Two Run Through My Veins

By HugsAreFree

40.8K 1.2K 183

The war against Eris is over. Violet is dead. Will Eric be able to live without the love of his life and soul... More

Two Run Through My Veins
Ch. 1 Into the Sun
Ch. 2 His Blood, My Blood
Ch. 3 My Way
Ch. 4 Can't Believe
Ch.5 Not Even a Week
Ch. 6 The Red Plague is a pain in the ass
Ch. 7 It's a bloody nightmare
Ch. 8 No Filter
Ch. 9 Everything happens when the sun goes down
Ch. 10 Not Invited
Ch. 11 What Royal May Come?
Ch. 13 Vamp Daddy
Ch. 14 Say Yes To The Best
Ch. 15 Bloody Announcements
Ch. 16 Forever
Ch. 17 One Hell of a Loophole
CH. 18 Going Up
Ch. 19 Ring of Fire
Ch. 20 It takes an alpha

Ch. 12 A sight to See

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By HugsAreFree

Ch. 12 A sight to See

Violet’s P.O.V.

                The night the King stopped by I had another dream of the woman who said Eric was now hers. Her face became clear and her name appeared in the air. It read “Cora”. After waking up from it I asked Eric if that was the Queen’s name. The look in his eyes gave me the answer and a chill down my spine.

                Two weeks since then went by and both of the royals were not making our lives any easier. Quite frankly they were pissing Eric and I both off. Just for starters the King had developed a habit of sending me priceless jewels and clothing. Not to mention with each package came an intimate note of him going over my beauty and character. The guy only talked to me for a minute! Then there’s Her Majesty…who has quite the sick fondness of sending Eric exotic looking women for him to do whatever he wishes with. I swear I’ve counted about twenty now…

                Either way the both of us wanted to literally rip their throats out.

                In the meantime I was in the in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do about the situation Eric and I were in. What if both royals somehow got so pissed at the both of us that they decide to start a war? Or what if they just would like to send assassins after Eric and I? Or what if they hire a bunch of witches to do some magic and somehow or someway we all die? You see all of these scenarios went through my mind in the past couple of weeks and when I decided to write them down on my notepad, I felt like I was going crazy with worry all ready.

                “What’s this?” Eric asked as he walked up behind me.

                “My list of what the royals might do.”

                Eric chuckled slightly and rested his head on my right shoulder. “An army huh?”

                “Eric this is no laughing matter! They are both dangerous. Who knows what they are willing to do. Not to mention I’m not a full demigod yet.”

                Eric turned me around and agreed. “You’re right. Thankfully though you have your powers and I am over a thousand years old. We can-“ But Eric stopped because of the doorbell.

                “If he sends you one more diamond!“ He hissed while heading to the door.

                “If she sends you one more woman!” I grunted in equal the tone and followed him to the door.

                When Eric opened the door no one was there but a medium sized square box. He picked it up and brought it back into the kitchen. With ease he sat it down on the island.

                “Who is it for?” I asked because I saw a card on the top sticking to it.

                My love opened the card and pulled it out. He flipped it over and said it only had “To Violet” written in it. I gulped and got a pair of scissors from the drawer. Quickly I pulled the box towards me and sliced it open. I screamed when I saw a pair of eyeballs laying there on a small cushion with a note saying “SEE YOU SOON” in big bold letters.

                “What the hell?” Eric voiced and whipped out his phone. “This is something entirely different. I’m calling everyone.”


                Eric did call everyone: Max, Pam, Sam, Alcide, Jessica, Bill, and even Caine. For over two hours all of us sat in the living room going over who could have sent me the package. It was a threat, no doubt about it, but it could have been sent by anyone. Anyone including the queen, the king, and whoever else had beef with me or Eric. The possibilities were endless.

                “Why would the queen send it to you?” Max asked. I shrugged and leaned into Eric more as we sat on the couch.

                While we discussed it more and more Caine got up and sniffed the box. He looked confused and said it smelt very familiar but he couldn’t figure out what.

                “The scent?” Pam asked and he nodded before setting it down and zipping to the window.

                “What’s wrong?” Alcide asked and stood up. When we saw Caine tense we all joined him at the window.

                “I think we’re being watched.”

                “By who?” I asked and he just shook his head.

                “Let’s just take a nice look outside, shall we?” Eric motioned and we all went out the door.

                I lit up, the vampires dropped their fangs, Sam turned into a lion, and before Alcide turned in a wolf he called Sam a show off. I smiled slightly at the comment but turned my attention to the problem at hand quickly.

                We roamed the area for a good half hour but no one was found. Caine said he smelt the familiar scent again but couldn’t track to where it went. It was in all directions. That made me very nervous.

                Who in the hell is sniffing around my yard?

                The more and more time we spent outside the more and more everyone grew tense. Finally Eric said we should all just retreat and meet up later to discuss the problems at hand. All agreed and I grabbed Eric’s hand while we walked back to the house.

