A Winter's tale

By inactive_jelsa

6.8K 251 5

A story about Elsa, her kingdom & Jack Frost More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Jack Frost
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Jack Frost
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Jack Frost
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Jack Frost
Chapter 17 The wedding

Chapter 10 Anna

302 13 0
By inactive_jelsa

I'm so confused. Who's Jack Frost? I've only heard rumors about someone with that name. "Jack Frost is the winter spirit. He helps bring snow during the winter, and he can make things freeze. But the only way to find him is to believe in him." Grandpapi tells us, I shake my head. "Wait wait wait. Thanks for telling us who he is. But why do we need to find him?"
"Yes why do we need to find Jack Frost?" Kristoff asks. "Because he is Elsa's true love."
"Wait what? I'm confused. How?" I ask. How could this winter spirit, be Elsa's true love. I've never even considered him till now. He was just a legend, his legend didn't come around till I was just a child. I never believed him, because I never thought someone like that existed. I had forgotten about him. "When Elsa was a child, she read about the legend of Jack Frost. She believed in him, because he also had ice powers."
"Wait how do you know this?" Kristoff asks. "I had a vision of them falling in love. I was correct, I saw him with Elsa the day she ran away. Now, I know that Jack is in love with her as well. That's why you need to find him, he could be the only person who would be able to find and save Elsa." Grandpapi tells us, I looked to Kristoff for support. "Ok where can we find him?" Kristoff asks. "Go where it's cold. But remember, the only way to find him. Is to believe in him. Or else you won't even know that he's there."
Kristoff and I nod our heads. "Ok, let's go find Jack Frost and save my sister."

The only place I knew where it was cold right now was where Kristoff mines for ice. I told him for us to go there, on our way I tried to make myself to believe in Jack Frost. But I couldn't quite get all the way there. Once we got to the mining lake, I started rubbing my hands. "Cold?" Asked Kristoff, I laughed. "Yeah I guess I should have brought a coat." I tell him, Kristoff starts talking off his coat. "Here take mine." He says while putting it on my shoulders. "Thank you." Where do we start? Think positive, think positive. "Jack? Jack Frost? If you're here give us a sign." I call out. I hope he's here and not somewhere else in the world.

*Jacks POV*
I'm wandering around a lake that just had ice cut out of it. I came back to Elsa's castle only to find she wasn't there. I went to her ice castle she wasn't there either. "Jack? Jack Frost? If you're here give us a sign." A voice says. I turn to see who it was. Anna?

*Anna's POV*
"Jack Frost. We need your help. It's about Elsa." I call out again, we wait a moment before the lake starts freezing again almost instantly. I gasp, then it starts snowing out of nowhere. A snowflake toaches my nose, I smile. I turn around and there he is, Jack Frost, I squeal. "It's you!" I run over to him and give him a hug. He's caught off guard,I pull away from him. "Kristoff do you see him??" I ask, I see him just standing there dumbfounded. "Wow. It's really you." Kristoff starts walking over. Jack starts laughing a little. "I'm sorry but you said something about Elsa? That you needed my help?" He asks. Kristoff and I look at each other.
"Yes. I'm afraid that she's in danger."
"What kind of danger?" He asks.

*authors note!*
Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! I just thought it ended better here. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'll publish another chapter soon. Don't be afraid to share this story if you enjoy it.

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