Bond of a Demon

By Crazytay168

51.8K 2.4K 875

Link is still haunted by the past, still fearing his old foe Ghirahim. Even though the demon is dead... or is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
An Original Work Announcement (Author Note)

Chapter Five

2K 89 27
By Crazytay168

I felt a shiver at the familiarity of the Surface. I knew Ghirahim was close, because the pull was strong. Good, I can return soon then. I walked west for a couple miles, holding my guard up the whole time. I don't trust anything in this place, I can barely be friendly with the Kikwi and Mogma these days. I didn't want any part of this place. Not after everything that's happened. I felt the pull strengthen as I neared a strange cave I never noticed before.

"That's odd," I mumbled, "I thought I knew this place like the back of my hand. I ventured into the odd cave, feeling not only the pull, but a strange yet mystical presence. I only walked a few yards when The cave closed suddenly behind me. I drew my sword, my adrenaline spiking. What is this?

The atmosphere thickened, like steam in the air, and warmed. Something about it calmed me so much I couldn't resist sheathing my sword. As my eyes adjusted, a soft blue light appeared in the near distance. As the glow neared, it extended and particles seemed to pull to it. It built up to a humanly figure. Pretty soon, I was standing in front of a six foot tall woman with flowing, long hair and a slender waist. Something about her presence reminded me of Fi, and I relaxed even more.

"Welcome Link," Her voice was also similar to Fi's but softer and more motherly, "I am Netti, goddes of Demons. I created the Sora bond, and decide who is paired within this bond."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I am standing in the presence of the Goddess of Demons? This is the last thing I was expecting to find down here!

She floated closer to me in a way that looked more like she was under water. Everything about her rippled as it defied gravity. It was strange yet beautiful. "You have been chosen Young Hero. You are now a Sora."

My surprise grew even more, "A Sora? Why would I need a Demon Guardian? I can take care of myself!" I said a little defensively. I didn't want to admit it, but the idea hurt my pride. After all I'd done on my own I don't think I'll need anyone's help!

She shook her head slowly, her hair swirling around her blank face, "You will soon need a Demon to guide you through your trials. Something is coming for you and your chosen guardian. You must protect each other, the Surface, Skyloft and the whole Demon Realm."

This news sunk in slowly, but when it did, it hit me hard. This is big. It's even larger than my last adventure. I need to begin right away! But there was one question. "Who's my guardian?" I had a sinking feeling that I wouldn't like the answer.

"Your guardian is the King of all Demons. Once a great and just ruler. However, Demise poisoned his mind and took him over, hoping to unlock the secrets of all Demon history and power. He hoped to use this knowledge to gain a demonic army and take control of the Sora guardians. I could not let this happen. My only means of security was to erase all memories he possessed. You can help him regain them and in turn, you will become his Sora."

Demon... King? I will be the Sora to the King of all Demons? The thought almost left me lightheaded. Maybe that's why she gave him to me, because he's so important. I've saved a goddess before, but this felt oddly different. I never thought of Zelda as a goddess, my drive to save her was from our longstanding friendship. I have experience saving important people, but a king of a whole realm? This seemed overwhelming.

"When will I meet him?"

She moved closer and touched my forehead, closing her eyes, "Soon. You have met a ghost of the former king, but not the real personality he once held," She concentrated a moment, "I sense you are already tied to him, but I will make the bond stronger."

Before I could comprehend what she meant, she leaned forward and brought her lips to mine. It wasn't a kiss, and didn't feel like what I'd imagined one would feel like either. Her lips pushed mine open and then she sucked in a deep breath. My veins turned to ice. It was like the life was being sucked out of me. However, the feeling left soon when she exhaled. My body felt warm and tingly, and the tug on my mind returned, yet it tugged upward, towards Skyloft.

Netti pulled back, "It is done. You must now return to him and give him this. It is only the beginning of your quest, but it will help.

She waved her arm and a green light appeared in front of me, "Take this and give it to him. It is a royal treasure, guarded by the demons. It was once a grand gem that was worn on the Demon King's ear, but it was shattered and taken to different corners of the Demon realm for protection. This was my order. You and your guardian must restore it. Each piece carries vital memories. This one, only carries the image and sliver of recollection of his former self. I must go now. Take heed Hero."

She disappeared, and the only light left was the sliver of light in front of me. As I took hold of it, the cave disappeared around me. I was left in a field, just as I knew was there before. The light in the sliver left, revealing a small, clear and glittering shard that threw out every color imaginable. I tucked into my pouch and headed for Skyloft. As I returned to the air, I thought about all of this. Ghirahim must have known he wasn't evil before, and that's why he bound himself to me. It makes sense now! He could have not been lying in the cave, when he bound himself to me. But, Netti said he doesn't remember who he is. So how much does he know? I guess I'll find out.

