Tatsu Fuzen

By NobodyXidel

5.6K 119 8

(Finished NARUTO FAN FICTION) Tatsu is a soon to be genin of the Village Hidden in the Leafs. She is unnotice... More

Squad 8
Kurenai Yuhi and the Muteki Jinshin
Chunin Exams
Chunin Exams: Written Exam
Chunin Exams: Survival Test
Chunin Exams: Preliminaries
Dates and Promises
Chunin Exams: Finals
Lizard Eye Jutsu
A New Mission: Sasuke Retrieval Squad
Losing Members
Kori and The Voice
Failed Mission and An Old Face
Kiba's Long Day
Kurenai and the Heir to the Kurama Clan
This Will End
Fuzen Kaiju
Tatsu's Smile
What's Next for Tatsu

The Beast Within

132 3 0
By NobodyXidel

"Tatsu's apart...of the Fuzen Clan," muttered Yakumo.
"Are you telling me that Tatsu's one of those crazy savages?" growled Kiba, "I don't buy it!"
"It's the truth Kiba," said Kurenai, "When Tatsu was found near the village, she never told anyone where she came from or who she was. The only thing she told us, was her name was Tatsu and she wanted to be trained as a ninja. The Hokage accepted her into the village, but for the first few years she's was on constant watch. With so little known about her we had to be cautious, it wasn't until I saw her Kekkei Genkai for the first time, that we knew exactly where she was from."
"But that doesn't make her a savage!" snapped Kiba as Akamaru barked in agreement, "Just because she's from the Fuzen Clan that doesn't mean she's like them. Tatsu would never betray the village!"
"Then why would she leave the village?" asked Neji.
"What?" growled Kiba.
"If she's not leaving to join with her clan, why else would she leave the village?" explained Neji, "What if everything up to now, has been an act, to cover her true nature."
"You don't know what the heck you're talking about Neji!" shouted Kiba, "Sure Tatsu's never been the most approachable person, but she'd never leave us without a good reason. She wouldn't...."
"I hope for all of our sakes you're right," said Shino.
"I found her!" shouted Hinata.
"Where?" asked Kurenai.
"Just up ahead and it looks like she's with a group of people," explained Hinata.
"You think it's the Fuzen Clan?" asked Sakura.
"Probably," answered Naruto.

