By ShockSarah

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This story is a Taylor Swift fanfic based off her song 'You Belong With Me'. More

YOU BELONG WITH ME! chapter 25
You Belong With ME! Chapter 26
You Belong With Me! chapter 27

YOU BELONG WITH ME! CH 21 luke pov

948 20 5
By ShockSarah




Luke P.O.V


The past week has been the worst days of my life. Not being able to talk to Taylor and tell her what’s going on or how I didn’t mean a word I said. Not being able to write notes back and forth at the window with her -even though I still try- but now she keeps her curtains close all the time now. Not being able to walk her to her next class after lunch. I even notice that she avoids me at all cost. At school I can’t even get away from Trish. You would think we were attached at the hips. I even notice Taylor doesn’t stick up for her self any more, she just walks with her head down not even caring any more what people are saying. Half of the student body is following Trish on hating her but the other half actually likes Taylor for sticking up for self and telling Trish off. Hell some even want Taylor to be homecoming queen instead of Trish. Which I can’t blame them because if I had a choose who my queen would be, It would be Taylor in a heart beat.

Right now I could hear Taylor once again playing on her guitar. I wish I could turn back time and never said what I did. I wish I could go back and tell Trish that I didn’t want to talk to her. But of coarse the only way to save Taylor future was to hurt her. I know how important college is for her, and I know she would do the same thing for me too ‘I think.’ I stayed laying on my bed, deep in thought, avoiding Trish’s phone calls. Knowing she’ll give up and call one of her boy toys to comfort her. Plus I don’t want to go to the mall with her today so that she could try and win a singing contest. Which we all know she sucks at it. I took a deep breath before letting it out and closing my eyes thinking about Taylor once again and how she mush hate me.

My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts I checked the caller ID making sure it wasn’t Trish calling again. The number that showed up was unknown.

“Hello” I answered hoping it wasn’t Trish hiding her number, in hopes to get a hold of me. But then again Trish was never really that smart to think of hiding her number, hell I don’t think she even knows how.

“Hey Luke it’s Joel, look don’t talk just listen. Me and Levi know what’s going on between you and Trish. We also came up with a plan to get back at her for trying to hurt our best friend but we need your help. We plan on telling and showing Taylor about what happen between you too but we want you there with out Trish know your talking to Taylor again. So do you think you can meet us all at the mall? We plan on making Taylor sing against Trish.” Joel blabbed on but what I kept repeating in my head was that they know and that they can help. I was smiling to myself when I heard Joel calling my name.

“Hello Luke you there? You didn’t hang up on me dude, did you?”

“Oh sorry no I didn’t hang up on you but how did you find out?” I ask hoping they knew the whole story and not just half of it.

“Dude I’m a computer geek and the schools has cameras every where, on the field off the field plus I wanted to know what Trish wanted with you. Anyway are you in or do you sill want to hurt Taylor some more because to be honest I hate seeing her cry” his words made me cringe. I always hate seeing her cry. I remember when she was seven and she fell of her bike and hurt her knee. I did every think in my power to stop her pain. I even kissed her knee hoping that would help, and to think right now I’m the one hurting her instead of helping. That just made my mood worse.

“yeah I’ll help. I’ll be there right when she goes on then maybe Trish wont see me. Iv been trying to avoid her all day so far” I explain getting up off my bed.

“Okay see you then” we both hung up after that. I hope I can fix every thing. I walked over my window and picked up my note pad that has all of my notes to Taylor that were for our window conversation. It took me awhile but I found one note that Taylor never got to read. It was back in freshmen year before all this drama took place. When it was only me, Taylor and Levi against the school. Back before I joined the football team. Back before I even knew Trish -even though we all grew up in the same town doesn’t mean you know everyone.