Oddly, my mind pulled to my house. What is he up to? I hopped off of my Loftwing and rolled into a jog to the house. I slowed as I neared, trying to look normal for the people passing by. Groose threw a wave and a head nod as he strolled by. I returned the wave as I opened the door, shutting it tightly behind me. Ghirahim was standing by the window with his arms crossed. He didn't look mad, or happy. He looked lost.

"I came back to check on you when I couldn't feel your presence, but you weren't here either. You were somewhere powerful to have blocked the bond temporarily. However," He turned around to face me, "It seems stronger now. Where were you Skychild?"

I reached into my pouch, grasping the shard, "I was visited by the Demon Goddess Netti, not that it's your business."

He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "Netti? Any why is this?"

I played with the shard, rolling it into my fingers in front of my face, "I'm a Sora now." I felt a little smug as I said this, as if Ghirahim can't touch me now. I don't know why, but it felt as if I'd won something in a game I didn't know I was even playing.

His face flashed with fear and... hurt? I couldn't tell. He forced a passive mask as his eyes zeroed in on the shard, "What is that?"

I stopped rolling it and side glanced him, "Why don't you find out?" I tossed it to him, expecting him to catch it and suddenly remember something. It's the best way to tell if I was correct in assuming he's the demon.

However, it seems something else happened.

He caught it easily then fell to the floor like a sack of pumpkins. His eyes widened in sudden agony and fear. Out of the shard sprang thin, gold strands that wove through the piercing in his ear and solidified to the shard again, creating a very small earring where his crystal once was. He cried out and his body went rigid. I froze, unsure of what to do from here.

He rolled around for a bit, holding himself together with his arms. He yelled in pain and misery for a full minute. When he stopped, he was oddly still. I walked slowly, hoping that this hadn't killed him. Only so I won't die of course. I heard him breathe a sigh and relaxed a little. It was an odd sigh, almost peaceful.

He rolled over, and what I saw next was amazing and odd... even compared to what I've seen in my adventures.

His skin darkened to a few shades darker than mine and his ears elongated until they were well over an inch longer than mine. He moaned and slowly stood up, rubbing his head. His hair seemed to be bleeding black ink that flooded the white until all that was left was a sleek black. When he finally stood up, he seemed lightheaded. He turned back to me and I froze.

Those eyes!

His eyes were a shining gold that seemed to glow slightly. I stood speechless as I stared at the transformation. Ghirahim didn't look the same at all! His outline might be the same, but the details were different. Demise truly did take his appearance from him. None of his people would have recognized him!

Ghirahim slid down to the floor with a soft moan, "What... what happened?"

His voice changed as well. Before it was dark and malicious. Now it's soft and almost kind. I couldn't say anything, for my speech had left me. I unsheathed my sword and handed it to him instead.

One glance and he dropped it, "What the?" He ran his fingers through his silky locks experimentally.

I shrugged, going for humor, "I think it suits you."

The Demon King glared at me. "There is nothing humorous about this Skychild! It seems Demise took more from me than my life."

He lost me.

Ghirahim sighed, "Only demons of the royal family have golden eyes like these Hero."

Now I understood. What hadn't yet dawned on me was that all the time Ghirahim was under Demise's influence, the demon realm was without a ruler. "I think the Demon realm might be a little different now. They probably need you."

Ghirahim shook his head, "I need my memories first. All I have recollected from this shard is the royal treasure and that I am royalty. I cannot rule like this!" He looked up with frustration.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, "Then we better find the rest of that earring. Netti told me we'll need to find the shards in the demon realm and restore it to gain your memories. Let's just do that."

He rubbed his temple, "I wish I could go back in time and kill Demise myself!" With a sigh, he nodded, "But Netti is right. I do need to find the rest of the earring." His eyes shot in my direction. "But I can do it alone!"

He stood up and moved to walk out but I pinched my own arm hard. He looked at his own and raised an eyebrow at me in confusion.

"The bond isn't gone Ghirahim. In fact, it's stronger than before. You can't go on your own. I need to go with you." Saying this out loud tightened my chest painfully. I didn't want to leave with him any more than I wanted to eat a rotten pumpkin. But I can't turn my back on a goddess. Even Netti.

"You have a guardian now. As a Sora, your main responsibility is your Demon guardian," He pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "That's why I'm going with you bonehead. That's why the bond is stronger I am your Sora."

His eyes softened to a stranger emotion I couldn't place. He looked away and said softly, "I see." He looked back at me and said, "Fine, but I must warn you. Demons are not friendly by nature. Everything about them changes when they are given a Sora. This will not be pleasant by any means."

I flashed a half smile, "Then it won't be boring."

He sighed and shook his head, "well, first thing first you need to stock up because we cannot come back until the deed is done. But before that, you must tell someone where you're going. I don't need your people tearing the land and Surface apart trying to find you."

I nodded, "Deal."

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