Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios

By KreepyKitten2000

980K 17K 13.9K

Let's face it, we all have wanted to date these hot, sexy countries. The shy and cute Canada, the hero Americ... More

Characters and Requests
Sup, I'm {Y-N}
Wanna Hang?
You what?
What Should I Wear?
Happy Birthday Germany!
My Lips Are Cold, Warm Them Up For Me?
Happy Birthday China!
Woah There Tiger
Back Off She's Mine
Happy Birthday Taiwan
Happy Birthday Austria
Aww, That's Sweet
Happy Halloween
Happy Birthday Turkey
Awe, You're So Cute
Your Kiss Is Cosmic
Happy Birthday Latvia!
Hey! She Doesn't Like You!
Vacation's All I ever Wanted
How Could You!
Are You Suggesting Something?
Is This Right?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Meet Aurora
Happy Birthday Russia!
Happy New Year
I Wish We Were Together Right Now
Happy Birthday Mr. Awesome!
Where Art Thou {Y-N}?
There You Are!
Happy Birthday Australia!
Happy Birthday Netherlands!
Do You Believe In Magic?
Happy Birthday Greece!
Happy Birthday New Zealand!
Why Are You So Annoying Today?
Happy Birthday Japan!
Happy Birthday Spain!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Birthday Lithuania!
Quit Copying Me!
Happy Birthday Estonia!
You Pervert!
Happy Birthday Egypt!
Awe, Mah Baby's Jealous!
Happy Birthday North Italy!
Happy Birthday South Italy!
Happy Easter!
April Fools!
Hey Um... I Kinda Need Help
What's This?
Happy Birthday Belgium!
Happy Birthday England!
Happy Birthday Norway!
Happy Birthday Cuba!
Happy Birthday Denmark!
Happy Birthday Sweden!
Happy Birthday Hungary!
Cold Air, Dark Night, Warm Fire, Bright Stars
Happy Birthday Iceland!
Can You Actually Do This?
Nice Try There Sweetie
Happy Birthday Seychelles!
Happy Birthday Hong Kong!
Happy Birthday Canada!
Happy Birthday America!
Please Don't Leave Me
Happy Birthday Liechtenstein
Please Stop, You're Scaring Me!
Happy Birthday France!
Awe, What A Cute Family!
Happy Birthday Poland!
Don't Point That Out!
The Tears Are Coming!
Happy Birthday Switzerland!
Everything About You Is Perfect!
Don't Cry Sweetie!
Grandma... Please Stop (#/。\#)
Happy Birthday Korea!
Happy Birthday Ukraine!
Happy Birthday Belarus!
Happy Birthday Sealand!
Happy Birthday Vietnam!
Back To School!
Updates and Life

I'm Sorry

16.3K 247 48
By KreepyKitten2000

He Apologizes For Something


"Mattie, will you set the table?" You asked him as you finished making dinner. He gave you a small smile and kissed your cheek before grabbing the plates and silverware. As you brought the meal in and placed it on the table you heard him ask you where the maple syrup was. "I think I ran out this morning. I was planning on going grocery shopping tomorrow and buying some though." You told him and he frowned. It was a look that you did not like on his face. "Oh, ok." He simply said and sat down in his chair. You looked at his upset face and couldn't help but internally flinch. Definitely not a look you like on his face. "I'm sorry Matthew." You apologized and looked down at your plate. He instantly looked worried and shot up and gave you a hug. "N-No, please don't be upset! I'm sorry if you think I'm upset about it, I'm really not!" You looked at him and nodded before hugging back. "I'm sorry maple." You smiled. "I-It's fine, I'll just remember to keep it stocked."

Funny how arguments can be caused by the tiniest things, just like this one. "Alfred, you shouldn't eat burgers all the time. It's not good for you." You told him as he was sitting at the table with a burger in his hands. Setting it down he looked at you. "So you're calling me fat too then, huh?" "That's not what I said Alfred, and you know it." He quickly stood up and faced you. "Well it's what you implied!" "No I didn't! I just said-" "Yeah! You basically said I was fat!" "I'm just saying that burgers aren't good for you to eat all the damn time!" "I thought you were different from everyone else!" Taking a deep breath to calm yourself you looked him dead in the eye. "Alfred, I don't want you eating burgers so much NOT because they would make you fat, but because they're full of grease and that's bad for you. I just don't want you to get sick from all the grease." Silence was the only thing that was heard before he broke it. Pulling you into a hug he rubbed his hands on your back. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. You were just worried about me and I completely ignored it." Pulling away you kisses his cheek and lightly smiled. "It's ok, and for the record, the only reason your number is going up on the scale is because of muscle, not fat silly."

