A Winter's tale

By inactive_jelsa

6.8K 251 5

A story about Elsa, her kingdom & Jack Frost More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Jack Frost
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Jack Frost
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Anna
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Jack Frost
Chapter 17 The wedding

Chapter 12 Jack Frost

291 11 0
By inactive_jelsa

The trolls told me, that Elsa had to be taken somewhere north. It had to be north, or else I wouldn't even know what had happened to Elsa. I wouldn't know where to start either. Hans had probably brought only a couple of soldiers with him, in order to stay hidden from Elsa. Also to slip away without Anna noticing. He also had to have a spy inside, how else would he know that she was going to her ice castle today? Now the only question left to answer is. Where is she?! I'm sitting on a rock, twisting my staff, thinking all this over. Anna and Kristoff had gone out of earshot, so that they could talk in private. I guess they're trying to decide how they're going to tell the guards what happened to their queen. My snow queen.

*Anna's POV*
"Kristoff, what are we going to do? We can't tell the kingdom, they'll freak out. What if Hans finds out that we know? He could possibly kill her." I tell him, Kristoff scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know. The entire staff will want to know why only you came back and she didn't." He says looking down. I look down, rubbing my head. What are we going to do?

*Jacks POV*
Most of the world doesn't even believe in me, they all pass me off as; oh it's just an expression. There is no such thing as Jack Frost. The minute a child would believe in me, an older sibling or parent would tell them no. How will even a few soldiers, stand behind me to go save Elsa? I sigh and look down at my feet. "Oh Elsa, why did you have to go alone?" I whisper to myself. I look over at Anna and Kristoff, they're still talking about what to do. Anna rubs her forehead and turns back to Kristoff, explaining something. I hope they know what to do, to everyone else I'm invisible. Anna and Kristoff are going to have to explain why Elsa isn't with them, and how much longer she's going to be gone. Doesn't Elsa have a personal guard? Every queen has to have one. That's it! "Anna!" I yell out, she turns to face me. "What is it?"
I walk over to her, "Doesn't Elsa have a personal guard? Or something of that matter?" I ask her, she thinks for a moment looking confused. Like she's not sure. "I'm not completely sure Jack. I think she does, we can ask." Anna tells me, a smile creeps up my face. "That's good enough for me! Let's go!" I fly off in the direction of her castle. "Jack wait! We can't fly you know!" Anna calls out, I laugh. "Oh yeah. I forgot." I go back over to them, they're both getting onto a reindeer. "This is Sven." Kristoff says, I go over to the large reindeer. "Hey Sven." I pet his nose. "Come on, we need to get there fast." I tell them, I fly off again. I hear them behind me. I smirk, they took my advice. I'm not even flying that fast. Before long we reach the gates of the castle. I bow and gesture to the doors smiling, "Malady." She smiles, "Thank you." Anna opens the door, Kristoff and I fall behind her. "Princess Anna! Where have you been?" The servant looks behind her, confused. "Where is queen Elsa?" She asks. "Calm down. Elsa and I decided to go for a walk. Elsa needed a few moments to herself and told me to go on home." Anna calmly tells the servant. The servant takes a deep breath like she wasn't going to breathe until she knew what was going on. "Now if you'll excuse Kristoff and I, we are going upstairs." Anna walks away with her head held high, this girl has spunk. Kristoff looks at her with admiration, the same way I look at Elsa. We hurry on to catch up with Anna.

Once we get upstairs, I have no idea where we are going. "Anna. Where exactly are we headed to?" I ask her. She turns and looks at me, "If Elsa has a personal guard, then we have to go look in the training room for our soldiers who guard the castle. I am the only one who has access inside out of the three of us. So you boys will have to wait outside, while I go in." She points at both of us, I simply laugh. "Anna, you are also one of the three people who can see me."
"Who's the third?"
"Elsa." I say bluntly, like it should be a known fact. Which it should, I mean come on. "Oh." Anna then composes herself, lifts up her head, and goes into the room.

We stand against the wall waiting for Anna. She's been in there for at least ten maybe fifteen minutes. Anna hurry up, we're wasting time. "How much longer do you think?" I turn and look at Kristoff. He hums in response, "Oh uhh. I honestly have no idea, this has never happened before. If it has, it must have been before I met Anna." He says, I nod in response. A moment later Anna walks out with about seven men. "Kristoff ask Anna if this is the personal guard." I tell him, "Anna. Is this Queen Elsa's personal guard?" He asks, she shakes her hand. "Uhhh sort of. She hasn't really established one yet. I asked the man training them, who are his best soldiers. He pointed to these men." She tells Kristoff, and me..sort of. Anna turns towards the men, "Now, I have a very dangerous mission for you. You must not tell a single person about this. If you succeed, you will be made the new personal guards of the queen. Understand?"
"Yes princess Anna." They say in unison. Wow I'm impressed. "Good. Now follow me." She turns away and starts walking, Kristoff and I walk beside her.

"That's the plan. Thoughts MacArthur?" She asks him. This MacArthur, seems to be the head out his group of soldiers. I don't doubt it, he may not be a huge person, but he brings a presence that says, don't mess with him. "There really isn't much of a problem with your plan your highness. Very well thought out. But I recommend, a ruse."
"A ruse?" Anna asks, he nods his head. "Yes we distract them with you. You go up to the guards, and explain to them that you are the princess. Turn your back to the door, making them turn around to face you. That's when a few of us, go up to the guards and knock them out from behind. That is my only input your majesty." MacArthur tells her, Anna is thinking this over when Kristoff comes over to her. He whispers something in her ear, she whispers back. This goes on for about a minute or two until they both nod. "Ok, I agree. Now we got our plan. Let's go to her ice castle, and go further north."

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