The Reapers new Master: a Bla...

Por Yadira_Sempai

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Grell Sutcliff the reaper hasn't been in London pestering his precious Sebastian for a few months. Though its... Más

The queens orders
The 30th brings surprises
A Master Marks-Woman
How to be rude the American way
The Hunt Begins
Do as she says
One hell of a party
An act of friendship
She knew the whole time
How did you two meet?
How did you two meet? Part 2
Opium den's and brothel's
The Rose Palace
Another act
Davie I Can't Breath
Must love cat's
A Change in Strategy
Fight Nitroglycerin with Nitroglycerin
Hello My Name is William T. Spears
Forgotten property
Money has the loudest voice of all
Unexpected visitors got an unexpected surprise
Marksmen have Morals
A Trancy Brat
A Garden Party for a Guest of Honor
Hand's off my Mistress
What did you think of the party? (Multi POV Chapter)
Happy 25th Birthday
One last fight before you go...
You want a funeral?
A confession falling on dead ears

Death and Discovery

911 24 4
Por Yadira_Sempai

Mercy was growing more and more concerned for Ceil's safety, for her fears had grown even greater after the explosion. They had returned to the mansion only to drop of Bard and put him in his room, they then left immediately to the warehouse where Billie would be hiding.

"So our plan... What is it?" Asked Ceil as they approached the warehouse.

"Grell and Sebastian will handle the exterior of the warehouse. You and me will take on the interior." Said Mercy as she loaded her sleeve pistols.

"Wait... What do you mean by that?" Asked Grell a bit confused.

"You and Sebastian will round up, not kill, the thug's Billie will have guarding the outside..." Said Mercy before Ceil interrupted.

"Wait how do you know she will have thug's guarding the outside?" Asked Ceil.

"Because... That's what I would do." She said. "Now as I was saying. Sebastian and Grell you will apprehend her thugs. We get more money when they're still breathing. Ceil you and I will sneak in the warehouse and take out Billie." She said as she stopped at the wooden fence of the warehouse. "Any questions?"

"Are you sure that this is safe?" Asked Grell as he stared at his mistress and blushed lightly. "Uhh... For Ceil that is! Is it safe for him?" He asked in a hesitant voice.

Dammit! Why did you say that? Why am I so damn stupid! I just know Bassey is laughing on the inside at my stupidity. But I am worried, what if she get's hurt? What if I'm not there in time to save her if she need's saving? Why am I thinking only of her these days? I don't understand these feeling's. God I'm so confused right now... What if... What if Bassey was right? What if what I'm feeling is.... No! It's not! It can't be! I don't feel that way.... I don't!!! But she's so cute when she's serious!

"If he sticks with me he'll be fine, and if he's properly armed." Said Mercy as she handed Ceil a blade and gun. "Don't waste the ammo and try not break the blade ok, the blade was expensive." She said as she moved a plank of wood off the fence. "Grell and Sebastian you two go in first, you guy's will provide cover for us." She said as Grell and Sebastian went through the fence. "Keep your eye's open for..." Said Mercy a shot was fired from the distance.

"Look's likes they've come to great us, what do you say we great them back Bassey?" Said Grell as he pulled out his death scythe.

"After you Grell, we'll provide the cover. You two go in and try not to be seen." Said Sebastian as he pulled silver ware in preparation to use as weapons.

"Come on Ceil stay close, I won't have you being harmed by that shrew." Said Mercy as she took Ceil by the hand. They took cover behind some crates and other pieces of various junk, they were very cautious with their movent's so as not be seen by the gun men that were firing at Grell and Sebastian. Ceil and Mercy walked past all the action and gunfire without being harmed, when the reached the warehouse entrance they snuck in while Sebastian and Grell apprehended the thugs.

"Grell look out behind you." Said Sebastian as he threw silverware at a man, who was trying to axe Grell in the head, and pinned him to the wall.

"Thank you Sebastian..."Said Grell as he smiled. "I didn't know you cared." He said with a giggle as he hog tied a man that had been trying to sneak up on Sebastian. "Maybe I can tie you up later." He said as he leaned up against Sebastian.

"Why don't you ask your mistress to tie you up later?" Said Sebastian with a wicked grin as he kicked a man in the face.

