Pools of Emerald (frostiron f...

By kay8118

48.9K 2.3K 669

Tony Stark and The Avengers thought that they had seen the last of Loki. But surprisingly enough Loki doesn't... More

2.) The Offer
3.) The Tour
4.) The Realization
5.) The Explanation
6.) The Truth
7.) The Promise
8.) The Morning After
9.) The Fallback *TW*
10.) The Breaking Point
11.) The Fallen Angel
12.) The Recovery
UPDATE ch 13
UPDATE ch 14 (t.w. Alcohol and drug use)
Author Update (no story update just yet) but please read
Part 15 (so sorry everyone)

1.) The Return

6.6K 220 112
By kay8118

"Wake up sir, it is 9 am, sunny and 60. A wonderful day for a walk to be presumed." Tony Stark awoke with a yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"Thanks JARVIS that's a great idea." Never was Tony a morning person, but he had felt like doing more than lounging around all day. He decided first off, coffee; the most important thing in the morning. He quickly got up and dressed and headed out the door. The cool air was refreshing. It only was a five minute walk to the coffee shop, but there was something strange about this visit. Tony knew that face anywhere. Outside at one of the tables was none other than Loki Laufeyson. Tony did a double take to make sure it was really him. He was clad in a green sweatshirt, dark jeans and Ray Bans hid his eyes, but it couldn't be anyone else. His trademark dark hair was back and out of his face. Tony had contemplated calling the other Avengers, but he was sure if anything happened he could handle goat horns. If Loki had wanted to do something, wouldn't he have done it already? Tony cautiously approached him at the table. Loki had hardly realized he was there holding a Shakespeare novel in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"You shouldn't smoke, it's terrible for you." Loki jumped slightly, obviously startled.

"Stark, what brings you here?" Loki smirked, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"I should be asking you the same thing Reindeer Games." Tony scowled, not wanting to let his guard down.

"Well I'm trying to enjoy my coffee and my disgusting habit on a beautiful fall day thanks for asking." Loki continues reading. "You're free to join me if you want." Tony was ultimately confused, he knew this had to be a trap. "Or don't, I won't be offended either way."  Loki stubbed his cigarette out in a nearby ash tray.

"I didn't know you smoked." That was all Tony could muster out. He couldn't believe how normal Loki was acting. He wasn't being threatening or from what Tony knew, no mind games.

"I don't really often, was just feeling like it today." Loki muttered, drinking some more of his coffee. "Well don't let me keep you from anything you have to do, Stark."

"What is up with you? What are you even doing here? Are you planning something? I don't trust you." Tony grew warm with anger, he was confused and he wasn't going to get drawn in to any of his tricks.

"I'm not up to anything Stark, probably hard for you to believe. God of lies and all. But I really am just sitting here reading, drinking coffee, maybe smoking an occasional cigarette. I'm trying to have a normal day considering there is no such thing. I guess I understand why you don't trust me but I'm just trying to enjoy myself." Loki pulled another cigarette out of the pack lying next to him and lit it. "Sorry if I'm offending you with my normalities." Tony raised an eye brow. He still didn't trust Loki but he was willing to let him be. . . Only until he asked a few more questions.

"Ok so what are you doing here? What you call. . . Midgard."

"Let's just say I'm not welcome on Asgard anymore." Loki clenched his jaw and his hands balled into fists, turning his knuckles white.

"Why?" Tony enjoyed pushing Loki's buttons. He was almost hoping he'd push him over the edge. Loki slammed a fist down on the table, drawing the attention of a few people.

"Look Stark, this really isn't the time or the place for this so please, if you don't want to be around me, I'm not forcing you to stay here. You came over to me, not the other way around. I don't have to answer to you. And you won't have to worry about me, I'm trying to mind my own business and keep a low profile and of all people I would run into you." Loki's face burned a fiery red. His breathing hitched as his anxiety spiked through the roof. He realized he had done wrong by the Midgardians but no one was ever going to let it go, he was always up to something bad according to the Avengers. At first Tony had thought it was funny but he probable pushed Loki a little too far. "If you aren't going to leave me alone I guess I'm going to have to go somewhere else to try and enjoy my day." If Loki could, he'd be burning holes through Tony. Before Loki could get up to walk away Tony stopped him.

"Whoa hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, but you have to admit you are deceiving." Tony didn't exactly have a way of words. All of this was too much for Loki to handle all at once. Loki got up from the table so quickly, not even caring he spilled his coffee everywhere and he quickly began walking away, leaving his belongings at the table. Tony picked them up and ran after him.

"Hey Reindeer Games." Tony called after him. Loki reacted by picking up his pace. "Loki!" Tony called again speeding his pace to match Loki's. Loki turned right quickly into an alleyway. Tony could hear gut wrenching sobs. 'Is that seriously Loki?' Tony thought to himself. He peeked around the corner to see the God sitting on the ground, head between knees, body shaking. "God dammit." He muttered to himself. He was not good at comforting people, let alone people who he had caused to be upset. He cautiously approached him yet a second time. 

"PLEASE. GO." Loki screamed, eyes red, face damp with fresh tears. Tony hadn't realized from the sunglasses, one of Loki's eyes was so bruised it was damn near completely closed. Loki let out another sob. "P-Please. Please just, j-just g-go." Hyperventilating, he could barely get out coherent sentences. Tony had never seen Loki like this before, this is not the Loki everyone knew and remembered. This Loki was vulnerable, hurt. "L-leave me alone. I-I'm not up to anything. I, I swear." Tony really wanted to trust Loki, he could only half trust him. He gently touched Loki's shoulder and he recoiled at his touch as if his hands were made of fire.

"Hey, I trust you ok? I'm not going to hurt you. You're ok. Don't cry anymore." Tony was apologetic. He wondered what was going on in that head of his. Tony handed Loki his things and he bowed his head as if to say thank you.

"Look Stark, I'm sorry I snapped. I-I truly mean no harm to anyone. I'm just trying to make it by. I have nothing, I have no one. I can explain more, I just n-need a little bit." His breathing hitched, tears were still falling. Tony nodded.

"I understand, if you want to talk I'm going to go back and get my coffee. Come by if you're interested, if not I hope you find what you're looking for."

I'm gonna end this here for now, let me know what you guys think!

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