Stray on Strike

De nydevotee

64.6K 1.7K 958

This is the sequel to The Only Girl Newsie. You should read that one first, but I'm not the boss of you. Go a... Mai multe

Catch up on Stray
The little one is a plum.
David? Denise?
A shows not so bad
Mr. President.
Yes, she's my friend.
Dinner with Jacobs: Part 1
Dinner with Jacobs: Part 2
Slezes and Seizing
"Newsies crushed as Bulls Attack"
I got nothin'
Bed Riddened
The Sun
Ain't so fancy. Huh, Delancey?
Ain't I pretty!
Go and look it up
Dolled up
And they're off...
Brooklyn's Here!
Crazy Old Man
Explain or I'll punch you!
Wise Words From Reporters
Something to Believe in
You have got to be kidding me!
Once and for All
Come at me!
Newsies of New York...
New Story!

Beat Entertainment

1.7K 53 23
De nydevotee

It's been two days since Katherine finalized her story. Her editor loved it. He called it fresh, different and exciting. I read the first draft that day, about ten times. This is the most incredible thing. Seeing you and ya friends in ink.

The only places I have been in the last few days, have been the lounging house and Katherine's office. I'm outta work, there isn't a lot to do.

Me, Darcy and Katherine are sitting around in her office. Just Talking. I gotta say the Darcy kid had grown on me.

I read the first draft again. The finished one was sent to get printed out, but I have this one to cherish for now.

"Newsies stop The World" I read the headline out loud. Katherine walks up and sits beside me and pats my shoulder. "A little hyperbole never hurt anyone." She says to us. Darcy chuckles. I don't get what she said. I never paid attention in English class.

"With all eyes fixed on the trolley strike, there's another battle brewing in the city" I say reading the article with such pride. I try to mellow out my New York accent and talk like a fancy folk.

"Great opening." Darcy say interrupting me from reading. I shoot him a raised eyebrow and he looks guilty. "Sorry." He mumbles to the ground.

I laugh and say, "I was messin' with ya yous." He laughs out of embarrassment.

I lift the paper back to my face and keep on reading it. Katherine really out did herself.  "A modern day David is poised to take on the rich and powerful Goliath with the swagger of one twice his age, armed with nothing more than a few nuggets of truth, Jack Kelly stands ready to face the behemoth, Pulitzer." I shout and hold the price of paper into the air and wave it around. Katherine and Darcy cheer and laugh with me.

I stand up using the support of my crutch. Or Crutchie's old one? God, I miss him. He's smile. The way he stuttered when he was nervous. How he believe that everyone had some good in em. Even some people as rotten as the Delanceys.

Katherine pokes my side. She asks me. "Stray? Everything fine?"

I zone back into my environment. I try and fix myself on the crutch, but I fail and the crutch falls onto the ground. But here's the thing. I didn't fall with it. I'm standing. I look up at Katherine. She has a face of pure shock. I didn't believe Buttons and Davey when they said my foot would heal. I just thought I would have a crutch by my side forever.

"Your foot!" Katherine say jumping up and smiling like a kid. "It's healed." Darcy even is smiling. He has never seen me without the crutch before.

I take off the wrapping around my foot as fast I as can. It's not a ugly purple and dark blue color. My foot looks normal. Like a normal foot.

The Delanceys better watch out! Cuz I'm back baby!!

I jump up and down. I giggle and I run over to Darcy who is laughing uncontrollably and pull him off the chair. "Come on, we're dancin!" I say. His eyes grow wide, but he goes along with it anyways.

It's funny. Darcy is trying to waltz and I'm just spinning and jumping around like a toddler. He spins me out and I let go of his hand. Katherine was the closest thing near me. So I grab her hand and I dance with her. She starts laughing out of pure joy.

Katherine is dancing around with me. Well more like holding each other's hands and spinning around. Her bright orange skirt twirls. Oh how I wish to have a skirt as beautiful as that.

Just then a man in elegant work suit walks in and sees us. Darcy awkwardly fake coughs to get our attention. I stop spinning and Katherine looks totally embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed a bright red color that I know all too well.

"Sorry to interrupt Miss Pulit-" The fancy man said but he was cut off by Katherine herself. "Plumber!...." She looks around and then at her co worker, "The name I publish under."

He sighs and rolls his eyes at our group. "Anyways.." He angrily mumbles at us. "Your story was published this morning. Front page. I came to congratulate you." He closes the door and I never see that guy again. But he did bring some great news.

Darcy walks over to me and Katherine. "Front page!" She jumps up and streaks, "No more wheezing through the flower show!" I playfully punch her shoulder and laugh out, "Hey! Miss Medda is an artist!" They both laugh at me. I was joking.

*********************************************************************************************************************A/N: I know this is a filler chapter, but I love putting in hints about Katherine's name.  And Darcy is here. I love writing him into the story and making him this soft of awkward friend. The newsies are more tough and carefree. So to have a character that worries over the littlest things is new for me.

And coming soon I'm gonna write some Delancey stuff in.

And the next chapter or chapter after that is going to be King of New York.  

Oh and before I forget for those of you who read the first book and live Vic and Clyde well they are going to be making and appearance soon. (Yay!)

Ps. I have been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack and I LOVE IT!

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