"Gahhhh!!! Shut up with that already!!!! I don't feel that way!!!" Shouted Grell as some of the men that were circling around them stopped and watched in confusion. "Your just mad because she doesn't like you! So your just taking it out on me..." Said Grell as he pouted and blushed with slightly watery eyes.

"Just tell her how you feel, honestly why must you hide behind a mask of false affections for me." Said Sebastian as he noticed the crowd around him. "Hmm... Perhaps we should save this discussion for later. It seem we have unwanted ear's and eye's prying." Said Sebastian as he leaped backwards and kicked several people in the back. Grell did the same thing as if this were a rehearsed synchronized attack. Meanwhile, as Grell and Sebastian took care of business outside, Ceil and Mercy walked into the warehouse. It was getting dark and oil lamps had already been lit, the warehouse was dark and dank and was left as Ceil and Mercy first saw it. It was a typical warehouse, it had crates and hook's and various rusted things lying about. Mercy slide out her pistols as Ceil took out the gun he was given and followed behind Mercy.

"Ciel... Stay close and keep you eye's opened. And try to be quiet." Whispered Mercy to Ceil as she moved quietly and cat like towards the stairs. Ceil nodded and tried to mimic her movement's and followed her lead.

What's up with this kid? Why's he copying me? Is... Is he mocking me? Hmm... No if he were mocking me he'd be tripping or something... What's he getting at by copying?

Mercy watched as Ceil followed her lead, the walked up the creaky stairs slowly and quietly. When they reached the top of the steps the saw the same door they had seen last time. It was opened slightly and there was light on, they walked slowly towards the door.

"You don't have to be so quiet, just come in already." Said a deep woman's voice. Ceil looked surprised while Mercy looked completely unfazed. She walked towards the door at a normal pace not caring how loud the creaking of the floor was beneath her boot's.

"Wh..What are you doing?" Whispered Ceil as she walked towards the door.

"Enough whispering Ceil, she know's were here." Said Mercy as Ceil looked at her in surprise and walked slowly behind her. Mercy walked towards the door and lightly pushed it open, sitting at a table with a bottle of whiskey was who they were looking for. Beatrice Kincaid, otherwise known as Billie the Kid. "Beatrice Kincaid, You are here by under arrest by order of the united states of America. You are being arrested for the..." She said as Billie stood up and interrupted. She was wearing clothes similar to Mercy's, the same tight leather trouser and blouse. Minus the belt.

"Save it Jaclyn, I know why your here and I don't care...." Said Billie as she stared at Ceil. "I still can't believe you brought a kid into your horrific and murderous world." She said with a sinister grin. "Wow... He sure looks a lot like Da..." She said before Mercy fired a warning shot.

"Don't you dare say his name." Said Mercy with anger in her eyes. "And if anyone has a murderous world it's you." She said as she readied to fire her pistol's again.

"Say's the woman who has killed way more than 200 people in the past eight years." Said Billie as she placed her hand's on her hips.

"Those men were all criminals!" Shouted Mercy.

"And your father...." She said with a grin."As I recall you killed him seven years ago."

"I had to... He was going to kill my mother. I didn't have a choice, she couldn't keep living with man.... No one could. So I did what everyone was afraid to do. I did what had to be done to protect my loved ones, I did my job." She said as Ceil looked at her in shock and awe.

"Yeah, yeah I know... But let's face it he was drunk wasn't he? His morality was impaired." Said Billie.

"Just like John's? By the way he told me to tell you that he loved you..."She said in a snarky tone.

"Gahh! I swear you can be such a bitch!" Said Billie as she lunged towards her with a hunting knife, while Mercy kicked her towards the open door as Ceil moved out of the way. "Nothing I ever do is good enough for you is it! Not the men, not my aim, and certainly not my opinions!" She shouted as she stood to her feet.

"Just give up Billie, they'll go easy on you at the trials." Said Mercy as she readied herself for anything Billie might pull.

"I don't care! I'm not going anywhere with you!" Shouted Billie as she tried to tackle Mercy down. Mercy pushed Billie off of herself and upper cut her in the jaw.

