Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan...

By Silentx13

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What if order 66 never existed? What if Cont Doku was in charge not The Emperor? Ok this is my first Fan-fic... More

Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 1
Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 2
Ally and Ghosts
The Bomb
Where are they?
Punishment part one
Punishment part two
By Blood It Will Be Free...
Found Them
Keep Them Alive
Ash's Heart Part 1
Ash's Heart Part 2
The new Adviser
Secrets and Lies part 1
Secrets and Lies part 2
Secrets and Lies part 3
Ash and Rex
The Meeting
Character Profiles
Character profile 2#
agree to train
Day One Of Training
Guardian Powers
Only More Questions
Confused Is An Understatement
Who are you?
Whos side are you on?
I'm sorry
The Last Battle

Guardian Training

103 4 10
By Silentx13

Rex's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes Redblood was there, an evil smile crossed his face. He picked up my hand and took out a small knife and used the blade to carve a sign into my hand. Then he traced the mark with his fingers and the blood and mark disappeared. Then he turned my hand over and I ran his hand along the red wound that disappeared. Then he said somethings in a different language and I felt a rush of power. I opened my mouth to say something but then remembered that I couldn't talk or move.

"Ok, what to you have to say?" He asked waving a hand over my mouth. "But please don't say anything loud, we can't have someone wake-up now can we."

"What did you do to me? What is your plan?" I asked so quietly that I could barely hear myself. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up, and then he sat right behind me. He then put both hands on my shoulders and the fear in me hit overload.

"Now. I can answer about the part in what I did to you, I simply used your blood to fully free my powers. And as for what I made it so that you'll be able to do magic. But I can't tell you what I fully did because that's ties into my plan so just sit tight. And don't speak. Oh and don't tell anyone what I did to you, especially Owen. Now that's an order." He whispered right into me ear.

Then he stood back and pushed me back into my bed. He just smiled and disappeared. Ok either he dose not know the meaning of person space or he dose and he uses it to his advantage. I thought to myself.

Shatter's P.O.V

~Flashback ~

I sat in a the cold room that Redblood keeps me when he wants to torture me. I had a metal blind fold on and metal chains on my wrists and ankles. I heard the door open and close, then footsteps.

"Hello Shatter, sleep well?" He asked.

"No." I replied darkly.

"Now, why is that?" He asked, I could feel him bending down in front of me.

"Why do you think!" I spat.

"You should know by know when its a good time to hold your tongue." He said calmly.

"Damn your calmness." I said. I saw suspecting for him to hit me hard but instead he laughed.

"Oh Shatter you never decease to amuse me." He said."but I did have a reason for coming in here." He then picked up my hand and held it with the palm facing down. Then he pulled off the blinds and the light hurt my eyes. He still held my hand but he picked up a knife in the other. Then he started carving a sign into the back part of my hand; I was howling in pain while he was doing this. When he was done he took a towel and pressed it very hard on the open wound. I stiffened with pain, but when he lifted the towel more blood came out.

I started feeling very sick to my stomach, "Shatter, you look very pale are you OK?" Redblood asked in a mocking voice.

"Go....To....Hell." I said very slowly.

"I can you are a bit sick after see someone carve a symbol into your own hand and but I still want you some what sane. So here." He said and he pressed two fingers on the open wound and the blood disappeared.

"I would tell you it's over but it is not." He said turning my hand over, and taking the knife and carving another symbol into it. At this point I couldn't take it anymore for the pain, I started to pass out but Redblood slapped me very hard and said "now, now. I need to wake, don't pass out on me." I didn't pass out so I threw up my lunch into a bucket that was next to me.

"Any better?" He asked as he continued carving the sign onto my skin.

"Shut....up." I managed to say.  I saw Redblood shake his head and click his tongue.

"Now, what was not nice was it?" He asked as he pressed his hand to the markings. "Anyway I'm almost done. Just relax." He said padding me on the cheek. He put the knife down and pulled out two small bottles. He opened one and poured it on my hand, then the other one he focused open my mouth and poured the liquid inside. I really wanted just to pass out right here but Redblood was keeping me awake and the feeling I had that I wanted to kill him increased.

"Now just one more thing and we will be done." Said Redblood to me. He picked up my hand again and then he held out his other hand and a ball of energy appeared in his hand. It was black and had some dark shads of red in it. The ball of energy in his hand then turned into a string of smoke and it went around my hand a few times and when into my skin. Then the symbols on both sides of my hand disappeared.

"There now you can pass out." Said Redblood standing up.

~end of flashback~

My eyes flew open and breathed deeply. It was just a dream, well a memory I thought to myself as I got out of bed. I washed my face with some cold water, "bad dream." Said a voice behind me. I turned to face Redblood, "What the Hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Now, calm down. I'm here to tell you that there was a mistake with one of the guardians. Turns out Waxer is a fake and the real one if Captain Rex, so I need you to teach him how to use his powers. Of course do this in secret, and if you tell anyone I'll kill you slowly and painful." He said.

"I don't care of I die and I'm not going to follow your orders." I replied.