"Your going to end this game are you?" laughed Tatsu's father, "Do you even have the strength to kill me Tatsu?"
"You shut up!" snapped Tatsu, "From the first day I met you, you've made my life a living hell! Not being able to get to know anybody without the chance of you killing them! I'm done living in fear! Any last words before you die?"
"Tatsu!" screamed Kiba as Akamaru barked, making Tatsu freeze in fear.
"Kiba?!" asked Tatsu, noticing everyone else, "What the heck are you all doing here?"
"We came..to get you back," said Hinata, "We don't want you to leave."
Before Tatsu could say anything, her father saw his chance and elbowed her in the gut.
"Damn it!" thought Tatsu as her father grabbed her arm and tossed her toward the Squad.
Neji quickly grabbed Tatsu before she hit the ground.
"Tatsu!" called Yakumo as Neji began to put Tatsu down.
"Are you alright?" asked Neji.
"Get off of me," growled Tatsu as Yakumo went to her side, "And get out of here!"
"But Tatsu.." started Yakumo.
Suddenly two kunais was thrown at Tatsu and Yakumo, but Kurenai quickly used her own kunai to block them.
"You stay away from my girl's you savage!" threatened Kurenai, "Or should I say Gankona Fuzen?"
"That guy's the leader of the Fuzen Clan?" asked Naruto.
Gankona Fuzen has short black hair and hazel eyes, like Tatsu. He also had a black short sleeved shirt, that had a red colored, kanji symbol for Savage on his back, with black pants and ninja sandals.
Gankona just laughed, "Savage? Maybe, but it's very unwise for someone to get inbetween a savage and his prey, Kurenai Yuhi. Did you honestly think that my daughter could ever belong in the Leaf Village?"
"Your daughter?" asked Sakura as the group looked at Tatsu glaring with rage.
"Even despite all your efforts," continued Gankona, "She's still isolated and alone."
"SHUT UP!" snapped Tatsu as she bagan to charge for Gankona, "Don't you dare...DON'T YOU DARE BLAME KURENAI FOR WHAT YOU FORCED ME TO BE!!"
"Tatsu, wait!" yelled Kurenai.
Tatsu quickly tried to punch Gankona in the face, but he grabbed her fist and pulled it behind Tatsu's back, almost breaking it.
"Tatsu!" screamed Kiba and Hinata in semi-unison with Akamaru barking with concern.
"Tatsu, you should have learned by now," lectured Gankona as Tatsu cried from mixed emotions of pain, "Caring, love, kindness, and mercy are weaknesses. Weaknesses that makes ninja like the Leaf so fragile and like all fragile things, are easily broken. You will use your power against the Hidden Leaf and prove just how fragile they are!"
"N-no!" struggled Tatsu with tears still rolling down her face, "You want to try and d-destroy the Leaf. Then you'll have to to it without me! I-I don't want anything to do with that!"
"You insolate girl," scolded Gankona pushing Tatsu's arm to the breaking point, making her scream in pain.
"RASENGAN!" yelled Naruto as he and another Shadow Clone charged at Gankona from behind.
Gankona released his grip on Tatsu to dodge, but was too late. The Rasengan sent Gankona flying against a tree, giving time for Sakura to get to Tatsu. As Sakura did her best to help Tatsu, Tatsu watched Naruto standing in front of her.
"You better leave Tatsu alone!" shouted Naruto, "Or a knock to the tree will be the least of your problems!"
"Am I supposed to be intimidated by a foolish brat like you?" said Gankona standing up and to the groups surprised, didn't even have a scratch on him, "Now you die boy."
"Naruto look out!" shouted Tatsu as she and Gankona made hand signs and both yelled, "Fire Breath Jutsu!"
The two flames made contact with each other, while Gankona's flames were a little stronger, Tatsu's flames was still able to hold it's position until both flames died out.
"Naruto *pant* you *pant* ok?" asked Tatsu exausted.
"Yeah, thanks to you," thanked Naruto.
"Good, now leave!" ordered Tatsu.
"What and leave you here? No way!" argued Naruto, "We all came to get you back to the village, and that's what we're going to do."
"Damn it, I mean it!" snapped Tatsu, "This isn't some game Naruto, if you stay you'll be in the way!"
"Forget it!" snapped Naruto back as the group nodded in agreement, "We're not leaving!"
"Oh my dear Tatsu," interupted Gankona, "You've gone and grown attached again. You must enjoy seeing others die."
"Again?" asked Shino.
"What does he mean by that Tatsu?" asked Hinata.
"You're not going to lay a finger on them!" yelled Tatsu and fired the Fire Breath Jutsu at Gankona once again.
As the flames approached Gankona, he just charged through the flames and pulled out a kunai for Tatsu.
"Your flames are still too weak!" taunted Gankona as he got close to Tatsu.
"Rotation!" Neji yelled as he appeared in between Tatsu and Gankona, sending Gankona back.
"Neji?" said Tatsu confused, "Why? Why did you save me?"