"That was from Bardroy!" Shouted Mercy as she stood in front of her. Billie was a bit disoriented and regained her focus and socked Mercy in the face. Mercy stomped on her heal and her blade popped out, she attempted to slice kick Billie across the face. Billie saw this coming and grabbed her by the foot and bent the blade off and shoved Mercy into a pile of crates. Billie then pulled out a pistol and aimed for Mercy.

"Well I guess this is good bye Mercy... Sweet dreams." Said Billie as she was going to pull the trigger, but Ceil pushed Billie down before she could. "Why you little brat!!!" Shouted Billie as she made a move for Ceil, he then aimed and fired and missed the gun Mercy had given him. When he tried to fire again he was out of bullets. "You missed every shot! But I grantee you I won't miss!" Said Billie as she grabbed Ceil by the throat and held a knife at his chest ,and held him up against the second storey railing of the warehouse. "This is what happens to children that don't know their place." She said as she extended her arm outward to give her knife all the power it would need to kill a small child like Ceil.

"Uhhh... What!... No!! Ceil!!!" Shouted Mercy as she stood to her feet and ran toward's Billie and Ceil. She moved in front of the knife and Ceil, the blade then pierced under Mercy's breast. Ceil looked at Mercy in shock as Billie let go his neck. Billie's face went from rage to wicked joy. She pulled the knife out of Mercy and stabbed her in the lungs. "C...Ce...Ceil....Run..." Said Mercy as she coughed up blood and as Billie pushed her over the railing, Mercy fell to the ground like a rock. A splat noise was heard after she fell to the ground, Ceil looked over the railing's in horror. He screamed out her name as if it would bring her back to life, but it was no good.

"I did it. I finally killed her!" Shouted Billie with glee as she licked the bloody knife with glee. "You know kid you should of listened to her, You should run..." Said Billie as she began to cackle evilly like a witch.

No... Not her, not Mercy.... Why? Why is it when people treat me with kindness they always die protecting me.... Why?

Ceil ran toward the stairs in a panic, he didn't even think of calling Sebastian he was so terrified. Billie followed behind Ceil to give the feeling of dread and terror, he rushed down the stairs. As he reached the bottom he felt someone cover his eye's.

"Hey what the..." Said Ceil before he felt himself being gagged, whoever had gagged him also blindfolded him. Ceil tried to struggle but could feel himself being tied to some kind of support beam, he was tied in a position where it looked as though he were hugging it. When Billie reached the bottom of the stairs she went looking for Ceil.

"Oh Carl, or whatever your name is, come on out. I have some candy for you." She said as she held a knife out ready to stab Ceil at the moment she saw him. "Where the hell are you kid? Hmmm well no matter, I'll just play with Mercy until you..." Said Billie before she dropped her knife, she looked to where Mercy had landed when she fell but all that was there was a puddle and a trail of blood. "Wh...What the... Where did.... Where did she go?" She said with a tone of fear in her voice. But as she walked towards the puddle Grell and Sebastian walked through the door's of the warehouse. When they walked in they saw Billie covered in blood. "Wh...Who are you two?" She said a bit shaken.

"I'm Grell Sutcliff and the handsome fellow next to me is Sebastian. You must be Beatrice, where is my lady?" Asked Grell as he stared at the puddle of blood behind her.

"Oh...I.. I uhh killed her. I stabbed her and pushed her from up there." She said as she pointed at the railing on the second floor.

"Then where is my master?" Asked Sebastian while Ceil managed un-gagged himself and called out for Sebastian. "Master? Is that you?"Asked Sebastian.

"Yes! Help! Someone tied me up!" Said Ceil as Sebastian went over to untie his young master. When he came back, quickly, with Ceil. When they came back Grell was staring at Billie enraged.

"Y..You... You What!!?!??!?!?" Yelled Grell as he tightened his fists.

"I...I killed her... That brat saw me do it." She said pointing at Ceil.

"Liar! If you killed her then where is her body! What have you done to my lady!!" Shouted Grell on the brink of tears.

"I.... I... I don't know. When I came down here her body was gone. I assumed the kid moved her before I came down here." She said as Grell looked at her with a blood lust.

"Liar!!! I'm going to reap your soul and... and... huh?" Said Grell as he reached for his scythe and didn't find it.