A loud boom from the kitchen caused you to rush to the room. Coughing you made your way to the Englishman as he pulled out another tray of burnt scones. "Arthur, why don't you have me help you bake next time?" He looked at you and shook his head. "No, I can do this, I'm a gentleman which means I should be able to cook!" "Arthur-" "No! I can do this!" "Angleterre just let me make the scones." You insisted and he slammed the tray of charcoal down on the ground. "Damn it woman, I said I don't need your help!" He yelled and silence followed. All that could be heard was his heavy breathing. Trying not to yell at him and make a bigger mess than there already was you took a deep breath. "Arthur, let's talk about this properly." "Well maybe I don't want to talk about this properly with you!" "Arthur, let's stop yelling, have a seat, and talk about this. You just need to calm down." He seemed to listen to your words and took a deep breath in and out and sat down at the table with you. "I'm sorry I yelled at you love, I was just frustrated and took it out on you." Getting up and rubbing his shoulders you kissed his cheek. "It's ok. Now, do you want me to make some tea and scones?" He smiled at you and nodded. "That would be delightful love."

"Why do you always have to cook? Why can't I?" You asked Yao as he was once again making dinner. "Because I like to cook-aru." "Well so do I." He just ignored you and went back to his cooking. You glared at him and stomped into the living room. Flopping down on the couch you flipped through the channels on the TV and stopped on Supernatural. Yao came into the living room telling you that dinner was done but you ignored him. "{Y-N} did you hear me?" He asked again and you detected a little irritation in his words. "Yes I heard you just fine." "Well then come on." You continued sitting on the couch and that's where he snapped. "What is wrong with you-aru?" "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! All I wanted to do was cook but then you had to go and push me out of MY kitchen like you always do! If you don't like my cooking just tell me!" You yelled and Yao looked at you with wide eyes. "I love cooking, you know that. I just feel like you don't like it when you don't let me cook, it's kind of insulting." You told him and he hugged you. "I'm sorry-aru! I didn't mean to make you feel that way!" He said and you hugged back. "I'm sorry for not letting you cook, and taking over your kitchen, and yelling at you, and-" You cut him off with a kiss and gave a small smile. "It's ok, just let me cook more." He nodded and led you to the kitchen to eat.

'AGAIN?' You thought to yourself as Francis flirted with another woman. You sighed and looked away. "I should have seen this coming." You whispered to yourself and started walking away from him. Luckily you weren't far from your house and could easily just walk back. It was now 10 minutes later and you had just unlocked the door and your phone was ringing. "Ma petite colombe you answered! I've been texting you but you wouldn't respond and I got worried!" He said and sounded out of breath. "Well, I'm fine." You curtly said and took your shoes off by the door and sat down on your couch. "Where are you?" He asked and you snorted. "I'm at home, sitting on my couch." "Why are you there? I thought we were on a date...And why did you leave?" You gritted your teeth together and clenched and unclenched your hands into fists. "Oh I don't know...maybe because I got sick of you flirting with other women on our date with me right next to you." He didn't say anything at first but then chuckled. "Was my petite colombe jealous?" He cockily asked and you wanted to scream at him. "Oh my god, I'm done with you." You told him and hung up, not giving him a chance to respond. Sitting on the couch you let out a breath of frustration and swallowed the lump in your throat. "I should have known he wasn't going to work." You jumped when your door was slammed open and you watched wide eyed as Francis came running in and glomped you into a hug. "Je suis désolé! Je suis désolé! Je suis désolé I was such an imbécile. Je t'aime, please don't leave me!" (I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was such a fool. I love you, please don't leave me!) He sobbed into your hair as you stood there. 'Wow.' Was all you could think before you placed your hands on his back. "Je t'aime trop Francis, please don't flirt anymore." He nodded while you continued to run your hand through his hair.