"Alright. I'll kill that Jade girl and make you watch." He said. "And you know I'm not joking, so you better get started and if Owen teaches you anything new pass it one to Rex will you. Now I have to go plane a jail break, see you. Oh also you will do this." He said as he pressed two fingers against the back of his hand, and then he disappeared. I clenched my first and something came over me. I couldn't control my own body at all so I took a breath and walked out of my room and to Rex's

"Are you awake?" I asked as I pushed the door open.

"No." He replied.

"Ok I know your lying, one by you answered me and two there is no way you could sleep after getting a visit form the guy who my guess is worse then the Devil." I said.

"How did you know?" He asked sitting up.

"He came and told me. He also told me that you are a guardian and I'm going to have to train you." I said. I opened my mouth but someone said "both of you cant sleep?" I turned to see Owen.

"What? Huh?" Was all I managed to get out.

"I was standing here the whole time and I knew the whole time that you are a guardian." He said.

"You did?" Rex asked.

"Of course I did because I can feel if someone has powers or not. And you did and Waxer dose not. Now come on I'll be training you two and Echo at different times since you three have powers. Also I need to see how Ash and Xander are with there powered." He said. "Now come on get moving."

"I have to get up Echo, Xander and Ash." He said turning around.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I have no clue." Replied Rex.

At least you don't have to worry about training him anymore said Redblood in my head.

Eles Where...Ace's P.O.V

I leaded against wall of my cell and I smiled as I heard the echo of footsteps on the mental floor. I strained my self and the door opened and in walked a gard.

"Your early." I said.

"I know but Redblood had a bit of changes of planes." Said Śēḍōjha.

"Oh, then shall we get moving?" I asked.

"I believe we should." He said.

"Wait just please get this horrible power dampener off." I said holding out my wrist.

"Of course." He said pulling out a small bottle and pouring it on the band, then it just disintegrated.

"Well now that I can use my powers let's get the hell out of here." I said walking towards the door. We walked out the door to myself and a garde stopped us.

"What are you doing letting her out of her cell?" He asked.

"Oh you see all my previous partners needed up dieing and the only other one that we knew I could trust is in prison so I had to break her out." Said Śēḍōjha calmly.

"What?" He said.

"He means he is a bad guy discussed ads a guard and he is freeing me." I said holding my hand out and all of a sudden wires came and wrapped around his neck and choked him to death.

"That was quick." He said.

"I know now let's get going." I said.

Rex's P.O.V

"WHAT!" Shouted Ash.

"It is as I said 'there was a mistake with one of the guardians, the real one is Rex." Repeat Owen.

"Hey I just found out to night." I said when she turned to me.

"Ok let's get to training with powers and Xander I know your whole thing so you can help demonstrate." Said Owen.

"Damn." I heard him muttered as he walked by me.

"Ash I still think you need to work on power control." Owen said.

"Power Control?" She asked.

"Did I stutter?" He replied.

"I suppose your right." She then sighed.

"I am right. Now Shatter and Echo I'm guessing that Redblood taught you a bit of the powers you can use?" He asked.

"Yeah." Replied Echo and Shatter just nodded.

"Alright then so the one who has no clue what I'll be talking about is Rex then." He said.

"Just after." Whispered Xander to me I just nodded.

"Now before two things before I begin. First off I want to see what ara you have or color your power is. Shatter, Echo and Rex  one here." He said to us. We all stepped forward and he went to Echo and waved a hand over him and a light gray, white, and gold glow appeared around Echo.

"Rear Ara's, but not unusual for a guardian to have them. Especially gold." He said. Then he came to me next and he waxed his hand in front of me and I didn't feel anything weird happen, but when I looked down at my hands they were glowing dark blue, a drop of black and silver.

"That's interesting very interesting..." He said then turning to Shatter and did the same thing to him. Nothing happened at first then after a few moments he started to glow pure white and black.

Ash's jaw dropped and Xander took a fee Steps back. But Owen however started laughing. "This is quite interesting. Oh and before we begin any questions?" He asked.

"Yeah, when will we be able to sleep?" Asked Echo.

"Hmmmmm.................When we are done training for today or night. But I do aspects to see you here at 5:30 for when everyone else trains." He replied simply.

"Any others?" He asked.

"Yes, why is mine half white and half black? And Echo and Rex's was a mixture of colors not half in half." Said Shatter.

"That's a very hard questions to answer and after I do some research I'll let you know.

"Now let's begin." He said putting his cane down.

Eles Where....Redblood's P.O.V

"So Shatter is half white and dark, that's interesting." I said.

"Really I thought only someone of..." Began Ace.

"I know. I need to check some things out." I said turning to Ace. I teleportated into my lad and took the blood sample I have of Shatter, and took out two other samples of blood and scanned them. A perfect match.

"Sapphire, why didn't you tell me." I muttered under my breath. Then I turned and punched the closet wall.

Something worng sir?" Asked Śēḍōjha coming in.

"No. Nothing." I replied. "I need to go talk to someone." With that I disappeared.

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