"What's wrong Grell?" Asked Sebastian.

"My... My scythe is gone!" Said Grell as he looked around for his scythe. "I... I don't understand I had it just a moment ago!" Said Grell in a panicked tone.

"Wait... How did you lose you scythe?" Asked Sebastian as Billie stared at the trio with a confused look. Everyone at that very moment was confused, at that moment everyone went silent. They all looked around the warehouse. Billie and Ceil looked around for Mercy's body and Sebastian and Grell looked for the missing scythe. Just then a thought occurred to Billie, they were all caught off guard. So Billie decided to take advantage of the situation. She pulled out her gun and aimed at them.

"Hey red head! If you don't believe I killed her why don't you...." She said as she paused at the sound of a chainsaw running echoed through the warehouse. Just then a dark figure jumped down from the second floor and pierced Billies abdomen with Grell's missing scythe. The three stared at the dark figure and realized that it was Mercy.

"Now let's have a look at your absolutely worthless life." Said Mercy as she observed Billies cinematic records. She stood there covered in her own blood and holes in her clothes and chest. "Hmm... You have absolute zero reason to have behaved the way you did, you were a worthless little girl weren't you?" She said as she looked down at the slowly dying Billie. She turned around hiding her face, to see the three staring at her in awe. "Oh hello there... I uhh... I should be dead I know.... But ummmm." She stuttered as Grell and Sebastian and Ceil walked towards her.

"Jaclyn?.... How...How are you... How are you still alive?" Said Grell as he looked at the holes in her lungs, all the while Mercy was hiding her face. "What's wrong? Your not looking at me, your not telling me anything." Said Grell as he tried to look Mercy in the eyes.

"A... A lot of thing's are wrong. Like... Me, keeping a secret from you." She said as Grell tried to look at Mercy's face. "N...No... Don't. Your going to be mad at me for not telling you." She said as Grell moved her hair from her face.

"Please... Please open your eye's. Nothing you hide from me will ever make me angry." Said Grell as he wiped blood from Mercy's mouth. She opened her eye's slowly as they all waited with anticipation. "Y..Your... Your eyes..." Said Grell as he looked at the green and yellow eye's that were staring back at him.

"Yeah I know... This is what my eye's really look like." She said as she stared at everyone with wide green and yellow eyes, like Grell's.

"So this whole time you were a reaper.... My what a twist in event's." Said Sebastian as Ceil walked towards Mercy. He stood there looking down at his feet feeling shy. Then he hugged Mercy and cried just a little.

"You should have told me..." Said Ceil as Mercy hugged him back.

"I know.. I'm sorry Ceil. I didn't mean to put you through anything...." She said as she looked at Grell. "Grell, I'm sorry I didn't tell you either. I was afraid you'd think I was sent to spy on you by your superiors." Said Mercy as Grell removed his coat and placed it over Mercy's shoulders.

"It's fine my lady... But what are you going to do now that your eye's have returned to their natural color?" Asked Grell.

"Oh my eye's will go back to being hazel in a few hours. This dye is permanent for one more year." Said Mercy.

"Dye? What do you mean by dye?" Asked Sebastian.

"Oh... Well you see it's not rare for demon hunter's to have children that are born reapers. But when they are born that way the parent's get scared. Not of the children no, they love their children no matter what. It's the reaper society their afraid of." Said Mercy.

"Oh really? I thought that demon hunter's and reaper's helped each other. Why would the demon hunter's be afraid of them if they have reaper children?" Asked Ceil.

"If reaper is born in the mortal plane the reaper takes the child away at the of five or six." Said Grell. "Most parent's aren't willing to give up their children at such a young age, especially demon hunters." He said as Sebastian and Ceil looked at him. "But we only take them away at such a young age since we alway's seem to be short handed at the reaper society."

"Yes, it's all true. But you see it's not like the parent's have choice. They have to give up their children whether they like it or not. So demon hunter's came up with a solution, hide the natural color of their children's eye's." Explained Mercy.

"Wait, how does one go about hiding the natural color of ones eyes?" Asked Sebastian.