"You shouldn't drink so much." You quietly told Ivan as he finished off a bottle of vodka. He set the bottle down and faced you. "Why is that?" You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at him. "It's not good for you." "Sunshine, you can't tell me what to do da?" "I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just giving you advice." "Well I don't want your advice, I'm Russian, I know all about drinking." "That doesn't mean you have to drink so much!" "{Y-N}-" "No! You shouldn't drink so much! It's bad for you! Ever heard of alcohol poisoning! I have, in fact why do you think I want you to stop drinking so much! I don't care if you can hold it I just don't want you to die because of this!" You yelled with a tear falling down as you remembered how your Uncle had died of alcohol poisoning. (Don't ask me why I kill the uncles... Even I don't know why...) Ivan wiped away your tear and pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry sunshine." He whispered and kissed the top of your head. "I'm sorry sunshine, I'll stop drinking so much for you." You wrapped your arms around him and nodded. "Thank you Ivan."

"{Y-N} time to get up for training!" Germany shouted from outside your door. Your eyes slowly opened as you sat up from the couch. It was now 7:00 in the morning and you really didn't want to be up after only 2 hours of sleep. A pounding at the door made you get up and shuffle to the door. Unlocking it and opening it up you were about to tell him to come back later when you yawned. "Jou said jou vould train with me and we aren't missing any days." He told you before you could say anything. "Ludwig, I'm not training today. Missing one day will be fine I'm pretty sure." You tiredly told him and were about to close the door on him and go back to sleep when he opened the door back up. "And zhen jou'll skip zhe next day, and zhe day after zhat. Nein, jou do need to train everyday." "Ludwig, I'm to tired to go train, I got like 2 hours asleep before you woke me up." You grumpily said as you flopped down onto the couch. He seemed to be getting upset at what he called 'laziness' and took a deep breath. "Maybe if jou stopped paying so much attention to jour horrid art and got more sleep and vorked out..." He trailed off as he saw fire burning in your eyes. "Excuse me? Did you just insult my art? The art that has gotten me to where I am today and even helps me pay bills? Just because I'm an artist doesn't mean I don't take care of myself you know! I was working out before we even started training 2 weeks ago! Look at this! Do you get a fucking six pack in 2 weeks? I think not!" You yelled as you lifted your shirt up to show the visible six pack that you did indeed have. He blushed as you lifted your shirt up and saw it and looked away guiltily. Dropping the bottom of your shirt you stomped back to your room and flopped onto your bed. Ludwig entered your room and kissed your head before sitting down next to you. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." You told him after you slightly lifted your head up from the pillow. "Nein, I'm sorry that I insulted your art vork, even though it's very gut." Getting up from your bed you walked to your closet and started looking for something that you could train in. "Vhat are jou doing?" He asked and you shrugged. "I can't really train in this." You told him and gasped when you felt arms pick you up and gently placed you onto the bed. "Nein, no training for today. Just sleep." He told you before walking out of the room, leaving you to fall asleep about 5 minutes later.

There wasn't a lot that Feliciano would get upset about. In fact, you've never seen him without a smile on his face apart from training. That's why his outburst scared you so much. "Nooooooo-a! The pasta!" He yelled out. You had tripped over Pooky while taking the noodles to the sink. Not wanting to hurt the kitty, you moved so you could avoid her and ended up in dropping the pot of noodles. With your arm and ankle stinging in pain you looked to see Pooky just fine. "Th-The pasta! THE PASTA!" Feliciano cried out not caring about you. "Feli-" "Why-a did you drop the-a pasta?" He cried out and began to pick up the noodles. You stood up and held your shoulder in pain as you watched him with your weight on your left leg. "Sorry." You mumbled and started limping away to get the mop. Feliciano looked up and his eyes widened at your limp. "B-Bella?" He stuttered and you looked at him. He quickly stood up and picked you up and set you on the couch. "Mi dispaice bella. I'm sorry that-a I didn't notice that-a you were-a hurt." You looked at him as he set you on the couch and began to help your ankle. "It's alright Feli, I'm sorry I dropped the pasta." "You're-a more important than-a pasta bella, te amo." "Te amo Fei."