                Quickly I changed and got into bed. The soft Egyptian cotton sheets felt so good against my skin and I sighed. My vampire then slipped into bed with me with a just a pair of boxers on and pulled me close. His cold flesh sent shivers down my spine. Eric instantly noticed and pulled me in even closer. I swear I could hear the smile crack onto his lips.

                “Good night my love,” was all I heard before falling asleep.


                When I opened my eyes I was on a beach again. The sun was bright, the waves were crashing lightly, and the sky was so blue. I smiled and turned my head when I heard a giggle.

                The sight before me made all the air leave my lungs in bliss. It was my son and Eric.

                “My boys.”

                In that moment I knew it was a dream again. How else could it be real? Eric was a vampire and couldn’t be in the sun.

                “Say hi to mommy!” I heard Eric say to our little boy as he held him.

                “Mommy!” The sweet sound of our child almost brought tears to my eyes. He looked as if he was maybe three. His blonde hair glistened in the sunlight while his oh-so-blue eyes looked care free with just a hint of mischief in them. Instantly it reminded me of Eric’s.

                I continued to watch as Eric gave our little boy kisses all over and pointed out to the ocean where a boat was sailing not too far off. He looked absolutely enchanted and before I knew it Eric was setting him down so he could walk over to me. As he came I held my breath and Eric stayed put watching our son make his way towards me. He held out his arms and I scooped him up into mine.

                “Hi baby,” I whispered and nuzzled his neck as I held him close.

                I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer. I cried. I cried like a person who would never see joy again. I cried like I had lost something I had never had a chance of having. And it’s not the fact that Eric and I couldn’t have a child, because we could- it was the fact that we would never have that day on the beach. Eric’s skin would never be sun kissed, he would never be able to take our son out into the daylight, and there was nothing I could do about it…

                Suddenly the sky turned dark and everything around me began to fade until I actually woke up crying in the real Eric’s arms. He asked me what was wrong over and over again, but I couldn’t say. I couldn’t burden him with my thoughts. I couldn’t remind him of something that I was sure he had thought of many times before.


Eric’s P.O.V.

                When Violet woke up crying in the middle of the night I knew something was very wrong. I asked her over and over as I held her shaking body in my arms, but she wouldn’t tell me. I could feel that she was in some sort of pain. Not physical, but a mental pain so bad- and knowing her, she probably didn’t want to burden me with it- she couldn’t even speak the words.

                After I woke up she seemed back to normal again until I asked her if she would like to see a couple’s therapist. Even to me I sounded skeptical, but I had had many friends over the centuries that had gone to one to simply learn how to communicate better, ect. Violet thought about it for a few minutes before giving me a nod of approval. I smiled down at her and gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead.

                “We can go in tonight if you wish,” I said hoping she would say yes.

                The sooner I find out what is going on, the faster I can fix this.

                “Tonight?” Violet asked me and lightly placed her hands onto my chest. It made me go wild inside at the slight touch, but I knew now was not the time.

                “Yes. I called in advance. The receptionist said that if I wanted for us to go in tonight, we could.” I stood stalk still while I watched Violet again contemplate. Her emotions were very calm on the outside, but her heart beat was fast.

                “Ok,” She breathed and we headed on our way.


Violet’s P.O.V.

                When Eric and I got to the counselor’s building it looked like a huge Victorian house. It was white on the outside with a tower on the left and right side of the house. The lawn was perfectly manicured and I could smell roses.

                The lights were on so we made our way in through the front door. A woman with blue hair in a braid that went down to her butt stood up. She was beautiful. Her skin was a soft tan and her emerald dress looked like it came from an old Hollywood film.

                “Good evening. You must be Eric Northman and Violet Knight.” The receptionist smiled bright and motioned us to follow her.

                Eric grabbed my hand and we followed the woman up two flights of stairs till we were standing in front of a door that read Dr. Shagnasty.

                Shagnasty? Shag-nasty? Oh my god!

                I wanted to burst out laughing but I held it in.

                The blue haired woman knocked on the door and only opened it after we heard a little boy’s voice say, “Come in!”

                The woman motioned us in and then closed the door where only Eric, me, and a boy in a white button up shirt with a pair of green slacks, and bright pink hair sat in an arm chair a few feet away from us. Eric looked just as surprised as I felt and we took in the room. It was a collaboration of things. The walls were a light blue that had pictures and artifacts of the little boy all around. A huge bookshelf with titles from “How to raise your frog” to “It’s Just Nail Polish” and “They’re Fangs, Not Forks” lined it.

                A big red comfy couch with polka dots that looked like it came from IKEA was across from the boy and he motioned us to sit. Slowly Eric and I sat down on the couch and looked at each other before staring back at the child.

                “Hello! I’m Dr. Shagnasty! I presume you are Eric and Violet. What brings you here today?”

                I was very distracted by the boy’s- Dr. Shagnasty’s bright pink hair that Eric decided to answer for us.