"With a ritual.... The child first makes a decision though. The child must decide if they want to become a reaper or live on the mortal plane for 20 years." Said Mercy. "After they make the decision they either get taken away or they move onto the ritual. If they choose to stay they will have to go through a slightly painful experience." Said Mercy.

"Oh? I didn't think hiding your eye's would hurt that much." Said Grell as he looked at Mercy slightly surprised.

"Oh trust me it hurts...." Said Mercy as she touched her eye lid's. "First they force your eye's opened, and then they pour candle wax in your eye's. But the candle's are special though, they are the same color's as human eye's. Then they wait for the wax to dry and pray over you in tongues. Then they peel the wax off of your eyes and let them bleed. Then they pour anointing oil the same color as the candale's over them and place silver coin's on top. They make you keep your eye's open the whole time, and the whole time you have to be awake or it won't work. Then after two hours of keeping your eye's open they finally rinse them with holy water, and then they place bandages over your eye's for a month." Said Mercy as she cringed.

"That sound's excruciatingly painful." Said Sebastian as he touched his eye.

"Yes, it's the most painful thing I can imagine after childbirth." Said Mercy. "Well.... Anyway's did you round them all up?" Asked Mercy.

"Huh? Oh yes we did as you instructed, not one fatality." Said Grell as he escorted her outside to see many men tied to one another. "We wrapped them up too." Said Grell with a giggle.

"Nice work the both of you." Said Mercy as she wobbled and tripped forward. But as she was falling Grell caught her.

"Are you alright my lady? Do you need to sit down?" Asked Grell with concern.

"Uhh.. I'm fine. I just lost a lot of blood that's all... Ceil do you think you and Sebastian can take it from here?" Asked Mercy as Grell picked her up bridal style.

"Yes, I'll have Sebastian call Scotland Yard. I'll be sure to tell them you were the brain's behind this... You know, so that you get your money." Said Ceil with a smile.

"Good... I don't wanna be short changed by a kid like you. Come on Grell let's go, I feel really dizzy." Said Mercy as Grell began to walk away with her in his arms.

"Bye, bye Bassey!" Said Grell as he leaped away. "Mercy, I'm afraid I am rather displeased with you. I didn't want say this in front of them though." Said Grell as he carried Mercy roof top over roof top with a grin.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be mad at me." Said Mercy with confusion.

"Well I am, and I feel I should be allowed to punish you they way I see fit." Said Grell.

"And how do you intend on punishing me?" Asked Mercy with a tone of speculation.

"Well I was thinking with a whip, some rope, and maybe handcuffs." Said Grell with a seductive grin.

"Grell? What are you getting at?" Asked Mercy as she blushed deeply.

"I'll show you what I'm getting at after I've bathed and bandaged you." Said Grell with a sinister grin and a wink as Mercy blushed and felt slightly uncomfortable. He took her home and placed her in a hot bath as he stitched her up.The water went from clear to crimson as soon as Grell rinsed her body down with warm water.

"Goodness Jaclyn! Your absolutely filthy, well good thing I'm here to clean your naked body." Said Grell as he watched the water run over the curves of her body. Mercy blushed the whole time as Grell washed her, after she was clean Grell dried her off in a very strange way. He pulled her close to him and dried everywhere, he wiped the towel up against her breasts and her butt. When she was nice and dry he put a black night slip with red lace trim over her head. It was short and practically see through, after he walked around her to see how it looked. As he observed his lady's figure in the slip her smiled with pleasure.

"It look's even better than I was expecting. But then again everything you wear looks good on you." Said Grell as he picked up Mercy Bridal style again. "Come now my lady time for bed." He said with a wink as he carried her back to the guest room she had been staying in. When he walked into the room he placed Mercy in the center of the bed and had her sit in a mermaid like fashion. "Now my lady, are you ready for your punishment?" Asked Grell as he sat down on the bed next to her with his legs crossed.

"Uhhh... What is my punishment Grell?" Asked Mercy as Grell slowly placed his hand on her thigh.

"You are going to be victim to my affections tonight." Said Grell as he began to stroke her thigh and wrap his other arm around her shoulder.