"Kiku, are you coming?" You asked him to which he just shrugged his shoulders. "Huh?" You questioned, confused as to why he wasn't very excited for the cosplay event. "Gomen'nasai {Y-N}-chan, I do not want to go to this cospray." "Kiku...Why didn't you tell me before?" You asked and he shrugged. "I didn't want to hurt your feerings. You were very excited about it." "Kiku, if you had just told me." "Werr, I've tord you, now prease reave me arone." You looked at him sadly before leaving his house. You slowly walked away, deep in thought. 'I made him upset. I didn't want to make him upset, I just wanted him to have fun.' Sighing you made it back to your house. Taking off your outfit and putting it in your closet you changed into your pikachu footie pajamas. Sitting on your couch you turned the TV on and began to watch a movie. A knocking at your door brought you out of your zombie state and you stood up and walked to the door. Opening it and seeing Kiku standing there made you surprised. His cheeks had a light pink dust on them from what you were wearing, but he quickly shook it away. "Gomen'nasai {Y-N}-chan, I didn't mean to hurt your feerings. I was in a bad mood and took it out on you. Wirr you prease forgive me?" He asked and held out a single red tulip. You smiled and took the flower before kissing his cheek. "Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry for making you upset as well. I should have asked if you wanted to go instead of assuming." His gentle smile told you it was ok as you invited him into your house to finish watching the movie with him.

"Stupid tomato bastard." You heard Lovino grumbled under his breath. You frowned at this, considering that he was calling your brother a bastard. "Lovi, you don't have to call Spain a bastard you know." He just grunted and crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back into the couch. "Yes I-a do." "Look Lovi-" "Don't-a call me-a that tomato bastard's sorella." "Alright Lovino, that's enough." You said getting up and walking towards the door. His eyes followed your every move and widened as you opened the door. He bolted up from the couch and grabbed onto your wrists. "Where are-a you going?" He asked and you frowned. "I'm taking a walk to clear my head so I don't yell at you. I hate it when you call Spain, my brother, a tomato bastard. He's not one, if anyone is it's you when you act like this." You said and Lovino hung his head. "Mi dispaice {Y-N}, Mi dispaice...Please don't leave, don't leave me per favore." You looked into his hazel eyes starting to brim with tears and hugged him. "I'm not leaving you Lovi, I promise." He nodded and fought back the tears of now happiness. "Grazie."

"What do you mean we don't have any tomatoes?" Antonio asked you when you looked in the fridge for them. "I mean that all the tomatoes are gone, there aren't any in here." He gently moved you out of the way to look for himself and frowned. "I had them already picked...They should be in here." He turned to you and closed the door to the fridge. "Did you eat them?" You shook your head and muttered "No." His frowned deepened and he looked at what he was making. "I can go pick some more in your field." You offered but he shook his head. "No, they had to be cold. If we pick them now they'll be warm from the sun. Are you sure you didn't eat them?" You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I'm sure I didn't eat them." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Just as he was about to ask for a third time Romano came into the kitchen with a tomato in his hand. "Roma, did you take the tomatoes from the fridge?" Romano just huffed and grumbled out, "So-a what if I-a did?" Antonio turned back to you before kissing your forehead. "Lo siento I didn't believe you the first time." He said with a sheepish smile on his face. You just kissed his cheek before telling him it was fine.

There he goes again, telling you that he was going to go drinking with Spain and France. "Gilbert, can you stay here tonight instead?" You asked and he looked at you. "Vhat! Vhy? Is it because jou'd miss zhe awesome me? Kesesese!" He said with a smirk on his face and you sighed. "Sure, if that's what you want to think." "Vhat do jou mean frau?" He asked and you shrugged. "I, I just want you to stay here tonight and I don't know, do something with me for once." You told him and looked to the ground. "I alvays do somezhing vith jou! Jou can't tell zhe awesome Prussia vhat he can and can't do!" He said raising his voice causing you to nod. "Haha yeah, I guess I was pretty stupid." You said sadly and turned around before slowly walking to your living room and turning Netflix on. You pulled your knees to your chest and sigh. 'Maybe he doesn't like me anymore.' You thought to yourself and unknowingly let a tear fall down your cheek. Arms were suddenly wrapped around you and your forehead was kissed. "Es tut mir mein kleiner piepmatz, (I'm sorry my little birdie) I shouldn't be drinking all zhe time and ignoring jou. I've been an unawesome boyfriend." You smiled in his hug and hugged him back. "It's ok, do you wanna watch a movie?" "Ja, zhat vould be awesome."

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