This one little note was the one note I couldn’t show Taylor back then because I was afraid of what she would say. This one note that holds three word, eight letters, and has one meaning. And I was afraid to show her. Then I was left with the ’What if’ that followed. Like ’what if’ she said it back? Would we have stayed together or would we have ruined our friendship. ’What if’ I never joined the football team? Would this whole drama with Trish just vanish. ’What if’ I never meet Trish? Hell sometimes I do wish I never meet Trish, but then again I do remember Trish being the Shy, sweet cheerleader that is until she turned captain and started having sex with everyone.

I got up and got dress so that I could get this whole mess cleared up. I really do want Taylor back. I folded up my ‘I Love You’ note to Taylor and put it in my pocket. I would show it to her when the time is right but with how my life’s been that would probably be never.

By time I got to the mall. Trish was just getting off the stage. Thank god I have good timing. I would hate to have killed my ear drums by listing to her try to carry a tune, and knowing her she would have picked out a really high pitch song. Found Joel in the crowd towards the front with a video camera. I smiled to myself knowing exactly what he was doing.

“Did you record it all?” I asked coming up behind him. He hit pause on his camera before talking.

“Yep it’s the first step of revenge. We will show this film two days before the game. I’ll hack into the audio and visual room, and play this film instead of the daily announcement” he looked around himself making sure no one was listening. I was doing the same except I was looking out for Trish. I really didn’t want her to see me.

“So what’s the second part of the plan?” I asked while watching Taylor and the rest set up.

“You’ll find out at the same time as Taylor and so far you know a little bit more then her so lets keep it that way. Okay! Now I got to start filming so no talking of the plan” we didn’t say nothing after that. I listen to Taylor sing one of her songs from while back. I remember reading it one day. I could see her taking glances at me through out the song. I gave her a warm smile hoping she would feel better about singing. She gotten so much better about singing in front of people. I remember when she was younger that she wouldn’t dare sing to me or her family until one day I caught her singing and then from then on I was the only one she would sing for.

After the song ended everyone started to clap and whistle. As Taylor left the stage the Host came back on ready to announce the winner’s. I hid more off to the side hiding behind people so that Trish couldn’t see me. I watched as the girls stood next to each other. I could see them bickering at each other. I laughed when the host looked at Trish when he said ‘Not so talented singers’. I notice Taylor looking for me in the crowd and found me. Trish glaring at her making some smart ass comment about who knows what, but I know Taylor could handle it herself if she needed too. It’s good to know she doesn’t hate me, hate me.

I tried to hold in my laugh when Trish thought she was the winner. Her face was priceless and was soon stomping away from the crowd. I tried pushing my way threw the crowd to meet up with everyone. I watched as she laughed with them all.

“Lets go back to my house” Taylor said while turning to leave. It’s now or never.

“Taylor” I called out loud enough so that she could hear. She stopped but didn’t look back. Levi and Joel gave me a knowing smile and Aimee looked a little confused.

“What do you want Luke your girlfriend already left so what are you doing here?” she didn’t even look at me when she said this her voice sounded hurt. Joel cut in before I could even say anything

“I asked him to come”

“I’m here to help you and I promise to tell you everything when we get to your house, but I want you to know now that every thing I did was to help you. Never to hurt you.” I said softly hoping she would listen. She turned around slowly and looked me in the eyes. My eyes showing nothing but the truth. She finally nodded her head and turned back to leave. I let out a short breath I was holding in and smiled. It didn’t take us long to get back to Taylor’s house. Taylor sat on her bed with her arms crossed as Aimee sat next to her. Levi sat on the floor with his back to the bed, and Joel was on Taylor lap top in a second setting up what ever he needed to set up.

“Okay talk” Taylor said looking at me over her glasses. Her frizzy blond hair going into her eyes once again. I looked at Joel who gave me a quick nod before hooking stuff up to the lap top. I took a deep breath before speaking.

“Okay first I didn’t mean anything I said at the football game” Taylor interrupted me before I could say anything more.