"And what do you mean by victim of your affections?" Asked Mercy in a slightly nervous tone, as Grell put his face closer to Mercy's face. "G....Grell... What are you..." Said Mercy before Grell placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He pulled her in even closer and managed to get her to lie on her back, while he climbed on top of her and kissed her neck. He slowly opened her legs and put himself in between them and rested on top of her body as he continued to kiss her with tongue.

"G...Grell... What... What does this mean?" Asked Mercy as her face turned red and as her body got warmer.

"It mean's I've made you my new love interest my lady. My former love interests seemed to feel victimized when I choose to fall for them. So consider yourself my new victim mistress." Said Grell as he looked down at Mercy, feeling the heat of her body.

"I.... I thought I told you not to call me mistress." Said Mercy as she began to grow hazy. Grell grinned at her remark and continued to kiss he mistress ever so lightly. Each time he placed a kiss or ran his fingers on her body she would quiver in light moans of pleasure. Grell then slowly put his hand's up Mercy's night slip and began to caress her curves slowly and passionately. Mercy then started to un-button Grell's vest and shirt and un button his trousers as well.

"B... Be careful... With... The bandages." Moaned Mercy as she felt Grell's hand's getting closer to her breasts.

"I'll be gentle, I promise." Said Grell as he took of his shirt and continued to caress Mercy's quivering warm body. Mercy could feel Grell's sharp teeth nibbling on her ear and neck. She was moaning and swooning at Grell's flirtatious touch, she was melting like butter. "Are you ready my lady?" Whispered Grell into Mercy's ear.

"Ready for what?" Asked Mercy in a slight pant.

"I'm going to enter you now, so be ready. I won't be going easy on you now." Said Grell as he slipped his trousers the rest of the way down. He placed him self at her entrance and slide in. Mercy moaned in pleasure as she tried to hold Grell's head in her breast, but he kept holding her down by the wrist. She kept moaning that she wanted him to hold her closer, but Grell wouldn't have it.

"Grell... Please... I want you... To hold me... Please... Hold me..." Cried out Mercy as Grell thrusted back and forth in and out.

"Oh no, no my lady. This is a part of your punishment, I'll be holding you down until I'm finished." Said Grell with a sexy devious grin. Grell plowed harder into his mistress until he couldn't contain any longer, and with a loud and in sync moan they were finished. "Is your body al right my lady?' Asked Grell as he laid beside his mistress.

"Yes... I'm fine, my wrist's are a little soar. But I'm fine." Said Mercy as she cuddled up against Grell. "Grell... Are you still mad at me?" She asked as Grell wrapped his arm around her.

"No... I was never angry with you. I'm more relieved than angry actually." Said Grell as he moved hair out of Mercy's face.

"Really? Then why did you call something do wonderful a punishment?" Asked Mercy as she rubbed her hand across Grell's bare chest.

"Well... I wanted it to be exciting for you. Your work and are already so exciting, I figure love making would be bland to you." Said Grell as he held Mercy closer to his body.

"You don't have to try for me Grell. I'm ... I'm... I always feel happy when I'm with you. And the happiness I feel when I'm with always feels so real." Said Mercy as she sat up.

"I feel the same way Jaclyn." Said Grell as he sat up and held her close to his chest. "For once I've met someone who actually understands and appreciates me." Said Grell as he held her tighter.

"Hey Grell... I just realized that my favorite blouse has holes and blood stains it." Said Mercy as she looked at Grell. "I was wondering if you could fix it." Said Mercy as Grell as he began to chuckle lightly.

"Ehehe yes my lady, of course. I'll go take care of it right away." Said Grell as he got redressed. "You just stay here and get some rest my love. I'll go and fix your favorite blouse for you." Said Grell as he patted and kissed Mercy before leaving the room. After Grell left the room Mercy pressed her face against the part of the bed Grell had been lying on. She breathed in his scent lightly and smiled, she felt she had found someone she can depend on. She felt she had found someone who she could work with. She felt that for once, she was truly happy. Grell felt the same way Mercy did, as he picked up her soiled bloodied blouse and sniffed it lightly as well. He felt wanted and appreciated for once in is career as a reaper. Someone he actually fell in love with, also fell in love with him. Though he remember's Madame Red fondly he knew that she was nothing compared to Mercy. They both knew that their former loves were nothing compared to each other. They had fallen in a red abyss of dark love and passion.

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