                “After Violet di- after she came back, we’re not the same.” Eric’s words were quiet but they rang loud and clear in the room.

                “Well of course she’s not. She died.” Dr. Shagnasty stated. His response snapped me out of my distraction from his hair and left me holding onto every word that would come out of his mouth. “You were turned evil. The whole world knew it. And in the end it was Violet-“ The doctor turned his attention to me, “Who paid the ultimate price.”

                Eric hung his head in shame and I grabbed his hand. “I’m having issues with being-“ I began but I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I felt embarrassed.


                I nodded at Dr. Shagnasty. He snapped his fingers and a pen and paper popped out of thin air and into his lap. He began scribbling some things down and redirected his attention back to Eric.

                “So Eric, how does it make you feel? Does it bother you that you and Violet haven’t had sex in a while?”

                Eric gritted his teeth but looked away while saying, “Yes.”

                “Why does it bother you?”

                Eric let go of my hand and robbed his face. “Because I want to make her feel loved…”

                “Do you not think she doesn’t feel your love in other ways?”

                “I know she knows I love her more than anything, but I want to show her that I love her in all ways.”

                I looked at Eric who just looked down again.

                Oh Eric-

                “And how does that make you feel Violet?” Dr. Shagnasty asked me.

                “I know Eric loves me more than anything. But I guess the reason as to why I just can’t is-“ But again for the second time that night I began to cry. This time though Eric did grab my hand while I placed mine over my eyes. I couldn’t look at him. This session wasn’t even ten minutes in and I was already crying!

                God what is the matter with me!

                “It’s ok Violet. Just let it out. Why can’t you be intimate with Eric?”

                I took a deep breath before whispering, “Eris.”

                I pressed my lips together while waiting to see what Eric would do. My heart was thumping in my ears and his emotions were jumping all over the place. They went from sad, to anger, to despair, to regret, to sadness again and finally to guilt.

                “Eric? Does this surprise you?” Dr. Shagnasty asked my vampire. Even though he looked like a little kid, his voice was stern.

                “I should have known.” He whispered and then punched the couch so hard on his end that the arm came off.

                I jumped but the doctor stayed put in his chair like he had seen it happen many times before. “I never really liked that couch anyway.”

                “I was weak. I did things that I will regret for the rest of my life. I understand what I have done can be undone, and I will do whatever I can to make it better. Violet,” Eric turned to me and grabbed both of my hands in his, “This I promise you.”

                “Thank you.” It was all I could say before Dr. Shagnasty began to clap.

                “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Ye-Uh! You got to work from the heart before you jump in the sack!”

                Eric looked surprised while I laughed.


                “Well that went well,” I grinned after an hour later.

                The little doctor was pretty good at what he was doing. Eric and I talked about a lot of our problems, even the painful ones like my history with Caine. And by the end of the session we were both feeling like a weight was lifted off our shoulders.

                “It did. Let’s go home.”


Caine’s P.O.V.

                Instead of just staying at my new apartment, I decided to go to Fangtasia. It was packed and plenty of True Blood was being served. When I saw Pam I made my way over to the bar.

                “Good evening Pam.”

                “What do you want?” She asked in a more pissed tone than usual.

                “Has anyone come in here lately that looks suspicious?” I asked and looked around the bar.

                “Hey there.”

                I looked to my left where a little blonde girl who couldn’t have been older than eighteen was stroking my arm. Pam cocked an eyebrow at me with amusement while I felt sad for the young one. Couldn’t she get attention anywhere else?


                “Awww come on. I’m sweet as a peach.” Her southern drawl would have been cute if she did not seem so desperate.

                “You’re not my type, not to mention you’re a baby.”

                “What do you mean? What do you think I am?” The blonde one asked me slightly hurt.

                “Desperate. Now go home. This is no place for you.” My eyes were hard and I couldn’t help but hypnotize her. It was for her own good though.

                “You’re right,” She smiled and left out the door without another word.

                “So have you?” I asked turning back to Pam.

                “You mean like him?” She motioned towards a tall blonde figure on the other side of the room. “He’s been here for a good two hours and has declined more willing blood bags than any vamp I know.”

                Pam pointed again at the vampire. He turned around but didn’t realize that we were looking at him. After I took in his whole face I knew instantly who he was.

                “Oh my god.”

                How could this be?

                “What?” Pam asked annoyed and looked at the tall blonde again. “He looks kind of like-“ But before Pam could finish her sentence the tall blonde looked our way and booked it out the door.

                I ran after him through the woods and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “What are you doing here?! How are you alive?!”

                “Not happy to see me, are you then?” He spat at me and ripped out of my grasp. I was still too shocked and couldn’t stop his first punch to my face. It snapped my head to the side but I was ready for his second attack. We battled it out like old world fighters before Pam came running up. It only took that split second, but he was gone in an instant.

                “We got a big problem,” I breathed heavy.

                “What else is new?”


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