
By scriptette_

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When Jessie wakes up in the hospital, she is with a man who she has never seen before in her life. When the d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter Nine

451 14 2
By scriptette_

Jessie's POV.

It's been a few days since the incident with Danny. He seems to be a lot happier too, Mark and Glen have only just left after staying for dinner. We're now sat watching a movie and it isn't my cup of tea. Instead of disturbing the other two I just go up to bed.

I quickly fall asleep listening to the sound of rain drops hitting the window outside.


I wake up later on in the night because of the thunder which made me jump up.

I wait for another streak of lightening which the crash of thunder. A few seconds later my expectations became reality and the thunder shuck the whole house. I've never liked thunderstorms.

I hear a quiet but hearable noise from one of the other rooms. I think I might have imagined it so I listen for it again.

...There it is again, I slip out of bed and step outside my room. The noise was coming from Danny's room?

I push his bedroom door open and see him curled into a ball under the covers and pillows pilled on his body.

"Dan?" The thunder cracks again and cuts me off again so he didn't hear me.

I walk closer to him and see him shaking and sweat running off his face. I hear him whimper again.

"Danny?" I hear sobbing.

He's having a nightmare.

"Danny" I move the pillows off him and sat next to him.

He wakes up and bursts into tears. I hope he doesn't remember this in the morning, it would be  a  embarrassing thing to remember...

"J-" thunder cuts him off causing him to leap in my arms. He's shaking so bad.

"Shush, it's okay" I wrap my arms around him and try to calm him down. I get into bed with him, I really don't care right now because he needs me.

I cuddle close into his bare chest as he wraps his arms tightly around me, he fists were clenched into fists.

I pressed my face into the crook of his neck and his tears fall softly on my face. I lean up and wipe the tears away before getting settled again.

His warm breathe was lingering on my body. My heart was almost skipping a beat and I had to stop myself shuddering when his breathe tickled it's way down my neck.

I could tell everytime he was about to drop off the thunder woke him again, making him jump or shake. All I could do was squeeze him tighter to let him know I was there.

I realised that maybe if I remembered my past I could get rid of the feelings. I can't handle what i'm feeling any longer.

And I still know my mum and Dan are keeping something from me. The thought of it makes me want to shiver but I don't in fear of waking Danny up from the slumber he has only just fell into.

I don't understand why my Mum would not tell me though. Especially when I can tell something is wrong.

I feel my eyelids get heavy and I don't even care. Let me sleep.


I woke up at sunrise with Danny's arms still wrapped tightly around me. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I slip out his arms and sit down next to him.

I move his hair from his forehead and place a kiss there. As I pull away a inhale such a deep scent of his hair. It smells so familiar, like a distant and hasty memory. I never want the smell to fade.

Then I start to panic.

I need to get out.

I pulled the blanket over the rest of his body and run to the bathroom. I turn on the tap and splash water over my face. I grip the sink and start questioning everything.

Why did he let me sleep in his bed with him? Why did he let me sleep so close? Why did everything feel so perfect when I was wrapped up in his arms? Why did he smell familiar? And why do I care about this?

I pause for a second and re-think my last question. After thinking for a few moments I came to my own conclusion, which was a question within its self...

How did I fall in love so easy with this man that I barely know?


YAY!! The chapters up before I thought it would be!!

I hope this was a good chapter and I thought i'd leave it on a slight cliff hanger ;)

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