“Really because It sure did sound like it” you could hear the anger and sarcasm in her voice.

“Will you please let me finish” she gave me a quick nod before looking away. “okay well before you came out of the bathroom that night Trish came out first saying she needed to talk to me. So I said okay. Well when she took me to the side she told me that I had to say what I said during half time if you ever wanted to get into a good college or any college she told me she would get her father to make sure you didn’t get into any college if I didn’t I loved her and all that crap. She said she could get her father to do anything just because she could just blackmail him. I never meant to hurt you if I had a choice I would have walked away and dumped her ass because really all she is, is a cheap whore who can’t keep her legs shut. Taylor you’re my best friend I would never hurt on purpose” I took a deep breath while looking back at Taylor you could see the tears in her eyes.

“She really said that” Taylor said in a small voice. She looked like she was thinking really hard.

“If you don’t believe him check this out” Joel cut in once again before I could say anything. Aimee and Taylor both got up from the bed at the same time to watch the video. Levi looked like he already seen it and was in deep thought. By time the video was done Taylor was crying. Which broke my heart. I took a small step towards her saying her name softly “Taylor”. what I didn’t expect was Taylor to turn around and jump on me wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waste sobbing into my shoulder. If I wasn’t so worried about her this would be such a turn on. I notice Aimee, Joel and Levi leave the room to give us a little privacy. I don’t even think Taylor notice that they left. I softly ran my hand through her curly hair.

“Shhh it’s going to be okay” I tried soothing her.

“I thought you really said those thing I thought you never really wanted to be my friend” her crying slowed down. I sat on the bed with her still clinging to me with all her strength.

“I would always be your friend. I will always be there for you, you know that Taylor, you know how hard it was for me to say what I did. It killed me inside not being able to talk to you or walk you to class.” you could hear the pain in my voice. She sniffed once more before lifting her head and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were red and glasses were a little fogged up. I took off her glasses so that she could see a little. She gave me a weak smile.

“I missed you too” I wiped the tears out of her eyes and gave her a smile. After a few seconds realization hit her eyes as she looked how we were sitting with me on her bed and her straddling me. I could see the blush showing up on her face as she apologized getting off me and looked around.

“Where did everyone go” she asked looking at me. I laughed at how funny her facial expression was. It was mix between shock, confused and wonder.

“They left to give us some privacy” ‘I think’ I said the last part to myself.

“Oh okay, AIMEE, JOEL, LEVI GET IN HERE” she screamed. Two seconds latter all three walked in with a smile. I guess there happy to have everyone back together.

“Well now that, that’s done lets get this show on the road. What are we going to do about Trish” Aimee asked looking at all of us. I looked at Joel since he was the one who called me.

“I have a plan for the video I just taped today and the video that I just showed you but I still don’t know what to do about Trish telling her father what to do about Taylor college situation. Because we all know Taylor want to go to college and we all know that Luke need to have that football scholarship.” Joel said quickly while getting on the computer once again. Everyone deep in thought thinking about what to do. I was watching Taylor the whole time so I notice the big smile on her face first.

“What it is Taylor?” I asked. Everyone looked at Taylor. She ignore my question and looked at Joel.

“Joel can you get into the school camera every where?” she asked looking hopeful.

“Yeah why” he sounded unsure about what she’s getting at.

“Is there a camera in the principals office?”

“Yeah but I don’t see why we need the principals’ office”

She gave Joel a smirk before answering “isn’t it against the rules to have sex on school grounds mostly if you’re a teacher” she hinted to him. I got it right away about what she was thinking and so did the rest.

It took Joel a few hours to find the right video but he did and let me tell you it was disturbing.

“Aimee did you find the number to the school board of director?” Levi asked sitting next to her.

“Yeah I’ll call them tomorrow and have them come to the game” Aimee said writing down the number Joel turn to all of us before speaking

“Okay guys this is what will have to do”




Thank you all for reading I hope you had fun reading

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