straight face. We soon finished our drinks and we headed upstairs, where a different nurse was checking the monitor.

The new nurse looked down at Amber, who was lying on a bed, wires sticking out from her, and the machine next to her monitoring her heartbeat. She went to feel where Damien had penetrated the skin, but as soon as she did she inhaled sharply, almost a hiss.

"She's human..." Shoot! The nurse was a Sensor! Sensors could tell exactly what a creature was by a single touch, and now she was brushing her hand against Amber's arm... as if there were more to it than that. "But... there's something else..." My head snapped up to look at the nurse, who stared at me with probing eyes. "She's not all one creature... Ugh... She's... complicated. There are traces of... Vampire... Demon... even Angel..." But then she was suddenly pressed, her back against the wall. "She's the devil's daughter..."

Sorry I haven't posted in soo long and sorry it's so short!

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x ThisSideOfSuicide XD

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