"You don't know?" asked Neji, "And I thought you were one of the smart ones of the Leaf. You're a ninja of the Leaf, which make you a comrade. And despite our past, that fact won't change."
"Stop lying!" Tatsu yelled, "All of you! I'm not your comrade, I never was! I stayed in the Leaf until I was strong enough to take care of myself. I thought I made that clear when I left the village! Tell me, would a comrade abondon their village!"
Suddenly a hard slap came across Tatsu's face and to everyone's surprise it was Kiba.
"That's enough Tatsu," said Kiba sincerly, "For the whole time you've been at the Leaf, you've avoided everyone and isolated yourself. But not once...not once did you ever abondon us! Even when you tried to hate everyone, you just couldn't! You stood by us, no matter how bad things got! I think the only one who's lying here is you, Tatsu. Your our frie.."
"Don't say that!" Tatsu yelled with fear in her voice.
"Tell me boy," said Gankona, "Who are you and why do you care so much for my sorry excuse for a daughter?"
"My name is Kiba Inuzuka," annouced Kiba, "And this is my partner Akamaru. Tatsu is a member of our squad, village and...family. We'd all put our life on the line for her. And if scum like you gets any closer to her, you'll pay!"
"So you're him," smiled Gankona, "The one my daughter charishes most."
Suddenly Gankona bolted towards Kiba with his hands on fire and punched Kiba, hard in the gut. Kiba flew backwards slamming against a tree, breaking it in half. Kiba fell to the ground, with no signs of movement. Hinata, Kurenai, and Sakura all rushed to his side as Sakura tried to heal him, but Kiba still didn't move.
"Kiba?" called Tatsu, "Kiba please, not you...not you too.."
"Do you understand now Tatsu?" scolded Gankona, "Your weakness is what lead to his demise."
"You..you monster," growled Tatsu, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!"
At that moment a burst of green colored chakra emerged from Tatsu's body, slowly transforming her. Tatsu's skin was covered in green scales and her eyes became yellow and reptile like. She also grew a long tail as claws formed on her hands and feet.
"Oh no, Tatsu!" called Kurenai as darted for the beast, but was knocked away by it's tail.
"Sensai!" called Hinata as Shino followed her to Kurenai's side.
The beast roared in anger, Gankona laughed as called forth his followers.
"My people!" cheered Gankona, "Today is the day of revival! The Fuzen Clan will be a force to be reckoned with! And all will parish!"
"Tatsu.." muttered Yakumo worried and frightened by Tatsu's appearence.
"That chakra," said Neji as Kiba began to stur, "I've seen this kind of chakra before. Once she's exserted this chakra, she has no control of her own actions and is completely consumed by rage."
"Yes," confirmed Kurenai, "Tatsu's transformed into the Fuzen Kaiju."
"Fuzen...Kaiju?" asked Kiba trying to get up.
"You should take it easy," said Sakura.
"What is..a Fuzen Kaiju?" asked Kiba.
"It's a beast that feeds on the anger and fear of the one that carrys it," explained Kurenai, "Long ago, a lizard like monster was on a course to destroy the village. The Fuzen Clan's leader at the time used a special jutsu that allowed him absorb the power of the Kaiju. However once he absorbed it, he developed a different personality. He was contantly angry and threatened to destroy the very village he protected. In the end, he was killed attempting to assasinate the First Hokage. Since then every generation or so the beast would reappear in the body of the head of the family. The beast was then renamed as the Fuzen Kaiju. Thinking Kiba was dead, Tatsu gave in to that beast and now...She has no control over her power."
"Then lets wake her up!" decided Naruto as he stood in front of the beast, "Tatsu, you need to stop this! Kiba's still alive! See! Stop this!"
The beast glared at Naruto, then let out a powerful roar. Naruto did his best to hold his ground as the roar began to push him back. The beast then raised it's left claw to attack.
"Naruto, look out!" yelled Sakura.
Just before impact, a guy jolted from the clan, grabbed Naruto and the two came crashing to the ground dodging the attack.
"Traitor!" growled Gankona.
"Are you ok?" asked the guy.
"Yeah thanks," thanked Naruto.
"Who are you?" asked Kurenai.
"I know it's been a while, Kurenai," said the guy, "I guess that's expected after about 13 years of banishment."
The guy had mid-long black hair and hazel eyes. His outfit was a sleeveless black shirt, with a white colored kanji symbol for savage on his back, and brown ninja pants. He also had a scar under his right eye.
"Wait your Shinri Fuzen!" remembered Kurenai, "Second heir to the Fuzen Clan."
"Wait second heir?" asked Sakura, "That would make you Tatsu's Uncle."

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